Sergey Sharybin 03806d0b67 Re-design of submodules used in blender.git
This commit implements described in the #104573.

The goal is to fix the confusion of the submodule hashes change, which are not
ideal for any of the supported git-module configuration (they are either always
visible causing confusion, or silently staged and committed, also causing

This commit replaces submodules with a checkout of addons and addons_contrib,
covered by the .gitignore, and locale and developer tools are moved to the
main repository.

This also changes the paths:
- /release/scripts are moved to the /scripts
- /source/tools are moved to the /tools
- /release/datafiles/locale is moved to /locale

This is done to avoid conflicts when using bisect, and also allow buildbot to
automatically "recover" wgen building older or newer branches/patches.

Running `make update` will initialize the local checkout to the changed
repository configuration.

Another aspect of the change is that the make update will support Github style
of remote organization (origin remote pointing to thy fork, upstream remote
pointing to the upstream blender/blender.git).

Pull Request #104755
2023-02-21 16:39:58 +01:00

1226 lines
44 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import bpy
from bpy.types import (
from import pgettext_tip as tip_
from import pgettext_iface as iface_
__all__ = (
# Support reloading icons.
if "_icon_cache" in locals():
release =
for icon_value in set(_icon_cache.values()):
if icon_value != 0:
del release
# (filename -> icon_value) map
_icon_cache = {}
def _keymap_fn_from_seq(keymap_data):
def keymap_fn(km):
if keymap_fn.keymap_data:
from import keymap_init_from_data
keymap_init_from_data(km, keymap_fn.keymap_data)
keymap_fn.keymap_data = keymap_data
return keymap_fn
def _item_is_fn(item):
return (not (type(item) is ToolDef) and callable(item))
from collections import namedtuple
ToolDef = namedtuple(
# Unique tool name (within space & mode context).
# The name to display in the interface.
# Description (for tool-tip), when not set, use the description of `operator`,
# may be a string or a `function(context, item, key-map) -> string`.
# The name of the icon to use (found in `release/datafiles/icons`) or None for no icon.
# An optional cursor to use when this tool is active.
# The properties to use for the widget.
# An optional gizmo group to activate when the tool is set or None for no gizmo.
# Optional key-map for tool, possible values are:
# - `None` when the tool doesn't have a key-map.
# Also the default value when no key-map value is defined.
# - A string literal for the key-map name, the key-map items are located in the default key-map.
# - `()` an empty tuple for a default name.
# This is convenience functionality for generating a key-map name.
# So if a tool name is "Bone Size", in "Edit Armature" mode for the "3D View",
# All of these values are combined into an id, e.g:
# "3D View Tool: Edit Armature, Bone Envelope"
# Typically searching for a string ending with the tool name
# in the default key-map will lead you to the key-map for a tool.
# - A function that populates a key-maps passed in as an argument.
# - A tuple filled with triple's of:
# `(operator_id, operator_properties, keymap_item_args)`.
# Use this to define the key-map in-line.
# Note that this isn't used for Blender's built in tools which use the built-in key-map.
# Keep this functionality since it's likely useful for add-on key-maps.
# Warning: currently `from_dict` this is a list of one item,
# so internally we can swap the key-map function for the key-map itself.
# This isn't very nice and may change, tool definitions shouldn't care about this.
# Optional data-block associated with this tool.
# (Typically brush name, usage depends on mode, we could use for non-brush ID's in other modes).
# Optional primary operator (for introspection only).
# Optional draw settings (operator options, tool_settings).
# Optional draw cursor.
# Various options, see: `bpy.types.WorkSpaceTool.setup` options argument.
del namedtuple
def from_dict(kw_args):
Use so each tool can avoid defining all members of the named tuple.
Also convert the keymap from a tuple into a function
(since keymap is a callback).
kw = {
"description": None,
"icon": None,
"cursor": None,
"options": None,
"widget": None,
"widget_properties": None,
"keymap": None,
"data_block": None,
"operator": None,
"draw_settings": None,
"draw_cursor": None,
keymap = kw["keymap"]
if keymap is None:
elif type(keymap) is tuple:
keymap = [_keymap_fn_from_seq(keymap)]
keymap = [keymap]
kw["keymap"] = keymap
return ToolDef(**kw)
def from_fn(fn):
Use as decorator so we can define functions.
return ToolDef.from_dict(fn())
def with_args(**kw):
def from_fn(fn):
return ToolDef.from_dict(fn(**kw))
return from_fn
from_fn.with_args = with_args
ToolDef.from_dict = from_dict
ToolDef.from_fn = from_fn
del from_dict, from_fn, with_args
class ToolActivePanelHelper:
# Sub-class must define.
# bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
# bl_region_type = 'UI'
bl_label = "Active Tool"
# bl_category = "Tool"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
layout.use_property_decorate = False
tool_key=ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_key_from_context(context, space_type=self.bl_space_type),
class ToolSelectPanelHelper:
Generic Class, can be used for any toolbar.
- keymap_prefix:
The text prefix for each key-map for this spaces tools.
- tools_all():
Generator (context_mode, tools) tuple pairs for all tools defined.
- tools_from_context(context, mode=None):
A generator for all tools available in the current context.
Tool Sequence Structure
Sequences of tools as returned by tools_all() and tools_from_context() are comprised of:
- A `ToolDef` instance (representing a tool that can be activated).
- None (a visual separator in the tool list).
- A tuple of `ToolDef` or None values
(representing a group of tools that can be selected between using a click-drag action).
Note that only a single level of nesting is supported (groups cannot contain sub-groups).
- A callable which takes a single context argument and returns a tuple of values described above.
When the context is None, all potential tools must be returned.
def tools_all(cls):
Return all tools for this toolbar, this must include all available tools ignoring the current context.
The value is must be a sequence of (mode, tool_list) pairs, where mode may be object-mode edit-mode etc.
The mode may be None for tool-bars that don't make use of sub-modes.
raise Exception("Sub-class %r must implement this method!" % cls)
def tools_from_context(cls, context, mode=None):
Return all tools for the current context,
this result is used at run-time and may filter out tools to display.
raise Exception("Sub-class %r must implement this method!" % cls)
def _tool_class_from_space_type(space_type):
return next(
(cls for cls in ToolSelectPanelHelper.__subclasses__()
if cls.bl_space_type == space_type),
def _icon_value_from_icon_handle(icon_name):
import os
if icon_name is not None:
assert type(icon_name) is str
icon_value = _icon_cache.get(icon_name)
if icon_value is None:
dirname = bpy.utils.system_resource('DATAFILES', path="icons")
filename = os.path.join(dirname, icon_name + ".dat")
icon_value =
except Exception as ex:
if not os.path.exists(filename):
print("Missing icons:", filename, ex)
print("Corrupt icon:", filename, ex)
# Use none as a fallback (avoids layout issues).
if icon_name != "none":
icon_value = ToolSelectPanelHelper._icon_value_from_icon_handle("none")
icon_value = 0
_icon_cache[icon_name] = icon_value
return icon_value
return 0
# tool flattening
# usually 'tools' is already expanded into `ToolDef`
# but when registering a tool, this can still be a function
# (_tools_flatten is usually called with cls.tools_from_context(context)
# [that already yields from the function])
# so if item is still a function (e.g._defs_XXX.generate_from_brushes)
# seems like we cannot expand here (have no context yet)
# if we yield None here, this will risk running into duplicate tool bl_idname [in register_tool()]
# but still better than erroring out
def _tools_flatten(tools):
for item_parent in tools:
if item_parent is None:
yield None
for item in item_parent if (type(item_parent) is tuple) else (item_parent,):
if item is None or _item_is_fn(item):
yield None
yield item
def _tools_flatten_with_tool_index(tools):
for item_parent in tools:
if item_parent is None:
yield None, -1
i = 0
for item in item_parent if (type(item_parent) is tuple) else (item_parent,):
if item is None or _item_is_fn(item):
yield None, -1
yield item, i
i += 1
def _tools_flatten_with_dynamic(tools, *, context):
Expands dynamic items, indices aren't aligned with other flatten functions.
The context may be None, use as signal to return all items.
for item_parent in tools:
if item_parent is None:
yield None
for item in item_parent if (type(item_parent) is tuple) else (item_parent,):
if item is None:
yield None
elif _item_is_fn(item):
yield from ToolSelectPanelHelper._tools_flatten_with_dynamic(item(context), context=context)
yield item
def _tool_get_active(cls, context, space_type, mode, with_icon=False):
Return the active Python tool definition and icon name.
tool_active = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_active_from_context(context, space_type, mode)
tool_active_id = getattr(tool_active, "idname", None)
for item in ToolSelectPanelHelper._tools_flatten(cls.tools_from_context(context, mode)):
if item is not None:
if item.idname == tool_active_id:
if with_icon:
icon_value = ToolSelectPanelHelper._icon_value_from_icon_handle(item.icon)
icon_value = 0
return (item, tool_active, icon_value)
return None, None, 0
def _tool_get_by_id(cls, context, idname):
Return the active Python tool definition and index (if in sub-group, else -1).
for item, index in ToolSelectPanelHelper._tools_flatten_with_tool_index(cls.tools_from_context(context)):
if item is not None:
if item.idname == idname:
return (item, index)
return None, -1
def _tool_get_by_id_active(cls, context, idname):
Return the active Python tool definition and index (if in sub-group, else -1).
for item in cls.tools_from_context(context):
if item is not None:
if type(item) is tuple:
if item[0].idname == idname:
index = cls._tool_group_active_get_from_item(item)
return (item[index], index)
if item.idname == idname:
return (item, -1)
return None, -1
def _tool_get_by_id_active_with_group(cls, context, idname):
Return the active Python tool definition and index (if in sub-group, else -1).
for item in cls.tools_from_context(context):
if item is not None:
if type(item) is tuple:
if item[0].idname == idname:
index = cls._tool_group_active_get_from_item(item)
return (item[index], index, item)
if item.idname == idname:
return (item, -1, None)
return None, -1, None
def _tool_get_group_by_id(cls, context, idname, *, coerce=False):
Return the group which contains idname, or None.
for item in cls.tools_from_context(context):
if item is not None:
if type(item) is tuple:
for subitem in item:
if subitem.idname == idname:
return item
if item.idname == idname:
if coerce:
return (item,)
return None
return None
def _tool_get_by_flat_index(cls, context, tool_index):
Return the active Python tool definition and index (if in sub-group, else -1).
Return the index of the expanded list.
i = 0
for item, index in ToolSelectPanelHelper._tools_flatten_with_tool_index(cls.tools_from_context(context)):
if item is not None:
if i == tool_index:
return (item, index)
i += 1
return None, -1
def _tool_get_active_by_index(cls, context, tool_index):
Return the active Python tool definition and index (if in sub-group, else -1).
Return the index of the list without expanding.
i = 0
for item in cls.tools_from_context(context):
if item is not None:
if i == tool_index:
if type(item) is tuple:
index = cls._tool_group_active_get_from_item(item)
item = item[index]
index = -1
return (item, index)
i += 1
return None, -1
def _tool_group_active_get_from_item(cls, item):
index = cls._tool_group_active.get(item[0].idname, 0)
# Can happen in the case a group is dynamic.
# NOTE(Campbell): that in this case it's possible the order could change too,
# So if we want to support this properly we will need to switch away from using
# an index and instead use an ID.
# Currently this is such a rare case occurrence that a range check is OK for now.
if index >= len(item):
index = 0
return index
def _tool_group_active_set_by_id(cls, context, idname_group, idname):
item_group = cls._tool_get_group_by_id(context, idname_group, coerce=True)
if item_group:
for i, item in enumerate(item_group):
if item and item.idname == idname:
cls._tool_group_active[item_group[0].idname] = i
return True
return False
def _tool_active_from_context(context, space_type, mode=None, create=False):
if space_type in {'VIEW_3D', 'PROPERTIES'}:
if mode is None:
mode = context.mode
tool =, create=create)
if tool is not None:
return tool
elif space_type == 'IMAGE_EDITOR':
space_data = context.space_data
if mode is None:
if space_data is None:
mode = 'VIEW'
mode = space_data.mode
tool =, create=create)
if tool is not None:
return tool
elif space_type == 'NODE_EDITOR':
space_data = context.space_data
tool =
if tool is not None:
return tool
elif space_type == 'SEQUENCE_EDITOR':
space_data = context.space_data
if mode is None:
mode = space_data.view_type
tool =, create=create)
if tool is not None:
return tool
return None
def _tool_identifier_from_button(context):
def _km_action_simple(cls, kc_default, kc, context_descr, label, keymap_fn):
km_idname = "%s %s, %s" % (cls.keymap_prefix, context_descr, label)
km = kc.keymaps.get(km_idname)
km_kwargs = dict(space_type=cls.bl_space_type, region_type='WINDOW', tool=True)
if km is None:
km =, **km_kwargs)
keymap_fn[0] =
# Ensure we have a default key map, so the add-ons keymap is properly overlayed.
if kc_default is not kc:, **km_kwargs)
def register(cls):
wm = bpy.context.window_manager
# Write into defaults, users may modify in preferences.
kc_default = wm.keyconfigs.default
# Track which tool-group was last used for non-active groups.
# Blender stores the active tool-group index.
# {tool_name_first: index_in_group, ...}
cls._tool_group_active = {}
# ignore in background mode
if kc_default is None:
for context_mode, tools in cls.tools_all():
if context_mode is None:
context_descr = "All"
context_descr = context_mode.replace("_", " ").title()
for item in cls._tools_flatten_with_dynamic(tools, context=None):
if item is None:
keymap_data = item.keymap
if keymap_data is None:
if callable(keymap_data[0]):
cls._km_action_simple(kc_default, kc_default, context_descr, item.label, keymap_data)
def keymap_ui_hierarchy(cls, context_mode):
# See: bpy_extras.keyconfig_utils
# Keymaps may be shared, don't show them twice.
visited = set()
for context_mode_test, tools in cls.tools_all():
if context_mode_test == context_mode:
for item in cls._tools_flatten(tools):
if item is None:
keymap_data = item.keymap
if keymap_data is None:
km_name = keymap_data[0]
# print((, cls.bl_space_type, 'WINDOW', []))
if km_name in visited:
yield (km_name, cls.bl_space_type, 'WINDOW', [])
# Callable types don't use fall-backs.
if isinstance(km_name, str):
yield (km_name + " (fallback)", cls.bl_space_type, 'WINDOW', [])
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Layout Generators
# Meaning of received values:
# - Bool: True for a separator, otherwise False for regular tools.
# - None: Signal to finish (complete any final operations, e.g. add padding).
def _layout_generator_single_column(layout, scale_y):
col = layout.column(align=True)
col.scale_y = scale_y
is_sep = False
while True:
if is_sep is True:
col = layout.column(align=True)
col.scale_y = scale_y
elif is_sep is None:
yield None
is_sep = yield col
def _layout_generator_multi_columns(layout, column_count, scale_y):
scale_x = scale_y * 1.1
column_last = column_count - 1
col = layout.column(align=True)
row = col.row(align=True)
row.scale_x = scale_x
row.scale_y = scale_y
is_sep = False
column_index = 0
while True:
if is_sep is True:
if column_index != column_last:
col = layout.column(align=True)
row = col.row(align=True)
row.scale_x = scale_x
row.scale_y = scale_y
column_index = 0
is_sep = yield row
if is_sep is None:
if column_index == column_last:
yield None
if column_index == column_count:
column_index = 0
row = col.row(align=True)
row.scale_x = scale_x
row.scale_y = scale_y
column_index += 1
def _layout_generator_detect_from_region(layout, region, scale_y):
Choose an appropriate layout for the toolbar.
# Currently this just checks the width,
# we could have different layouts as preferences too.
system = bpy.context.preferences.system
view2d = region.view2d
view2d_scale = (
view2d.region_to_view(1.0, 0.0)[0] -
view2d.region_to_view(0.0, 0.0)[0]
width_scale = region.width * view2d_scale / system.ui_scale
if width_scale > 120.0:
show_text = True
column_count = 1
show_text = False
# 2 column layout, disabled
if width_scale > 80.0:
column_count = 2
column_count = 1
if column_count == 1:
ui_gen = ToolSelectPanelHelper._layout_generator_single_column(
layout, scale_y=scale_y,
ui_gen = ToolSelectPanelHelper._layout_generator_multi_columns(
layout, column_count=column_count, scale_y=scale_y,
return ui_gen, show_text
def draw_cls(cls, layout, context, detect_layout=True, scale_y=1.75):
# Use a classmethod so it can be called outside of a panel context.
# XXX, this UI isn't very nice.
# We might need to create new button types for this.
# Since we probably want:
# - tool-tips that include multiple key shortcuts.
# - ability to click and hold to expose sub-tools.
space_type = context.space_data.type
tool_active_id = getattr(
ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_active_from_context(context, space_type),
"idname", None,
if detect_layout:
ui_gen, show_text = cls._layout_generator_detect_from_region(layout, context.region, scale_y)
ui_gen = ToolSelectPanelHelper._layout_generator_single_column(layout, scale_y)
show_text = True
# Start iteration
for item in cls.tools_from_context(context):
if item is None:
if type(item) is tuple:
is_active = False
i = 0
for i, sub_item in enumerate(item):
if sub_item is None:
is_active = (sub_item.idname == tool_active_id)
if is_active:
index = i
del i, sub_item
if is_active:
# not ideal, write this every time :S
cls._tool_group_active[item[0].idname] = index
index = cls._tool_group_active_get_from_item(item)
item = item[index]
use_menu = True
index = -1
use_menu = False
is_active = (item.idname == tool_active_id)
icon_value = ToolSelectPanelHelper._icon_value_from_icon_handle(item.icon)
sub = ui_gen.send(False)
if use_menu:
text=item.label if show_text else "",
).name = item.idname
text=item.label if show_text else "",
).name = item.idname
# Signal to finish any remaining layout edits.
def draw(self, context):
self.draw_cls(self.layout, context)
def _tool_key_from_context(context, *, space_type=None):
if space_type is None:
space_data = context.space_data
space_type = space_data.type
space_data = None
if space_type == 'VIEW_3D':
return space_type, context.mode
elif space_type == 'IMAGE_EDITOR':
if space_data is None:
space_data = context.space_data
return space_type, space_data.mode
elif space_type == 'NODE_EDITOR':
return space_type, None
elif space_type == 'SEQUENCE_EDITOR':
return space_type, context.space_data.view_type
return None, None
def tool_active_from_context(context):
space_type = context.space_data.type
return ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_active_from_context(context, space_type)
def draw_active_tool_fallback(
context, layout, tool,
idname_fallback = tool.idname_fallback
space_type = tool.space_type
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
item_fallback, _index = cls._tool_get_by_id(context, idname_fallback)
if item_fallback is not None:
draw_settings = item_fallback.draw_settings
if draw_settings is not None:
if not is_horizontal_layout:
draw_settings(context, layout, tool)
def draw_active_tool_header(
context, layout,
if tool_key is None:
space_type, mode = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_key_from_context(context)
space_type, mode = tool_key
if space_type is None:
return None
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
item, tool, icon_value = cls._tool_get_active(context, space_type, mode, with_icon=True)
if item is None:
return None
# NOTE: we could show `item.text` here but it makes the layout jitter when switching tools.
# Add some spacing since the icon is currently assuming regular small icon size.
if show_tool_icon_always:
layout.label(text=" " + iface_(item.label, "Operator"), icon_value=icon_value)
if context.space_data.show_region_toolbar:
layout.template_icon(icon_value=0, scale=0.5)
layout.template_icon(icon_value=icon_value, scale=0.5)
draw_settings = item.draw_settings
if draw_settings is not None:
draw_settings(context, layout, tool)
idname_fallback = tool.idname_fallback
if idname_fallback and idname_fallback != item.idname:
tool_settings = context.tool_settings
# Show popover which looks like an enum but isn't one.
if tool_settings.workspace_tool_type == 'FALLBACK':
tool_fallback_id = cls.tool_fallback_id
item, _select_index = cls._tool_get_by_id_active(context, tool_fallback_id)
label = item.label
label = "Active Tool"
split = layout.split(factor=0.33)
row = split.row()
row.alignment = 'RIGHT'
row = split.row()
row.context_pointer_set("tool", tool)
row.popover(panel="TOPBAR_PT_tool_fallback", text=iface_(label, "Operator"))
return tool
# Show a list of tools in the popover.
def draw_fallback_tool_items(layout, context):
space_type = context.space_data.type
if space_type == 'PROPERTIES':
space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
tool_fallback_id = cls.tool_fallback_id
_item, _select_index, item_group = cls._tool_get_by_id_active_with_group(context, tool_fallback_id)
if item_group is None:
# Could print comprehensive message - listing available items.
raise Exception("Fallback tool doesn't exist")
col = layout.column(align=True)
tool_settings = context.tool_settings
text="Active Tool",
is_active_tool = (tool_settings.workspace_tool_type == 'DEFAULT')
col = layout.column(align=True)
if is_active_tool:
index_current = -1
index_current = cls._tool_group_active_get_from_item(item_group)
for i, sub_item in enumerate(item_group):
is_active = (i == index_current)
props = col.operator(
) = sub_item.idname
props.as_fallback = True
props.space_type = space_type
def draw_fallback_tool_items_for_pie_menu(layout, context):
space_type = context.space_data.type
if space_type == 'PROPERTIES':
space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
tool_fallback_id = cls.tool_fallback_id
_item, _select_index, item_group = cls._tool_get_by_id_active_with_group(context, tool_fallback_id)
if item_group is None:
# Could print comprehensive message - listing available items.
raise Exception("Fallback tool doesn't exist")
# Allow changing the active tool,
# even though this isn't the purpose of the pie menu
# it's confusing from a user perspective if we don't allow it.
is_fallback_group_active = getattr(
ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_active_from_context(context, space_type),
"idname", None,
) in (item.idname for item in item_group)
pie = layout.menu_pie()
tool_settings = context.tool_settings
text="Active Tool",
# Could use a less generic icon.
is_active_tool = (tool_settings.workspace_tool_type == 'DEFAULT')
if is_active_tool:
index_current = -1
index_current = cls._tool_group_active_get_from_item(item_group)
for i, sub_item in enumerate(item_group):
is_active = (i == index_current)
props = pie.operator(
) = sub_item.idname
props.space_type = space_type
if not is_fallback_group_active:
props.as_fallback = True
# The purpose of this menu is to be a generic popup to select between tools
# in cases when a single tool allows to select alternative tools.
class WM_MT_toolsystem_submenu(Menu):
bl_label = ""
def _tool_group_from_button(context):
# Lookup the tool definitions based on the space-type.
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(context.space_data.type)
if cls is not None:
button_identifier = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_identifier_from_button(context)
for item_group in cls.tools_from_context(context):
if type(item_group) is tuple:
for sub_item in item_group:
if (sub_item is not None) and (sub_item.idname == button_identifier):
return cls, item_group
return None, None
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.scale_y = 2.0
_cls, item_group = self._tool_group_from_button(context)
if item_group is None:
# Should never happen, just in case
layout.label(text="Unable to find toolbar group")
for item in item_group:
if item is None:
icon_value = ToolSelectPanelHelper._icon_value_from_icon_handle(item.icon)
).name = item.idname
def _activate_by_item(context, space_type, item, index, *, as_fallback=False):
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
tool = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_active_from_context(context, space_type, create=True)
tool_fallback_id = cls.tool_fallback_id
if as_fallback:
# To avoid complicating logic too much, isolate all fallback logic to this block.
# This will set the tool again, using the item for the fallback instead of the primary tool.
# If this ends up needing to be more complicated,
# it would be better to split it into a separate function.
_item, _select_index, item_group = cls._tool_get_by_id_active_with_group(context, tool_fallback_id)
if item_group is None:
# Could print comprehensive message - listing available items.
raise Exception("Fallback tool doesn't exist")
index_new = -1
for i, sub_item in enumerate(item_group):
if sub_item.idname == item.idname:
index_new = i
if index_new == -1:
raise Exception("Fallback tool not found in group")
cls._tool_group_active[tool_fallback_id] = index_new
# Done, now get the current tool to replace the item & index.
tool_active = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_active_from_context(context, space_type)
item, index = cls._tool_get_by_id(context, getattr(tool_active, "idname", None))
# Ensure the active fallback tool is read from saved state (even if the fallback tool is not in use).
stored_idname_fallback = tool.idname_fallback
if stored_idname_fallback:
cls._tool_group_active_set_by_id(context, tool_fallback_id, stored_idname_fallback)
del stored_idname_fallback
# Find fallback keymap.
item_fallback = None
_item, select_index = cls._tool_get_by_id(context, tool_fallback_id)
if select_index != -1:
item_fallback, _index = cls._tool_get_active_by_index(context, select_index)
# End calculating fallback.
gizmo_group = item.widget or ""
idname_fallback = (item_fallback and item_fallback.idname) or ""
keymap_fallback = (item_fallback and item_fallback.keymap and item_fallback.keymap[0]) or ""
if keymap_fallback:
keymap_fallback = keymap_fallback + " (fallback)"
keymap=item.keymap[0] if item.keymap is not None else "",
cursor=item.cursor or 'DEFAULT',
options=item.options or set(),
data_block=item.data_block or "",
operator=item.operator or "",
if (
(gizmo_group != "") and
(props := tool.gizmo_group_properties(gizmo_group))
if props is None:
print("Error:", gizmo_group, "could not access properties!")
gizmo_properties = item.widget_properties
if gizmo_properties is not None:
if not isinstance(gizmo_properties, list):
raise Exception("expected a list, not a %r" % type(gizmo_properties))
from import _init_properties_from_data
_init_properties_from_data(props, gizmo_properties)
WindowManager = bpy.types.WindowManager
handle_map = _activate_by_item._cursor_draw_handle
handle = handle_map.pop(space_type, None)
if handle is not None:
if item.draw_cursor is not None:
def handle_fn(context, item, tool, xy):
item.draw_cursor(context, tool, xy)
handle = WindowManager.draw_cursor_add(handle_fn, (context, item, tool), space_type, 'WINDOW')
handle_map[space_type] = handle
_activate_by_item._cursor_draw_handle = {}
def activate_by_id(context, space_type, idname, *, as_fallback=False):
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
if cls is None:
return False
item, index = cls._tool_get_by_id(context, idname)
if item is None:
return False
_activate_by_item(context, space_type, item, index, as_fallback=as_fallback)
return True
def activate_by_id_or_cycle(context, space_type, idname, *, offset=1, as_fallback=False):
# Only cycle when the active tool is activated again.
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
item, _index = cls._tool_get_by_id(context, idname)
if item is None:
return False
tool_active = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_active_from_context(context, space_type)
id_active = getattr(tool_active, "idname", None)
id_current = ""
for item_group in cls.tools_from_context(context):
if type(item_group) is tuple:
index_current = cls._tool_group_active_get_from_item(item_group)
for sub_item in item_group:
if sub_item.idname == idname:
id_current = item_group[index_current].idname
if id_current:
if id_current == "":
return activate_by_id(context, space_type, idname)
if id_active != id_current:
return activate_by_id(context, space_type, id_current)
index_found = (tool_active.index + offset) % len(item_group)
cls._tool_group_active[item_group[0].idname] = index_found
item_found = item_group[index_found]
_activate_by_item(context, space_type, item_found, index_found)
return True
def description_from_id(context, space_type, idname, *, use_operator=True):
# Used directly for tooltips.
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
item, _index = cls._tool_get_by_id(context, idname)
if item is None:
return False
# Custom description.
description = item.description
if description is not None:
if callable(description):
km = _keymap_from_item(context, item)
return description(context, item, km)
return tip_(description)
# Extract from the operator.
if use_operator:
operator = item.operator
if operator is None:
if item.keymap is not None:
km = _keymap_from_item(context, item)
if km is not None:
for kmi in km.keymap_items:
operator = kmi.idname
if operator is not None:
import _bpy
return tip_(_bpy.ops.get_rna_type(operator).description)
return ""
def item_from_id(context, space_type, idname):
# Used directly for tooltips.
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
if cls is None:
return None
item, _index = cls._tool_get_by_id(context, idname)
return item
def item_from_id_active(context, space_type, idname):
# Used directly for tooltips.
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
if cls is None:
return None
item, _index = cls._tool_get_by_id_active(context, idname)
return item
def item_from_id_active_with_group(context, space_type, idname):
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
if cls is None:
return None
cls, item, _index = cls._tool_get_by_id_active_with_group(context, idname)
return item
def item_group_from_id(context, space_type, idname, *, coerce=False):
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
if cls is None:
return None
return cls._tool_get_group_by_id(context, idname, coerce=coerce)
def item_from_flat_index(context, space_type, index):
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
if cls is None:
return None
item, _index = cls._tool_get_by_flat_index(context, index)
return item
def item_from_index_active(context, space_type, index):
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
if cls is None:
return None
item, _index = cls._tool_get_active_by_index(context, index)
return item
def keymap_from_id(context, space_type, idname):
# Used directly for tooltips.
cls = ToolSelectPanelHelper._tool_class_from_space_type(space_type)
if cls is None:
return None
item, _index = cls._tool_get_by_id(context, idname)
if item is None:
return False
keymap = item.keymap
# List container of one.
if keymap:
return keymap[0]
return ""
def _keymap_from_item(context, item):
if item.keymap is not None:
wm = context.window_manager
keyconf =
return keyconf.keymaps.get(item.keymap[0])
return None
classes = (
if __name__ == "__main__": # only for live edit.
from bpy.utils import register_class
for cls in classes: