Harley Acheson 565436bf5f UI: SVG Thumbnails
Allow SVG files to have previews in the File Browser. Adds
nanosvgrast.h to extern\nanosvg\, which is an SVG rasterizer that is
an optional part of the nanosvg source.

Pull Request:
2023-07-12 22:39:23 +02:00

1459 lines
38 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2013-14 Mikko Mononen
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* The polygon rasterization is heavily based on stb_truetype rasterizer
* by Sean Barrett -
#include "nanosvg.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct NSVGrasterizer NSVGrasterizer;
/* Example Usage:
// Load SVG
NSVGimage* image;
image = nsvgParseFromFile("test.svg", "px", 96);
// Create rasterizer (can be used to render multiple images).
struct NSVGrasterizer* rast = nsvgCreateRasterizer();
// Allocate memory for image
unsigned char* img = malloc(w*h*4);
// Rasterize
nsvgRasterize(rast, image, 0,0,1, img, w, h, w*4);
// Allocated rasterizer context.
NSVGrasterizer* nsvgCreateRasterizer(void);
// Rasterizes SVG image, returns RGBA image (non-premultiplied alpha)
// r - pointer to rasterizer context
// image - pointer to image to rasterize
// tx,ty - image offset (applied after scaling)
// scale - image scale
// dst - pointer to destination image data, 4 bytes per pixel (RGBA)
// w - width of the image to render
// h - height of the image to render
// stride - number of bytes per scaleline in the destination buffer
void nsvgRasterize(NSVGrasterizer* r,
NSVGimage* image, float tx, float ty, float scale,
unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int stride);
// Deletes rasterizer context.
void nsvgDeleteRasterizer(NSVGrasterizer*);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NSVG__FIXSHIFT 10
#define NSVG__FIX (1 << NSVG__FIXSHIFT)
#define NSVG__MEMPAGE_SIZE 1024
typedef struct NSVGedge {
float x0,y0, x1,y1;
int dir;
struct NSVGedge* next;
} NSVGedge;
typedef struct NSVGpoint {
float x, y;
float dx, dy;
float len;
float dmx, dmy;
unsigned char flags;
} NSVGpoint;
typedef struct NSVGactiveEdge {
int x,dx;
float ey;
int dir;
struct NSVGactiveEdge *next;
} NSVGactiveEdge;
typedef struct NSVGmemPage {
unsigned char mem[NSVG__MEMPAGE_SIZE];
int size;
struct NSVGmemPage* next;
} NSVGmemPage;
typedef struct NSVGcachedPaint {
signed char type;
char spread;
float xform[6];
unsigned int colors[256];
} NSVGcachedPaint;
struct NSVGrasterizer
float px, py;
float tessTol;
float distTol;
NSVGedge* edges;
int nedges;
int cedges;
NSVGpoint* points;
int npoints;
int cpoints;
NSVGpoint* points2;
int npoints2;
int cpoints2;
NSVGactiveEdge* freelist;
NSVGmemPage* pages;
NSVGmemPage* curpage;
unsigned char* scanline;
int cscanline;
unsigned char* bitmap;
int width, height, stride;
NSVGrasterizer* nsvgCreateRasterizer(void)
NSVGrasterizer* r = (NSVGrasterizer*)malloc(sizeof(NSVGrasterizer));
if (r == NULL) goto error;
memset(r, 0, sizeof(NSVGrasterizer));
r->tessTol = 0.25f;
r->distTol = 0.01f;
return r;
return NULL;
void nsvgDeleteRasterizer(NSVGrasterizer* r)
NSVGmemPage* p;
if (r == NULL) return;
p = r->pages;
while (p != NULL) {
NSVGmemPage* next = p->next;
p = next;
if (r->edges) free(r->edges);
if (r->points) free(r->points);
if (r->points2) free(r->points2);
if (r->scanline) free(r->scanline);
static NSVGmemPage* nsvg__nextPage(NSVGrasterizer* r, NSVGmemPage* cur)
NSVGmemPage *newp;
// If using existing chain, return the next page in chain
if (cur != NULL && cur->next != NULL) {
return cur->next;
// Alloc new page
newp = (NSVGmemPage*)malloc(sizeof(NSVGmemPage));
if (newp == NULL) return NULL;
memset(newp, 0, sizeof(NSVGmemPage));
// Add to linked list
if (cur != NULL)
cur->next = newp;
r->pages = newp;
return newp;
static void nsvg__resetPool(NSVGrasterizer* r)
NSVGmemPage* p = r->pages;
while (p != NULL) {
p->size = 0;
p = p->next;
r->curpage = r->pages;
static unsigned char* nsvg__alloc(NSVGrasterizer* r, int size)
unsigned char* buf;
if (size > NSVG__MEMPAGE_SIZE) return NULL;
if (r->curpage == NULL || r->curpage->size+size > NSVG__MEMPAGE_SIZE) {
r->curpage = nsvg__nextPage(r, r->curpage);
buf = &r->curpage->mem[r->curpage->size];
r->curpage->size += size;
return buf;
static int nsvg__ptEquals(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float tol)
float dx = x2 - x1;
float dy = y2 - y1;
return dx*dx + dy*dy < tol*tol;
static void nsvg__addPathPoint(NSVGrasterizer* r, float x, float y, int flags)
NSVGpoint* pt;
if (r->npoints > 0) {
pt = &r->points[r->npoints-1];
if (nsvg__ptEquals(pt->x,pt->y, x,y, r->distTol)) {
pt->flags = (unsigned char)(pt->flags | flags);
if (r->npoints+1 > r->cpoints) {
r->cpoints = r->cpoints > 0 ? r->cpoints * 2 : 64;
r->points = (NSVGpoint*)realloc(r->points, sizeof(NSVGpoint) * r->cpoints);
if (r->points == NULL) return;
pt = &r->points[r->npoints];
pt->x = x;
pt->y = y;
pt->flags = (unsigned char)flags;
static void nsvg__appendPathPoint(NSVGrasterizer* r, NSVGpoint pt)
if (r->npoints+1 > r->cpoints) {
r->cpoints = r->cpoints > 0 ? r->cpoints * 2 : 64;
r->points = (NSVGpoint*)realloc(r->points, sizeof(NSVGpoint) * r->cpoints);
if (r->points == NULL) return;
r->points[r->npoints] = pt;
static void nsvg__duplicatePoints(NSVGrasterizer* r)
if (r->npoints > r->cpoints2) {
r->cpoints2 = r->npoints;
r->points2 = (NSVGpoint*)realloc(r->points2, sizeof(NSVGpoint) * r->cpoints2);
if (r->points2 == NULL) return;
memcpy(r->points2, r->points, sizeof(NSVGpoint) * r->npoints);
r->npoints2 = r->npoints;
static void nsvg__addEdge(NSVGrasterizer* r, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1)
NSVGedge* e;
// Skip horizontal edges
if (y0 == y1)
if (r->nedges+1 > r->cedges) {
r->cedges = r->cedges > 0 ? r->cedges * 2 : 64;
r->edges = (NSVGedge*)realloc(r->edges, sizeof(NSVGedge) * r->cedges);
if (r->edges == NULL) return;
e = &r->edges[r->nedges];
if (y0 < y1) {
e->x0 = x0;
e->y0 = y0;
e->x1 = x1;
e->y1 = y1;
e->dir = 1;
} else {
e->x0 = x1;
e->y0 = y1;
e->x1 = x0;
e->y1 = y0;
e->dir = -1;
static float nsvg__normalize(float *x, float* y)
float d = sqrtf((*x)*(*x) + (*y)*(*y));
if (d > 1e-6f) {
float id = 1.0f / d;
*x *= id;
*y *= id;
return d;
static float nsvg__absf(float x) { return x < 0 ? -x : x; }
static void nsvg__flattenCubicBez(NSVGrasterizer* r,
float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,
float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4,
int level, int type)
float x12,y12,x23,y23,x34,y34,x123,y123,x234,y234,x1234,y1234;
float dx,dy,d2,d3;
if (level > 10) return;
x12 = (x1+x2)*0.5f;
y12 = (y1+y2)*0.5f;
x23 = (x2+x3)*0.5f;
y23 = (y2+y3)*0.5f;
x34 = (x3+x4)*0.5f;
y34 = (y3+y4)*0.5f;
x123 = (x12+x23)*0.5f;
y123 = (y12+y23)*0.5f;
dx = x4 - x1;
dy = y4 - y1;
d2 = nsvg__absf(((x2 - x4) * dy - (y2 - y4) * dx));
d3 = nsvg__absf(((x3 - x4) * dy - (y3 - y4) * dx));
if ((d2 + d3)*(d2 + d3) < r->tessTol * (dx*dx + dy*dy)) {
nsvg__addPathPoint(r, x4, y4, type);
x234 = (x23+x34)*0.5f;
y234 = (y23+y34)*0.5f;
x1234 = (x123+x234)*0.5f;
y1234 = (y123+y234)*0.5f;
nsvg__flattenCubicBez(r, x1,y1, x12,y12, x123,y123, x1234,y1234, level+1, 0);
nsvg__flattenCubicBez(r, x1234,y1234, x234,y234, x34,y34, x4,y4, level+1, type);
static void nsvg__flattenShape(NSVGrasterizer* r, NSVGshape* shape, float scale)
int i, j;
NSVGpath* path;
for (path = shape->paths; path != NULL; path = path->next) {
r->npoints = 0;
// Flatten path
nsvg__addPathPoint(r, path->pts[0]*scale, path->pts[1]*scale, 0);
for (i = 0; i < path->npts-1; i += 3) {
float* p = &path->pts[i*2];
nsvg__flattenCubicBez(r, p[0]*scale,p[1]*scale, p[2]*scale,p[3]*scale, p[4]*scale,p[5]*scale, p[6]*scale,p[7]*scale, 0, 0);
// Close path
nsvg__addPathPoint(r, path->pts[0]*scale, path->pts[1]*scale, 0);
// Build edges
for (i = 0, j = r->npoints-1; i < r->npoints; j = i++)
nsvg__addEdge(r, r->points[j].x, r->points[j].y, r->points[i].x, r->points[i].y);
enum NSVGpointFlags
static void nsvg__initClosed(NSVGpoint* left, NSVGpoint* right, NSVGpoint* p0, NSVGpoint* p1, float lineWidth)
float w = lineWidth * 0.5f;
float dx = p1->x - p0->x;
float dy = p1->y - p0->y;
float len = nsvg__normalize(&dx, &dy);
float px = p0->x + dx*len*0.5f, py = p0->y + dy*len*0.5f;
float dlx = dy, dly = -dx;
float lx = px - dlx*w, ly = py - dly*w;
float rx = px + dlx*w, ry = py + dly*w;
left->x = lx; left->y = ly;
right->x = rx; right->y = ry;
static void nsvg__buttCap(NSVGrasterizer* r, NSVGpoint* left, NSVGpoint* right, NSVGpoint* p, float dx, float dy, float lineWidth, int connect)
float w = lineWidth * 0.5f;
float px = p->x, py = p->y;
float dlx = dy, dly = -dx;
float lx = px - dlx*w, ly = py - dly*w;
float rx = px + dlx*w, ry = py + dly*w;
nsvg__addEdge(r, lx, ly, rx, ry);
if (connect) {
nsvg__addEdge(r, left->x, left->y, lx, ly);
nsvg__addEdge(r, rx, ry, right->x, right->y);
left->x = lx; left->y = ly;
right->x = rx; right->y = ry;
static void nsvg__squareCap(NSVGrasterizer* r, NSVGpoint* left, NSVGpoint* right, NSVGpoint* p, float dx, float dy, float lineWidth, int connect)
float w = lineWidth * 0.5f;
float px = p->x - dx*w, py = p->y - dy*w;
float dlx = dy, dly = -dx;
float lx = px - dlx*w, ly = py - dly*w;
float rx = px + dlx*w, ry = py + dly*w;
nsvg__addEdge(r, lx, ly, rx, ry);
if (connect) {
nsvg__addEdge(r, left->x, left->y, lx, ly);
nsvg__addEdge(r, rx, ry, right->x, right->y);
left->x = lx; left->y = ly;
right->x = rx; right->y = ry;
#ifndef NSVG_PI
#define NSVG_PI (3.14159265358979323846264338327f)
static void nsvg__roundCap(NSVGrasterizer* r, NSVGpoint* left, NSVGpoint* right, NSVGpoint* p, float dx, float dy, float lineWidth, int ncap, int connect)
int i;
float w = lineWidth * 0.5f;
float px = p->x, py = p->y;
float dlx = dy, dly = -dx;
float lx = 0, ly = 0, rx = 0, ry = 0, prevx = 0, prevy = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ncap; i++) {
float a = (float)i/(float)(ncap-1)*NSVG_PI;
float ax = cosf(a) * w, ay = sinf(a) * w;
float x = px - dlx*ax - dx*ay;
float y = py - dly*ax - dy*ay;
if (i > 0)
nsvg__addEdge(r, prevx, prevy, x, y);
prevx = x;
prevy = y;
if (i == 0) {
lx = x; ly = y;
} else if (i == ncap-1) {
rx = x; ry = y;
if (connect) {
nsvg__addEdge(r, left->x, left->y, lx, ly);
nsvg__addEdge(r, rx, ry, right->x, right->y);
left->x = lx; left->y = ly;
right->x = rx; right->y = ry;
static void nsvg__bevelJoin(NSVGrasterizer* r, NSVGpoint* left, NSVGpoint* right, NSVGpoint* p0, NSVGpoint* p1, float lineWidth)
float w = lineWidth * 0.5f;
float dlx0 = p0->dy, dly0 = -p0->dx;
float dlx1 = p1->dy, dly1 = -p1->dx;
float lx0 = p1->x - (dlx0 * w), ly0 = p1->y - (dly0 * w);
float rx0 = p1->x + (dlx0 * w), ry0 = p1->y + (dly0 * w);
float lx1 = p1->x - (dlx1 * w), ly1 = p1->y - (dly1 * w);
float rx1 = p1->x + (dlx1 * w), ry1 = p1->y + (dly1 * w);
nsvg__addEdge(r, lx0, ly0, left->x, left->y);
nsvg__addEdge(r, lx1, ly1, lx0, ly0);
nsvg__addEdge(r, right->x, right->y, rx0, ry0);
nsvg__addEdge(r, rx0, ry0, rx1, ry1);
left->x = lx1; left->y = ly1;
right->x = rx1; right->y = ry1;
static void nsvg__miterJoin(NSVGrasterizer* r, NSVGpoint* left, NSVGpoint* right, NSVGpoint* p0, NSVGpoint* p1, float lineWidth)
float w = lineWidth * 0.5f;
float dlx0 = p0->dy, dly0 = -p0->dx;
float dlx1 = p1->dy, dly1 = -p1->dx;
float lx0, rx0, lx1, rx1;
float ly0, ry0, ly1, ry1;
if (p1->flags & NSVG_PT_LEFT) {
lx0 = lx1 = p1->x - p1->dmx * w;
ly0 = ly1 = p1->y - p1->dmy * w;
nsvg__addEdge(r, lx1, ly1, left->x, left->y);
rx0 = p1->x + (dlx0 * w);
ry0 = p1->y + (dly0 * w);
rx1 = p1->x + (dlx1 * w);
ry1 = p1->y + (dly1 * w);
nsvg__addEdge(r, right->x, right->y, rx0, ry0);
nsvg__addEdge(r, rx0, ry0, rx1, ry1);
} else {
lx0 = p1->x - (dlx0 * w);
ly0 = p1->y - (dly0 * w);
lx1 = p1->x - (dlx1 * w);
ly1 = p1->y - (dly1 * w);
nsvg__addEdge(r, lx0, ly0, left->x, left->y);
nsvg__addEdge(r, lx1, ly1, lx0, ly0);
rx0 = rx1 = p1->x + p1->dmx * w;
ry0 = ry1 = p1->y + p1->dmy * w;
nsvg__addEdge(r, right->x, right->y, rx1, ry1);
left->x = lx1; left->y = ly1;
right->x = rx1; right->y = ry1;
static void nsvg__roundJoin(NSVGrasterizer* r, NSVGpoint* left, NSVGpoint* right, NSVGpoint* p0, NSVGpoint* p1, float lineWidth, int ncap)
int i, n;
float w = lineWidth * 0.5f;
float dlx0 = p0->dy, dly0 = -p0->dx;
float dlx1 = p1->dy, dly1 = -p1->dx;
float a0 = atan2f(dly0, dlx0);
float a1 = atan2f(dly1, dlx1);
float da = a1 - a0;
float lx, ly, rx, ry;
if (da < NSVG_PI) da += NSVG_PI*2;
if (da > NSVG_PI) da -= NSVG_PI*2;
n = (int)ceilf((nsvg__absf(da) / NSVG_PI) * (float)ncap);
if (n < 2) n = 2;
if (n > ncap) n = ncap;
lx = left->x;
ly = left->y;
rx = right->x;
ry = right->y;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
float u = (float)i/(float)(n-1);
float a = a0 + u*da;
float ax = cosf(a) * w, ay = sinf(a) * w;
float lx1 = p1->x - ax, ly1 = p1->y - ay;
float rx1 = p1->x + ax, ry1 = p1->y + ay;
nsvg__addEdge(r, lx1, ly1, lx, ly);
nsvg__addEdge(r, rx, ry, rx1, ry1);
lx = lx1; ly = ly1;
rx = rx1; ry = ry1;
left->x = lx; left->y = ly;
right->x = rx; right->y = ry;
static void nsvg__straightJoin(NSVGrasterizer* r, NSVGpoint* left, NSVGpoint* right, NSVGpoint* p1, float lineWidth)
float w = lineWidth * 0.5f;
float lx = p1->x - (p1->dmx * w), ly = p1->y - (p1->dmy * w);
float rx = p1->x + (p1->dmx * w), ry = p1->y + (p1->dmy * w);
nsvg__addEdge(r, lx, ly, left->x, left->y);
nsvg__addEdge(r, right->x, right->y, rx, ry);
left->x = lx; left->y = ly;
right->x = rx; right->y = ry;
static int nsvg__curveDivs(float r, float arc, float tol)
float da = acosf(r / (r + tol)) * 2.0f;
int divs = (int)ceilf(arc / da);
if (divs < 2) divs = 2;
return divs;
static void nsvg__expandStroke(NSVGrasterizer* r, NSVGpoint* points, int npoints, int closed, int lineJoin, int lineCap, float lineWidth)
int ncap = nsvg__curveDivs(lineWidth*0.5f, NSVG_PI, r->tessTol); // Calculate divisions per half circle.
NSVGpoint left = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, right = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, firstLeft = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, firstRight = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
NSVGpoint* p0, *p1;
int j, s, e;
// Build stroke edges
if (closed) {
// Looping
p0 = &points[npoints-1];
p1 = &points[0];
s = 0;
e = npoints;
} else {
// Add cap
p0 = &points[0];
p1 = &points[1];
s = 1;
e = npoints-1;
if (closed) {
nsvg__initClosed(&left, &right, p0, p1, lineWidth);
firstLeft = left;
firstRight = right;
} else {
// Add cap
float dx = p1->x - p0->x;
float dy = p1->y - p0->y;
nsvg__normalize(&dx, &dy);
if (lineCap == NSVG_CAP_BUTT)
nsvg__buttCap(r, &left, &right, p0, dx, dy, lineWidth, 0);
else if (lineCap == NSVG_CAP_SQUARE)
nsvg__squareCap(r, &left, &right, p0, dx, dy, lineWidth, 0);
else if (lineCap == NSVG_CAP_ROUND)
nsvg__roundCap(r, &left, &right, p0, dx, dy, lineWidth, ncap, 0);
for (j = s; j < e; ++j) {
if (p1->flags & NSVG_PT_CORNER) {
if (lineJoin == NSVG_JOIN_ROUND)
nsvg__roundJoin(r, &left, &right, p0, p1, lineWidth, ncap);
else if (lineJoin == NSVG_JOIN_BEVEL || (p1->flags & NSVG_PT_BEVEL))
nsvg__bevelJoin(r, &left, &right, p0, p1, lineWidth);
nsvg__miterJoin(r, &left, &right, p0, p1, lineWidth);
} else {
nsvg__straightJoin(r, &left, &right, p1, lineWidth);
p0 = p1++;
if (closed) {
// Loop it
nsvg__addEdge(r, firstLeft.x, firstLeft.y, left.x, left.y);
nsvg__addEdge(r, right.x, right.y, firstRight.x, firstRight.y);
} else {
// Add cap
float dx = p1->x - p0->x;
float dy = p1->y - p0->y;
nsvg__normalize(&dx, &dy);
if (lineCap == NSVG_CAP_BUTT)
nsvg__buttCap(r, &right, &left, p1, -dx, -dy, lineWidth, 1);
else if (lineCap == NSVG_CAP_SQUARE)
nsvg__squareCap(r, &right, &left, p1, -dx, -dy, lineWidth, 1);
else if (lineCap == NSVG_CAP_ROUND)
nsvg__roundCap(r, &right, &left, p1, -dx, -dy, lineWidth, ncap, 1);
static void nsvg__prepareStroke(NSVGrasterizer* r, float miterLimit, int lineJoin)
int i, j;
NSVGpoint* p0, *p1;
p0 = &r->points[r->npoints-1];
p1 = &r->points[0];
for (i = 0; i < r->npoints; i++) {
// Calculate segment direction and length
p0->dx = p1->x - p0->x;
p0->dy = p1->y - p0->y;
p0->len = nsvg__normalize(&p0->dx, &p0->dy);
// Advance
p0 = p1++;
// calculate joins
p0 = &r->points[r->npoints-1];
p1 = &r->points[0];
for (j = 0; j < r->npoints; j++) {
float dlx0, dly0, dlx1, dly1, dmr2, cross;
dlx0 = p0->dy;
dly0 = -p0->dx;
dlx1 = p1->dy;
dly1 = -p1->dx;
// Calculate extrusions
p1->dmx = (dlx0 + dlx1) * 0.5f;
p1->dmy = (dly0 + dly1) * 0.5f;
dmr2 = p1->dmx*p1->dmx + p1->dmy*p1->dmy;
if (dmr2 > 0.000001f) {
float s2 = 1.0f / dmr2;
if (s2 > 600.0f) {
s2 = 600.0f;
p1->dmx *= s2;
p1->dmy *= s2;
// Clear flags, but keep the corner.
p1->flags = (p1->flags & NSVG_PT_CORNER) ? NSVG_PT_CORNER : 0;
// Keep track of left turns.
cross = p1->dx * p0->dy - p0->dx * p1->dy;
if (cross > 0.0f)
p1->flags |= NSVG_PT_LEFT;
// Check to see if the corner needs to be beveled.
if (p1->flags & NSVG_PT_CORNER) {
if ((dmr2 * miterLimit*miterLimit) < 1.0f || lineJoin == NSVG_JOIN_BEVEL || lineJoin == NSVG_JOIN_ROUND) {
p1->flags |= NSVG_PT_BEVEL;
p0 = p1++;
static void nsvg__flattenShapeStroke(NSVGrasterizer* r, NSVGshape* shape, float scale)
int i, j, closed;
NSVGpath* path;
NSVGpoint* p0, *p1;
float miterLimit = shape->miterLimit;
int lineJoin = shape->strokeLineJoin;
int lineCap = shape->strokeLineCap;
float lineWidth = shape->strokeWidth * scale;
for (path = shape->paths; path != NULL; path = path->next) {
// Flatten path
r->npoints = 0;
nsvg__addPathPoint(r, path->pts[0]*scale, path->pts[1]*scale, NSVG_PT_CORNER);
for (i = 0; i < path->npts-1; i += 3) {
float* p = &path->pts[i*2];
nsvg__flattenCubicBez(r, p[0]*scale,p[1]*scale, p[2]*scale,p[3]*scale, p[4]*scale,p[5]*scale, p[6]*scale,p[7]*scale, 0, NSVG_PT_CORNER);
if (r->npoints < 2)
closed = path->closed;
// If the first and last points are the same, remove the last, mark as closed path.
p0 = &r->points[r->npoints-1];
p1 = &r->points[0];
if (nsvg__ptEquals(p0->x,p0->y, p1->x,p1->y, r->distTol)) {
p0 = &r->points[r->npoints-1];
closed = 1;
if (shape->strokeDashCount > 0) {
int idash = 0, dashState = 1;
float totalDist = 0, dashLen, allDashLen, dashOffset;
NSVGpoint cur;
if (closed)
nsvg__appendPathPoint(r, r->points[0]);
// Duplicate points -> points2.
r->npoints = 0;
cur = r->points2[0];
nsvg__appendPathPoint(r, cur);
// Figure out dash offset.
allDashLen = 0;
for (j = 0; j < shape->strokeDashCount; j++)
allDashLen += shape->strokeDashArray[j];
if (shape->strokeDashCount & 1)
allDashLen *= 2.0f;
// Find location inside pattern
dashOffset = fmodf(shape->strokeDashOffset, allDashLen);
if (dashOffset < 0.0f)
dashOffset += allDashLen;
while (dashOffset > shape->strokeDashArray[idash]) {
dashOffset -= shape->strokeDashArray[idash];
idash = (idash + 1) % shape->strokeDashCount;
dashLen = (shape->strokeDashArray[idash] - dashOffset) * scale;
for (j = 1; j < r->npoints2; ) {
float dx = r->points2[j].x - cur.x;
float dy = r->points2[j].y - cur.y;
float dist = sqrtf(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if ((totalDist + dist) > dashLen) {
// Calculate intermediate point
float d = (dashLen - totalDist) / dist;
float x = cur.x + dx * d;
float y = cur.y + dy * d;
nsvg__addPathPoint(r, x, y, NSVG_PT_CORNER);
// Stroke
if (r->npoints > 1 && dashState) {
nsvg__prepareStroke(r, miterLimit, lineJoin);
nsvg__expandStroke(r, r->points, r->npoints, 0, lineJoin, lineCap, lineWidth);
// Advance dash pattern
dashState = !dashState;
idash = (idash+1) % shape->strokeDashCount;
dashLen = shape->strokeDashArray[idash] * scale;
// Restart
cur.x = x;
cur.y = y;
cur.flags = NSVG_PT_CORNER;
totalDist = 0.0f;
r->npoints = 0;
nsvg__appendPathPoint(r, cur);
} else {
totalDist += dist;
cur = r->points2[j];
nsvg__appendPathPoint(r, cur);
// Stroke any leftover path
if (r->npoints > 1 && dashState)
nsvg__expandStroke(r, r->points, r->npoints, 0, lineJoin, lineCap, lineWidth);
} else {
nsvg__prepareStroke(r, miterLimit, lineJoin);
nsvg__expandStroke(r, r->points, r->npoints, closed, lineJoin, lineCap, lineWidth);
static int nsvg__cmpEdge(const void *p, const void *q)
const NSVGedge* a = (const NSVGedge*)p;
const NSVGedge* b = (const NSVGedge*)q;
if (a->y0 < b->y0) return -1;
if (a->y0 > b->y0) return 1;
return 0;
static NSVGactiveEdge* nsvg__addActive(NSVGrasterizer* r, NSVGedge* e, float startPoint)
NSVGactiveEdge* z;
if (r->freelist != NULL) {
// Restore from freelist.
z = r->freelist;
r->freelist = z->next;
} else {
// Alloc new edge.
z = (NSVGactiveEdge*)nsvg__alloc(r, sizeof(NSVGactiveEdge));
if (z == NULL) return NULL;
float dxdy = (e->x1 - e->x0) / (e->y1 - e->y0);
// STBTT_assert(e->y0 <= start_point);
// round dx down to avoid going too far
if (dxdy < 0)
z->dx = (int)(-floorf(NSVG__FIX * -dxdy));
z->dx = (int)floorf(NSVG__FIX * dxdy);
z->x = (int)floorf(NSVG__FIX * (e->x0 + dxdy * (startPoint - e->y0)));
// z->x -= off_x * FIX;
z->ey = e->y1;
z->next = 0;
z->dir = e->dir;
return z;
static void nsvg__freeActive(NSVGrasterizer* r, NSVGactiveEdge* z)
z->next = r->freelist;
r->freelist = z;
static void nsvg__fillScanline(unsigned char* scanline, int len, int x0, int x1, int maxWeight, int* xmin, int* xmax)
int i = x0 >> NSVG__FIXSHIFT;
int j = x1 >> NSVG__FIXSHIFT;
if (i < *xmin) *xmin = i;
if (j > *xmax) *xmax = j;
if (i < len && j >= 0) {
if (i == j) {
// x0,x1 are the same pixel, so compute combined coverage
scanline[i] = (unsigned char)(scanline[i] + ((x1 - x0) * maxWeight >> NSVG__FIXSHIFT));
} else {
if (i >= 0) // add antialiasing for x0
scanline[i] = (unsigned char)(scanline[i] + (((NSVG__FIX - (x0 & NSVG__FIXMASK)) * maxWeight) >> NSVG__FIXSHIFT));
i = -1; // clip
if (j < len) // add antialiasing for x1
scanline[j] = (unsigned char)(scanline[j] + (((x1 & NSVG__FIXMASK) * maxWeight) >> NSVG__FIXSHIFT));
j = len; // clip
for (++i; i < j; ++i) // fill pixels between x0 and x1
scanline[i] = (unsigned char)(scanline[i] + maxWeight);
// note: this routine clips fills that extend off the edges... ideally this
// wouldn't happen, but it could happen if the truetype glyph bounding boxes
// are wrong, or if the user supplies a too-small bitmap
static void nsvg__fillActiveEdges(unsigned char* scanline, int len, NSVGactiveEdge* e, int maxWeight, int* xmin, int* xmax, char fillRule)
// non-zero winding fill
int x0 = 0, w = 0;
if (fillRule == NSVG_FILLRULE_NONZERO) {
// Non-zero
while (e != NULL) {
if (w == 0) {
// if we're currently at zero, we need to record the edge start point
x0 = e->x; w += e->dir;
} else {
int x1 = e->x; w += e->dir;
// if we went to zero, we need to draw
if (w == 0)
nsvg__fillScanline(scanline, len, x0, x1, maxWeight, xmin, xmax);
e = e->next;
} else if (fillRule == NSVG_FILLRULE_EVENODD) {
// Even-odd
while (e != NULL) {
if (w == 0) {
// if we're currently at zero, we need to record the edge start point
x0 = e->x; w = 1;
} else {
int x1 = e->x; w = 0;
nsvg__fillScanline(scanline, len, x0, x1, maxWeight, xmin, xmax);
e = e->next;
static float nsvg__clampf(float a, float mn, float mx) { return a < mn ? mn : (a > mx ? mx : a); }
static unsigned int nsvg__RGBA(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
return ((unsigned int)r) | ((unsigned int)g << 8) | ((unsigned int)b << 16) | ((unsigned int)a << 24);
static unsigned int nsvg__lerpRGBA(unsigned int c0, unsigned int c1, float u)
int iu = (int)(nsvg__clampf(u, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 256.0f);
int r = (((c0) & 0xff)*(256-iu) + (((c1) & 0xff)*iu)) >> 8;
int g = (((c0>>8) & 0xff)*(256-iu) + (((c1>>8) & 0xff)*iu)) >> 8;
int b = (((c0>>16) & 0xff)*(256-iu) + (((c1>>16) & 0xff)*iu)) >> 8;
int a = (((c0>>24) & 0xff)*(256-iu) + (((c1>>24) & 0xff)*iu)) >> 8;
return nsvg__RGBA((unsigned char)r, (unsigned char)g, (unsigned char)b, (unsigned char)a);
static unsigned int nsvg__applyOpacity(unsigned int c, float u)
int iu = (int)(nsvg__clampf(u, 0.0f, 1.0f) * 256.0f);
int r = (c) & 0xff;
int g = (c>>8) & 0xff;
int b = (c>>16) & 0xff;
int a = (((c>>24) & 0xff)*iu) >> 8;
return nsvg__RGBA((unsigned char)r, (unsigned char)g, (unsigned char)b, (unsigned char)a);
static inline int nsvg__div255(int x)
return ((x+1) * 257) >> 16;
static void nsvg__scanlineSolid(unsigned char* dst, int count, unsigned char* cover, int x, int y,
float tx, float ty, float scale, NSVGcachedPaint* cache)
if (cache->type == NSVG_PAINT_COLOR) {
int i, cr, cg, cb, ca;
cr = cache->colors[0] & 0xff;
cg = (cache->colors[0] >> 8) & 0xff;
cb = (cache->colors[0] >> 16) & 0xff;
ca = (cache->colors[0] >> 24) & 0xff;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int r,g,b;
int a = nsvg__div255((int)cover[0] * ca);
int ia = 255 - a;
// Premultiply
r = nsvg__div255(cr * a);
g = nsvg__div255(cg * a);
b = nsvg__div255(cb * a);
// Blend over
r += nsvg__div255(ia * (int)dst[0]);
g += nsvg__div255(ia * (int)dst[1]);
b += nsvg__div255(ia * (int)dst[2]);
a += nsvg__div255(ia * (int)dst[3]);
dst[0] = (unsigned char)r;
dst[1] = (unsigned char)g;
dst[2] = (unsigned char)b;
dst[3] = (unsigned char)a;
dst += 4;
} else if (cache->type == NSVG_PAINT_LINEAR_GRADIENT) {
// TODO: spread modes.
// TODO: plenty of opportunities to optimize.
float fx, fy, dx, gy;
float* t = cache->xform;
int i, cr, cg, cb, ca;
unsigned int c;
fx = ((float)x - tx) / scale;
fy = ((float)y - ty) / scale;
dx = 1.0f / scale;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int r,g,b,a,ia;
gy = fx*t[1] + fy*t[3] + t[5];
c = cache->colors[(int)nsvg__clampf(gy*255.0f, 0, 255.0f)];
cr = (c) & 0xff;
cg = (c >> 8) & 0xff;
cb = (c >> 16) & 0xff;
ca = (c >> 24) & 0xff;
a = nsvg__div255((int)cover[0] * ca);
ia = 255 - a;
// Premultiply
r = nsvg__div255(cr * a);
g = nsvg__div255(cg * a);
b = nsvg__div255(cb * a);
// Blend over
r += nsvg__div255(ia * (int)dst[0]);
g += nsvg__div255(ia * (int)dst[1]);
b += nsvg__div255(ia * (int)dst[2]);
a += nsvg__div255(ia * (int)dst[3]);
dst[0] = (unsigned char)r;
dst[1] = (unsigned char)g;
dst[2] = (unsigned char)b;
dst[3] = (unsigned char)a;
dst += 4;
fx += dx;
} else if (cache->type == NSVG_PAINT_RADIAL_GRADIENT) {
// TODO: spread modes.
// TODO: plenty of opportunities to optimize.
// TODO: focus (fx,fy)
float fx, fy, dx, gx, gy, gd;
float* t = cache->xform;
int i, cr, cg, cb, ca;
unsigned int c;
fx = ((float)x - tx) / scale;
fy = ((float)y - ty) / scale;
dx = 1.0f / scale;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int r,g,b,a,ia;
gx = fx*t[0] + fy*t[2] + t[4];
gy = fx*t[1] + fy*t[3] + t[5];
gd = sqrtf(gx*gx + gy*gy);
c = cache->colors[(int)nsvg__clampf(gd*255.0f, 0, 255.0f)];
cr = (c) & 0xff;
cg = (c >> 8) & 0xff;
cb = (c >> 16) & 0xff;
ca = (c >> 24) & 0xff;
a = nsvg__div255((int)cover[0] * ca);
ia = 255 - a;
// Premultiply
r = nsvg__div255(cr * a);
g = nsvg__div255(cg * a);
b = nsvg__div255(cb * a);
// Blend over
r += nsvg__div255(ia * (int)dst[0]);
g += nsvg__div255(ia * (int)dst[1]);
b += nsvg__div255(ia * (int)dst[2]);
a += nsvg__div255(ia * (int)dst[3]);
dst[0] = (unsigned char)r;
dst[1] = (unsigned char)g;
dst[2] = (unsigned char)b;
dst[3] = (unsigned char)a;
dst += 4;
fx += dx;
static void nsvg__rasterizeSortedEdges(NSVGrasterizer *r, float tx, float ty, float scale, NSVGcachedPaint* cache, char fillRule)
NSVGactiveEdge *active = NULL;
int y, s;
int e = 0;
int maxWeight = (255 / NSVG__SUBSAMPLES); // weight per vertical scanline
int xmin, xmax;
for (y = 0; y < r->height; y++) {
memset(r->scanline, 0, r->width);
xmin = r->width;
xmax = 0;
for (s = 0; s < NSVG__SUBSAMPLES; ++s) {
// find center of pixel for this scanline
float scany = (float)(y*NSVG__SUBSAMPLES + s) + 0.5f;
NSVGactiveEdge **step = &active;
// update all active edges;
// remove all active edges that terminate before the center of this scanline
while (*step) {
NSVGactiveEdge *z = *step;
if (z->ey <= scany) {
*step = z->next; // delete from list
// NSVG__assert(z->valid);
nsvg__freeActive(r, z);
} else {
z->x += z->dx; // advance to position for current scanline
step = &((*step)->next); // advance through list
// resort the list if needed
for (;;) {
int changed = 0;
step = &active;
while (*step && (*step)->next) {
if ((*step)->x > (*step)->next->x) {
NSVGactiveEdge* t = *step;
NSVGactiveEdge* q = t->next;
t->next = q->next;
q->next = t;
*step = q;
changed = 1;
step = &(*step)->next;
if (!changed) break;
// insert all edges that start before the center of this scanline -- omit ones that also end on this scanline
while (e < r->nedges && r->edges[e].y0 <= scany) {
if (r->edges[e].y1 > scany) {
NSVGactiveEdge* z = nsvg__addActive(r, &r->edges[e], scany);
if (z == NULL) break;
// find insertion point
if (active == NULL) {
active = z;
} else if (z->x < active->x) {
// insert at front
z->next = active;
active = z;
} else {
// find thing to insert AFTER
NSVGactiveEdge* p = active;
while (p->next && p->next->x < z->x)
p = p->next;
// at this point, p->next->x is NOT < z->x
z->next = p->next;
p->next = z;
// now process all active edges in non-zero fashion
if (active != NULL)
nsvg__fillActiveEdges(r->scanline, r->width, active, maxWeight, &xmin, &xmax, fillRule);
// Blit
if (xmin < 0) xmin = 0;
if (xmax > r->width-1) xmax = r->width-1;
if (xmin <= xmax) {
nsvg__scanlineSolid(&r->bitmap[y * r->stride] + xmin*4, xmax-xmin+1, &r->scanline[xmin], xmin, y, tx,ty, scale, cache);
static void nsvg__unpremultiplyAlpha(unsigned char* image, int w, int h, int stride)
int x,y;
// Unpremultiply
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
unsigned char *row = &image[y*stride];
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
int r = row[0], g = row[1], b = row[2], a = row[3];
if (a != 0) {
row[0] = (unsigned char)(r*255/a);
row[1] = (unsigned char)(g*255/a);
row[2] = (unsigned char)(b*255/a);
row += 4;
// Defringe
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
unsigned char *row = &image[y*stride];
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = row[3], n = 0;
if (a == 0) {
if (x-1 > 0 && row[-1] != 0) {
r += row[-4];
g += row[-3];
b += row[-2];
if (x+1 < w && row[7] != 0) {
r += row[4];
g += row[5];
b += row[6];
if (y-1 > 0 && row[-stride+3] != 0) {
r += row[-stride];
g += row[-stride+1];
b += row[-stride+2];
if (y+1 < h && row[stride+3] != 0) {
r += row[stride];
g += row[stride+1];
b += row[stride+2];
if (n > 0) {
row[0] = (unsigned char)(r/n);
row[1] = (unsigned char)(g/n);
row[2] = (unsigned char)(b/n);
row += 4;
static void nsvg__initPaint(NSVGcachedPaint* cache, NSVGpaint* paint, float opacity)
int i, j;
NSVGgradient* grad;
cache->type = paint->type;
if (paint->type == NSVG_PAINT_COLOR) {
cache->colors[0] = nsvg__applyOpacity(paint->color, opacity);
grad = paint->gradient;
cache->spread = grad->spread;
memcpy(cache->xform, grad->xform, sizeof(float)*6);
if (grad->nstops == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
cache->colors[i] = 0;
} if (grad->nstops == 1) {
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
cache->colors[i] = nsvg__applyOpacity(grad->stops[i].color, opacity);
} else {
unsigned int ca, cb = 0;
float ua, ub, du, u;
int ia, ib, count;
ca = nsvg__applyOpacity(grad->stops[0].color, opacity);
ua = nsvg__clampf(grad->stops[0].offset, 0, 1);
ub = nsvg__clampf(grad->stops[grad->nstops-1].offset, ua, 1);
ia = (int)(ua * 255.0f);
ib = (int)(ub * 255.0f);
for (i = 0; i < ia; i++) {
cache->colors[i] = ca;
for (i = 0; i < grad->nstops-1; i++) {
ca = nsvg__applyOpacity(grad->stops[i].color, opacity);
cb = nsvg__applyOpacity(grad->stops[i+1].color, opacity);
ua = nsvg__clampf(grad->stops[i].offset, 0, 1);
ub = nsvg__clampf(grad->stops[i+1].offset, 0, 1);
ia = (int)(ua * 255.0f);
ib = (int)(ub * 255.0f);
count = ib - ia;
if (count <= 0) continue;
u = 0;
du = 1.0f / (float)count;
for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
cache->colors[ia+j] = nsvg__lerpRGBA(ca,cb,u);
u += du;
for (i = ib; i < 256; i++)
cache->colors[i] = cb;
static void dumpEdges(NSVGrasterizer* r, const char* name)
float xmin = 0, xmax = 0, ymin = 0, ymax = 0;
NSVGedge *e = NULL;
int i;
if (r->nedges == 0) return;
FILE* fp = fopen(name, "w");
if (fp == NULL) return;
xmin = xmax = r->edges[0].x0;
ymin = ymax = r->edges[0].y0;
for (i = 0; i < r->nedges; i++) {
e = &r->edges[i];
xmin = nsvg__minf(xmin, e->x0);
xmin = nsvg__minf(xmin, e->x1);
xmax = nsvg__maxf(xmax, e->x0);
xmax = nsvg__maxf(xmax, e->x1);
ymin = nsvg__minf(ymin, e->y0);
ymin = nsvg__minf(ymin, e->y1);
ymax = nsvg__maxf(ymax, e->y0);
ymax = nsvg__maxf(ymax, e->y1);
fprintf(fp, "<svg viewBox=\"%f %f %f %f\" xmlns=\"\">", xmin, ymin, (xmax - xmin), (ymax - ymin));
for (i = 0; i < r->nedges; i++) {
e = &r->edges[i];
fprintf(fp ,"<line x1=\"%f\" y1=\"%f\" x2=\"%f\" y2=\"%f\" style=\"stroke:#000;\" />", e->x0,e->y0, e->x1,e->y1);
for (i = 0; i < r->npoints; i++) {
if (i+1 < r->npoints)
fprintf(fp ,"<line x1=\"%f\" y1=\"%f\" x2=\"%f\" y2=\"%f\" style=\"stroke:#f00;\" />", r->points[i].x, r->points[i].y, r->points[i+1].x, r->points[i+1].y);
fprintf(fp ,"<circle cx=\"%f\" cy=\"%f\" r=\"1\" style=\"fill:%s;\" />", r->points[i].x, r->points[i].y, r->points[i].flags == 0 ? "#f00" : "#0f0");
fprintf(fp, "</svg>");
void nsvgRasterize(NSVGrasterizer* r,
NSVGimage* image, float tx, float ty, float scale,
unsigned char* dst, int w, int h, int stride)
NSVGshape *shape = NULL;
NSVGedge *e = NULL;
NSVGcachedPaint cache;
int i;
r->bitmap = dst;
r->width = w;
r->height = h;
r->stride = stride;
if (w > r->cscanline) {
r->cscanline = w;
r->scanline = (unsigned char*)realloc(r->scanline, w);
if (r->scanline == NULL) return;
for (i = 0; i < h; i++)
memset(&dst[i*stride], 0, w*4);
for (shape = image->shapes; shape != NULL; shape = shape->next) {
if (!(shape->flags & NSVG_FLAGS_VISIBLE))
if (shape->fill.type != NSVG_PAINT_NONE) {
r->freelist = NULL;
r->nedges = 0;
nsvg__flattenShape(r, shape, scale);
// Scale and translate edges
for (i = 0; i < r->nedges; i++) {
e = &r->edges[i];
e->x0 = tx + e->x0;
e->y0 = (ty + e->y0) * NSVG__SUBSAMPLES;
e->x1 = tx + e->x1;
e->y1 = (ty + e->y1) * NSVG__SUBSAMPLES;
// Rasterize edges
if (r->nedges != 0)
qsort(r->edges, r->nedges, sizeof(NSVGedge), nsvg__cmpEdge);
// now, traverse the scanlines and find the intersections on each scanline, use non-zero rule
nsvg__initPaint(&cache, &shape->fill, shape->opacity);
nsvg__rasterizeSortedEdges(r, tx,ty,scale, &cache, shape->fillRule);
if (shape->stroke.type != NSVG_PAINT_NONE && (shape->strokeWidth * scale) > 0.01f) {
r->freelist = NULL;
r->nedges = 0;
nsvg__flattenShapeStroke(r, shape, scale);
// dumpEdges(r, "edge.svg");
// Scale and translate edges
for (i = 0; i < r->nedges; i++) {
e = &r->edges[i];
e->x0 = tx + e->x0;
e->y0 = (ty + e->y0) * NSVG__SUBSAMPLES;
e->x1 = tx + e->x1;
e->y1 = (ty + e->y1) * NSVG__SUBSAMPLES;
// Rasterize edges
if (r->nedges != 0)
qsort(r->edges, r->nedges, sizeof(NSVGedge), nsvg__cmpEdge);
// now, traverse the scanlines and find the intersections on each scanline, use non-zero rule
nsvg__initPaint(&cache, &shape->stroke, shape->opacity);
nsvg__rasterizeSortedEdges(r, tx,ty,scale, &cache, NSVG_FILLRULE_NONZERO);
nsvg__unpremultiplyAlpha(dst, w, h, stride);
r->bitmap = NULL;
r->width = 0;
r->height = 0;
r->stride = 0;