Campbell Barton e955c94ed3 License Headers: Set copyright to "Blender Authors", add AUTHORS
Listing the "Blender Foundation" as copyright holder implied the Blender
Foundation holds copyright to files which may include work from many

While keeping copyright on headers makes sense for isolated libraries,
Blender's own code may be refactored or moved between files in a way
that makes the per file copyright holders less meaningful.

Copyright references to the "Blender Foundation" have been replaced with
"Blender Authors", with the exception of `./extern/` since these this
contains libraries which are more isolated, any changed to license
headers there can be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Some directories in `./intern/` have also been excluded:

- `./intern/cycles/` it's own `AUTHORS` file is planned.
- `./intern/opensubdiv/`.

An "AUTHORS" file has been added, using the chromium projects authors
file as a template.

Design task: #110784

Ref !110783.
2023-08-16 00:20:26 +10:00

172 lines
5.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Blender Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import requests
class ReleaseLogLine:
Class containing the information of a single line of the release log
Instance attributes:
* line: (str) the original line used to create this log line
* issue_id: (int or None) the extracted issue id associated with this log
line. Can be None if the log line isn't associated with a issue.
* commit_id: (str or None) the extracted commit id associated with this log
line. Only filled when no `issue_id` could be found.
* ref: (str) `issue_id` or `commit_id` of this line, including `T` for issues
or `D` for diffs.
* title: (str) title of this log line. When constructed this attribute is
an empty string. The called needs to retrieve the title from the
* url: (str) url of the ticket issue or commit.
def __init__(self, line: str):
self.line = line
items = line.split("|")
self.issue_id = None
self.issue_repo = None
self.commit_id = None
self.commit_repo = None
base_url = ""
issue_tokens = items[1].strip().split("#")
if len(issue_tokens[0]) > 0:
self.issue_repo = issue_tokens[0]
self.issue_id = issue_tokens[1]
self.issue_repo = "blender/blender"
self.issue_id = issue_tokens[1]
self.ref = f"#{self.issue_id}"
self.url = f"{base_url}/{self.issue_repo}/issues/{self.issue_id}"
except IndexError:
# no issue
commit_string = items[3].strip()
commit_string = commit_string.split(",")[0]
commit_string = commit_string.split("]")[0]
commit_string = commit_string.replace("[", "")
commit_tokens = commit_string.split("@")
if len(commit_tokens) > 1:
self.commit_repo = commit_tokens[0]
self.commit_id = commit_tokens[1]
self.commit_repo = "blender/blender"
self.commit_id = commit_tokens[0]
self.ref = f"{self.commit_id}"
self.url = f"{base_url}/{self.commit_repo}/commit/{self.commit_id}"
self.title = ""
def __format_as_html(self) -> str:
return f" <li>{self.title} [<a href=\"{self.url}\">{self.ref}</a>]</li>"
def __format_as_text(self) -> str:
return f"* {self.title} [{self.ref}]"
def __format_as_steam(self) -> str:
return f"* {self.title} ([url={self.url}]{self.ref}[/url])"
def __format_as_wiki(self) -> str:
if self.issue_id:
return f"* {self.title} [{{{{BugReport|{self.issue_id}}}}}]"
return f"* {self.title} [{{{{GitCommit|{self.commit_id[2:]}}}}}]"
def format(self, format: str) -> str:
Format this line
:attr format: the desired format. Possible values are 'text', 'steam' or 'html'
:type string:
if format == 'html':
return self.__format_as_html()
elif format == 'steam':
return self.__format_as_steam()
elif format == 'wiki':
return self.__format_as_wiki()
return self.__format_as_text()
def format_title(title: str) -> str:
title = title.strip()
if not title.endswith("."):
title = title + "."
return title
def extract_release_notes(version: str, issue: str):
Extract all release notes logs
# Process
1. Retrieval of description of the given `issue_id`.
2. Find rows for the given `version` and convert to `ReleaseLogLine`.
3. based on the associated issue or commit retrieves the title of the log
base_url = ""
issues_url = base_url + "/blender/blender/issues/"
headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}
response = requests.get(issues_url + issue[1:], headers=headers)
description = response.json()["body"]
lines = description.split("\n")
start_index = lines.index(f"## Blender {version}")
lines = lines[start_index + 1:]
for line in lines:
if not line.strip():
if line.startswith("| **Report**"):
if line.startswith("## Blender"):
if line.find("| -- |") != -1:
log_line = ReleaseLogLine(line)
if log_line.issue_id:
issue_url = f"{base_url}/{log_line.issue_repo}/issues/{log_line.issue_id}"
response = requests.get(issue_url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError("Issue not found: " + str(log_line.issue_id))
log_line.title = format_title(response.json()["title"])
yield log_line
elif log_line.commit_id:
commit_url = f"{base_url}/{log_line.commit_repo}/git/commits/{log_line.commit_id}"
response = requests.get(commit_url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError("Commit not found: " + log_line.commit_id)
commit_message = response.json()['commit']['message']
commit_title = commit_message.split("\n")[0]
log_line.title = format_title(commit_title)
yield log_line
def print_notes(version: str, format: str, issue: str):
Generate and print the release notes to the console.
if format == 'html':
if format == 'steam':
for log_item in extract_release_notes(version=version, issue=issue):
if format == 'html':
if format == 'steam':