Stefan Werner 31d55e87f9 Cycles: Metal support for OpenImageDenoise
This is supported on Apple Silicon GPUs and macOS 13.0+.

Co-authored-by: Stefan Werner <>
Co-authored-by: Attila Afra <>
Pull Request:
2024-02-06 21:13:23 +01:00

188 lines
5.6 KiB

/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011-2022 Blender Foundation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
#pragma once
#include "device/kernel.h"
#include "device/graphics_interop.h"
#include "util/debug.h"
#include "util/log.h"
#include "util/map.h"
#include "util/string.h"
#include "util/unique_ptr.h"
class Device;
class device_memory;
struct KernelWorkTile;
/* Container for device kernel arguments with type correctness ensured by API. */
struct DeviceKernelArguments {
enum Type {
static const int MAX_ARGS = 18;
Type types[MAX_ARGS];
void *values[MAX_ARGS];
size_t sizes[MAX_ARGS];
size_t count = 0;
DeviceKernelArguments() {}
template<class T> DeviceKernelArguments(const T *arg)
template<class T, class... Args> DeviceKernelArguments(const T *first, Args... args)
void add(const KernelFilmConvert *value)
add(KERNEL_FILM_CONVERT, value, sizeof(KernelFilmConvert));
void add(const device_ptr *value)
add(POINTER, value, sizeof(device_ptr));
void add(const int32_t *value)
add(INT32, value, sizeof(int32_t));
void add(const float *value)
add(FLOAT32, value, sizeof(float));
void add(const Type type, const void *value, size_t size)
assert(count < MAX_ARGS);
types[count] = type;
values[count] = (void *)value;
sizes[count] = size;
template<typename T, typename... Args> void add(const T *first, Args... args)
/* Abstraction of a command queue for a device.
* Provides API to schedule kernel execution in a specific queue with minimal possible overhead
* from driver side.
* This class encapsulates all properties needed for commands execution. */
class DeviceQueue {
virtual ~DeviceQueue();
/* Number of concurrent states to process for integrator,
* based on number of cores and/or available memory. */
virtual int num_concurrent_states(const size_t state_size) const = 0;
/* Number of states which keeps the device occupied with work without losing performance.
* The renderer will add more work (when available) when number of active paths falls below this
* value. */
virtual int num_concurrent_busy_states(const size_t state_size) const = 0;
/* Number of elements in a partition of sorted shaders, that improves memory locality of
* integrator state fetch at the cost of decreased coherence for shader kernel execution. */
virtual int num_sort_partition_elements() const
return 65536;
/* Does device support local atomic sorting kernels (INTEGRATOR_SORT_BUCKET_PASS and
virtual bool supports_local_atomic_sort() const
return false;
/* Initialize execution of kernels on this queue.
* Will, for example, load all data required by the kernels from Device to global or path state.
* Use this method after device synchronization has finished before enqueueing any kernels. */
virtual void init_execution() = 0;
/* Enqueue kernel execution.
* Execute the kernel work_size times on the device.
* Supported arguments types:
* - int: pass pointer to the int
* - device memory: pass pointer to device_memory.device_pointer
* Return false if there was an error executing this or a previous kernel. */
virtual bool enqueue(DeviceKernel kernel,
const int work_size,
DeviceKernelArguments const &args) = 0;
/* Wait unit all enqueued kernels have finished execution.
* Return false if there was an error executing any of the enqueued kernels. */
virtual bool synchronize() = 0;
/* Copy memory to/from device as part of the command queue, to ensure
* operations are done in order without having to synchronize. */
virtual void zero_to_device(device_memory &mem) = 0;
virtual void copy_to_device(device_memory &mem) = 0;
virtual void copy_from_device(device_memory &mem) = 0;
/* Graphics resources interoperability.
* The interoperability comes here by the meaning that the device is capable of computing result
* directly into an OpenGL (or other graphics library) buffer. */
/* Create graphics interoperability context which will be taking care of mapping graphics
* resource as a buffer writable by kernels of this device. */
virtual unique_ptr<DeviceGraphicsInterop> graphics_interop_create()
LOG(FATAL) << "Request of GPU interop of a device which does not support it.";
return nullptr;
/* Device this queue has been created for. */
Device *device;
virtual void *native_queue()
return nullptr;
/* Hide construction so that allocation via `Device` API is enforced. */
explicit DeviceQueue(Device *device);
/* Implementations call these from the corresponding methods to generate debugging logs. */
void debug_init_execution();
void debug_enqueue_begin(DeviceKernel kernel, const int work_size);
void debug_enqueue_end();
void debug_synchronize();
string debug_active_kernels();
/* Combination of kernels enqueued together sync last synchronize. */
DeviceKernelMask last_kernels_enqueued_;
/* Time of synchronize call. */
double last_sync_time_;
/* Accumulated execution time for combinations of kernels launched together. */
map<DeviceKernelMask, double> stats_kernel_time_;
/* If it is true, then a performance statistics in the debugging logs will have focus on kernels
* and an explicit queue synchronization will be added after each kernel execution. */
bool is_per_kernel_performance_;