Campbell Barton 9a75c29bf8 Fix #113206: add-on unregister() not called on exit
Own regression in [0] caused add-ons not to run the unregister function
on exit.

[0]: e1b72e569decd4fdee87eb1ae2b43569d8c6bd26
2023-10-04 16:09:30 +11:00

738 lines
25 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011-2023 Blender Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
__all__ = (
import bpy as _bpy
_preferences = _bpy.context.preferences
error_encoding = False
# (name, file, path)
error_duplicates = []
addons_fake_modules = {}
# called only once at startup, avoids calling 'reset_all', correct but slower.
def _initialize_once():
for path in paths():
for addon in _preferences.addons:
def paths():
return [
path for subdir in (
# RELEASE SCRIPTS: official scripts distributed in Blender releases.
# CONTRIB SCRIPTS: good for testing but not official scripts yet
# if folder addons_contrib/ exists, scripts in there will be loaded too.
for path in _bpy.utils.script_paths(subdir=subdir)
# A version of `paths` that includes extension repositories returning a list `(path, package)` pairs.
# Notes on the ``package`` value.
# - For top-level modules (the "addons" directories, the value is an empty string)
# because those add-ons can be imported directly.
# - For extension repositories the value is a module string (which can be imported for example)
# where any modules within the `path` can be imported as a sub-module.
# So for example, given a list value of: `("/tmp/repo", "bl_ext.temp_repo")`.
# An add-on located at `/tmp/repo/` will have a unique module path of:
# `bl_ext.temp_repo.my_handy_addon`, which can be imported and will be the value of it's `Addon.module`.
def _paths_with_extension_repos():
import os
addon_paths = [(path, "") for path in paths()]
if _preferences.experimental.use_extension_repos:
for repo in _preferences.filepaths.extension_repos:
dirpath =
if not os.path.isdir(dirpath):
addon_paths.append((dirpath, "%s.%s" % (_ext_base_pkg_idname, repo.module)))
return addon_paths
def _fake_module(mod_name, mod_path, speedy=True, force_support=None):
global error_encoding
import os
print("fake_module", mod_path, mod_name)
import ast
ModuleType = type(ast)
file_mod = open(mod_path, "r", encoding='UTF-8')
except OSError as ex:
print("Error opening file:", mod_path, ex)
return None
with file_mod:
if speedy:
lines = []
line_iter = iter(file_mod)
l = ""
while not l.startswith("bl_info"):
l = line_iter.readline()
except UnicodeDecodeError as ex:
if not error_encoding:
error_encoding = True
print("Error reading file as UTF-8:", mod_path, ex)
return None
if len(l) == 0:
while l.rstrip():
l = line_iter.readline()
except UnicodeDecodeError as ex:
if not error_encoding:
error_encoding = True
print("Error reading file as UTF-8:", mod_path, ex)
return None
data = "".join(lines)
data =
del file_mod
ast_data = ast.parse(data, filename=mod_path)
except BaseException:
print("Syntax error 'ast.parse' can't read:", repr(mod_path))
import traceback
ast_data = None
body_info = None
if ast_data:
for body in ast_data.body:
if body.__class__ == ast.Assign:
if len(body.targets) == 1:
if getattr(body.targets[0], "id", "") == "bl_info":
body_info = body
if body_info:
mod = ModuleType(mod_name)
mod.bl_info = ast.literal_eval(body.value)
mod.__file__ = mod_path
mod.__time__ = os.path.getmtime(mod_path)
print("AST error parsing bl_info for:", repr(mod_path))
import traceback
return None
if force_support is not None:
mod.bl_info["support"] = force_support
return mod
"fake_module: addon missing 'bl_info' "
"gives bad performance!:",
return None
def modules_refresh(*, module_cache=addons_fake_modules):
global error_encoding
import os
error_encoding = False
modules_stale = set(module_cache.keys())
for path, pkg_id in _paths_with_extension_repos():
# Force all user contributed add-ons to be 'TESTING'.
force_support = 'TESTING' if ((not pkg_id) and path.endswith("addons_contrib")) else None
for mod_name, mod_path in _bpy.path.module_names(path, package=pkg_id):
mod = module_cache.get(mod_name)
if mod:
if mod.__file__ != mod_path:
"multiple addons with the same name:\n"
" %r\n"
" %r" % (mod.__file__, mod_path)
error_duplicates.append((mod.bl_info["name"], mod.__file__, mod_path))
elif mod.__time__ != os.path.getmtime(mod_path):
"reloading addon:",
del module_cache[mod_name]
mod = None
if mod is None:
mod = _fake_module(
if mod:
module_cache[mod_name] = mod
# just in case we get stale modules, not likely
for mod_stale in modules_stale:
del module_cache[mod_stale]
del modules_stale
def modules(*, module_cache=addons_fake_modules, refresh=True):
if refresh or ((module_cache is addons_fake_modules) and modules._is_first):
modules._is_first = False
mod_list = list(module_cache.values())
key=lambda mod: (
mod.bl_info.get("category", ""),
mod.bl_info.get("name", ""),
return mod_list
modules._is_first = True
def check(module_name):
Returns the loaded state of the addon.
:arg module_name: The name of the addon and module.
:type module_name: string
:return: (loaded_default, loaded_state)
:rtype: tuple of booleans
import sys
loaded_default = module_name in _preferences.addons
mod = sys.modules.get(module_name)
loaded_state = (
(mod is not None) and
getattr(mod, "__addon_enabled__", Ellipsis)
if loaded_state is Ellipsis:
"Warning: addon-module", module_name, "found module "
"but without '__addon_enabled__' field, "
"possible name collision from file:",
repr(getattr(mod, "__file__", "<unknown>")),
loaded_state = False
if mod and getattr(mod, "__addon_persistent__", False):
loaded_default = True
return loaded_default, loaded_state
# utility functions
def _addon_ensure(module_name):
addons = _preferences.addons
addon = addons.get(module_name)
if not addon:
addon =
addon.module = module_name
def _addon_remove(module_name):
addons = _preferences.addons
while module_name in addons:
addon = addons.get(module_name)
if addon:
def enable(module_name, *, default_set=False, persistent=False, handle_error=None):
Enables an addon by name.
:arg module_name: the name of the addon and module.
:type module_name: string
:arg default_set: Set the user-preference.
:type default_set: bool
:arg persistent: Ensure the addon is enabled for the entire session (after loading new files).
:type persistent: bool
:arg handle_error: Called in the case of an error, taking an exception argument.
:type handle_error: function
:return: the loaded module or None on failure.
:rtype: module
import os
import sys
import importlib
from bpy_restrict_state import RestrictBlend
if handle_error is None:
def handle_error(_ex):
import traceback
# reload if the mtime changes
mod = sys.modules.get(module_name)
# chances of the file _not_ existing are low, but it could be removed
if mod and os.path.exists(mod.__file__):
if getattr(mod, "__addon_enabled__", False):
# This is an unlikely situation,
# re-register if the module is enabled.
# Note: the UI doesn't allow this to happen,
# in most cases the caller should 'check()' first.
except BaseException as ex:
"Exception in module unregister():",
repr(getattr(mod, "__file__", module_name)),
return None
mod.__addon_enabled__ = False
mtime_orig = getattr(mod, "__time__", 0)
mtime_new = os.path.getmtime(mod.__file__)
if mtime_orig != mtime_new:
print("module changed on disk:", repr(mod.__file__), "reloading...")
except BaseException as ex:
del sys.modules[module_name]
return None
mod.__addon_enabled__ = False
# add the addon first it may want to initialize its own preferences.
# must remove on fail through.
if default_set:
# Split registering up into 3 steps so we can undo
# if it fails par way through.
# Disable the context: using the context at all
# while loading an addon is really bad, don't do it!
with RestrictBlend():
# 1) try import
# Use instead of `__import__` so that sub-modules can eventually be supported.
# This is also documented to be the preferred way to import modules.
mod = importlib.import_module(module_name)
if mod.__file__ is None:
# This can happen when the addon has been removed but there are
# residual `.pyc` files left behind.
raise ImportError(name=module_name)
mod.__time__ = os.path.getmtime(mod.__file__)
mod.__addon_enabled__ = False
except BaseException as ex:
# If the add-on doesn't exist, don't print full trace-back because the back-trace is in this case
# is verbose without any useful details. A missing path is better communicated in a short message.
# Account for `ImportError` & `ModuleNotFoundError`.
if isinstance(ex, ImportError) and == module_name:
print("Add-on not loaded:", repr(module_name), "cause:", str(ex))
if default_set:
return None
# 1.1) Fail when add-on is too old.
# This is a temporary 2.8x migration check, so we can manage addons that are supported.
if mod.bl_info.get("blender", (0, 0, 0)) < (2, 80, 0):
print("Warning: Add-on '%s' was not upgraded for 2.80, ignoring" % module_name)
return None
# 2) Try register collected modules.
# Removed register_module, addons need to handle their own registration now.
from _bpy import _bl_owner_id_get, _bl_owner_id_set
owner_id_prev = _bl_owner_id_get()
# 3) Try run the modules register function.
except BaseException as ex:
"Exception in module register():",
getattr(mod, "__file__", module_name),
del sys.modules[module_name]
if default_set:
return None
# * OK loaded successfully! *
mod.__addon_enabled__ = True
mod.__addon_persistent__ = persistent
print("\taddon_utils.enable", mod.__name__)
return mod
def disable(module_name, *, default_set=False, handle_error=None):
Disables an addon by name.
:arg module_name: The name of the addon and module.
:type module_name: string
:arg default_set: Set the user-preference.
:type default_set: bool
:arg handle_error: Called in the case of an error, taking an exception argument.
:type handle_error: function
import sys
if handle_error is None:
def handle_error(_ex):
import traceback
mod = sys.modules.get(module_name)
# Possible this add-on is from a previous session and didn't load a
# module this time. So even if the module is not found, still disable
# the add-on in the user preferences.
if mod and getattr(mod, "__addon_enabled__", False) is not False:
mod.__addon_enabled__ = False
mod.__addon_persistent = False
except BaseException as ex:
mod_path = getattr(mod, "__file__", module_name)
print("Exception in module unregister():", repr(mod_path))
del mod_path
"addon_utils.disable: %s not %s" % (
"disabled" if mod is None else "loaded")
# could be in more than once, unlikely but better do this just in case.
if default_set:
print("\taddon_utils.disable", module_name)
def reset_all(*, reload_scripts=False):
Sets the addon state based on the user preferences.
import sys
# initializes addons_fake_modules
for path, pkg_id in _paths_with_extension_repos():
if not pkg_id:
for mod_name, _mod_path in _bpy.path.module_names(path, package=pkg_id):
is_enabled, is_loaded = check(mod_name)
# first check if reload is needed before changing state.
if reload_scripts:
import importlib
mod = sys.modules.get(mod_name)
if mod:
if is_enabled == is_loaded:
elif is_enabled:
elif is_loaded:
print("\taddon_utils.reset_all unloading", mod_name)
def disable_all():
import sys
# Collect modules to disable first because dict can be modified as we disable.
# NOTE: don't use `getattr(item[1], "__addon_enabled__", False)` because this runs on all modules,
# including 3rd party modules unrelated to Blender.
# Some modules may have their own `__getattr__` and either:
# - Not raise an `AttributeError` (is they should),
# causing `hasattr` & `getattr` to raise an exception instead of treating the attribute as missing.
# - Generate modules dynamically, modifying `sys.modules` which is being iterated over,
# causing a RuntimeError: "dictionary changed size during iteration".
# Either way, running 3rd party logic here can cause undefined behavior.
# Use direct `__dict__` access to bypass `__getattr__`, see: #111649.
addon_modules = [
item for item in sys.modules.items()
if type(mod_dict := getattr(item[1], "__dict__", None)) is dict
if mod_dict.get("__addon_enabled__")
# Check the enabled state again since it's possible the disable call
# of one add-on disables others.
for mod_name, mod in addon_modules:
if getattr(mod, "__addon_enabled__", False):
def _blender_manual_url_prefix():
return "" % (_bpy.utils.manual_language_code(), *[:2])
def module_bl_info(mod, *, info_basis=None):
if info_basis is None:
info_basis = {
"name": "",
"author": "",
"version": (),
"blender": (),
"location": "",
"description": "",
"doc_url": "",
"support": 'COMMUNITY',
"category": "",
"warning": "",
"show_expanded": False,
addon_info = getattr(mod, "bl_info", {})
# avoid re-initializing
if "_init" in addon_info:
return addon_info
if not addon_info:
mod.bl_info = addon_info
for key, value in info_basis.items():
addon_info.setdefault(key, value)
if not addon_info["name"]:
addon_info["name"] = mod.__name__
doc_url = addon_info["doc_url"]
if doc_url:
doc_url_prefix = "{BLENDER_MANUAL_URL}"
if doc_url_prefix in doc_url:
addon_info["doc_url"] = doc_url.replace(
addon_info["_init"] = None
return addon_info
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Extensions
# Module-like class, store singletons.
class _ext_global:
__slots__ = ()
# Store a map of `preferences.filepaths.extension_repos` -> `module_id`.
# Only needed to detect renaming between `{pre & post}` events.
idmap = {}
# The base package created by `JunctionModuleHandle`.
module_handle = None
# The name (in `sys.modules`) keep this short because it's stored as part of add-on modules name.
_ext_base_pkg_idname = "bl_ext"
def _extension_preferences_idmap():
repos_idmap = {}
if _preferences.experimental.use_extension_repos:
for repo in _preferences.filepaths.extension_repos:
repos_idmap[repo.as_pointer()] = repo.module
return repos_idmap
def _extension_dirpath_from_preferences():
repos_dict = {}
if _preferences.experimental.use_extension_repos:
for repo in _preferences.filepaths.extension_repos:
repos_dict[repo.module] =
return repos_dict
def _extension_dirpath_from_handle():
repos_info = {}
for module_id, module in _ext_global.module_handle.submodule_items():
# Account for it being unset although this should never happen unless script authors
# meddle with the modules.
dirpath = module.__path__[0]
except BaseException:
dirpath = ""
repos_info[module_id] = dirpath
return repos_info
# Use `{pre/post}` to track changes to extension repositories
# and sync the changes to the Python module.
def _initialize_extension_repos_pre(*_):
_ext_global.idmap = _extension_preferences_idmap()
def _initialize_extension_repos_post(*_):
# Map `module_id` -> `dirpath`.
repos_info_prev = _extension_dirpath_from_handle()
repos_info_next = _extension_dirpath_from_preferences()
# Map `repo.as_pointer()` -> `module_id`.
repos_idmap_prev = _ext_global.idmap
repos_idmap_next = _extension_preferences_idmap()
# Map `module_id` -> `repo.as_pointer()`.
repos_idmap_next_reverse = {value: key for key, value in repos_idmap_next.items()}
# Mainly needed when the `preferences.experimental.use_extension_repos` option is enabled at run-time.
# Filter `repos_idmap_prev` so only items which were also in the `repos_info_prev` are included.
# This is an awkward situation, they should be in sync, however when enabling the experimental option
# means the preferences wont have changed, but the module will not be in sync with the preferences.
# Support this by removing items in `repos_idmap_prev` which aren't also initialized in the managed package.
# The only situation this would be useful to keep is if we want to support renaming a package
# that manipulates all add-ons using it, when those add-ons are in the preferences but have not had
# their package loaded. It's possible we want to do this but is also reasonably obscure.
for repo_id_prev, module_id_prev in list(repos_idmap_prev.items()):
if module_id_prev not in repos_info_prev:
del repos_idmap_prev[repo_id_prev]
# NOTE(@ideasman42): supporting renaming at all is something we might limit to extensions
# which have no add-ons loaded as supporting renaming add-ons in-place seems error prone as the add-on
# may define internal variables based on the full package path.
submodules_add = [] # List of module names to add: `(module_id, dirpath)`.
submodules_del = [] # List of module names to remove: `module_id`.
submodules_rename_module = [] # List of module names: `(module_id_src, module_id_dst)`.
submodules_rename_dirpath = [] # List of module names: `(module_id, dirpath)`.
renamed_prev = set()
renamed_next = set()
# Detect rename modules & module directories.
for module_id_next, dirpath_next in repos_info_next.items():
# Lookup never fails, as the "next" values use: `preferences.filepaths.extension_repos`.
repo_id = repos_idmap_next_reverse[module_id_next]
# Lookup may fail if this is a newly added module.
# Don't attempt to setup `submodules_add` though as it's possible
# the module name persists while the underlying `repo_id` changes.
module_id_prev = repos_idmap_prev.get(repo_id)
if module_id_prev is None:
# Detect rename.
if module_id_next != module_id_prev:
submodules_rename_module.append((module_id_prev, module_id_next))
# Detect `dirpath` change.
if dirpath_next != repos_info_prev[module_id_prev]:
submodules_rename_dirpath.append((module_id_next, dirpath_next))
# Detect added modules.
for module_id, dirpath in repos_info_next.items():
if (module_id not in repos_info_prev) and (module_id not in renamed_next):
submodules_add.append((module_id, dirpath))
# Detect deleted modules.
for module_id, _dirpath in repos_info_prev.items():
if (module_id not in repos_info_next) and (module_id not in renamed_prev):
# Apply changes to the `_ext_base_pkg_idname` named module so it matches extension data from the preferences.
module_handle = _ext_global.module_handle
for module_id in submodules_del:
for module_id, dirpath in submodules_add:
module_handle.register_submodule(module_id, dirpath)
for module_id_prev, module_id_next in submodules_rename_module:
module_handle.rename_submodule(module_id_prev, module_id_next)
for module_id, dirpath in submodules_rename_dirpath:
module_handle.rename_directory(module_id, dirpath)
# Force refreshing if directory paths change.
if submodules_del or submodules_add or submodules_rename_dirpath:
modules._is_first = True
def _initialize_extensions_repos_once():
from bpy_extras.extensions.junction_module import JunctionModuleHandle
module_handle = JunctionModuleHandle(_ext_base_pkg_idname)
_ext_global.module_handle = module_handle
# Setup repositories for the first time.
# Intentionally don't call `_initialize_extension_repos_pre` as this is the first time,
# the previous state is not useful to read.
# Internal handlers intended for Blender's own handling of repositories.