2024-06-20 15:04:43 +02:00

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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 Blender Foundation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
Copy Global Transform
Simple add-on for copying world-space transforms.
It's called "global" to avoid confusion with the Blender World data-block.
bl_info = {
"name": "Copy Global Transform",
"author": "Sybren A. Stüvel",
"version": (3, 0),
"blender": (4, 2, 0),
"location": "N-panel in the 3D Viewport",
"description": "Copy and paste object and bone transforms with ease",
"category": "Animation",
"support": 'OFFICIAL',
"doc_url": "{BLENDER_MANUAL_URL}/addons/animation/copy_global_transform.html",
"tracker_url": "",
import ast
import abc
import contextlib
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Union, Any, TypeAlias, Iterator
import bpy
from bpy.types import Context, Object, Operator, Panel, PoseBone, UILayout, FCurve, Camera, FModifierStepped
from mathutils import Matrix
_axis_enum_items = [
("x", "X", "", 1),
("y", "Y", "", 2),
("z", "Z", "", 3),
class AutoKeying:
"""Auto-keying support.
Based on Rigify code by Alexander Gavrilov.
# Use AutoKeying.keytype() or Authkeying.options() context to change those.
_keytype = 'KEYFRAME'
_force_autokey = False # Allow use without the user activating auto-keying.
_use_loc = True
_use_rot = True
_use_scale = True
def keytype(cls, the_keytype: str) -> Iterator[None]:
"""Context manager to set the key type that's inserted."""
default_keytype = cls._keytype
cls._keytype = the_keytype
cls._keytype = default_keytype
def options(cls, *, keytype="", use_loc=True, use_rot=True, use_scale=True, force_autokey=False) -> Iterator[None]:
"""Context manager to set various options."""
default_keytype = cls._keytype
default_use_loc = cls._use_loc
default_use_rot = cls._use_rot
default_use_scale = cls._use_scale
default_force_autokey = cls._force_autokey
cls._keytype = keytype
cls._use_loc = use_loc
cls._use_rot = use_rot
cls._use_scale = use_scale
cls._force_autokey = force_autokey
cls._keytype = default_keytype
cls._use_loc = default_use_loc
cls._use_rot = default_use_rot
cls._use_scale = default_use_scale
cls._force_autokey = default_force_autokey
def keying_options(cls, context: Context) -> set[str]:
"""Retrieve the general keyframing options from user preferences."""
prefs = context.preferences
ts = context.scene.tool_settings
options = set()
if prefs.edit.use_visual_keying:
if prefs.edit.use_keyframe_insert_needed:
if ts.use_keyframe_cycle_aware:
return options
def autokeying_options(cls, context: Context) -> Optional[set[str]]:
"""Retrieve the Auto Keyframe options, or None if disabled."""
ts = context.scene.tool_settings
if not (cls._force_autokey or ts.use_keyframe_insert_auto):
return None
if ts.use_keyframe_insert_keyingset:
# No support for keying sets (yet).
return None
prefs = context.preferences
options = cls.keying_options(context)
if prefs.edit.use_keyframe_insert_available:
if ts.auto_keying_mode == 'REPLACE_KEYS':
return options
def get_4d_rotlock(bone: PoseBone) -> Iterable[bool]:
"Retrieve the lock status for 4D rotation."
if bone.lock_rotations_4d:
return [bone.lock_rotation_w, *bone.lock_rotation]
return [all(bone.lock_rotation)] * 4
def keyframe_channels(
target: Union[Object, PoseBone],
options: set[str],
data_path: str,
group: str,
locks: Iterable[bool],
) -> None:
if all(locks):
if not any(locks):
target.keyframe_insert(data_path, group=group, options=options, keytype=cls._keytype)
for index, lock in enumerate(locks):
if lock:
target.keyframe_insert(data_path, index=index, group=group, options=options, keytype=cls._keytype)
def key_transformation(
target: Union[Object, PoseBone],
options: set[str],
) -> None:
"""Keyframe transformation properties, avoiding keying locked channels."""
is_bone = isinstance(target, PoseBone)
if is_bone:
group =
group = "Object Transforms"
def keyframe(data_path: str, locks: Iterable[bool]) -> None:
cls.keyframe_channels(target, options, data_path, group, locks)
except RuntimeError:
# These are expected when "Insert Available" is turned on, and
# these curves are not available.
if cls._use_loc and not (is_bone and target.bone.use_connect):
keyframe("location", target.lock_location)
if cls._use_rot:
if target.rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION':
keyframe("rotation_quaternion", cls.get_4d_rotlock(target))
elif target.rotation_mode == 'AXIS_ANGLE':
keyframe("rotation_axis_angle", cls.get_4d_rotlock(target))
keyframe("rotation_euler", target.lock_rotation)
if cls._use_scale:
keyframe("scale", target.lock_scale)
def autokey_transformation(cls, context: Context, target: Union[Object, PoseBone]) -> None:
"""Auto-key transformation properties."""
options = cls.autokeying_options(context)
if options is None:
cls.key_transformation(target, options)
def get_matrix(context: Context) -> Matrix:
bone = context.active_pose_bone
if bone:
# Convert matrix to world space
arm = context.active_object
mat = arm.matrix_world @ bone.matrix
mat = context.active_object.matrix_world
return mat
def set_matrix(context: Context, mat: Matrix) -> None:
bone = context.active_pose_bone
if bone:
# Convert matrix to local space
arm_eval = context.active_object.evaluated_get(context.view_layer.depsgraph)
bone.matrix = arm_eval.matrix_world.inverted() @ mat
AutoKeying.autokey_transformation(context, bone)
context.active_object.matrix_world = mat
AutoKeying.autokey_transformation(context, context.active_object)
def _selected_keyframes(context: Context) -> list[float]:
"""Return the list of frame numbers that have a selected key.
Only keys on the active bone/object are considered.
bone = context.active_pose_bone
if bone:
return _selected_keyframes_for_bone(context.active_object, bone)
return _selected_keyframes_for_object(context.active_object)
def _selected_keyframes_for_bone(object: Object, bone: PoseBone) -> list[float]:
"""Return the list of frame numbers that have a selected key.
Only keys on the given pose bone are considered.
name = bpy.utils.escape_identifier(
return _selected_keyframes_in_action(object, f'pose.bones["{name}"].')
def _selected_keyframes_for_object(object: Object) -> list[float]:
"""Return the list of frame numbers that have a selected key.
Only keys on the given object are considered.
return _selected_keyframes_in_action(object, "")
def _selected_keyframes_in_action(object: Object, rna_path_prefix: str) -> list[float]:
"""Return the list of frame numbers that have a selected key.
Only keys on the given object's Action on FCurves starting with rna_path_prefix are considered.
action = object.animation_data and object.animation_data.action
if action is None:
return []
keyframes = set()
for fcurve in action.fcurves:
if not fcurve.data_path.startswith(rna_path_prefix):
for kp in fcurve.keyframe_points:
if not kp.select_control_point:
return sorted(keyframes)
def _copy_matrix_to_clipboard(window_manager: bpy.types.WindowManager, matrix: Matrix) -> None:
rows = [f" {tuple(row)!r}," for row in matrix]
as_string = "\n".join(rows)
window_manager.clipboard = f"Matrix((\n{as_string}\n))"
class OBJECT_OT_copy_global_transform(Operator):
bl_idname = "object.copy_global_transform"
bl_label = "Copy Global Transform"
bl_description = (
"Copies the matrix of the currently active object or pose bone to the clipboard. Uses world-space matrices"
# This operator cannot be un-done because it manipulates data outside Blender.
bl_options = {'REGISTER'}
def poll(cls, context: Context) -> bool:
return bool(context.active_pose_bone) or bool(context.active_object)
def execute(self, context: Context) -> set[str]:
mat = get_matrix(context)
_copy_matrix_to_clipboard(context.window_manager, mat)
return {'FINISHED'}
def _get_relative_ob(context: Context) -> Optional[Object]:
"""Get the 'relative' object.
This is the object that's configured, or if that's empty, the active scene camera.
rel_ob = context.scene.addon_copy_global_transform_relative_ob
return rel_ob or
class OBJECT_OT_copy_relative_transform(Operator):
bl_idname = "object.copy_relative_transform"
bl_label = "Copy Relative Transform"
bl_description = "Copies the matrix of the currently active object or pose bone to the clipboard. " \
"Uses matrices relative to a specific object or the active scene camera"
# This operator cannot be un-done because it manipulates data outside Blender.
bl_options = {'REGISTER'}
def poll(cls, context: Context) -> bool:
rel_ob = _get_relative_ob(context)
if not rel_ob:
return False
return bool(context.active_pose_bone) or bool(context.active_object)
def execute(self, context: Context) -> set[str]:
rel_ob = _get_relative_ob(context)
mat = rel_ob.matrix_world.inverted() @ get_matrix(context)
_copy_matrix_to_clipboard(context.window_manager, mat)
return {'FINISHED'}
class UnableToMirrorError(Exception):
"""Raised when mirroring is enabled but no mirror object/bone is set."""
class OBJECT_OT_paste_transform(Operator):
bl_idname = "object.paste_transform"
bl_label = "Paste Global Transform"
bl_description = (
"Pastes the matrix from the clipboard to the currently active pose bone or object. Uses world-space matrices"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
_method_items = [
"Current Transform",
"Paste onto the current values only, only manipulating the animation data if auto-keying is enabled",
"Selected Keys",
"Paste onto frames that have a selected key, potentially creating new keys on those frames",
"Bake on Key Range",
"Paste onto all frames between the first and last selected key, creating new keyframes if necessary",
method: bpy.props.EnumProperty( # type: ignore
name="Paste Method",
description="Update the current transform, selected keyframes, or even create new keys",
bake_step: bpy.props.IntProperty( # type: ignore
name="Frame Step",
description="Only used for baking. Step=1 creates a key on every frame, step=2 bakes on 2s, etc",
use_mirror: bpy.props.BoolProperty( # type: ignore
name="Mirror Transform",
description="When pasting, mirror the transform relative to a specific object or bone",
mirror_axis_loc: bpy.props.EnumProperty( # type: ignore
name="Location Axis",
description="Coordinate axis used to mirror the location part of the transform",
mirror_axis_rot: bpy.props.EnumProperty( # type: ignore
name="Rotation Axis",
description="Coordinate axis used to mirror the rotation part of the transform",
use_relative: bpy.props.BoolProperty( # type: ignore
name="Use Relative Paste",
description="When pasting, assume the pasted matrix is relative to another object (set in the user interface)",
def poll(cls, context: Context) -> bool:
if not context.active_pose_bone and not context.active_object:
cls.poll_message_set("Select an object or pose bone")
return False
clipboard = context.window_manager.clipboard.strip()
if not (clipboard.startswith("Matrix(") or clipboard.startswith("<Matrix 4x4")):
cls.poll_message_set("Clipboard does not contain a valid matrix")
return False
return True
def parse_print_m4(value: str) -> Optional[Matrix]:
"""Parse output from Blender's print_m4() function.
Expects four lines of space-separated floats.
lines = value.strip().splitlines()
if len(lines) != 4:
return None
floats = tuple(tuple(float(item) for item in line.split()) for line in lines)
return Matrix(floats)
def parse_repr_m4(value: str) -> Optional[Matrix]:
"""Four lines of (a, b, c, d) floats."""
lines = value.strip().splitlines()
if len(lines) != 4:
return None
floats = tuple(tuple(float(item.strip()) for item in line.strip()[1:-1].split(',')) for line in lines)
return Matrix(floats)
def execute(self, context: Context) -> set[str]:
clipboard = context.window_manager.clipboard.strip()
if clipboard.startswith("Matrix"):
mat = Matrix(ast.literal_eval(clipboard[6:]))
elif clipboard.startswith("<Matrix 4x4"):
mat = self.parse_repr_m4(clipboard[12:-1])
mat = self.parse_print_m4(clipboard)
if mat is None:{'ERROR'}, "Clipboard does not contain a valid matrix")
return {'CANCELLED'}
mat = self._preprocess_matrix(context, mat)
except UnableToMirrorError:{'ERROR'}, "Unable to mirror, no mirror object/bone configured")
return {'CANCELLED'}
applicator = {
'CURRENT': self._paste_current,
'EXISTING_KEYS': self._paste_existing_keys,
'BAKE': self._paste_bake,
return applicator(context, mat)
def _preprocess_matrix(self, context: Context, matrix: Matrix) -> Matrix:
matrix = self._relative_to_world(context, matrix)
if self.use_mirror:
matrix = self._mirror_matrix(context, matrix)
return matrix
def _relative_to_world(self, context: Context, matrix: Matrix) -> Matrix:
if not self.use_relative:
return matrix
rel_ob = _get_relative_ob(context)
if not rel_ob:
return matrix
rel_ob_eval = rel_ob.evaluated_get(context.view_layer.depsgraph)
return rel_ob_eval.matrix_world @ matrix
def _mirror_matrix(self, context: Context, matrix: Matrix) -> Matrix:
mirror_ob = context.scene.addon_copy_global_transform_mirror_ob
mirror_bone = context.scene.addon_copy_global_transform_mirror_bone
# No mirror object means "current armature object".
ctx_ob = context.object
if not mirror_ob and mirror_bone and ctx_ob and ctx_ob.type == 'ARMATURE':
mirror_ob = ctx_ob
if not mirror_ob:
raise UnableToMirrorError()
if mirror_ob.type == 'ARMATURE' and mirror_bone:
return self._mirror_over_bone(matrix, mirror_ob, mirror_bone)
return self._mirror_over_ob(matrix, mirror_ob)
def _mirror_over_ob(self, matrix: Matrix, mirror_ob: bpy.types.Object) -> Matrix:
mirror_matrix = mirror_ob.matrix_world
return self._mirror_over_matrix(matrix, mirror_matrix)
def _mirror_over_bone(self, matrix: Matrix, mirror_ob: bpy.types.Object, mirror_bone_name: str) -> Matrix:
bone = mirror_ob.pose.bones[mirror_bone_name]
mirror_matrix = mirror_ob.matrix_world @ bone.matrix
return self._mirror_over_matrix(matrix, mirror_matrix)
def _mirror_over_matrix(self, matrix: Matrix, mirror_matrix: Matrix) -> Matrix:
# Compute the matrix in the space of the mirror matrix:
mat_local = mirror_matrix.inverted() @ matrix
# Decompose the matrix, as we don't want to touch the scale. This
# operator should only mirror the translation and rotation components.
trans, rot_q, scale = mat_local.decompose()
# Mirror the translation component:
axis_index = ord(self.mirror_axis_loc) - ord('x')
trans[axis_index] *= -1
# Flip the rotation, and use a rotation order that applies the to-be-flipped axes first.
match self.mirror_axis_rot:
case 'x':
rot_e = rot_q.to_euler('XYZ')
rot_e.x *= -1 # Flip the requested rotation axis.
rot_e.y *= -1 # Also flip the bone roll.
case 'y':
rot_e = rot_q.to_euler('YZX')
rot_e.y *= -1 # Flip the requested rotation axis.
rot_e.z *= -1 # Also flip another axis? Not sure how to handle this one.
case 'z':
rot_e = rot_q.to_euler('ZYX')
rot_e.z *= -1 # Flip the requested rotation axis.
rot_e.y *= -1 # Also flip the bone roll.
# Recompose the local matrix:
mat_local = Matrix.LocRotScale(trans, rot_e, scale)
# Go back to world space:
mirrored_world = mirror_matrix @ mat_local
return mirrored_world
def _paste_current(context: Context, matrix: Matrix) -> set[str]:
set_matrix(context, matrix)
return {'FINISHED'}
def _paste_existing_keys(self, context: Context, matrix: Matrix) -> set[str]:
if not context.scene.tool_settings.use_keyframe_insert_auto:{'ERROR'}, "This mode requires auto-keying to work properly")
return {'CANCELLED'}
frame_numbers = _selected_keyframes(context)
if not frame_numbers:{'WARNING'}, "No selected frames found")
return {'CANCELLED'}
self._paste_on_frames(context, frame_numbers, matrix)
return {'FINISHED'}
def _paste_bake(self, context: Context, matrix: Matrix) -> set[str]:
if not context.scene.tool_settings.use_keyframe_insert_auto:{'ERROR'}, "This mode requires auto-keying to work properly")
return {'CANCELLED'}
bake_step = max(1, self.bake_step)
# Put the clamped bake step back into RNA for the redo panel.
self.bake_step = bake_step
frame_start, frame_end = self._determine_bake_range(context)
frame_range = range(round(frame_start), round(frame_end) + bake_step, bake_step)
self._paste_on_frames(context, frame_range, matrix)
return {'FINISHED'}
def _determine_bake_range(self, context: Context) -> tuple[float, float]:
frame_numbers = _selected_keyframes(context)
if frame_numbers:
# Note that these could be the same frame, if len(frame_numbers) == 1:
return frame_numbers[0], frame_numbers[-1]
if context.scene.use_preview_range:{'INFO'}, "No selected keys, pasting over preview range")
return context.scene.frame_preview_start, context.scene.frame_preview_end{'INFO'}, "No selected keys, pasting over scene range")
return context.scene.frame_start, context.scene.frame_end
def _paste_on_frames(self, context: Context, frame_numbers: Iterable[float], matrix: Matrix) -> None:
current_frame = context.scene.frame_current_final
for frame in frame_numbers:
context.scene.frame_set(int(frame), subframe=frame % 1.0)
set_matrix(context, matrix)
context.scene.frame_set(int(current_frame), subframe=current_frame % 1.0)
# Mapping from frame number to the dominant key type.
# GENERATED is the only recessive key type, others are dominant.
KeyInfo: TypeAlias = dict[float, str]
class Transformable(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Interface for a bone or an object."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._key_info_cache: Optional[KeyInfo] = None
def matrix_world(self) -> Matrix:
def set_matrix_world(self, context: Context, matrix: Matrix) -> None:
def _my_fcurves(self) -> Iterable[bpy.types.FCurve]:
def key_info(self) -> KeyInfo:
if self._key_info_cache is not None:
return self._key_info_cache
keyinfo: KeyInfo = {}
for fcurve in self._my_fcurves():
for kp in fcurve.keyframe_points:
frame =
if kp.type == 'GENERATED' and frame in keyinfo:
# Don't bother overwriting other key types.
keyinfo[frame] = kp.type
self._key_info_cache = keyinfo
return keyinfo
def remove_keys_of_type(self, key_type: str, *, frame_start=float("-inf"), frame_end=float("inf")) -> None:
self._key_info_cache = None
for fcurve in self._my_fcurves():
to_remove = [
kp for kp in fcurve.keyframe_points if kp.type == key_type and (frame_start <= <= frame_end)
for kp in reversed(to_remove):
fcurve.keyframe_points.remove(kp, fast=True)
class TransformableObject(Transformable):
object: Object
def __init__(self, object: Object) -> None:
self.object = object
def matrix_world(self) -> Matrix:
return self.object.matrix_world
def set_matrix_world(self, context: Context, matrix: Matrix) -> None:
self.object.matrix_world = matrix
AutoKeying.autokey_transformation(context, self.object)
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(self.object.as_pointer())
def _my_fcurves(self) -> Iterable[bpy.types.FCurve]:
action = self._action()
if not action:
yield from action.fcurves
def _action(self) -> Optional[bpy.types.Action]:
adt = self.object.animation_data
return adt and adt.action
class TransformableBone(Transformable):
arm_object: Object
pose_bone: PoseBone
def __init__(self, pose_bone: PoseBone) -> None:
self.arm_object = pose_bone.id_data
self.pose_bone = pose_bone
def matrix_world(self) -> Matrix:
mat = self.arm_object.matrix_world @ self.pose_bone.matrix
return mat
def set_matrix_world(self, context: Context, matrix: Matrix) -> None:
# Convert matrix to armature-local space
arm_eval = self.arm_object.evaluated_get(context.view_layer.depsgraph)
self.pose_bone.matrix = arm_eval.matrix_world.inverted() @ matrix
AutoKeying.autokey_transformation(context, self.pose_bone)
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(self.pose_bone.as_pointer())
def _my_fcurves(self) -> Iterable[bpy.types.FCurve]:
action = self._action()
if not action:
rna_prefix = f"{self.pose_bone.path_from_id()}."
for fcurve in action.fcurves:
if fcurve.data_path.startswith(rna_prefix):
yield fcurve
def _action(self) -> Optional[bpy.types.Action]:
adt = self.arm_object.animation_data
return adt and adt.action
class FixToCameraCommon:
"""Common functionality for the Fix To Scene Camera operator + its 'delete' button."""
keytype = 'GENERATED'
# Operator method stubs to avoid PyLance/MyPy errors:
def poll_message_set(cls, message: str) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError()
def report(self, level: set[str], message: str) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError()
# Implement in subclass:
def _execute(self, context: Context, transformables: list[Transformable]) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError()
def poll(cls, context: Context) -> bool:
if not context.active_pose_bone and not context.active_object:
cls.poll_message_set("Select an object or pose bone")
return False
if context.mode not in {'POSE', 'OBJECT'}:
cls.poll_message_set("Switch to Pose or Object mode")
return False
if not
cls.poll_message_set("The Scene needs a camera")
return False
return True
def execute(self, context: Context) -> set[str]:
match context.mode:
case 'OBJECT':
transformables = self._transformable_objects(context)
case 'POSE':
transformables = self._transformable_pbones(context)
case mode:{'ERROR'}, 'Unsupported mode: %r' % mode)
return {'CANCELLED'}
restore_frame = context.scene.frame_current
self._execute(context, transformables)
return {'FINISHED'}
def _transformable_objects(self, context: Context) -> list[Transformable]:
return [TransformableObject(object=ob) for ob in context.selected_editable_objects]
def _transformable_pbones(self, context: Context) -> list[Transformable]:
return [TransformableBone(pose_bone=bone) for bone in context.selected_pose_bones]
class OBJECT_OT_fix_to_camera(Operator, FixToCameraCommon):
bl_idname = "object.fix_to_camera"
bl_label = "Fix to Scene Camera"
bl_description = "Generate new keys to fix the selected object/bone to the camera on unkeyed frames"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
use_loc: bpy.props.BoolProperty( # type: ignore
description="Create Location keys when fixing to the scene camera",
use_rot: bpy.props.BoolProperty( # type: ignore
description="Create Rotation keys when fixing to the scene camera",
use_scale: bpy.props.BoolProperty( # type: ignore
description="Create Scale keys when fixing to the scene camera",
def _get_matrices(self, camera: Camera, transformables: list[Transformable]) -> dict[Transformable, Matrix]:
camera_mat_inv = camera.matrix_world.inverted()
return {t: camera_mat_inv @ t.matrix_world() for t in transformables}
def _execute(self, context: Context, transformables: list[Transformable]) -> None:
depsgraph = context.view_layer.depsgraph
scene = context.scene
camera_eval =
last_camera_name =
matrices = self._get_matrices(camera_eval, transformables)
if scene.use_preview_range:
frame_start = scene.frame_preview_start
frame_end = scene.frame_preview_end
frame_start = scene.frame_start
frame_end = scene.frame_end
with AutoKeying.options(
for frame in range(frame_start, frame_end + scene.frame_step, scene.frame_step):
camera_eval =
cam_matrix_world = camera_eval.matrix_world
camera_mat_inv = cam_matrix_world.inverted()
if != last_camera_name:
# The scene camera changed, so the previous
# relative-to-camera matrices can no longer be used.
matrices = self._get_matrices(camera_eval, transformables)
last_camera_name =
for t, camera_rel_matrix in matrices.items():
key_info = t.key_info()
key_type = key_info.get(frame, "")
if key_type not in {self.keytype, ""}:
# Manually set key, remember the current camera-relative matrix.
matrices[t] = camera_mat_inv @ t.matrix_world()
# No key, or a generated one. Overwrite it with a new transform.
t.set_matrix_world(context, cam_matrix_world @ camera_rel_matrix)
class OBJECT_OT_delete_fix_to_camera_keys(Operator, FixToCameraCommon):
bl_idname = "object.delete_fix_to_camera_keys"
bl_label = "Delete Generated Keys"
bl_description = "Delete all keys that were generated by the 'Fix to Scene Camera' operator"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def _execute(self, context: Context, transformables: list[Transformable]) -> None:
scene = context.scene
if scene.use_preview_range:
frame_start = scene.frame_preview_start
frame_end = scene.frame_preview_end
frame_start = scene.frame_start
frame_end = scene.frame_end
for t in transformables:
t.remove_keys_of_type(self.keytype, frame_start=frame_start, frame_end=frame_end)
class PanelMixin:
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_category = "Animation"
class VIEW3D_PT_copy_global_transform(PanelMixin, Panel):
bl_label = "Global Transform"
def draw(self, context: Context) -> None:
layout = self.layout
scene = context.scene
# No need to put "Global Transform" in the operator text, given that it's already in the panel title.
layout.operator("object.copy_global_transform", text="Copy", icon='COPYDOWN')
paste_col = layout.column(align=True)
paste_row = paste_col.row(align=True)
paste_props = paste_row.operator("object.paste_transform", text="Paste", icon='PASTEDOWN')
paste_props.method = 'CURRENT'
paste_props.use_mirror = False
paste_props = paste_row.operator("object.paste_transform", text="Mirrored", icon='PASTEFLIPDOWN')
paste_props.method = 'CURRENT'
paste_props.use_mirror = True
wants_autokey_col = paste_col.column(align=False)
has_autokey = scene.tool_settings.use_keyframe_insert_auto
wants_autokey_col.enabled = has_autokey
if not has_autokey:
wants_autokey_col.label(text="These require auto-key:")
paste_col = wants_autokey_col.column(align=True)
text="Paste to Selected Keys",
).method = 'EXISTING_KEYS'
text="Paste and Bake",
).method = 'BAKE'
class VIEW3D_PT_copy_global_transform_fix_to_camera(PanelMixin, Panel):
bl_label = "Fix to Camera"
bl_parent_id = "VIEW3D_PT_copy_global_transform"
def draw(self, context: Context) -> None:
layout = self.layout
scene = context.scene
# Fix to Scene Camera:
layout.use_property_split = True
props_box = layout.column(heading="Fix", align=True)
props_box.prop(scene, "addon_copy_global_transform_fix_cam_use_loc", text="Location")
props_box.prop(scene, "addon_copy_global_transform_fix_cam_use_rot", text="Rotation")
props_box.prop(scene, "addon_copy_global_transform_fix_cam_use_scale", text="Scale")
row = layout.row(align=True)
props = row.operator("object.fix_to_camera")
props.use_loc = scene.addon_copy_global_transform_fix_cam_use_loc
props.use_rot = scene.addon_copy_global_transform_fix_cam_use_rot
props.use_scale = scene.addon_copy_global_transform_fix_cam_use_scale
row.operator("object.delete_fix_to_camera_keys", text="", icon='TRASH')
class VIEW3D_PT_copy_global_transform_mirror(PanelMixin, Panel):
bl_label = "Mirror Options"
bl_parent_id = "VIEW3D_PT_copy_global_transform"
def draw(self, context: Context) -> None:
layout = self.layout
scene = context.scene
layout.prop(scene, 'addon_copy_global_transform_mirror_ob', text="Object")
mirror_ob = scene.addon_copy_global_transform_mirror_ob
if mirror_ob is None:
# No explicit mirror object means "the current armature", so then the bone name should be editable.
if context.object and context.object.type == 'ARMATURE':
self._bone_search(layout, scene, context.object)
self._bone_entry(layout, scene)
elif mirror_ob.type == 'ARMATURE':
self._bone_search(layout, scene, mirror_ob)
def _bone_search(self, layout: UILayout, scene: bpy.types.Scene, armature_ob: bpy.types.Object) -> None:
"""Search within the bones of the given armature."""
assert armature_ob and armature_ob.type == 'ARMATURE'
"edit_bones" if armature_ob.mode == 'EDIT' else "bones",
def _bone_entry(self, layout: UILayout, scene: bpy.types.Scene) -> None:
"""Allow manual entry of a bone name."""
layout.prop(scene, "addon_copy_global_transform_mirror_bone", text="Bone")
class VIEW3D_PT_copy_global_transform_relative(PanelMixin, Panel):
bl_label = "Relative"
bl_parent_id = "VIEW3D_PT_copy_global_transform"
def draw(self, context: Context) -> None:
layout = self.layout
scene = context.scene
# Copy/Paste relative to some object:
copy_paste_sub = layout.column(align=False)
has_relative_ob = bool(_get_relative_ob(context))
copy_paste_sub.label(text="Work Relative to some Object")
copy_paste_sub.prop(scene, 'addon_copy_global_transform_relative_ob', text="Object")
if not scene.addon_copy_global_transform_relative_ob:
copy_paste_sub.label(text="Using Active Scene Camera")
button_sub = copy_paste_sub.row(align=True)
button_sub.enabled = has_relative_ob
button_sub.operator("object.copy_relative_transform", text="Copy", icon='COPYDOWN')
paste_props = button_sub.operator("object.paste_transform", text="Paste", icon='PASTEDOWN')
paste_props.method = 'CURRENT'
paste_props.use_mirror = False
paste_props.use_relative = True
# It is unknown whether this combination of options is in any way
# sensible or usable, and of so, in which order the mirroring and
# relative'ing-to should happen. That's why, for now, it's disabled.
# paste_props = paste_row.operator("object.paste_transform", text="Mirrored", icon='PASTEFLIPDOWN')
# paste_props.method = 'CURRENT'
# paste_props.use_mirror = True
# paste_props.use_relative = True
# Messagebus subscription to monitor changes & refresh panels.
_msgbus_owner = object()
def _refresh_3d_panels():
refresh_area_types = {'VIEW_3D'}
for win in
for area in win.screen.areas:
if area.type not in refresh_area_types:
classes = (
_register, _unregister = bpy.utils.register_classes_factory(classes)
def _register_message_bus() -> None:
key=(bpy.types.ToolSettings, "use_keyframe_insert_auto"),
def _unregister_message_bus() -> None:
bpy.msgbus.clear_by_owner(_msgbus_owner) # type: ignore
def _on_blendfile_load_post(none: Any, other_none: Any) -> None:
# The parameters are required, but both are None.
def register():
# The mirror object & bone name are stored on the scene, and not on the
# operator. This makes it possible to set up the operator for use in a
# certain scene, while keeping hotkey assignments working as usual.
# The goal is to allow hotkeys for "copy", "paste", and "paste mirrored",
# while keeping the other choices in a more global place.
bpy.types.Scene.addon_copy_global_transform_mirror_ob = bpy.props.PointerProperty(
name="Mirror Object",
description="Object to mirror over. Leave empty and name a bone to always mirror "
"over that bone of the active armature",
bpy.types.Scene.addon_copy_global_transform_mirror_bone = bpy.props.StringProperty(
name="Mirror Bone",
description="Bone to use for the mirroring",
bpy.types.Scene.addon_copy_global_transform_relative_ob = bpy.props.PointerProperty(
name="Relative Object",
description="Object to which matrices are made relative",
bpy.types.Scene.addon_copy_global_transform_fix_cam_use_loc = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name="Fix Camera: Use Location",
description="Create Location keys when fixing to the scene camera",
options=set(), # Remove ANIMATABLE default option.
bpy.types.Scene.addon_copy_global_transform_fix_cam_use_rot = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name="Fix Camera: Use Rotation",
description="Create Rotation keys when fixing to the scene camera",
options=set(), # Remove ANIMATABLE default option.
bpy.types.Scene.addon_copy_global_transform_fix_cam_use_scale = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name="Fix Camera: Use Scale",
description="Create Scale keys when fixing to the scene camera",
options=set(), # Remove ANIMATABLE default option.
def unregister():
del bpy.types.Scene.addon_copy_global_transform_mirror_ob
del bpy.types.Scene.addon_copy_global_transform_mirror_bone
del bpy.types.Scene.addon_copy_global_transform_relative_ob
del bpy.types.Scene.addon_copy_global_transform_fix_cam_use_loc
del bpy.types.Scene.addon_copy_global_transform_fix_cam_use_rot
del bpy.types.Scene.addon_copy_global_transform_fix_cam_use_scale