
356 lines
14 KiB

/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011-2022 Blender Foundation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
#pragma once
#include "integrator/denoiser.h"
#include "integrator/guiding.h"
#include "integrator/pass_accessor.h"
#include "integrator/path_trace_work.h"
#include "integrator/work_balancer.h"
#include "session/buffers.h"
#include "util/function.h"
#include "util/guiding.h"
#include "util/thread.h"
#include "util/unique_ptr.h"
#include "util/vector.h"
class AdaptiveSampling;
class Device;
class DeviceScene;
class DisplayDriver;
class Film;
class RenderBuffers;
class RenderScheduler;
class RenderWork;
class PathTraceDisplay;
class OutputDriver;
class Progress;
class TileManager;
/* PathTrace class takes care of kernel graph and scheduling on a (multi)device. It takes care of
* all the common steps of path tracing which are not device-specific. The list of tasks includes
* but is not limited to:
* - Kernel graph.
* - Scheduling logic.
* - Queues management.
* - Adaptive stopping. */
class PathTrace {
/* Render scheduler is used to report timing information and access things like start/finish
* sample. */
PathTrace(Device *device,
Film *film,
DeviceScene *device_scene,
RenderScheduler &render_scheduler,
TileManager &tile_manager);
/* Create devices and load kernels which are created on-demand (for example, denoising devices).
* The progress is reported to the currently configure progress object (via `set_progress`). */
void load_kernels();
/* Allocate working memory. This runs before allocating scene memory so that we can estimate
* more accurately which scene device memory may need to allocated on the host. */
void alloc_work_memory();
/* Check whether now it is a good time to reset rendering.
* Used to avoid very often resets in the viewport, giving it a chance to draw intermediate
* render result. */
bool ready_to_reset();
void reset(const BufferParams &full_params,
const BufferParams &big_tile_params,
bool reset_rendering);
void device_free();
/* Set progress tracker.
* Used to communicate details about the progress to the outer world, check whether rendering is
* to be canceled.
* The path tracer writes to this object, and then at a convenient moment runs
* progress_update_cb() callback. */
void set_progress(Progress *progress);
/* NOTE: This is a blocking call. Meaning, it will not return until given number of samples are
* rendered (or until rendering is requested to be canceled). */
void render(const RenderWork &render_work);
/* TODO(sergey): Decide whether denoiser is really a part of path tracer. Currently it is
* convenient to have it here because then its easy to access render buffer. But the downside is
* that this adds too much of entities which can live separately with some clear API. */
/* Set denoiser parameters.
* Use this to configure the denoiser before rendering any samples. */
void set_denoiser_params(const DenoiseParams &params);
/* Set parameters used for adaptive sampling.
* Use this to configure the adaptive sampler before rendering any samples. */
void set_adaptive_sampling(const AdaptiveSampling &adaptive_sampling);
/* Set the parameters for guiding.
* Use to setup the guiding structures before each rendering iteration. */
void set_guiding_params(const GuidingParams &params, const bool reset);
/* Sets output driver for render buffer output. */
void set_output_driver(unique_ptr<OutputDriver> driver);
/* Set display driver for interactive render buffer display. */
void set_display_driver(unique_ptr<DisplayDriver> driver);
/* Clear the display buffer by filling it in with all zeroes. */
void clear_display();
/* Perform drawing of the current state of the DisplayDriver. */
void draw();
/* Flush outstanding display commands before ending the render loop. */
void flush_display();
/* Cancel rendering process as soon as possible, without waiting for full tile to be sampled.
* Used in cases like reset of render session.
* This is a blocking call, which returns as soon as there is no running `render_samples()` call.
void cancel();
/* Copy an entire render buffer to/from the path trace. */
/* Copy happens via CPU side buffer: data will be copied from every device of the path trace, and
* the data will be copied to the device of the given render buffers. */
void copy_to_render_buffers(RenderBuffers *render_buffers);
/* Copy happens via CPU side buffer: data will be copied from the device of the given render
* buffers and will be copied to all devices of the path trace. */
void copy_from_render_buffers(RenderBuffers *render_buffers);
/* Copy render buffers of the big tile from the device to host.
* Return true if all copies are successful. */
bool copy_render_tile_from_device();
/* Read given full-frame file from disk, perform needed processing and write it to the software
* via the write callback. */
void process_full_buffer_from_disk(string_view filename);
/* Get number of samples in the current big tile render buffers. */
int get_num_render_tile_samples() const;
/* Get pass data of the entire big tile.
* This call puts pass render result from all devices into the final pixels storage.
* NOTE: Expects buffers to be copied to the host using `copy_render_tile_from_device()`.
* Returns false if any of the accessor's `get_render_tile_pixels()` returned false. */
bool get_render_tile_pixels(const PassAccessor &pass_accessor,
const PassAccessor::Destination &destination);
/* Set pass data for baking. */
bool set_render_tile_pixels(PassAccessor &pass_accessor, const PassAccessor::Source &source);
/* Check whether denoiser was run and denoised passes are available. */
bool has_denoised_result() const;
/* Get size and offset (relative to the buffer's full x/y) of the currently rendering tile.
* In the case of tiled rendering this will return full-frame after all tiles has been rendered.
* NOTE: If the full-frame buffer processing is in progress, returns parameters of the full-frame
* instead. */
int2 get_render_tile_size() const;
int2 get_render_tile_offset() const;
int2 get_render_size() const;
/* Get buffer parameters of the current tile.
* NOTE: If the full-frame buffer processing is in progress, returns parameters of the full-frame
* instead. */
const BufferParams &get_render_tile_params() const;
/* Generate full multi-line report of the rendering process, including rendering parameters,
* times, and so on. */
string full_report() const;
/* Callback which is called to report current rendering progress.
* It is supposed to be cheaper than buffer update/write, hence can be called more often.
* Additionally, it might be called form the middle of wavefront (meaning, it is not guaranteed
* that the buffer is "uniformly" sampled at the moment of this callback). */
function<void(void)> progress_update_cb;
/* Actual implementation of the rendering pipeline.
* Calls steps in order, checking for the cancel to be requested in between.
* Is separate from `render()` to simplify dealing with the early outputs and keeping
* `render_cancel_` in the consistent state. */
void render_pipeline(RenderWork render_work);
/* Initialize kernel execution on all integrator queues. */
void render_init_kernel_execution();
/* Make sure both allocated and effective buffer parameters of path tracer works are up to date
* with the current big tile parameters, performance-dependent slicing, and resolution divider.
void update_work_buffer_params_if_needed(const RenderWork &render_work);
void update_allocated_work_buffer_params();
void update_effective_work_buffer_params(const RenderWork &render_work);
/* Perform various steps of the render work.
* Note that some steps might modify the work, forcing some steps to happen within this iteration
* of rendering. */
void init_render_buffers(const RenderWork &render_work);
void path_trace(RenderWork &render_work);
void adaptive_sample(RenderWork &render_work);
void denoise(const RenderWork &render_work);
void cryptomatte_postprocess(const RenderWork &render_work);
void update_display(const RenderWork &render_work);
void rebalance(const RenderWork &render_work);
void write_tile_buffer(const RenderWork &render_work);
void finalize_full_buffer_on_disk(const RenderWork &render_work);
/* Updates/initializes the guiding structures after a rendering iteration.
* The structures are updated using the training data/samples generated during the previous
* rendering iteration */
void guiding_update_structures();
/* Prepares the per-kernel thread related guiding structures (e.g., PathSegmentStorage,
* pointers to the global Field and SegmentStorage)*/
void guiding_prepare_structures();
/* Get number of samples in the current state of the render buffers. */
int get_num_samples_in_buffer();
/* Check whether user requested to cancel rendering, so that path tracing is to be finished as
* soon as possible. */
bool is_cancel_requested();
/* Write the big tile render buffer via the write callback. */
void tile_buffer_write();
/* Read the big tile render buffer via the read callback. */
void tile_buffer_read();
/* Write current tile into the file on disk. */
void tile_buffer_write_to_disk();
/* Run the progress_update_cb callback if it is needed. */
void progress_update_if_needed(const RenderWork &render_work);
void progress_set_status(const string &status, const string &substatus = "");
/* Destroy GPU resources (such as graphics interop) used by work. */
void destroy_gpu_resources();
/* Pointer to a device which is configured to be used for path tracing. If multiple devices
* are configured this is a `MultiDevice`. */
Device *device_ = nullptr;
/* CPU device for creating temporary render buffers on the CPU side. */
unique_ptr<Device> cpu_device_;
Film *film_;
DeviceScene *device_scene_;
RenderScheduler &render_scheduler_;
TileManager &tile_manager_;
/* Display driver for interactive render buffer display. */
unique_ptr<PathTraceDisplay> display_;
/* Output driver to write render buffer to. */
unique_ptr<OutputDriver> output_driver_;
/* Per-compute device descriptors of work which is responsible for path tracing on its configured
* device. */
vector<unique_ptr<PathTraceWork>> path_trace_works_;
/* Per-path trace work information needed for multi-device balancing. */
vector<WorkBalanceInfo> work_balance_infos_;
/* Render buffer parameters of the full frame and current big tile. */
BufferParams full_params_;
BufferParams big_tile_params_;
/* Denoiser which takes care of denoising the big tile. */
unique_ptr<Denoiser> denoiser_;
/* Denoiser device descriptor which holds the denoised big tile for multi-device workloads. */
unique_ptr<PathTraceWork> big_tile_denoise_work_;
/* Guiding related attributes */
GuidingParams guiding_params_;
/* The guiding field which holds the representation of the incident radiance field for the
* complete scene. */
unique_ptr<openpgl::cpp::Field> guiding_field_;
/* The storage container which holds the training data/samples generated during the last
* rendering iteration. */
unique_ptr<openpgl::cpp::SampleStorage> guiding_sample_data_storage_;
/* The number of already performed training iterations for the guiding field. */
int guiding_update_count = 0;
/* State which is common for all the steps of the render work.
* Is brought up to date in the `render()` call and is accessed from all the steps involved into
* rendering the work. */
struct {
/* Denotes whether render buffers parameters of path trace works are to be reset for the new
* value of the big tile parameters. */
bool need_reset_params = false;
/* Divider of the resolution for faster previews.
* Allows to re-use same render buffer, but have less pixels rendered into in it. The way to
* think of render buffer in this case is as an over-allocated array: the resolution divider
* affects both resolution and stride as visible by the integrator kernels. */
int resolution_divider = 0;
/* Parameters of the big tile with the current resolution divider applied. */
BufferParams effective_big_tile_params;
/* Denoiser was run and there are denoised versions of the passes in the render buffers. */
bool has_denoised_result = false;
/* Current tile has been written (to either disk or callback.
* Indicates that no more work will be done on this tile. */
bool tile_written = false;
} render_state_;
/* Progress object which is used to communicate sample progress. */
Progress *progress_;
/* Fields required for canceling render on demand, as quickly as possible. */
struct {
/* Indicates whether there is an on-going `render_samples()` call. */
bool is_rendering = false;
/* Indicates whether rendering is requested to be canceled by `cancel()`. */
bool is_requested = false;
/* Synchronization between thread which does `render_samples()` and thread which does
* `cancel()`. */
thread_mutex mutex;
thread_condition_variable condition;
} render_cancel_;
/* Indicates whether a render result was drawn after latest session reset.
* Used by `ready_to_reset()` to implement logic which feels the most interactive. */
bool did_draw_after_reset_ = true;
/* State of the full frame processing and writing to the software. */
struct {
RenderBuffers *render_buffers = nullptr;
} full_frame_state_;