Ton Roosendaal da376e0237 Cycles render engine, initial commit. This is the engine itself, blender modifications and build instructions will follow later.
Cycles uses code from some great open source projects, many thanks them:

* BVH building and traversal code from NVidia's "Understanding the Efficiency of Ray Traversal on GPUs":
* Open Shading Language for a large part of the shading system:
* Blender for procedural textures and a few other nodes.
* Approximate Catmull Clark subdivision from NVidia Mesh tools:
* Sobol direction vectors from:
* Film response functions from:
2011-04-27 11:58:34 +00:00

937 lines
25 KiB

* Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include "camera.h"
#include "film.h"
#include "graph.h"
#include "integrator.h"
#include "light.h"
#include "mesh.h"
#include "nodes.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "shader.h"
#include "scene.h"
#include "subd_mesh.h"
#include "subd_patch.h"
#include "subd_split.h"
#include "util_debug.h"
#include "util_foreach.h"
#include "util_path.h"
#include "util_transform.h"
#include "util_xml.h"
#include "cycles_xml.h"
/* XML reading state */
struct XMLReadState {
Scene *scene; /* scene pointer */
Transform tfm; /* current transform state */
bool smooth; /* smooth normal state */
int shader; /* current shader */
string base; /* base path to current file*/
float dicing_rate; /* current dicing rate */
Mesh::DisplacementMethod displacement_method;
/* Attribute Reading */
static bool xml_read_bool(bool *value, pugi::xml_node node, const char *name)
pugi::xml_attribute attr = node.attribute(name);
if(attr) {
*value = (string_iequals(attr.value(), "true")) || (atoi(attr.value()) != 0);
return true;
return false;
static bool xml_read_int(int *value, pugi::xml_node node, const char *name)
pugi::xml_attribute attr = node.attribute(name);
if(attr) {
*value = atoi(attr.value());
return true;
return false;
static bool xml_read_int_array(vector<int>& value, pugi::xml_node node, const char *name)
pugi::xml_attribute attr = node.attribute(name);
if(attr) {
vector<string> tokens;
string_split(tokens, attr.value());
foreach(const string& token, tokens)
return true;
return false;
static bool xml_read_float(float *value, pugi::xml_node node, const char *name)
pugi::xml_attribute attr = node.attribute(name);
if(attr) {
*value = atof(attr.value());
return true;
return false;
static bool xml_read_float_array(vector<float>& value, pugi::xml_node node, const char *name)
pugi::xml_attribute attr = node.attribute(name);
if(attr) {
vector<string> tokens;
string_split(tokens, attr.value());
foreach(const string& token, tokens)
return true;
return false;
static bool xml_read_float3(float3 *value, pugi::xml_node node, const char *name)
vector<float> array;
if(xml_read_float_array(array, node, name) && array.size() == 3) {
*value = make_float3(array[0], array[1], array[2]);
return true;
return false;
static bool xml_read_float3_array(vector<float3>& value, pugi::xml_node node, const char *name)
vector<float> array;
if(xml_read_float_array(array, node, name)) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < array.size(); i += 3)
value.push_back(make_float3(array[i+0], array[i+1], array[i+2]));
return true;
return false;
static bool xml_read_float4(float4 *value, pugi::xml_node node, const char *name)
vector<float> array;
if(xml_read_float_array(array, node, name) && array.size() == 4) {
*value = make_float4(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3]);
return true;
return false;
static bool xml_read_string(string *str, pugi::xml_node node, const char *name)
pugi::xml_attribute attr = node.attribute(name);
if(attr) {
*str = attr.value();
return true;
return false;
static bool xml_read_ustring(ustring *str, pugi::xml_node node, const char *name)
pugi::xml_attribute attr = node.attribute(name);
if(attr) {
*str = ustring(attr.value());
return true;
return false;
static bool xml_equal_string(pugi::xml_node node, const char *name, const char *value)
pugi::xml_attribute attr = node.attribute(name);
return string_iequals(attr.value(), value);
return false;
static bool xml_read_enum(ustring *str, ShaderEnum& enm, pugi::xml_node node, const char *name)
pugi::xml_attribute attr = node.attribute(name);
if(attr) {
ustring ustr(attr.value());
if(enm.exists(ustr)) {
*str = ustr;
return true;
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown value \"%s\" for attribute \"%s\".\n", ustr.c_str(), name);
return false;
/* Film */
static void xml_read_film(const XMLReadState& state, pugi::xml_node node)
Camera *cam = state.scene->camera;
xml_read_int(&cam->width, node, "width");
xml_read_int(&cam->height, node, "height");
float aspect = (float)cam->width/(float)cam->height;
if(cam->width >= cam->height) {
cam->left = -aspect;
cam->right = aspect;
cam->bottom = -1.0f;
cam->top = 1.0f;
else {
cam->left = -1.0f;
cam->right = 1.0f;
cam->bottom = -1.0f/aspect;
cam->top = 1.0f/aspect;
cam->need_update = true;
/* Integrator */
static void xml_read_integrator(const XMLReadState& state, pugi::xml_node node)
Integrator *integrator = state.scene->integrator;
xml_read_int(&integrator->minbounce, node, "min_bounce");
xml_read_int(&integrator->maxbounce, node, "max_bounce");
xml_read_bool(&integrator->no_caustics, node, "no_caustics");
xml_read_float(&integrator->blur_caustics, node, "blur_caustics");
/* Camera */
static void xml_read_camera(const XMLReadState& state, pugi::xml_node node)
Camera *cam = state.scene->camera;
if(xml_read_float(&cam->fov, node, "fov"))
cam->fov *= M_PI/180.0f;
xml_read_float(&cam->nearclip, node, "nearclip");
xml_read_float(&cam->farclip, node, "farclip");
xml_read_float(&cam->lensradius, node, "lensradius"); // 0.5*focallength/fstop
xml_read_float(&cam->focaldistance, node, "focaldistance");
xml_read_float(&cam->shutteropen, node, "shutteropen");
xml_read_float(&cam->shutterclose, node, "shutterclose");
if(xml_equal_string(node, "type", "orthographic"))
cam->ortho = true;
else if(xml_equal_string(node, "type", "perspective"))
cam->ortho = false;
cam->matrix = state.tfm;
cam->need_update = true;
/* Shader */
static string xml_socket_name(const char *name)
string sname = name;
size_t i;
while((i = sname.find(" ")) != string::npos)
sname.replace(i, 1, "");
return sname;
static void xml_read_shader_graph(const XMLReadState& state, Shader *shader, pugi::xml_node graph_node)
ShaderGraph *graph = new ShaderGraph();
map<string, ShaderNode*> nodemap;
nodemap["output"] = graph->output();
for(pugi::xml_node node = graph_node.first_child(); node; node = node.next_sibling()) {
ShaderNode *snode = NULL;
if(string_iequals(, "image_texture")) {
ImageTextureNode *img = new ImageTextureNode();
xml_read_string(&img->filename, node, "src");
img->filename = path_join(state.base, img->filename);
snode = img;
else if(string_iequals(, "environment_texture")) {
EnvironmentTextureNode *env = new EnvironmentTextureNode();
xml_read_string(&env->filename, node, "src");
env->filename = path_join(state.base, env->filename);
snode = env;
else if(string_iequals(, "sky_texture")) {
SkyTextureNode *sky = new SkyTextureNode();
xml_read_float3(&sky->sun_direction, node, "sun_direction");
xml_read_float(&sky->turbidity, node, "turbidity");
snode = sky;
else if(string_iequals(, "noise_texture")) {
snode = new NoiseTextureNode();
else if(string_iequals(, "blend_texture")) {
BlendTextureNode *blend = new BlendTextureNode();
xml_read_enum(&blend->progression, BlendTextureNode::progression_enum, node, "progression");
xml_read_enum(&blend->axis, BlendTextureNode::axis_enum, node, "axis");
snode = blend;
else if(string_iequals(, "clouds_texture")) {
CloudsTextureNode *clouds = new CloudsTextureNode();
xml_read_bool(&clouds->hard, node, "hard");
xml_read_int(&clouds->depth, node, "depth");
xml_read_enum(&clouds->basis, CloudsTextureNode::basis_enum, node, "basis");
snode = clouds;
else if(string_iequals(, "voronoi_texture")) {
VoronoiTextureNode *voronoi = new VoronoiTextureNode();
xml_read_enum(&voronoi->distance_metric, VoronoiTextureNode::distance_metric_enum, node, "distance_metric");
xml_read_enum(&voronoi->coloring, VoronoiTextureNode::coloring_enum, node, "coloring");
snode = voronoi;
else if(string_iequals(, "musgrave_texture")) {
MusgraveTextureNode *musgrave = new MusgraveTextureNode();
xml_read_enum(&musgrave->type, MusgraveTextureNode::type_enum, node, "type");
xml_read_enum(&musgrave->basis, MusgraveTextureNode::basis_enum, node, "basis");
snode = musgrave;
else if(string_iequals(, "marble_texture")) {
MarbleTextureNode *marble = new MarbleTextureNode();
xml_read_enum(&marble->type, MarbleTextureNode::type_enum, node, "type");
xml_read_enum(&marble->wave, MarbleTextureNode::wave_enum, node, "wave");
xml_read_enum(&marble->basis, MarbleTextureNode::basis_enum, node, "basis");
xml_read_bool(&marble->hard, node, "hard");
xml_read_int(&marble->depth, node, "depth");
snode = marble;
else if(string_iequals(, "magic_texture")) {
MagicTextureNode *magic = new MagicTextureNode();
xml_read_int(&magic->depth, node, "depth");
snode = magic;
else if(string_iequals(, "stucci_texture")) {
StucciTextureNode *stucci = new StucciTextureNode();
xml_read_enum(&stucci->type, StucciTextureNode::type_enum, node, "type");
xml_read_enum(&stucci->basis, StucciTextureNode::basis_enum, node, "basis");
xml_read_bool(&stucci->hard, node, "hard");
snode = stucci;
else if(string_iequals(, "distorted_noise_texture")) {
DistortedNoiseTextureNode *dist = new DistortedNoiseTextureNode();
xml_read_enum(&dist->basis, DistortedNoiseTextureNode::basis_enum, node, "basis");
xml_read_enum(&dist->distortion_basis, DistortedNoiseTextureNode::basis_enum, node, "distortion_basis");
snode = dist;
else if(string_iequals(, "wood_texture")) {
WoodTextureNode *wood = new WoodTextureNode();
xml_read_enum(&wood->type, WoodTextureNode::type_enum, node, "type");
xml_read_enum(&wood->wave, WoodTextureNode::wave_enum, node, "wave");
xml_read_enum(&wood->basis, WoodTextureNode::basis_enum, node, "basis");
xml_read_bool(&wood->hard, node, "hard");
snode = wood;
else if(string_iequals(, "mapping")) {
snode = new MappingNode();
else if(string_iequals(, "ward_bsdf")) {
snode = new WardBsdfNode();
else if(string_iequals(, "diffuse_bsdf")) {
snode = new DiffuseBsdfNode();
else if(string_iequals(, "translucent_bsdf")) {
snode = new TranslucentBsdfNode();
else if(string_iequals(, "transparent_bsdf")) {
snode = new TransparentBsdfNode();
else if(string_iequals(, "velvet_bsdf")) {
snode = new VelvetBsdfNode();
else if(string_iequals(, "glossy_bsdf")) {
GlossyBsdfNode *glossy = new GlossyBsdfNode();
xml_read_enum(&glossy->distribution, GlossyBsdfNode::distribution_enum, node, "distribution");
snode = glossy;
else if(string_iequals(, "glass_bsdf")) {
GlassBsdfNode *diel = new GlassBsdfNode();
xml_read_enum(&diel->distribution, GlassBsdfNode::distribution_enum, node, "distribution");
snode = diel;
else if(string_iequals(, "emission")) {
EmissionNode *emission = new EmissionNode();
xml_read_bool(&emission->total_power, node, "total_power");
snode = emission;
else if(string_iequals(, "background")) {
snode = new BackgroundNode();
else if(string_iequals(, "geometry")) {
snode = new GeometryNode();
else if(string_iequals(, "texture_coordinate")) {
snode = new TextureCoordinateNode();
else if(string_iequals(, "lightPath")) {
snode = new LightPathNode();
else if(string_iequals(, "value")) {
ValueNode *value = new ValueNode();
xml_read_float(&value->value, node, "value");
snode = value;
else if(string_iequals(, "color")) {
ColorNode *color = new ColorNode();
xml_read_float3(&color->value, node, "value");
snode = color;
else if(string_iequals(, "mix_closure")) {
snode = new MixClosureNode();
else if(string_iequals(, "add_closure")) {
snode = new AddClosureNode();
else if(string_iequals(, "mix")) {
MixNode *mix = new MixNode();
xml_read_enum(&mix->type, MixNode::type_enum, node, "type");
snode = mix;
else if(string_iequals(, "attribute")) {
AttributeNode *attr = new AttributeNode();
xml_read_ustring(&attr->attribute, node, "attribute");
snode = attr;
else if(string_iequals(, "fresnel")) {
snode = new FresnelNode();
else if(string_iequals(, "math")) {
MathNode *math = new MathNode();
xml_read_enum(&math->type, MathNode::type_enum, node, "type");
snode = math;
else if(string_iequals(, "vector_math")) {
VectorMathNode *vmath = new VectorMathNode();
xml_read_enum(&vmath->type, VectorMathNode::type_enum, node, "type");
snode = vmath;
else if(string_iequals(, "connect")) {
/* connect nodes */
vector<string> from_tokens, to_tokens;
string_split(from_tokens, node.attribute("from").value());
string_split(to_tokens, node.attribute("to").value());
if(from_tokens.size() == 2 && to_tokens.size() == 2) {
/* find nodes and sockets */
ShaderOutput *output = NULL;
ShaderInput *input = NULL;
if(nodemap.find(from_tokens[0]) != nodemap.end()) {
ShaderNode *fromnode = nodemap[from_tokens[0]];
foreach(ShaderOutput *out, fromnode->outputs)
if(string_iequals(xml_socket_name(out->name), from_tokens[1]))
output = out;
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown output socket name \"%s\" on \"%s\".\n", from_tokens[1].c_str(), from_tokens[0].c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown shader node name \"%s\".\n", from_tokens[0].c_str());
if(nodemap.find(to_tokens[0]) != nodemap.end()) {
ShaderNode *tonode = nodemap[to_tokens[0]];
foreach(ShaderInput *in, tonode->inputs)
if(string_iequals(xml_socket_name(in->name), to_tokens[1]))
input = in;
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown input socket name \"%s\" on \"%s\".\n", to_tokens[1].c_str(), to_tokens[0].c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown shader node name \"%s\".\n", to_tokens[0].c_str());
/* connect */
if(output && input)
graph->connect(output, input);
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid from or to value for connect node.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown shader node \"%s\".\n",;
if(snode) {
/* add to graph */
/* add to map for name lookups */
string name = "";
xml_read_string(&name, node, "name");
nodemap[name] = snode;
/* read input values */
for(pugi::xml_attribute attr = node.first_attribute(); attr; attr = attr.next_attribute()) {
foreach(ShaderInput *in, snode->inputs) {
if(string_iequals(in->name, {
switch(in->type) {
xml_read_float(&in->value.x, node,;
xml_read_float3(&in->value, node,;
static void xml_read_shader(const XMLReadState& state, pugi::xml_node node)
Shader *shader = new Shader();
xml_read_string(&shader->name, node, "name");
xml_read_shader_graph(state, shader, node);
/* Background */
static void xml_read_background(const XMLReadState& state, pugi::xml_node node)
Shader *shader = state.scene->shaders[state.scene->default_background];
xml_read_shader_graph(state, shader, node);
/* Mesh */
static Mesh *xml_add_mesh(Scene *scene, const Transform& tfm)
/* create mesh */
Mesh *mesh = new Mesh();
/* create object*/
Object *object = new Object();
object->mesh = mesh;
object->tfm = tfm;
return mesh;
static void xml_read_mesh(const XMLReadState& state, pugi::xml_node node)
/* add mesh */
Mesh *mesh = xml_add_mesh(state.scene, state.tfm);
/* read state */
int shader = state.shader;
bool smooth = state.smooth;
mesh->displacement_method = state.displacement_method;
/* read vertices and polygons, RIB style */
vector<float3> P;
vector<int> verts, nverts;
xml_read_float3_array(P, node, "P");
xml_read_int_array(verts, node, "verts");
xml_read_int_array(nverts, node, "nverts");
if(xml_equal_string(node, "subdivision", "catmull-clark")) {
/* create subd mesh */
SubdMesh sdmesh;
/* create subd vertices */
for(size_t i = 0; i < P.size(); i++)
/* create subd faces */
int index_offset = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < nverts.size(); i++) {
if(nverts[i] == 4) {
int v0 = verts[index_offset + 0];
int v1 = verts[index_offset + 1];
int v2 = verts[index_offset + 2];
int v3 = verts[index_offset + 3];
sdmesh.add_face(v0, v1, v2, v3);
else {
for(int j = 0; j < nverts[i]-2; j++) {
int v0 = verts[index_offset];
int v1 = verts[index_offset + j + 1];
int v2 = verts[index_offset + j + 2];;
sdmesh.add_face(v0, v1, v2);
index_offset += nverts[i];
/* finalize subd mesh */
/* subdivide */
DiagSplit dsplit;
// = state.scene->camera;
//dsplit.dicing_rate = 5.0f;
dsplit.dicing_rate = state.dicing_rate;
xml_read_float(&dsplit.dicing_rate, node, "dicing_rate");
sdmesh.tesselate(&dsplit, false, mesh, shader, smooth);
else {
/* create vertices */
mesh->verts = P;
/* create triangles */
int index_offset = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < nverts.size(); i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < nverts[i]-2; j++) {
int v0 = verts[index_offset];
int v1 = verts[index_offset + j + 1];
int v2 = verts[index_offset + j + 2];
assert(v0 < (int)P.size());
assert(v1 < (int)P.size());
assert(v2 < (int)P.size());
mesh->add_triangle(v0, v1, v2, shader, smooth);
index_offset += nverts[i];
/* temporary for test compatibility */
/* Patch */
static void xml_read_patch(const XMLReadState& state, pugi::xml_node node)
/* read patch */
Patch *patch = NULL;
vector<float3> P;
xml_read_float3_array(P, node, "P");
if(xml_equal_string(node, "type", "bilinear")) {
/* bilinear patch */
if(P.size() == 4) {
LinearQuadPatch *bpatch = new LinearQuadPatch();
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
P[i] = transform(&state.tfm, P[i]);
memcpy(bpatch->hull, &P[0], sizeof(bpatch->hull));
patch = bpatch;
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of control points for bilinear patch.\n");
else if(xml_equal_string(node, "type", "bicubic")) {
/* bicubic patch */
if(P.size() == 16) {
BicubicPatch *bpatch = new BicubicPatch();
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
P[i] = transform(&state.tfm, P[i]);
memcpy(bpatch->hull, &P[0], sizeof(bpatch->hull));
patch = bpatch;
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of control points for bicubic patch.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown patch type.\n");
if(patch) {
/* add mesh */
Mesh *mesh = xml_add_mesh(state.scene, transform_identity());
/* split */
DiagSplit dsplit;
// = state.scene->camera;
//dsplit.dicing_rate = 5.0f;
dsplit.dicing_rate = state.dicing_rate;
xml_read_float(&dsplit.dicing_rate, node, "dicing_rate");
dsplit.split_quad(mesh, patch, state.shader, state.smooth);
delete patch;
/* temporary for test compatibility */
/* Light */
static void xml_read_light(const XMLReadState& state, pugi::xml_node node)
Light *light = new Light();
light->shader = state.shader;
xml_read_float3(&light->co, node, "P");
light->co = transform(&state.tfm, light->co);
/* Transform */
static void xml_read_transform(pugi::xml_node node, Transform& tfm)
if(node.attribute("matrix")) {
vector<float> matrix;
if(xml_read_float_array(matrix, node, "matrix") && matrix.size() == 16)
tfm = tfm * transform_transpose((*(Transform*)&matrix[0]));
if(node.attribute("translate")) {
float3 translate = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
xml_read_float3(&translate, node, "translate");
tfm = tfm * transform_translate(translate);
if(node.attribute("rotate")) {
float4 rotate = make_float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
xml_read_float4(&rotate, node, "rotate");
tfm = tfm * transform_rotate(rotate.x*M_PI/180.0f, make_float3(rotate.y, rotate.z, rotate.w));
if(node.attribute("scale")) {
float3 scale = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
xml_read_float3(&scale, node, "scale");
tfm = tfm * transform_scale(scale);
/* State */
static void xml_read_state(XMLReadState& state, pugi::xml_node node)
/* read shader */
string shadername;
if(xml_read_string(&shadername, node, "shader")) {
int i = 0;
bool found = false;
foreach(Shader *shader, state.scene->shaders) {
if(shader->name == shadername) {
state.shader = i;
found = true;
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown shader \"%s\".\n", shadername.c_str());
xml_read_float(&state.dicing_rate, node, "dicing_rate");
/* read smooth/flat */
if(xml_equal_string(node, "interpolation", "smooth"))
state.smooth = true;
else if(xml_equal_string(node, "interpolation", "flat"))
state.smooth = false;
/* read displacement method */
if(xml_equal_string(node, "displacement_method", "true"))
state.displacement_method = Mesh::DISPLACE_TRUE;
else if(xml_equal_string(node, "displacement_method", "bump"))
state.displacement_method = Mesh::DISPLACE_BUMP;
else if(xml_equal_string(node, "displacement_method", "both"))
state.displacement_method = Mesh::DISPLACE_BOTH;
/* Scene */
static void xml_read_include(const XMLReadState& state, const string& src);
static void xml_read_scene(const XMLReadState& state, pugi::xml_node scene_node)
for(pugi::xml_node node = scene_node.first_child(); node; node = node.next_sibling()) {
if(string_iequals(, "film")) {
xml_read_film(state, node);
else if(string_iequals(, "integrator")) {
xml_read_integrator(state, node);
else if(string_iequals(, "camera")) {
xml_read_camera(state, node);
else if(string_iequals(, "shader")) {
xml_read_shader(state, node);
else if(string_iequals(, "background")) {
xml_read_background(state, node);
else if(string_iequals(, "mesh")) {
xml_read_mesh(state, node);
else if(string_iequals(, "patch")) {
xml_read_patch(state, node);
else if(string_iequals(, "light")) {
xml_read_light(state, node);
else if(string_iequals(, "transform")) {
XMLReadState substate = state;
xml_read_transform(node, substate.tfm);
xml_read_scene(substate, node);
else if(string_iequals(, "state")) {
XMLReadState substate = state;
xml_read_state(substate, node);
xml_read_scene(substate, node);
else if(string_iequals(, "include")) {
string src;
if(xml_read_string(&src, node, "src"))
xml_read_include(state, src);
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown node \"%s\".\n",;
/* Include */
static void xml_read_include(const XMLReadState& state, const string& src)
/* open XML document */
pugi::xml_document doc;
pugi::xml_parse_result parse_result;
string path = path_join(state.base, src);
parse_result = doc.load_file(path.c_str());
if(parse_result) {
XMLReadState substate = state;
substate.base = path_dirname(path);
xml_read_scene(substate, doc);
fprintf(stderr, "%s read error: %s\n", src.c_str(), parse_result.description());
/* File */
void xml_read_file(Scene *scene, const char *filepath)
XMLReadState state;
state.scene = scene;
state.tfm = transform_identity();
state.shader = scene->default_surface;
state.smooth = false;
state.dicing_rate = 0.1f;
state.base = path_dirname(filepath);
xml_read_include(state, path_filename(filepath));
scene->params.bvh_type = SceneParams::BVH_STATIC;