Campbell Barton 72921a1e43 RangeTree API rewrite
Rewrite the current range-tree API used by dyn-topo undo
to avoid inefficiencies from stdc++'s set use.

- every call to `take_any` (called for all verts & faces)
  removed and added to the set.
- further range adjustment also took 2x btree edits.

This patch inlines a btree which is modified in-place,
so common resizing operations don't need to perform a remove & insert.
Ranges are stored in a list so `take_any` can access the first item
without a btree lookup.

Since range-tree isn't a bottleneck in sculpting, this only gives minor speedups.
Measured approx ~15% overall faster calculation for sculpting,
although this number time doesn't include GPU updates and depends on how
much edits fragment the range-tree.
2016-10-26 23:33:41 +11:00

49 lines
1.9 KiB

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#ifndef __RANGE_TREE_H__
#define __RANGE_TREE_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct RangeTreeUInt RangeTreeUInt;
struct RangeTreeUInt *range_tree_uint_alloc(unsigned int min, unsigned int max);
void range_tree_uint_free(struct RangeTreeUInt *rt);
struct RangeTreeUInt *range_tree_uint_copy(const struct RangeTreeUInt *rt_src);
bool range_tree_uint_has(struct RangeTreeUInt *rt, const unsigned int value);
void range_tree_uint_take(struct RangeTreeUInt *rt, const unsigned int value);
bool range_tree_uint_retake(struct RangeTreeUInt *rt, const unsigned int value);
unsigned int range_tree_uint_take_any(struct RangeTreeUInt *rt);
void range_tree_uint_release(struct RangeTreeUInt *rt, const unsigned int value);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __RANGE_TREE_H__ */