Benoit Bolsee 40f1c4f343 BGE: Various render improvements.
bge.logic.setRender(flag) to enable/disable render.
    The render pass is enabled by default but it can be disabled with
    Once disabled, the render pass is skipped and a new logic frame starts
    immediately. Note that VSync no longer limits the fps when render is off
    but the 'Use Frame Rate' option in the Render Properties still does.
    To run as many frames as possible, untick the option
    This function is useful when you don't need the default render, e.g.
    when doing offscreen render to an alternate device than the monitor.
    Note that without VSync, you must limit the frame rate by other means.

fbo = bge.render.offScreenCreate(width,height,[,samples=0][,target=bge.render.RAS_OFS_RENDER_BUFFER])
    Use this method to create an offscreen buffer of given size, with given MSAA
    samples and targetting either a render buffer (bge.render.RAS_OFS_RENDER_BUFFER)
    or a texture (bge.render.RAS_OFS_RENDER_TEXTURE). Use the former if you want to
    retrieve the frame buffer on the host and the latter if you want to pass the render
    to another context (texture are proper OGL object, render buffers aren't)
    The object created by this function can only be used as a parameter of the
    bge.texture.ImageRender() constructor to send the the render to the FBO rather
    than to the frame buffer. This is best suited when you want to create a render
    of specific size, or if you need an image with an alpha channel.

bge.texture.<imagetype>.refresh(buffer=None, format="RGBA", ts=-1.0)
    Without arg, the refresh method of the image objects is pretty much a no-op, it
    simply invalidates the image so that on next texture refresh, the image will
    be recalculated.
    It is now possible to pass an optional buffer object to transfer the image (and
    recalculate it if it was invalid) to an external object. The object must implement
    the 'buffer protocol'. The image will be transfered as "RGBA" or "BGRA" pixels
    depending on format argument (only those 2 formats are supported) and ts is an
    optional timestamp in the image depends on it (e.g. VideoFFmpeg playing a video file).
    With this function you don't need anymore to link the image object to a Texture
    object to use: the image object is self-sufficient.

bge.texture.ImageRender(scene, camera, fbo=None)
    Render to buffer is possible by passing a FBO object (see offScreenCreate).

    Allows asynchronous render: call this method to render the scene but without
    extracting the pixels yet. The function returns as soon as the render commands
    have been send to the GPU. The render will proceed asynchronously in the GPU
    while the host can perform other tasks.
    To complete the render, you can either call refresh() directly of refresh the texture
    to which this object is the source. Asynchronous render is useful to achieve optimal
    performance: call render() on frame N and refresh() on frame N+1 to give as much as
    time as possible to the GPU to render the frame while the game engine can perform other tasks.

Support negative scale on camera.
    Camera scale was previously ignored in the BGE.
    It is now injected in the modelview matrix as a vertical or horizontal flip
    of the scene (respectively if scaleY<0 and scaleX<0).
    Note that the actual value of the scale is not used, only the sign.
    This allows to flip the image produced by ImageRender() without any performance
    degradation: the flip is integrated in the render itself.

Optimized image transfer from ImageRender to buffer.
    Previously, images that were transferred to the host were always going through
    buffers in VideoTexture. It is now possible to transfer ImageRender
    images to external buffer without intermediate copy (i.e. directly from OGL to buffer)
    if the attributes of the ImageRender objects are set as follow:
       flip=False, alpha=True, scale=False, depth=False, zbuff=False.
       (if you need to flip the image, use camera negative scale)
2016-06-11 22:05:20 +02:00

554 lines
16 KiB

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): none yet.
/** \file KX_KetsjiEngine.h
* \ingroup ketsji
#include "MT_CmMatrix4x4.h"
#include "MT_Matrix4x4.h"
#include "STR_String.h"
#include "KX_ISystem.h"
#include "KX_Scene.h"
#include "EXP_Python.h"
#include "KX_WorldInfo.h"
#include <vector>
struct TaskScheduler;
class KX_TimeCategoryLogger;
#define LEFT_EYE 1
#define RIGHT_EYE 2
enum KX_ExitRequestMode
typedef struct {
short matmode;
short glslflag;
} GlobalSettings;
* KX_KetsjiEngine is the core game engine class.
class KX_KetsjiEngine
class RAS_ICanvas* m_canvas; // 2D Canvas (2D Rendering Device Context)
class RAS_IRasterizer* m_rasterizer; // 3D Rasterizer (3D Rendering)
class KX_ISystem* m_kxsystem;
class KX_ISceneConverter* m_sceneconverter;
class NG_NetworkDeviceInterface* m_networkdevice;
/* borrowed from sys.modules["__main__"], don't manage ref's */
PyObject* m_pythondictionary;
PyObject* m_pyprofiledict;
class SCA_IInputDevice* m_keyboarddevice;
class SCA_IInputDevice* m_mousedevice;
class KX_Dome* m_dome; // dome stereo mode
/** Lists of scenes scheduled to be removed at the end of the frame. */
std::vector<STR_String> m_removingScenes;
/** Lists of overley scenes scheduled to be added at the end of the frame. */
std::vector<STR_String> m_addingOverlayScenes;
/** Lists of background scenes scheduled to be added at the end of the frame. */
std::vector<STR_String> m_addingBackgroundScenes;
/** Lists of scenes scheduled to be replaced at the end of the frame. */
std::vector<std::pair<STR_String,STR_String> > m_replace_scenes;
/* The current list of scenes. */
KX_SceneList m_scenes;
/* State variable recording the presence of object debug info in the current scene list. */
bool m_propertiesPresent;
bool m_bInitialized;
int m_activecam;
bool m_bFixedTime;
bool m_useExternalClock;
bool m_firstframe;
int m_currentFrame;
double m_frameTime; // current logic game time
double m_clockTime; // game time for the next rendering step
double m_previousClockTime; // game time of the previous rendering step
double m_previousAnimTime; //game time when the animations were last updated
double m_remainingTime;
double m_timescale; // time scaling parameter. if > 1.0, time goes faster than real-time. If < 1.0, times goes slower than real-time.
double m_previousRealTime;
static int m_maxLogicFrame; /* maximum number of consecutive logic frame */
static int m_maxPhysicsFrame; /* maximum number of consecutive physics frame */
static double m_ticrate;
static double m_anim_framerate; /* for animation playback only - ipo and action */
static bool m_restrict_anim_fps;
static double m_suspendedtime;
static double m_suspendeddelta;
static short m_exitkey; /* Key used to exit the BGE */
static bool m_doRender; /* whether or not the scene should be rendered after the logic frame */
int m_exitcode;
STR_String m_exitstring;
float m_cameraZoom;
bool m_overrideCam;
STR_String m_overrideSceneName;
bool m_overrideCamUseOrtho;
MT_CmMatrix4x4 m_overrideCamProjMat;
MT_CmMatrix4x4 m_overrideCamViewMat;
float m_overrideCamNear;
float m_overrideCamFar;
float m_overrideCamLens;
/// Default camera zoom.
float m_overrideCamZoom;
bool m_stereo;
int m_curreye;
/** Categories for profiling display. */
typedef enum {
tc_first = 0,
tc_physics = 0,
tc_services, // time spent in miscelaneous activities
tc_overhead, // profile info drawing overhead
tc_outside, // time spent outside main loop
tc_latency, // time spent waiting on the gpu
} KX_TimeCategory;
/** Time logger. */
KX_TimeCategoryLogger* m_logger;
/** Labels for profiling display. */
static const char m_profileLabels[tc_numCategories][15];
/** Last estimated framerate */
static double m_average_framerate;
/** Show the framerate on the game display? */
bool m_show_framerate;
/** Show profiling info on the game display? */
bool m_show_profile;
/** Show any debug (scene) object properties on the game display? */
bool m_showProperties;
/** Show background behind text for readability? */
bool m_showBackground;
/** Show debug properties on the game display*/
bool m_show_debug_properties;
/** Automatic add debug properties to the debug list*/
bool m_autoAddDebugProperties;
/** record physics into keyframes */
bool m_animation_record;
/** Hide cursor every frame? */
bool m_hideCursor;
/** Override framing bars color? */
bool m_overrideFrameColor;
/** Red component of framing bar color. */
float m_overrideFrameColorR;
/** Green component of framing bar color. */
float m_overrideFrameColorG;
/** Blue component of framing bar color. */
float m_overrideFrameColorB;
/** alpha component of framing bar color. */
float m_overrideFrameColorA;
/** Settings that doesn't go away with Game Actuator */
GlobalSettings m_globalsettings;
/** Task scheduler for multi-threading */
TaskScheduler* m_taskscheduler;
void RenderFrame(KX_Scene* scene, KX_Camera* cam);
void PostRenderScene(KX_Scene* scene);
void RenderDebugProperties();
KX_KetsjiEngine(class KX_ISystem* system);
virtual ~KX_KetsjiEngine();
// set the devices and stuff. the client must take care of creating these
void SetKeyboardDevice(SCA_IInputDevice* keyboarddevice);
void SetMouseDevice(SCA_IInputDevice* mousedevice);
void SetNetworkDevice(NG_NetworkDeviceInterface* networkdevice);
void SetCanvas(RAS_ICanvas* canvas);
void SetRasterizer(RAS_IRasterizer* rasterizer);
void SetPyNamespace(PyObject *pythondictionary);
PyObject* GetPyNamespace() { return m_pythondictionary; }
PyObject* GetPyProfileDict();
void SetSceneConverter(KX_ISceneConverter* sceneconverter);
KX_ISceneConverter* GetSceneConverter() { return m_sceneconverter; }
void SetAnimRecordMode(bool animation_record, int startFrame);
int getAnimRecordFrame() const;
void setAnimRecordFrame(int framenr);
RAS_IRasterizer* GetRasterizer() { return m_rasterizer; }
RAS_ICanvas* GetCanvas() { return m_canvas; }
SCA_IInputDevice* GetKeyboardDevice() { return m_keyboarddevice; }
SCA_IInputDevice* GetMouseDevice() { return m_mousedevice; }
TaskScheduler* GetTaskScheduler() { return m_taskscheduler; }
/// Dome functions
void InitDome(short res, short mode, short angle, float resbuf, short tilt, struct Text* text);
void EndDome();
void RenderDome();
bool m_usedome;
///returns true if an update happened to indicate -> Render
bool NextFrame();
void Render();
void RenderShadowBuffers(KX_Scene *scene);
void StartEngine(bool clearIpo);
void StopEngine();
void Export(const STR_String& filename);
void RequestExit(int exitrequestmode);
void SetNameNextGame(const STR_String& nextgame);
int GetExitCode();
const STR_String& GetExitString();
KX_SceneList* CurrentScenes();
KX_Scene* FindScene(const STR_String& scenename);
void AddScene(class KX_Scene* scene);
void ConvertAndAddScene(const STR_String& scenename,bool overlay);
void RemoveScene(const STR_String& scenename);
bool ReplaceScene(const STR_String& oldscene,const STR_String& newscene);
void SuspendScene(const STR_String& scenename);
void ResumeScene(const STR_String& scenename);
void GetSceneViewport(KX_Scene* scene, KX_Camera* cam, RAS_Rect& area, RAS_Rect& viewport);
/// Sets zoom for camera objects, useful only with extend and scale framing mode.
void SetCameraZoom(float camzoom);
void EnableCameraOverride(const STR_String& forscene);
void SetCameraOverrideUseOrtho(bool useOrtho);
void SetCameraOverrideProjectionMatrix(const MT_CmMatrix4x4& mat);
void SetCameraOverrideViewMatrix(const MT_CmMatrix4x4& mat);
void SetCameraOverrideClipping(float near, float far);
void SetCameraOverrideLens(float lens);
/// Sets zoom for default camera, = 2 in embedded mode.
void SetCameraOverrideZoom(float camzoom);
// Update animations for object in this scene
void UpdateAnimations(KX_Scene *scene);
* Sets display of all frames.
* \param bUseFixedTime New setting for display all frames.
void SetUseFixedTime(bool bUseFixedTime);
* Returns display of all frames.
* \return Current setting for display all frames.
bool GetUseFixedTime(void) const;
* Sets if the BGE relies on a external clock or its own internal clock
void SetUseExternalClock(bool bUseExternalClock);
* Returns if we rely on an external clock
* \return Current setting
bool GetUseExternalClock(void) const;
* Returns next render frame game time
double GetClockTime(void) const;
* Set the next render frame game time. It will impact also frame time, as
* this one is derived from clocktime
void SetClockTime(double externalClockTime);
* Returns current logic frame game time
double GetFrameTime(void) const;
* Returns the real (system) time
double GetRealTime(void) const;
* Returns the difference between the local time of the scene (when it
* was running and not suspended) and the "curtime"
static double GetSuspendedDelta();
* Gets the number of logic updates per second.
static double GetTicRate();
* Sets the number of logic updates per second.
static void SetTicRate(double ticrate);
* Gets the maximum number of logic frame before render frame
static int GetMaxLogicFrame();
* Sets the maximum number of logic frame before render frame
static void SetMaxLogicFrame(int frame);
* Gets the maximum number of physics frame before render frame
static int GetMaxPhysicsFrame();
* Sets the maximum number of physics frame before render frame
static void SetMaxPhysicsFrame(int frame);
* Gets whether or not to lock animation updates to the animframerate
static bool GetRestrictAnimationFPS();
* Sets whether or not to lock animation updates to the animframerate
static void SetRestrictAnimationFPS(bool bRestrictAnimFPS);
* Gets the framerate for playing animations. (actions and ipos)
static double GetAnimFrameRate();
* Sets the framerate for playing animations. (actions and ipos)
static void SetAnimFrameRate(double framerate);
* Gets the last estimated average framerate
static double GetAverageFrameRate();
* Gets the time scale multiplier
double GetTimeScale() const;
* Sets the time scale multiplier
void SetTimeScale(double scale);
static void SetExitKey(short key);
static short GetExitKey();
* Activate or deactivates the render of the scene after the logic frame
* \param render true (render) or false (do not render)
static void SetRender(bool render);
* Get the current render flag value
static bool GetRender();
* \Sets the display for frame rate on or off.
void SetShowFramerate(bool frameRate);
* \Gets the display for frame rate on or off.
bool GetShowFramerate();
* \Sets the display for individual components on or off.
void SetShowProfile(bool profile);
* \Gets the display for individual components on or off.
bool GetShowProfile();
* \Sets the display of scene object debug properties on or off.
void SetShowProperties(bool properties);
* \Gets the display of scene object debug properties on or off.
bool GetShowProperties();
* \Sets if the auto adding of scene object debug properties on or off.
bool GetAutoAddDebugProperties();
* \Sets the auto adding of scene object debug properties on or off.
void SetAutoAddDebugProperties(bool add);
* Activates or deactivates timing information display.
* \param frameRate Display for frame rate on or off.
* \param profile Display for individual components on or off.
* \param properties Display of scene object debug properties on or off.
void SetTimingDisplay(bool frameRate, bool profile, bool properties);
* Returns status of timing information display.
* \param frameRate Display for frame rate on or off.
* \param profile Display for individual components on or off.
* \param properties Display of scene object debug properties on or off.
void GetTimingDisplay(bool& frameRate, bool& profile, bool& properties) const;
* Sets cursor hiding on every frame.
* \param hideCursor Turns hiding on or off.
void SetHideCursor(bool hideCursor);
* Returns the current setting for cursor hiding.
* \return The current setting for cursor hiding.
bool GetHideCursor(void) const;
* Enables/disables the use of the framing bar color of the Blender file's scenes.
* \param overrideFrameColor The new setting.
void SetUseOverrideFrameColor(bool overrideFrameColor);
* Check if the frame color is being overridden.
bool GetUseOverrideFrameColor(void) const;
* Set the color used for framing bar color instead of the one in the Blender file's scenes.
* \param r Red component of the override color.
* \param g Green component of the override color.
* \param b Blue component of the override color.
void SetOverrideFrameColor(float r, float g, float b, float a);
* Returns the color used for framing bar color instead of the one in the Blender file's scenes.
* \param r Red component of the override color.
* \param g Green component of the override color.
* \param b Blue component of the override color.
void GetOverrideFrameColor(float& r, float& g, float& b, float& a) const;
KX_Scene* CreateScene(const STR_String& scenename);
KX_Scene* CreateScene(Scene *scene, bool libloading=false);
GlobalSettings* GetGlobalSettings(void);
void SetGlobalSettings(GlobalSettings* gs);
* Invalidate all the camera matrices and handle other
* needed changes when resized.
* It's only called from Blenderplayer.
void Resize();
* Processes all scheduled scene activity.
* At the end, if the scene lists have changed,
* SceneListsChanged(void) is called.
* \see SceneListsChanged(void).
void ProcessScheduledScenes(void);
* This method is invoked when the scene lists have changed.
void RemoveScheduledScenes(void);
void AddScheduledScenes(void);
void ReplaceScheduledScenes(void);
void PostProcessScene(class KX_Scene* scene);
bool BeginFrame();
void ClearFrame();
void EndFrame();
#endif /* __KX_KETSJIENGINE_H__ */