Campbell Barton 02da5ecfed Apply first pass of edits to rna values from rna_booleans.txt.
These are not animated and are best not change names like this too late in the release.

ActionGroup.selected -> select:    boolean    Action Group is selected
BezierSplinePoint.hidden -> hide:    boolean    Visibility status
BezierSplinePoint.selected_control_point -> select_control_point:    boolean    Control point selection status
BezierSplinePoint.selected_handle1 -> select_left_handle:    boolean    Handle 1 selection status
BezierSplinePoint.selected_handle2 -> select_right_handle:    boolean    Handle 2 selection status
Bone.restrict_select -> hide_select:    boolean    Bone is able to be selected
Bone.selected -> select:    boolean
CurveMapPoint.selected -> select:    boolean    Selection state of the curve point
EditBone.restrict_select -> hide_select:    boolean    Bone is able to be selected
EditBone.selected -> select:    boolean
EditBone.selected_head -> select_head:    boolean
EditBone.selected_tail -> select_tail:    boolean
EditBone.locked -> lock:    boolean    Bone is not able to be transformed when in Edit Mode
EditBone.hidden -> hide:    boolean    Bone is not visible when in Edit Mode
NEGATE * FCurve.disabled -> enabled:    boolean    F-Curve could not be evaluated in past, so should be skipped when evaluating
FCurve.locked -> lock:    boolean    F-Curve's settings cannot be edited
FCurve.muted -> mute:    boolean    F-Curve is not evaluated
FCurve.selected -> select:    boolean    F-Curve is selected for editing
NEGATE * FCurve.visible -> hide:    boolean    F-Curve and its keyframes are shown in the Graph Editor graphs
FCurveSample.selected -> select:    boolean    Selection status
GPencilFrame.selected -> select:    boolean    Frame is selected for editing in the DopeSheet
GPencilLayer.locked -> lock:    boolean    Protect layer from further editing and/or frame changes
GPencilLayer.selected -> select:    boolean    Layer is selected for editing in the DopeSheet
Keyframe.selected -> select:    boolean    Control point selection status
Keyframe.selected_handle1 -> select_left_handle:    boolean    Handle 1 selection status
Keyframe.selected_handle2 -> select_right_handle:    boolean    Handle 2 selection status
MeshEdge.selected -> select:    boolean
MeshEdge.hidden -> hide:    boolean
MeshFace.hidden -> hide:    boolean
MeshFace.selected -> select:    boolean
MeshVertex.hidden -> hide:    boolean
MeshVertex.selected -> select:    boolean
MotionPathVert.selected -> select:    boolean    Path point is selected for editing
NlaStrip.selected -> select:    boolean    NLA Strip is selected
NlaTrack.locked -> lock:    boolean    NLA Track is locked
NlaTrack.muted -> mute:    boolean    NLA Track is not evaluated
NlaTrack.selected -> select:    boolean    NLA Track is selected
Object.restrict_render -> hide_render:    boolean    Restrict renderability
Object.restrict_select -> hide_select:    boolean    Restrict selection in the viewport
Object.restrict_view -> hide:    boolean    Restrict visibility in the viewport
Object.selected -> select:    boolean    Object selection state
ObjectBase.selected -> select:    boolean    Object base selection state
PoseBone.selected -> select:    boolean
Sequence.right_handle_selected -> select_right_handle:    boolean
Sequence.selected -> select:    boolean
SplinePoint.selected -> select_control_point:    boolean    Selection status
TimelineMarker.selected -> select:    boolean    Marker selection state
Sequence.left_handle_selected -> select_left_handle:    boolean
ActionGroup.locked -> lock:    boolean    Action Group is locked
Bone.hidden -> hide:    boolean    Bone is not visible when it is not in Edit Mode (i.e. in Object or Pose Modes)
SplinePoint.hidden -> hide:    boolean    Visibility status
FModifier.muted -> mute:    boolean    F-Curve Modifier will not be evaluated

 note: rebaned uv_select to select_uv
2010-07-15 16:56:04 +00:00

191 lines
5.5 KiB

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8 compliant>
import bpy
def pose_info():
from mathutils import Matrix
info = {}
obj = bpy.context.object
pose = obj.pose
pose_items = pose.bones.items()
for name, pbone in pose_items:
binfo = {}
bone = pbone.bone
binfo["parent"] = getattr(bone.parent, "name", None)
binfo["bone"] = bone
binfo["pbone"] = pbone
binfo["matrix_local"] = bone.matrix_local.copy()
binfo["matrix_local_inv"] = binfo["matrix_local"].copy().invert()
binfo["matrix_local_inv"] = Matrix()
binfo["matrix"] = bone.matrix.copy()
binfo["matrix_pose"] = pbone.matrix.copy()
binfo["matrix_pose_inv"] = binfo["matrix_pose"].copy().invert()
binfo["matrix_pose_inv"] = Matrix()
info[name] = binfo
for name, pbone in pose_items:
binfo = info[name]
binfo_parent = binfo.get("parent", None)
if binfo_parent:
binfo_parent = info[binfo_parent]
matrix = binfo["matrix_pose"]
rest_matrix = binfo["matrix_local"]
if binfo_parent:
matrix = binfo_parent["matrix_pose_inv"] * matrix
rest_matrix = binfo_parent["matrix_local_inv"] * rest_matrix
matrix = rest_matrix.copy().invert() * matrix
binfo["matrix_key"] = matrix.copy()
return info
def bake(frame_start, frame_end, step=1, only_selected=False):
# import nla; reload(nla); nla.bake()
scene = bpy.context.scene
obj = bpy.context.object
pose = obj.pose
info_ls = []
frame_range = range(frame_start, frame_end + 1, step)
# could spped this up by applying steps here too...
for f in frame_range:
info = pose_info()
f += 1
action ="Action")
bpy.context.object.animation_data.action = action
pose_items = pose.bones.items()
for name, pbone in pose_items:
if only_selected and not
for f in frame_range:
matrix = info_ls[int((f - frame_start) / step)][name]["matrix_key"]
#pbone.location = matrix.translation_part()
#pbone.rotation_quaternion = matrix.to_quat()
pbone.matrix_local = [f for v in matrix for f in v]
pbone.keyframe_insert("location", -1, f, name)
rotation_mode = pbone.rotation_mode
if rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION':
pbone.keyframe_insert("rotation_quaternion", -1, f, name)
elif rotation_mode == 'AXIS_ANGLE':
pbone.keyframe_insert("rotation_axis_angle", -1, f, name)
else: # euler, XYZ, ZXY etc
pbone.keyframe_insert("rotation_euler", -1, f, name)
pbone.keyframe_insert("scale", -1, f, name)
return action
from bpy.props import *
class BakeAction(bpy.types.Operator):
'''Bake animation to an Action'''
bl_idname = "nla.bake"
bl_label = "Bake Action"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
frame_start = IntProperty(name="Start Frame",
description="Start frame for baking",
default=1, min=1, max=300000)
frame_end = IntProperty(name="End Frame",
description="End frame for baking",
default=250, min=1, max=300000)
step = IntProperty(name="Frame Step",
description="Frame Step",
default=1, min=1, max=120)
only_selected = BoolProperty(name="Only Selected",
def execute(self, context):
props =
action = bake(props.frame_start, props.frame_end, props.step, props.only_selected)
# basic cleanup, could move elsewhere
for fcu in action.fcurves:
keyframe_points = fcu.keyframe_points
i = 1
while i < len(fcu.keyframe_points) - 1:
val_prev = keyframe_points[i - 1].co[1]
val_next = keyframe_points[i + 1].co[1]
val = keyframe_points[i].co[1]
if abs(val - val_prev) + abs(val - val_next) < 0.0001:
i += 1
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
wm = context.manager
return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self)
#def menu_func(self, context):
# self.layout.operator(BakeAction.bl_idname, text="Bake Armature Action")
def register():
# bpy.types.INFO_MT_mesh_add.append(menu_func)
def unregister():
# bpy.types.INFO_MT_mesh_add.remove(menu_func)
if __name__ == "__main__":