Jeroen Bakker bee3f645d8 Vulkan: Rewrite GHOST_ContextVK
This is a rewrite of GHOST_ContextVK to align with Metal backend as described
in #111389 - solution 3 with the adaptation that GHOST is still responsible
for presenting the swap chain image and a post callback is still needed in
case the swapchain is recreated.

This PR also includes some smaller improvements in stability.

Technical documentation:

* Renderpasses and framebuffers are not owned anymore by GHOST_ContextVK
* VKFramebuffer doesn't contain a swap chain image.
* Swapchain images can only be used as a blit destination or present source.
  Not as an attachment.
* GHOST_ContextVK::swapBuffers would call a callback with the image the
  GPU module needs to blit the results to.
* Clearing of depth/stencil attachments when no depth write state is set.
* Enable VK_KHR_maintenance4 to relax the stage interface mapping.
* Removes most vulkan validation warnings/errors.
* Detection of frame buffer changes that needs to be applied before
  performing a command requiring render pass (draw/clear attachment)


* Late retrieval of a swap chain image results in better overall performance as
  Blender doesn't need to wait until the image is presented on the screen.
* Easier API and clearer state (transitions)
* More control over Image layouts and command buffer states. (Better alignment with
  Vulkan API)

Pull Request:
2023-08-29 15:05:08 +02:00

113 lines
4.3 KiB

/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2002 NaN Holding BV. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
/** \file
* \ingroup GHOST
* Declaration of GHOST_IContext interface class.
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include "GHOST_Types.h"
* Interface for GHOST context.
* You can create a off-screen context (windowless) with the system's
* #GHOST_ISystem::createOffscreenContext method.
* \see GHOST_ISystem#createOffscreenContext
class GHOST_IContext {
* Destructor.
virtual ~GHOST_IContext() {}
* Activates the drawing context.
* \return A boolean success indicator.
virtual GHOST_TSuccess activateDrawingContext() = 0;
* Release the drawing context of the calling thread.
* \return A boolean success indicator.
virtual GHOST_TSuccess releaseDrawingContext() = 0;
virtual unsigned int getDefaultFramebuffer() = 0;
virtual GHOST_TSuccess swapBuffers() = 0;
* Get Vulkan handles for the given context.
* These handles are the same for a given context.
* Should only be called when using a Vulkan context.
* Other contexts will not return any handles and leave the
* handles where the parameters are referring to unmodified.
* \param context: GHOST context handle of a vulkan context to
* get the Vulkan handles from.
* \param r_instance: After calling this function the VkInstance
* referenced by this parameter will contain the VKInstance handle
* of the context associated with the `context` parameter.
* \param r_physical_device: After calling this function the VkPhysicalDevice
* referenced by this parameter will contain the VKPhysicalDevice handle
* of the context associated with the `context` parameter.
* \param r_device: After calling this function the VkDevice
* referenced by this parameter will contain the VKDevice handle
* of the context associated with the `context` parameter.
* \param r_graphic_queue_family: After calling this function the uint32_t
* referenced by this parameter will contain the graphic queue family id
* of the context associated with the `context` parameter.
* \param r_queue: After calling this function the VkQueue
* referenced by this parameter will contain the VKQueue handle
* of the context associated with the `context` parameter.
virtual GHOST_TSuccess getVulkanHandles(void *r_instance,
void *r_physical_device,
void *r_device,
uint32_t *r_graphic_queue_family,
void *r_queue) = 0;
* Acquire the current swap chain format.
* \param windowhandle: GHOST window handle to a window to get the resource from.
* \param r_surface_format: After calling this function the VkSurfaceFormatKHR
* referenced by this parameter will contain the surface format of the
* surface. The format is the same as the image returned in the r_image
* parameter.
* \param r_extent: After calling this function the VkExtent2D
* referenced by this parameter will contain the size of the
* frame buffer and image in pixels.
virtual GHOST_TSuccess getVulkanSwapChainFormat(
GHOST_VulkanSwapChainData *r_swap_chain_data) = 0;
* Set the pre and post callbacks for vulkan swap chain in the given context.
* \param context: GHOST context handle of a vulkan context to
* get the Vulkan handles from.
* \param swap_buffers_pre_callback: Function pointer to be called at the beginning of
* swapBuffers. Inside this callback the next swap chain image needs to be acquired and filled.
* \param swap_buffers_post_callback: Function to be called at th end of swapBuffers. swapBuffers
* can recreate the swap chain. When this is done the application should be informed by those
* changes.
virtual GHOST_TSuccess setVulkanSwapBuffersCallbacks(
std::function<void(const GHOST_VulkanSwapChainData *)> swap_buffers_pre_callback,
std::function<void(void)> swap_buffers_post_callback) = 0;