Sergey Sharybin a12a8a71bb Remove "All Rights Reserved" from Blender Foundation copyright code
The goal is to solve confusion of the "All rights reserved" for licensing
code under an open-source license.

The phrase "All rights reserved" comes from a historical convention that
required this phrase for the copyright protection to apply. This convention
is no longer relevant.

However, even though the phrase has no meaning in establishing the copyright
it has not lost meaning in terms of licensing.

This change makes it so code under the Blender Foundation copyright does
not use "all rights reserved". This is also how the GPL license itself
states how to apply it to the source code:

    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>

    This program is free software ...

This change does not change copyright notice in cases when the copyright
is dual (BF and an author), or just an author of the code. It also does
mot change copyright which is inherited from NaN Holding BV as it needs
some further investigation about what is the proper way to handle it.
2023-03-30 10:51:59 +02:00

188 lines
5.6 KiB

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Original code:
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* Modifications:
* Copyright 2022 Blender Foundation
/* Simplified version of Folly's AtomicHashArray
* (
* Notable changes:
* - Standalone and header-only.
* - Behaves like a set, not like a map: There's no value type anymore, only keys.
* - Capacity check logic have been removed, the code assumes you know the required size in
* advance.
* - Custom allocator support has been removed.
* - Erase has been removed.
* - Find has been removed.
/** \file
* \ingroup mikktspace
#pragma once
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <intrin.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <type_traits>
namespace mikk {
struct AtomicHashSetLinearProbeFcn {
inline size_t operator()(size_t idx, size_t /* numProbes */, size_t capacity) const
idx += 1; // linear probing
// Avoid modulus because it's slow
return LIKELY(idx < capacity) ? idx : (idx - capacity);
struct AtomicHashSetQuadraticProbeFcn {
inline size_t operator()(size_t idx, size_t numProbes, size_t capacity) const
idx += numProbes; // quadratic probing
// Avoid modulus because it's slow
return LIKELY(idx < capacity) ? idx : (idx - capacity);
template<class KeyT,
bool isAtomic,
class KeyHash = std::hash<KeyT>,
class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<KeyT>,
class ProbeFcn = AtomicHashSetLinearProbeFcn>
class AtomicHashSet {
static_assert((std::is_convertible<KeyT, int32_t>::value ||
std::is_convertible<KeyT, int64_t>::value ||
std::is_convertible<KeyT, const void *>::value),
"You are trying to use AtomicHashSet with disallowed key "
"types. You must use atomically compare-and-swappable integer "
"keys, or a different container class.");
const size_t capacity_;
const KeyT kEmptyKey_;
KeyHash hasher_;
KeyEqual equalityChecker_;
size_t kAnchorMask_;
/* When using a single thread, we can avoid overhead by not bothering with atomic cells. */
typedef typename std::conditional<isAtomic, std::atomic<KeyT>, KeyT>::type cell_type;
std::vector<cell_type> cells_;
struct Config {
KeyT emptyKey;
double maxLoadFactor;
double growthFactor;
size_t capacity; // if positive, overrides maxLoadFactor
// Cannot have constexpr ctor because some compilers rightly complain.
Config() : emptyKey((KeyT)-1), maxLoadFactor(0.8), growthFactor(-1), capacity(0) {}
/* Instead of a mess of arguments, we take a max size and a Config struct to
* simulate named ctor parameters. The Config struct has sensible defaults
* for everything, but is overloaded - if you specify a positive capacity,
* that will be used directly instead of computing it based on maxLoadFactor.
AtomicHashSet(size_t maxSize,
KeyHash hasher = KeyHash(),
KeyEqual equalityChecker = KeyEqual(),
const Config &c = Config())
: capacity_(size_t(double(maxSize) / c.maxLoadFactor) + 1),
/* Get next power of two. Could be done more effiently with builtin_clz, but this is not
* performance-critical. */
kAnchorMask_ = 1;
while (kAnchorMask_ < capacity_)
kAnchorMask_ *= 2;
/* Get mask for lower bits. */
kAnchorMask_ -= 1;
/* Not great, but the best we can do to support both atomic and non-atomic cells
* since std::atomic doesn't have a copy constructor so cells_(capacity_, kEmptyKey_)
* in the initializer list won't work. */
std::fill((KeyT *), (KeyT *) + capacity_, kEmptyKey_);
AtomicHashSet(const AtomicHashSet &) = delete;
AtomicHashSet &operator=(const AtomicHashSet &) = delete;
~AtomicHashSet() = default;
/* Sequential specialization. */
bool tryUpdateCell(KeyT *cell, KeyT &existingKey, KeyT newKey)
if (*cell == existingKey) {
*cell = newKey;
return true;
existingKey = *cell;
return false;
/* Atomic specialization. */
bool tryUpdateCell(std::atomic<KeyT> *cell, KeyT &existingKey, KeyT newKey)
return cell->compare_exchange_strong(existingKey, newKey, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
std::pair<KeyT, bool> emplace(KeyT key)
size_t idx = keyToAnchorIdx(key);
size_t numProbes = 0;
for (;;) {
cell_type *cell = &cells_[idx];
KeyT existingKey = kEmptyKey_;
/* Try to replace empty cell with our key. */
if (tryUpdateCell(cell, existingKey, key)) {
/* Cell was empty, we're done. */
return std::make_pair(key, true);
/* Cell was not empty, check if the existing key is equal. */
if (equalityChecker_(existingKey, key)) {
/* Found equal element, we're done. */
return std::make_pair(existingKey, false);
/* Continue to next cell according to probe strategy. */
if (UNLIKELY(numProbes >= capacity_)) {
// probed every
return std::make_pair(kEmptyKey_, false);
idx = ProbeFcn()(idx, numProbes, capacity_);
inline size_t keyToAnchorIdx(const KeyT k) const
const size_t hashVal = hasher_(k);
const size_t probe = hashVal & kAnchorMask_;
return LIKELY(probe < capacity_) ? probe : hashVal % capacity_;
}; // AtomicHashSet
} // namespace mikk