Sergey Sharybin 03806d0b67 Re-design of submodules used in blender.git
This commit implements described in the #104573.

The goal is to fix the confusion of the submodule hashes change, which are not
ideal for any of the supported git-module configuration (they are either always
visible causing confusion, or silently staged and committed, also causing

This commit replaces submodules with a checkout of addons and addons_contrib,
covered by the .gitignore, and locale and developer tools are moved to the
main repository.

This also changes the paths:
- /release/scripts are moved to the /scripts
- /source/tools are moved to the /tools
- /release/datafiles/locale is moved to /locale

This is done to avoid conflicts when using bisect, and also allow buildbot to
automatically "recover" wgen building older or newer branches/patches.

Running `make update` will initialize the local checkout to the changed
repository configuration.

Another aspect of the change is that the make update will support Github style
of remote organization (origin remote pointing to thy fork, upstream remote
pointing to the upstream blender/blender.git).

Pull Request #104755
2023-02-21 16:39:58 +01:00

165 lines
4.8 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import bpy
class NodeCategory:
def poll(cls, _context):
return True
def __init__(self, identifier, name, *, description="", items=None):
self.identifier = identifier = name
self.description = description
if items is None:
self.items = lambda context: []
elif callable(items):
self.items = items
def items_gen(context):
for item in items:
if item.poll is None or context is None or item.poll(context):
yield item
self.items = items_gen
class NodeItem:
def __init__(self, nodetype, *, label=None, settings=None, poll=None):
if settings is None:
settings = {}
self.nodetype = nodetype
self._label = label
self.settings = settings
self.poll = poll
def label(self):
if self._label:
return self._label
# if no custom label is defined, fall back to the node type UI name
bl_rna = bpy.types.Node.bl_rna_get_subclass(self.nodetype)
if bl_rna is not None:
return "Unknown"
def translation_context(self):
if self._label:
# if no custom label is defined, fall back to the node type UI name
bl_rna = bpy.types.Node.bl_rna_get_subclass(self.nodetype)
if bl_rna is not None:
return bl_rna.translation_context
# NOTE: is a staticmethod because called with an explicit self argument
# NodeItemCustom sets this as a variable attribute in __init__
def draw(self, layout, _context):
props = layout.operator("node.add_node", text=self.label, text_ctxt=self.translation_context)
props.type = self.nodetype
props.use_transform = True
for setting in self.settings.items():
ops = props.settings.add() = setting[0]
ops.value = setting[1]
class NodeItemCustom:
def __init__(self, *, poll=None, draw=None):
self.poll = poll
self.draw = draw
_node_categories = {}
def register_node_categories(identifier, cat_list):
if identifier in _node_categories:
raise KeyError("Node categories list '%s' already registered" % identifier)
# works as draw function for menus
def draw_node_item(self, context):
layout = self.layout
col = layout.column(align=True)
for item in self.category.items(context):
item.draw(item, col, context)
menu_types = []
for cat in cat_list:
menu_type = type("NODE_MT_category_" + cat.identifier, (bpy.types.Menu,), {
"bl_space_type": 'NODE_EDITOR',
"category": cat,
"poll": cat.poll,
"draw": draw_node_item,
def draw_add_menu(self, context):
layout = self.layout
for cat in cat_list:
if cat.poll(context):"NODE_MT_category_%s" % cat.identifier)
# stores: (categories list, menu draw function, submenu types)
_node_categories[identifier] = (cat_list, draw_add_menu, menu_types)
def node_categories_iter(context):
for cat_type in _node_categories.values():
for cat in cat_type[0]:
if cat.poll and ((context is None) or cat.poll(context)):
yield cat
def has_node_categories(context):
for cat_type in _node_categories.values():
for cat in cat_type[0]:
if cat.poll and ((context is None) or cat.poll(context)):
return True
return False
def node_items_iter(context):
for cat in node_categories_iter(context):
for item in cat.items(context):
yield item
def unregister_node_cat_types(cats):
for mt in cats[2]:
def unregister_node_categories(identifier=None):
# unregister existing UI classes
if identifier:
cat_types = _node_categories.get(identifier, None)
if cat_types:
del _node_categories[identifier]
for cat_types in _node_categories.values():
def draw_node_categories_menu(self, context):
for cats in _node_categories.values():
cats[1](self, context)