Sergey Sharybin 24ce60cfe4 Merge plane track feature from tomato branch
This commit includes all the changes made for plane tracker
in tomato branch.

Movie clip editor changes:

- Artist might create a plane track out of multiple point
  tracks which belongs to the same track (minimum amount of
  point tracks is 4, maximum is not actually limited).

  When new plane track is added, it's getting "tracked"
  across all point tracks, which makes it stick to the same
  plane point tracks belong to.

- After plane track was added, it need to be manually adjusted
  in a way it covers feature one might to mask/replace.

  General transform tools (G, R, S) or sliding corners with
  a mouse could be sued for this. Plane corner which
  corresponds to left bottom image corner has got X/Y axis
  on it (red is for X axis, green for Y).

- Re-adjusting plane corners makes plane to be "re-tracked"
  for the frames sequence between current frame and next
  and previous keyframes.

- Kayframes might be removed from the plane, using Shit-X
  (Marker Delete) operator. However, currently manual
  re-adjustment or "re-track" trigger is needed.

Compositor changes:

- Added new node called Plane Track Deform.

- User selects which plane track to use (for this he need
  to select movie clip datablock, object and track names).

- Node gets an image input, which need to be warped into
  the plane.

- Node outputs:
  * Input image warped into the plane.
  * Plane, rasterized to a mask.

Masking changes:

- Mask points might be parented to a plane track, which
  makes this point deforming in a way as if it belongs
  to the tracked plane.

Some video tutorials are available:
- Coder video:
- Artist video:

This is mine and Keir's holiday code project :)
2013-08-16 09:46:30 +00:00

170 lines
8.0 KiB

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2011 Blender Foundation.
* All rights reserved.
* Contributor(s): Blender Foundation,
* Sergey Sharybin
#ifndef LIBMV_C_API_H
#define LIBMV_C_API_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct libmv_Tracks;
struct libmv_Reconstruction;
struct libmv_Features;
struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics;
/* Logging */
void libmv_initLogging(const char *argv0);
void libmv_startDebugLogging(void);
void libmv_setLoggingVerbosity(int verbosity);
/* Planar tracker */
typedef struct libmv_TrackRegionOptions {
int motion_model;
int num_iterations;
int use_brute;
int use_normalization;
double minimum_correlation;
double sigma;
float *image1_mask;
} libmv_TrackRegionOptions;
typedef struct libmv_TrackRegionResult {
int termination;
const char *termination_reason;
double correlation;
} libmv_TrackRegionResult;
int libmv_trackRegion(const libmv_TrackRegionOptions *options,
const float *image1, int image1_width, int image1_height,
const float *image2, int image2_width, int image2_height,
const double *x1, const double *y1,
libmv_TrackRegionResult *result,
double *x2, double *y2);
void libmv_samplePlanarPatch(const float *image, int width, int height,
int channels, const double *xs, const double *ys,
int num_samples_x, int num_samples_y,
const float *mask, float *patch,
double *warped_position_x, double *warped_position_y);
/* Tracks */
struct libmv_Tracks *libmv_tracksNew(void);
void libmv_tracksDestroy(struct libmv_Tracks *libmv_tracks);
void libmv_tracksInsert(struct libmv_Tracks *libmv_tracks, int image, int track, double x, double y);
/* Reconstruction */
typedef struct libmv_CameraIntrinsicsOptions {
double focal_length;
double principal_point_x, principal_point_y;
double k1, k2, k3;
double p1, p2;
int image_width, image_height;
} libmv_CameraIntrinsicsOptions;
typedef struct libmv_ReconstructionOptions {
int select_keyframes;
int keyframe1, keyframe2;
int refine_intrinsics;
double success_threshold;
int use_fallback_reconstruction;
} libmv_ReconstructionOptions;
typedef void (*reconstruct_progress_update_cb) (void *customdata, double progress, const char *message);
struct libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_solveReconstruction(const struct libmv_Tracks *libmv_tracks,
const libmv_CameraIntrinsicsOptions *libmv_camera_intrinsics_options,
libmv_ReconstructionOptions *libmv_reconstruction_options,
reconstruct_progress_update_cb progress_update_callback,
void *callback_customdata);
struct libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_solveModal(const struct libmv_Tracks *libmv_tracks,
const libmv_CameraIntrinsicsOptions *libmv_camera_intrinsics_options,
const libmv_ReconstructionOptions *libmv_reconstruction_options,
reconstruct_progress_update_cb progress_update_callback,
void *callback_customdata);
void libmv_reconstructionDestroy(struct libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_reconstruction);
int libmv_reprojectionPointForTrack(const struct libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_reconstruction, int track, double pos[3]);
double libmv_reprojectionErrorForTrack(const struct libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_reconstruction, int track);
double libmv_reprojectionErrorForImage(const struct libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_reconstruction, int image);
int libmv_reprojectionCameraForImage(const struct libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_reconstruction,
int image, double mat[4][4]);
double libmv_reprojectionError(const struct libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_reconstruction);
struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_reconstructionExtractIntrinsics(struct libmv_Reconstruction *libmv_Reconstruction);
/* Feature detector */
struct libmv_Features *libmv_detectFeaturesFAST(const unsigned char *data, int width, int height, int stride,
int margin, int min_trackness, int min_distance);
struct libmv_Features *libmv_detectFeaturesMORAVEC(const unsigned char *data, int width, int height, int stride,
int margin, int count, int min_distance);
void libmv_featuresDestroy(struct libmv_Features *libmv_features);
int libmv_countFeatures(const struct libmv_Features *libmv_features);
void libmv_getFeature(const struct libmv_Features *libmv_features, int number, double *x, double *y, double *score,
double *size);
/* Camera intrinsics */
struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_cameraIntrinsicsNewEmpty(void);
struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_cameraIntrinsicsNew(
const libmv_CameraIntrinsicsOptions *libmv_camera_intrinsics_options);
struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_cameraIntrinsicsCopy(const struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_intrinsics);
void libmv_cameraIntrinsicsDestroy(struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_intrinsics);
void libmv_cameraIntrinsicsUpdate(const libmv_CameraIntrinsicsOptions *libmv_camera_intrinsics_options,
struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_intrinsics);
void libmv_cameraIntrinsicsSetThreads(struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_intrinsics, int threads);
void libmv_cameraIntrinsicsExtract(const struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_intrinsics, double *focal_length,
double *principal_x, double *principal_y, double *k1, double *k2, double *k3,
int *width, int *height);
void libmv_cameraIntrinsicsUndistortByte(const struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_intrinsics,
unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, int width, int height,
float overscan, int channels);
void libmv_cameraIntrinsicsUndistortFloat(const struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_intrinsics,
float *src, float *dst, int width, int height,
float overscan, int channels);
void libmv_cameraIntrinsicsDistortByte(const struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_intrinsics,
unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, int width, int height,
float overscan, int channels);
void libmv_cameraIntrinsicsDistortFloat(const struct libmv_CameraIntrinsics *libmv_intrinsics,
float *src, float *dst, int width, int height,
float overscan, int channels);
void libmv_cameraIntrinsicsApply(const libmv_CameraIntrinsicsOptions *libmv_camera_intrinsics_options,
double x, double y, double *x1, double *y1);
void libmv_cameraIntrinsicsInvert(const libmv_CameraIntrinsicsOptions *libmv_camera_intrinsics_options,
double x, double y, double *x1, double *y1);
void libmv_homography2DFromCorrespondencesLinear(double (*x1)[2], double (*x2)[2], int num_points,
double H[3][3], double expected_precision);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // LIBMV_C_API_H