Damien Picard 049027d697 Cleanup: Fix a few messages in the UI
Issues reported by Joan Pujolar in #43295.

- uv -> UV everywhere.
- Wrong plurals.

Pull Request #105473
2023-03-05 21:32:23 -08:00

465 lines
13 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import math
from bpy.types import Operator
from mathutils import Matrix, Vector
from bpy.props import (
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Local Utility Functions
def is_face_uv_selected(face, uv_layer, any_edge):
Returns True if the face is UV selected.
:arg face: the face to query.
:type face: :class:`BMFace`
:arg uv_layer: the UV layer to source UVs from.
:type bmesh: :class:`BMLayerItem`
:arg any_edge: use edge selection instead of vertex selection.
:type any_edge: bool
:return: True if the face is UV selected.
:rtype: bool
if not # Geometry selection
return False
import bpy
if bpy.context.tool_settings.use_uv_select_sync:
# In sync selection mode, UV selection comes solely from geometry selection.
return True
if any_edge:
for loop in face.loops:
if loop[uv_layer].select_edge:
return True
return False
for loop in face.loops:
if not loop[uv_layer].select:
return False
return True
def is_island_uv_selected(island, uv_layer, any_edge):
Returns True if the island is UV selected.
:arg island: list of faces to query.
:type island: sequence of :class:`BMFace`.
:arg uv_layer: the UV layer to source UVs from.
:type bmesh: :class:`BMLayerItem`
:arg any_edge: use edge selection instead of vertex selection.
:type any_edge: bool
:return: list of lists containing polygon indices.
:rtype: bool
for face in island:
if is_face_uv_selected(face, uv_layer, any_edge):
return True
return False
def island_uv_bounds(island, uv_layer):
The UV bounds of UV island.
:arg island: list of faces to query.
:type island: sequence of :class:`BMFace`.
:arg uv_layer: the UV layer to source UVs from.
:return: U-min, V-min, U-max, V-max.
:rtype: list
minmax = [1e30, 1e30, -1e30, -1e30]
for face in island:
for loop in face.loops:
u, v = loop[uv_layer].uv
minmax[0] = min(minmax[0], u)
minmax[1] = min(minmax[1], v)
minmax[2] = max(minmax[2], u)
minmax[3] = max(minmax[3], v)
return minmax
def island_uv_bounds_center(island, uv_layer):
The UV bounds center of UV island.
:arg island: list of faces to query.
:type island: sequence of :class:`BMFace`.
:arg uv_layer: the UV layer to source UVs from.
:return: U, V center.
:rtype: tuple
minmax = island_uv_bounds(island, uv_layer)
return (
(minmax[0] + minmax[2]) / 2.0,
(minmax[1] + minmax[3]) / 2.0,
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Align UV Rotation Operator
def find_rotation_auto(bm, uv_layer, faces):
sum_u = 0.0
sum_v = 0.0
for face in faces:
prev_uv = face.loops[-1][uv_layer].uv
for loop in face.loops:
uv = loop[uv_layer].uv
du = uv[0] - prev_uv[0]
dv = uv[1] - prev_uv[1]
edge_angle = math.atan2(dv, du)
edge_angle *= 4.0 # Wrap 4 times around the circle
sum_u += math.cos(edge_angle)
sum_v += math.sin(edge_angle)
prev_uv = uv
# Compute angle.
return -math.atan2(sum_v, sum_u) / 4.0
def find_rotation_edge(bm, uv_layer, faces):
sum_u = 0.0
sum_v = 0.0
for face in faces:
prev_uv = face.loops[-1][uv_layer].uv
prev_select = face.loops[-1][uv_layer].select_edge
for loop in face.loops:
uv = loop[uv_layer].uv
if prev_select:
du = uv[0] - prev_uv[0]
dv = uv[1] - prev_uv[1]
edge_angle = math.atan2(dv, du)
edge_angle *= 2.0 # Wrap 2 times around the circle
sum_u += math.cos(edge_angle)
sum_v += math.sin(edge_angle)
prev_uv = uv
prev_select = loop[uv_layer].select_edge
# Add 90 degrees to align along V co-ordinate.
# Twice, because we divide by two.
sum_u, sum_v = -sum_u, -sum_v
# Compute angle.
return -math.atan2(sum_v, sum_u) / 2.0
def find_rotation_geometry(bm, uv_layer, faces, method, axis):
sum_u_co = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
sum_v_co = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
for face in faces:
# Triangulate.
for fan in range(2, len(face.loops)):
delta_uv0 = face.loops[fan - 1][uv_layer].uv - face.loops[0][uv_layer].uv
delta_uv1 = face.loops[fan][uv_layer].uv - face.loops[0][uv_layer].uv
mat = Matrix((delta_uv0, delta_uv1))
delta_co0 = face.loops[fan - 1] - face.loops[0]
delta_co1 = face.loops[fan] - face.loops[0]
w = delta_co0.cross(delta_co1).length
# U direction in geometry co-ordinates.
sum_u_co += (delta_co0 * mat[0][0] + delta_co1 * mat[0][1]) * w
# V direction in geometry co-ordinates.
sum_v_co += (delta_co0 * mat[1][0] + delta_co1 * mat[1][1]) * w
if axis == 'X':
axis_index = 0
elif axis == 'Y':
axis_index = 1
elif axis == 'Z':
axis_index = 2
# Compute angle.
return math.atan2(sum_u_co[axis_index], sum_v_co[axis_index])
def align_uv_rotation_island(bm, uv_layer, faces, method, axis):
angle = 0.0
if method == 'AUTO':
angle = find_rotation_auto(bm, uv_layer, faces)
elif method == 'EDGE':
angle = find_rotation_edge(bm, uv_layer, faces)
elif method == 'GEOMETRY':
angle = find_rotation_geometry(bm, uv_layer, faces, method, axis)
if angle == 0.0:
return False # No change.
# Find bounding box center.
mid_u, mid_v = island_uv_bounds_center(faces, uv_layer)
cos_angle = math.cos(angle)
sin_angle = math.sin(angle)
delta_u = mid_u - cos_angle * mid_u + sin_angle * mid_v
delta_v = mid_v - sin_angle * mid_u - cos_angle * mid_v
# Apply transform.
for face in faces:
for loop in face.loops:
pre_uv = loop[uv_layer].uv
u = cos_angle * pre_uv[0] - sin_angle * pre_uv[1] + delta_u
v = sin_angle * pre_uv[0] + cos_angle * pre_uv[1] + delta_v
loop[uv_layer].uv = u, v
return True
def align_uv_rotation_bmesh(mesh, bm, method, axis):
import bpy_extras.bmesh_utils
uv_layer =
if not uv_layer:
return False
islands = bpy_extras.bmesh_utils.bmesh_linked_uv_islands(bm, uv_layer)
changed = False
for island in islands:
if is_island_uv_selected(island, uv_layer, method == 'EDGE'):
if align_uv_rotation_island(bm, uv_layer, island, method, axis):
changed = True
return changed
def align_uv_rotation(context, method, axis):
import bmesh
ob_list = context.objects_in_mode_unique_data
for ob in ob_list:
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(
if bm.loops.layers.uv:
if align_uv_rotation_bmesh(, bm, method, axis):
return {'FINISHED'}
class AlignUVRotation(Operator):
"""Align the UV island's rotation"""
bl_idname = "uv.align_rotation"
bl_label = "Align Rotation"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
method: EnumProperty(
name="Method", description="Method to calculate rotation angle",
('AUTO', "Auto", "Align from all edges"),
('EDGE', "Edge", "Only selected edges"),
('GEOMETRY', "Geometry", "Align to Geometry axis"),
axis: EnumProperty(
name="Axis", description="Axis to align to",
('X', "X", "X axis"),
('Y', "Y", "Y axis"),
('Z', "Z", "Z axis"),
def execute(self, context):
return align_uv_rotation(context, self.method, self.axis)
def draw(self, _context):
layout = self.layout
layout.prop(self, "method")
if self.method == 'GEOMETRY':
layout.prop(self, "axis")
def poll(cls, context):
return context.mode == 'EDIT_MESH'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Randomize UV Operator
def get_random_transform(transform_params, entropy):
from random import uniform
from random import seed as random_seed
(seed, loc, rot, scale, scale_even) = transform_params
# First, seed the RNG.
random_seed(seed + entropy)
# Next, call uniform a known number of times.
offset_u = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
offset_v = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
angle = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
scale_u = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
scale_v = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
# Apply the transform_params.
if loc:
offset_u *= loc[0]
offset_v *= loc[1]
offset_u = 0.0
offset_v = 0.0
if rot:
angle *= rot
angle = 0.0
if scale:
scale_u = scale_u * (2.0 * scale[0] - 2.0) + 2.0 - scale[0]
scale_v = scale_v * (2.0 * scale[1] - 2.0) + 2.0 - scale[1]
scale_u = 1.0
scale_v = 1.0
if scale_even:
scale_v = scale_u
# Results in homogenous co-ordinates.
return [[scale_u * math.cos(angle), -scale_v * math.sin(angle), offset_u],
[scale_u * math.sin(angle), scale_v * math.cos(angle), offset_v]]
def randomize_uv_transform_island(bm, uv_layer, faces, transform_params):
# Ensure consistent random values for island, regardless of selection etc.
entropy = min(f.index for f in faces)
transform = get_random_transform(transform_params, entropy)
# Find bounding box center.
mid_u, mid_v = island_uv_bounds_center(faces, uv_layer)
del_u = transform[0][2] + mid_u - transform[0][0] * mid_u - transform[0][1] * mid_v
del_v = transform[1][2] + mid_v - transform[1][0] * mid_u - transform[1][1] * mid_v
# Apply transform.
for face in faces:
for loop in face.loops:
pre_uv = loop[uv_layer].uv
u = transform[0][0] * pre_uv[0] + transform[0][1] * pre_uv[1] + del_u
v = transform[1][0] * pre_uv[0] + transform[1][1] * pre_uv[1] + del_v
loop[uv_layer].uv = (u, v)
def randomize_uv_transform_bmesh(mesh, bm, transform_params):
import bpy_extras.bmesh_utils
uv_layer = bm.loops.layers.uv.verify()
islands = bpy_extras.bmesh_utils.bmesh_linked_uv_islands(bm, uv_layer)
for island in islands:
if is_island_uv_selected(island, uv_layer, False):
randomize_uv_transform_island(bm, uv_layer, island, transform_params)
def randomize_uv_transform(context, transform_params):
import bmesh
ob_list = context.objects_in_mode_unique_data
for ob in ob_list:
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(
if not bm.loops.layers.uv:
# Only needed to access the minimum face index of each island.
randomize_uv_transform_bmesh(, bm, transform_params)
for ob in ob_list:
return {'FINISHED'}
class RandomizeUVTransform(Operator):
"""Randomize the UV island's location, rotation, and scale"""
bl_idname = "uv.randomize_uv_transform"
bl_label = "Randomize"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
random_seed: IntProperty(
name="Random Seed",
description="Seed value for the random generator",
use_loc: BoolProperty(
name="Randomize Location",
description="Randomize the location values",
loc: FloatVectorProperty(
description=("Maximum distance the objects "
"can spread over each axis"),
default=(0.0, 0.0),
use_rot: BoolProperty(
name="Randomize Rotation",
description="Randomize the rotation value",
rot: FloatProperty(
description="Maximum rotation",
min=-2.0 * math.pi,
max=2.0 * math.pi,
use_scale: BoolProperty(
name="Randomize Scale",
description="Randomize the scale values",
scale_even: BoolProperty(
name="Scale Even",
description="Use the same scale value for both axes",
scale: FloatVectorProperty(
description="Maximum scale randomization over each axis",
default=(1.0, 1.0),
def poll(cls, context):
return context.mode == 'EDIT_MESH'
def execute(self, context):
seed = self.random_seed
loc = [0.0, 0.0] if not self.use_loc else self.loc
rot = 0.0 if not self.use_rot else self.rot
scale = None if not self.use_scale else self.scale
scale_even = self.scale_even
transformParams = [seed, loc, rot, scale, scale_even]
return randomize_uv_transform(context, transformParams)
classes = (