Campbell Barton c4a0bbb1f4 Extensions: Support online extensions and move add-ons outside Blender
The extensions system allows to extend Blender with connectivity to the internet. Right now it means Blender can
discover and install add-ons and themes directly from the internet, and notify users about their updates.

By default this is disabled (opt-in), and users can enable it the first time they try to install an extension or visit
the Prefences > Extensions tab. If this is enabled, Blender will automatically check for updates for upon startup.

When will Blender access the remote repositories:

* Every time you open the Preferences → Extensions: ALL the enabled repositories get checked for the latest info (json)
* Every time you try to install by dragging: ALL the enabled repositories get checked for the latest info (json).
* Every time you start Blender: selected repositories get checked for the latest info (json).


From the Blender code point of view, this means that most of the add-ons and themes originally bundled with Blender
will now be available from the online platform, instead of bundled with Blender. The exception are add-ons which are
deemed core functionality which just happened to be written as Python add-ons.

* Original Extenesions Platform Announcement:
* Extensions website:
* User Manual:
* Technical specifications:
* Changes on add-ons bundling:


This PR does the following:

* Move extensions out of experimental.
* No longer install `scripts/addons` & `scripts/addons_contrib`.
* Add `scripts/addons_core` to blender's repository.

These add-ons will still be bundled with Blender and will be always enabled in the future, with their preferences
moved to be more closely integrated with the rest of Blender. This will happen during the remaining bcon2 period.
For more details, see #121830

From scripts/addons:

* hydra_storm
* io_anim_bvh
* io_curve_svg
* io_mesh_uv_layout
* io_scene_fbx
* io_scene_gltf2
* pose_library
* ui_translate
* viewport_vr_preview

Extra: bl_pkg (scripts/addons_contrib)

Note: The STL (legacy) add-on is going to be moved to the extensions platform. There is already a C++ version on core
which is enabled by default.

All the other add-ons are already available at To use them you need to:

* Go to User Preferences > Extensions
* You will be greated with an "Online Extensions" message, click on "Enable Repository".
* Search the add-on you are looking for (e.g, Import Images as Planes).
* Click on Install

Over time their maintaince will be transferred over to the community so their development can carry on. If you used to
help maintain a bundled add-on please read:

Ref: !121825
2024-05-15 19:26:29 +02:00

621 lines
21 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2023 Blender Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
"make update" for all platforms, updating Git LFS submodules for libraries and
tests, and Blender git repository.
For release branches, this will check out the appropriate branches of
submodules and libraries.
import argparse
import os
import platform
import shutil
import sys
import make_utils
from pathlib import Path
from make_utils import call, check_output
from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlsplit
from typing import (
def print_stage(text: str) -> None:
print("=" * len(text))
def parse_arguments() -> argparse.Namespace:
Parse command line line arguments.
Returns parsed object from which the command line arguments can be accessed
as properties. The name of the properties matches the command line argument,
but with the leading dashed omitted and all remaining dashes replaced with
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--no-libraries", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--no-blender", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--no-submodules", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--use-tests", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--git-command", default="git")
parser.add_argument("--use-linux-libraries", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--architecture", type=str,
choices=("x86_64", "amd64", "arm64",))
return parser.parse_args()
def get_blender_git_root() -> Path:
Get root directory of the current Git directory.
return Path(
check_output([args.git_command, "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"]))
def get_effective_platform(args: argparse.Namespace) -> str:
Get platform of the host.
The result string is normalized to the name used by Blender releases and
library repository name prefixes: linux, macos, windows.
if sys.platform == "darwin":
platform = "macos"
elif sys.platform == "win32":
platform = "windows"
platform = sys.platform
assert (platform in ("linux", "macos", "windows"))
return platform
def get_effective_architecture(args: argparse.Namespace) -> str:
Get architecture of the host.
The result string is normalized to the architecture name used by the Blender
releases and library repository name suffixes: x64, arm64.
NOTE: When cross-compiling the architecture is coming from the command line
architecture: Optional[str] = args.architecture
if architecture:
assert isinstance(architecture, str)
elif "ARM64" in platform.version():
# Check platform.version to detect arm64 with x86_64 python binary.
architecture = "arm64"
architecture = platform.machine().lower()
# Normalize the architecture name.
if architecture in {"x86_64", "amd64"}:
architecture = "x64"
assert (architecture in {"x64", "arm64"})
assert isinstance(architecture, str)
return architecture
def get_submodule_directories(args: argparse.Namespace) -> Tuple[Path, ...]:
Get list of all configured submodule directories.
blender_git_root = get_blender_git_root()
dot_modules = blender_git_root / ".gitmodules"
if not dot_modules.exists():
return ()
submodule_directories_output = check_output(
[args.git_command, "config", "--file", str(dot_modules), "--get-regexp", "path"])
return tuple([Path(line.split(' ', 1)[1]) for line in submodule_directories_output.strip().splitlines()])
def ensure_git_lfs(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
# Use `--skip-repo` to avoid creating git hooks.
# This is called from the `blender.git` checkout, so we don't need to install hooks there.
call((args.git_command, "lfs", "install", "--skip-repo"), exit_on_error=True)
def initialize_precompiled_libraries(args: argparse.Namespace) -> str:
Configure submodule for precompiled libraries
This function detects the current host architecture and enables
corresponding submodule, and updates the submodule.
NOTE: When cross-compiling the architecture is coming from the command line
print_stage("Configuring Precompiled Libraries")
platform = get_effective_platform(args)
arch = get_effective_architecture(args)
print(f"Detected platform : {platform}")
print(f"Detected architecture : {arch}")
if sys.platform == "linux" and not args.use_linux_libraries:
print("Skipping Linux libraries configuration")
return ""
submodule_dir = f"lib/{platform}_{arch}"
submodule_directories = get_submodule_directories(args)
if Path(submodule_dir) not in submodule_directories:
return "Skipping libraries update: no configured submodule\n"
print(f"* Enabling precompiled libraries at {submodule_dir}")
make_utils.git_enable_submodule(args.git_command, Path(submodule_dir))
return ""
def initialize_tests_data_files(args: argparse.Namespace) -> str:
Configure submodule with files used by regression tests
print_stage("Configuring Tests Data Files")
submodule_dir = "tests/data"
print(f"* Enabling tests data at {submodule_dir}")
make_utils.git_enable_submodule(args.git_command, Path(submodule_dir))
return ""
def git_update_skip(args: argparse.Namespace, check_remote_exists: bool = True) -> str:
"""Test if git repo can be updated."""
if make_utils.command_missing(args.git_command):
sys.stderr.write("git not found, can't update code\n")
# Abort if a rebase is still progress.
rebase_merge = check_output([args.git_command, 'rev-parse', '--git-path', 'rebase-merge'], exit_on_error=False)
rebase_apply = check_output([args.git_command, 'rev-parse', '--git-path', 'rebase-apply'], exit_on_error=False)
merge_head = check_output([args.git_command, 'rev-parse', '--git-path', 'MERGE_HEAD'], exit_on_error=False)
if (
os.path.exists(rebase_merge) or
os.path.exists(rebase_apply) or
return "rebase or merge in progress, complete it first"
# Abort if uncommitted changes.
changes = check_output([args.git_command, 'status', '--porcelain', '--untracked-files=no', '--ignore-submodules'])
if len(changes) != 0:
return "you have unstaged changes"
# Test if there is an upstream branch configured
if check_remote_exists:
branch = check_output([args.git_command, "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"])
remote = check_output([args.git_command, "config", "branch." + branch + ".remote"], exit_on_error=False)
if len(remote) == 0:
return "no remote branch to pull from"
return ""
def use_upstream_workflow(args: argparse.Namespace) -> bool:
return make_utils.git_remote_exist(args.git_command, "upstream")
def work_tree_update_upstream_workflow(args: argparse.Namespace, use_fetch: bool = True) -> str:
Update the Blender repository using the Github style of fork organization
Returns true if the current local branch has been updated to the upstream state.
Otherwise false is returned.
branch_name = make_utils.git_branch(args.git_command)
if use_fetch:
call((args.git_command, "fetch", "upstream"))
upstream_branch = f"upstream/{branch_name}"
if not make_utils.git_branch_exists(args.git_command, upstream_branch):
return "no_branch"
retcode = call((args.git_command, "merge", "--ff-only", upstream_branch), exit_on_error=False)
if retcode != 0:
return "Unable to fast forward\n"
return ""
def work_tree_update(args: argparse.Namespace, use_fetch: bool = True) -> str:
Update the Git working tree using the best strategy
This function detects whether it is a github style of fork remote organization is used, or
is it a repository which origin is an upstream.
if use_upstream_workflow(args):
message = work_tree_update_upstream_workflow(args, use_fetch)
if message != "no_branch":
return message
# If there is upstream configured but the local branch is not in the upstream, try to
# update the branch from the fork.
update_command = [args.git_command, "pull", "--rebase"]
return ""
# Update blender repository.
def blender_update(args: argparse.Namespace) -> str:
print_stage("Updating Blender Git Repository")
return work_tree_update(args)
def resolve_external_url(blender_url: str, repo_name: str) -> str:
return urljoin(blender_url + "/", "../" + repo_name)
def external_script_copy_old_submodule_over(
args: argparse.Namespace,
directory: Path,
old_submodules_dir: Path,
) -> None:
blender_git_root = get_blender_git_root()
external_dir = blender_git_root / directory
print(f"Moving {old_submodules_dir} to {directory} ...")
shutil.move(blender_git_root / old_submodules_dir, external_dir)
# Remove old ".git" which is a file with path to a submodule bare repo inside of main
# repo .git/modules directory.
(external_dir / ".git").unlink()
bare_repo_relative_dir = Path(".git") / "modules" / old_submodules_dir
print(f"Copying {bare_repo_relative_dir} to {directory}/.git ...")
bare_repo_dir = blender_git_root / bare_repo_relative_dir
shutil.copytree(bare_repo_dir, external_dir / ".git")
git_config = external_dir / ".git" / "config"
call((args.git_command, "config", "--file", str(git_config), "--unset", "core.worktree"))
def floating_checkout_initialize_if_needed(
args: argparse.Namespace,
repo_name: str,
directory: Path,
old_submodules_dir: Optional[Path] = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize checkout of an external repository"""
blender_git_root = get_blender_git_root()
blender_dot_git = blender_git_root / ".git"
external_dir = blender_git_root / directory
if external_dir.exists():
print(f"Initializing {directory} ...")
if old_submodules_dir is not None:
old_submodule_dot_git = blender_git_root / old_submodules_dir / ".git"
if old_submodule_dot_git.exists() and blender_dot_git.is_dir():
external_script_copy_old_submodule_over(args, directory, old_submodules_dir)
origin_name = "upstream" if use_upstream_workflow(args) else "origin"
blender_url = make_utils.git_get_remote_url(args.git_command, origin_name)
external_url = resolve_external_url(blender_url, repo_name)
# When running `make update` from a freshly cloned fork check whether the fork of the submodule is
# available, If not, switch to the submodule relative to the main blender repository.
if origin_name == "origin" and not make_utils.git_is_remote_repository(args.git_command, external_url):
external_url = resolve_external_url("", repo_name)
call((args.git_command, "clone", "--origin", origin_name, external_url, str(external_dir)))
def floating_checkout_add_origin_if_needed(
args: argparse.Namespace,
repo_name: str,
directory: Path,
) -> None:
Add remote called 'origin' if there is a fork of the external repository available
This is only done when using Github style upstream workflow in the main repository.
if not use_upstream_workflow(args):
cwd = os.getcwd()
blender_git_root = get_blender_git_root()
external_dir = blender_git_root / directory
origin_blender_url = make_utils.git_get_remote_url(args.git_command, "origin")
origin_external_url = resolve_external_url(origin_blender_url, repo_name)
if (make_utils.git_remote_exist(args.git_command, "origin") or
not make_utils.git_remote_exist(args.git_command, "upstream")):
if not make_utils.git_is_remote_repository(args.git_command, origin_external_url):
print(f"Adding origin remote to {directory} pointing to fork ...")
# Non-obvious tricks to introduce the new remote called "origin" to the existing
# submodule configuration.
# This is all within the content of creating a fork of a submodule after `make update`
# has been run and possibly local branches tracking upstream were added.
# The idea here goes as following:
# - Rename remote "upstream" to "origin", which takes care of changing the names of
# remotes the local branches are tracking.
# - Change the URL to the "origin", which was still pointing to upstream.
# - Re-introduce the "upstream" remote, with the same URL as it had prior to rename.
upstream_url = make_utils.git_get_remote_url(args.git_command, "upstream")
call((args.git_command, "remote", "rename", "upstream", "origin"))
make_utils.git_set_config(args.git_command, "remote.origin.url", origin_external_url)
call((args.git_command, "remote", "add", "upstream", upstream_url))
def floating_checkout_update(
args: argparse.Namespace,
repo_name: str,
directory: Path,
branch: Optional[str],
old_submodules_dir: Optional[Path] = None,
only_update: bool = False,
) -> str:
"""Update a single external checkout with the given name in the scripts folder"""
blender_git_root = get_blender_git_root()
external_dir = blender_git_root / directory
if only_update and not external_dir.exists():
return ""
floating_checkout_initialize_if_needed(args, repo_name, directory, old_submodules_dir)
floating_checkout_add_origin_if_needed(args, repo_name, directory)
blender_git_root = get_blender_git_root()
external_dir = blender_git_root / directory
print(f"* Updating {directory} ...")
cwd = os.getcwd()
# Update externals to appropriate given branch, falling back to main if none is given and/or
# found in a sub-repository.
branch_fallback = "main"
if not branch:
branch = branch_fallback
skip_msg = ""
msg = git_update_skip(args, check_remote_exists=False)
if msg:
skip_msg += str(directory) + " skipped: " + msg + "\n"
# Find a matching branch that exists.
for remote in ("origin", "upstream"):
if make_utils.git_remote_exist(args.git_command, remote):
call([args.git_command, "fetch", remote])
submodule_branch = branch
if make_utils.git_branch_exists(args.git_command, submodule_branch):
elif make_utils.git_branch_exists(args.git_command, branch_fallback):
submodule_branch = branch_fallback
# Skip.
submodule_branch = ""
# Switch to branch and pull.
if submodule_branch:
if make_utils.git_branch(args.git_command) != submodule_branch:
# If the local branch exists just check out to it.
# If there is no local branch but only remote specify an explicit remote.
# Without this explicit specification Git attempts to set-up tracking
# automatically and fails when the branch is available in multiple remotes.
if make_utils.git_local_branch_exists(args.git_command, submodule_branch):
call([args.git_command, "checkout", submodule_branch])
if make_utils.git_remote_branch_exists(args.git_command, "origin", submodule_branch):
call([args.git_command, "checkout", "-t", f"origin/{submodule_branch}"])
elif make_utils.git_remote_exist(args.git_command, "upstream"):
# For the Github style of upstream workflow create a local branch from
# the upstream, but do not track it, so that we stick to the paradigm
# that no local branches are tracking upstream, preventing possible
# accidental commit to upstream.
call([args.git_command, "checkout", "-b", submodule_branch,
f"upstream/{submodule_branch}", "--no-track"])
# Don't use extra fetch since all remotes of interest have been already fetched
# some lines above.
skip_msg += work_tree_update(args, use_fetch=False)
return skip_msg
def external_scripts_update(
args: argparse.Namespace,
repo_name: str,
directory_name: str,
branch: Optional[str],
) -> str:
return floating_checkout_update(
Path("scripts") / directory_name,
old_submodules_dir=Path("release") / "scripts" / directory_name,
def floating_libraries_update(args: argparse.Namespace, branch: Optional[str]) -> str:
"""Update libraries checkouts which are floating (not attached as Git submodules)"""
msg = ""
msg += floating_checkout_update(
Path("tests") / "benchmarks",
return msg
def add_submodule_push_url(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
Add pushURL configuration for all locally activated submodules, pointing to SSH protocol.
blender_git_root = get_blender_git_root()
modules = blender_git_root / ".git" / "modules"
submodule_directories = get_submodule_directories(args)
for submodule_path in submodule_directories:
module_path = modules / submodule_path
config = module_path / "config"
if not config.exists():
# Ignore modules which are not initialized
push_url = check_output((args.git_command, "config", "--file", str(config),
"--get", "remote.origin.pushURL"), exit_on_error=False)
if push_url and push_url != "":
# Ignore modules which have pushURL configured.
# Keep special exception, as some debug code sneaked into the production for a short
# while.
url = make_utils.git_get_config(args.git_command, "remote.origin.url", str(config))
if not url.startswith("https:"):
# Ignore non-URL URLs.
url_parts = urlsplit(url)
push_url = f"git@{url_parts.netloc}:{url_parts.path[1:]}"
print(f"Setting pushURL to {push_url} for {submodule_path}")
make_utils.git_set_config(args.git_command, "remote.origin.pushURL", push_url, str(config))
def submodules_lib_update(args: argparse.Namespace, branch: Optional[str]) -> str:
print_stage("Updating Libraries")
msg = ""
msg += floating_libraries_update(args, branch)
submodule_directories = get_submodule_directories(args)
for submodule_path in submodule_directories:
if not make_utils.is_git_submodule_enabled(args.git_command, submodule_path):
print(f"* Skipping {submodule_path}")
print(f"* Updating {submodule_path} ...")
if not make_utils.git_update_submodule(args.git_command, submodule_path):
msg += f"Error updating Git submodule {submodule_path}\n"
return msg
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parse_arguments()
blender_skip_msg = ""
libraries_skip_msg = ""
submodules_skip_msg = ""
blender_version = make_utils. parse_blender_version()
if blender_version.cycle != 'alpha':
major = blender_version.version // 100
minor = blender_version.version % 100
branch = f"blender-v{major}.{minor}-release"
branch = 'main'
# Submodules and precompiled libraries require Git LFS.
if not args.no_blender:
blender_skip_msg = git_update_skip(args)
if not blender_skip_msg:
blender_skip_msg = blender_update(args)
if blender_skip_msg:
blender_skip_msg = "Blender repository skipped: " + blender_skip_msg + "\n"
if not args.no_libraries:
libraries_skip_msg += initialize_precompiled_libraries(args)
if args.use_tests:
libraries_skip_msg += initialize_tests_data_files(args)
libraries_skip_msg += submodules_lib_update(args, branch)
# Report any skipped repositories at the end, so it's not as easy to miss.
skip_msg = blender_skip_msg + libraries_skip_msg + submodules_skip_msg
if skip_msg:
print_stage("Update finished with the following messages")
# For failed submodule update we throw an error, since not having correct
# submodules can make Blender throw errors.
# For Blender itself we don't and consider "make update" to be a command
# you can use while working on uncommitted code.
if submodules_skip_msg: