Brecht Van Lommel 001414fb2f Cycles: delay CUDA and OpenCL initialization to avoid driver crashes.
We've had many reported crashes on Windows where we suspect there is a
corrupted OpenCL driver. The purpose here is to keep Blender generally
usable in such cases.

Now it always shows None / CUDA / OpenCL in the preferences, and only when
selecting one will it reveal if there are any GPUs available. This should
avoid crashes when opening the preferences or on startup.

Differential Revision:
2019-01-29 17:00:02 +01:00

380 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef __DEVICE_H__
#define __DEVICE_H__
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bvh/bvh_params.h"
#include "device/device_memory.h"
#include "device/device_task.h"
#include "util/util_list.h"
#include "util/util_stats.h"
#include "util/util_string.h"
#include "util/util_thread.h"
#include "util/util_texture.h"
#include "util/util_types.h"
#include "util/util_vector.h"
class Progress;
class RenderTile;
/* Device Types */
enum DeviceType {
enum DeviceTypeMask {
#define DEVICE_MASK(type) (DeviceTypeMask)(1 << type)
class DeviceInfo {
DeviceType type;
string description;
string id; /* used for user preferences, should stay fixed with changing hardware config */
int num;
bool display_device; /* GPU is used as a display device. */
bool advanced_shading; /* Supports full shading system. */
bool has_half_images; /* Support half-float textures. */
bool has_volume_decoupled; /* Decoupled volume shading. */
bool has_osl; /* Support Open Shading Language. */
bool use_split_kernel; /* Use split or mega kernel. */
bool has_profiling; /* Supports runtime collection of profiling info. */
int cpu_threads;
vector<DeviceInfo> multi_devices;
type = DEVICE_CPU;
id = "CPU";
num = 0;
cpu_threads = 0;
display_device = false;
advanced_shading = true;
has_half_images = false;
has_volume_decoupled = false;
has_osl = false;
use_split_kernel = false;
has_profiling = false;
bool operator==(const DeviceInfo &info) {
/* Multiple Devices with the same ID would be very bad. */
assert(id != || (type == info.type && num == info.num && description == info.description));
return id ==;
class DeviceRequestedFeatures {
/* Use experimental feature set. */
bool experimental;
/* Selective nodes compilation. */
/* Identifier of a node group up to which all the nodes needs to be
* compiled in. Nodes from higher group indices will be ignores.
int max_nodes_group;
/* Features bitfield indicating which features from the requested group
* will be compiled in. Nodes which corresponds to features which are not
* in this bitfield will be ignored even if they're in the requested group.
int nodes_features;
/* BVH/sampling kernel features. */
bool use_hair;
bool use_object_motion;
bool use_camera_motion;
/* Denotes whether baking functionality is needed. */
bool use_baking;
/* Use subsurface scattering materials. */
bool use_subsurface;
/* Use volume materials. */
bool use_volume;
/* Use branched integrator. */
bool use_integrator_branched;
/* Use OpenSubdiv patch evaluation */
bool use_patch_evaluation;
/* Use Transparent shadows */
bool use_transparent;
/* Use various shadow tricks, such as shadow catcher. */
bool use_shadow_tricks;
/* Per-uber shader usage flags. */
bool use_principled;
/* Denoising features. */
bool use_denoising;
/* Use raytracing in shaders. */
bool use_shader_raytrace;
/* TODO(sergey): Find more meaningful defaults. */
experimental = false;
max_nodes_group = 0;
nodes_features = 0;
use_hair = false;
use_object_motion = false;
use_camera_motion = false;
use_baking = false;
use_subsurface = false;
use_volume = false;
use_integrator_branched = false;
use_patch_evaluation = false;
use_transparent = false;
use_shadow_tricks = false;
use_principled = false;
use_denoising = false;
use_shader_raytrace = false;
bool modified(const DeviceRequestedFeatures& requested_features)
return !(experimental == requested_features.experimental &&
max_nodes_group == requested_features.max_nodes_group &&
nodes_features == requested_features.nodes_features &&
use_hair == requested_features.use_hair &&
use_object_motion == requested_features.use_object_motion &&
use_camera_motion == requested_features.use_camera_motion &&
use_baking == requested_features.use_baking &&
use_subsurface == requested_features.use_subsurface &&
use_volume == requested_features.use_volume &&
use_integrator_branched == requested_features.use_integrator_branched &&
use_patch_evaluation == requested_features.use_patch_evaluation &&
use_transparent == requested_features.use_transparent &&
use_shadow_tricks == requested_features.use_shadow_tricks &&
use_principled == requested_features.use_principled &&
use_denoising == requested_features.use_denoising &&
use_shader_raytrace == requested_features.use_shader_raytrace);
/* Convert the requested features structure to a build options,
* which could then be passed to compilers.
string get_build_options() const
string build_options = "";
if(experimental) {
build_options += "-D__KERNEL_EXPERIMENTAL__ ";
build_options += "-D__NODES_MAX_GROUP__=" +
string_printf("%d", max_nodes_group);
build_options += " -D__NODES_FEATURES__=" +
string_printf("%d", nodes_features);
if(!use_hair) {
build_options += " -D__NO_HAIR__";
if(!use_object_motion) {
build_options += " -D__NO_OBJECT_MOTION__";
if(!use_camera_motion) {
build_options += " -D__NO_CAMERA_MOTION__";
if(!use_baking) {
build_options += " -D__NO_BAKING__";
if(!use_volume) {
build_options += " -D__NO_VOLUME__";
if(!use_subsurface) {
build_options += " -D__NO_SUBSURFACE__";
if(!use_integrator_branched) {
build_options += " -D__NO_BRANCHED_PATH__";
if(!use_patch_evaluation) {
build_options += " -D__NO_PATCH_EVAL__";
if(!use_transparent && !use_volume) {
build_options += " -D__NO_TRANSPARENT__";
if(!use_shadow_tricks) {
build_options += " -D__NO_SHADOW_TRICKS__";
if(!use_principled) {
build_options += " -D__NO_PRINCIPLED__";
if(!use_denoising) {
build_options += " -D__NO_DENOISING__";
if(!use_shader_raytrace) {
build_options += " -D__NO_SHADER_RAYTRACE__";
return build_options;
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &os,
const DeviceRequestedFeatures& requested_features);
/* Device */
struct DeviceDrawParams {
function<void()> bind_display_space_shader_cb;
function<void()> unbind_display_space_shader_cb;
class Device {
friend class device_sub_ptr;
Device(DeviceInfo& info_, Stats &stats_, Profiler &profiler_, bool background) : background(background), vertex_buffer(0), info(info_), stats(stats_), profiler(profiler_) {}
bool background;
string error_msg;
/* used for real time display */
unsigned int vertex_buffer;
virtual device_ptr mem_alloc_sub_ptr(device_memory& /*mem*/, int /*offset*/, int /*size*/)
/* Only required for devices that implement denoising. */
return (device_ptr) 0;
virtual void mem_free_sub_ptr(device_ptr /*ptr*/) {};
virtual ~Device();
/* info */
DeviceInfo info;
virtual const string& error_message() { return error_msg; }
bool have_error() { return !error_message().empty(); }
virtual void set_error(const string& error)
if(!have_error()) {
error_msg = error;
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error.c_str());
virtual bool show_samples() const { return false; }
virtual BVHLayoutMask get_bvh_layout_mask() const = 0;
/* statistics */
Stats &stats;
Profiler &profiler;
/* memory alignment */
virtual int mem_sub_ptr_alignment() { return MIN_ALIGNMENT_CPU_DATA_TYPES; }
/* constant memory */
virtual void const_copy_to(const char *name, void *host, size_t size) = 0;
/* open shading language, only for CPU device */
virtual void *osl_memory() { return NULL; }
/* load/compile kernels, must be called before adding tasks */
virtual bool load_kernels(
const DeviceRequestedFeatures& /*requested_features*/)
{ return true; }
/* tasks */
virtual int get_split_task_count(DeviceTask& task) = 0;
virtual void task_add(DeviceTask& task) = 0;
virtual void task_wait() = 0;
virtual void task_cancel() = 0;
/* opengl drawing */
virtual void draw_pixels(device_memory& mem, int y, int w, int h,
int dx, int dy, int width, int height, bool transparent,
const DeviceDrawParams &draw_params);
/* networking */
void server_run();
/* multi device */
virtual void map_tile(Device * /*sub_device*/, RenderTile& /*tile*/) {}
virtual int device_number(Device * /*sub_device*/) { return 0; }
virtual void map_neighbor_tiles(Device * /*sub_device*/, RenderTile * /*tiles*/) {}
virtual void unmap_neighbor_tiles(Device * /*sub_device*/, RenderTile * /*tiles*/) {}
/* static */
static Device *create(DeviceInfo& info, Stats &stats, Profiler& profiler, bool background = true);
static DeviceType type_from_string(const char *name);
static string string_from_type(DeviceType type);
static vector<DeviceType> available_types();
static vector<DeviceInfo> available_devices(uint device_type_mask = DEVICE_MASK_ALL);
static string device_capabilities(uint device_type_mask = DEVICE_MASK_ALL);
static DeviceInfo get_multi_device(const vector<DeviceInfo>& subdevices,
int threads,
bool background);
/* Tag devices lists for update. */
static void tag_update();
static void free_memory();
/* Memory allocation, only accessed through device_memory. */
friend class MultiDevice;
friend class DeviceServer;
friend class device_memory;
virtual void mem_alloc(device_memory& mem) = 0;
virtual void mem_copy_to(device_memory& mem) = 0;
virtual void mem_copy_from(device_memory& mem,
int y, int w, int h, int elem) = 0;
virtual void mem_zero(device_memory& mem) = 0;
virtual void mem_free(device_memory& mem) = 0;
/* Indicted whether device types and devices lists were initialized. */
static bool need_types_update, need_devices_update;
static thread_mutex device_mutex;
static vector<DeviceInfo> cuda_devices;
static vector<DeviceInfo> opencl_devices;
static vector<DeviceInfo> cpu_devices;
static vector<DeviceInfo> network_devices;
static uint devices_initialized_mask;
#endif /* __DEVICE_H__ */