Brecht Van Lommel 4f1c674ee0 Added SuperLU 3.0:

This is a library to solve sparse matrix systems (type A*x=B). It is able
to solve large systems very FAST. Only the necessary parts of the library
are included to limit file size and compilation time. This means the example
files, fortran interface, test files, matlab interface, cblas library,
complex number part and build system have been left out. All (gcc) warnings
have been fixed too.

This library will be used for LSCM UV unwrapping. With this library, LSCM
unwrapping can be calculated in a split second, making the unwrapping proces
much more interactive.

Added OpenNL (Open Numerical Libary):

OpenNL is a library to easily construct and solve sparse linear systems. We
use a stripped down version, as an interface to SuperLU.

This library was kindly given to use by Bruno Levy.
2004-07-13 11:42:13 +00:00

333 lines
7.4 KiB

/* Elimination tree computation and layout routines */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ssp_defs.h"
* Implementation of disjoint set union routines.
* Elements are integers in 0..n-1, and the
* names of the sets themselves are of type int.
* Calls are:
* initialize_disjoint_sets (n) initial call.
* s = make_set (i) returns a set containing only i.
* s = link (t, u) returns s = t union u, destroying t and u.
* s = find (i) return name of set containing i.
* finalize_disjoint_sets final call.
* This implementation uses path compression but not weighted union.
* See Tarjan's book for details.
* John Gilbert, CMI, 1987.
* Implemented path-halving by XSL 07/05/95.
static int *pp; /* parent array for sets */
int *mxCallocInt(int n)
register int i;
int *buf;
buf = (int *) SUPERLU_MALLOC( n * sizeof(int) );
if ( !buf ) {
ABORT("SUPERLU_MALLOC fails for buf in mxCallocInt()");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) buf[i] = 0;
return (buf);
void initialize_disjoint_sets (
int n
pp = mxCallocInt(n);
int make_set (
int i
pp[i] = i;
return i;
int link (
int s,
int t
pp[s] = t;
return t;
int find (int i)
register int p, gp;
p = pp[i];
gp = pp[p];
while (gp != p) {
pp[i] = gp;
i = gp;
p = pp[i];
gp = pp[p];
return (p);
#if 0
int find (
int i
if (pp[i] != i)
pp[i] = find (pp[i]);
return pp[i];
void finalize_disjoint_sets (
* Find the elimination tree for A'*A.
* This uses something similar to Liu's algorithm.
* It runs in time O(nz(A)*log n) and does not form A'*A.
* Input:
* Sparse matrix A. Numeric values are ignored, so any
* explicit zeros are treated as nonzero.
* Output:
* Integer array of parents representing the elimination
* tree of the symbolic product A'*A. Each vertex is a
* column of A, and nc means a root of the elimination forest.
* John R. Gilbert, Xerox, 10 Dec 1990
* Based on code by JRG dated 1987, 1988, and 1990.
* Nonsymmetric elimination tree
int *acolst, int *acolend, /* column start and end past 1 */
int *arow, /* row indices of A */
int nr, int nc, /* dimension of A */
int *parent /* parent in elim tree */
int *root; /* root of subtee of etree */
int *firstcol; /* first nonzero col in each row*/
int rset, cset;
int row, col;
int rroot;
int p;
root = mxCallocInt (nc);
initialize_disjoint_sets (nc);
/* Compute firstcol[row] = first nonzero column in row */
firstcol = mxCallocInt (nr);
for (row = 0; row < nr; firstcol[row++] = nc);
for (col = 0; col < nc; col++)
for (p = acolst[col]; p < acolend[col]; p++) {
row = arow[p];
firstcol[row] = SUPERLU_MIN(firstcol[row], col);
/* Compute etree by Liu's algorithm for symmetric matrices,
except use (firstcol[r],c) in place of an edge (r,c) of A.
Thus each row clique in A'*A is replaced by a star
centered at its first vertex, which has the same fill. */
for (col = 0; col < nc; col++) {
cset = make_set (col);
root[cset] = col;
parent[col] = nc; /* Matlab */
for (p = acolst[col]; p < acolend[col]; p++) {
row = firstcol[arow[p]];
if (row >= col) continue;
rset = find (row);
rroot = root[rset];
if (rroot != col) {
parent[rroot] = col;
cset = link (cset, rset);
root[cset] = col;
SUPERLU_FREE (firstcol);
finalize_disjoint_sets ();
return 0;
* q = TreePostorder (n, p);
* Postorder a tree.
* Input:
* p is a vector of parent pointers for a forest whose
* vertices are the integers 0 to n-1; p[root]==n.
* Output:
* q is a vector indexed by 0..n-1 such that q[i] is the
* i-th vertex in a postorder numbering of the tree.
* ( 2/7/95 modified by X.Li:
* q is a vector indexed by 0:n-1 such that vertex i is the
* q[i]-th vertex in a postorder numbering of the tree.
* That is, this is the inverse of the previous q. )
* In the child structure, lower-numbered children are represented
* first, so that a tree which is already numbered in postorder
* will not have its order changed.
* Written by John Gilbert, Xerox, 10 Dec 1990.
* Based on code written by John Gilbert at CMI in 1987.
static int *first_kid, *next_kid; /* Linked list of children. */
static int *post, postnum;
* Depth-first search from vertex v.
void etdfs (
int v
int w;
for (w = first_kid[v]; w != -1; w = next_kid[w]) {
etdfs (w);
/* post[postnum++] = v; in Matlab */
post[v] = postnum++; /* Modified by X.Li on 2/14/95 */
* Post order a tree
int *TreePostorder(
int n,
int *parent
int v, dad;
/* Allocate storage for working arrays and results */
first_kid = mxCallocInt (n+1);
next_kid = mxCallocInt (n+1);
post = mxCallocInt (n+1);
/* Set up structure describing children */
for (v = 0; v <= n; first_kid[v++] = -1);
for (v = n-1; v >= 0; v--) {
dad = parent[v];
next_kid[v] = first_kid[dad];
first_kid[dad] = v;
/* Depth-first search from dummy root vertex #n */
postnum = 0;
etdfs (n);
SUPERLU_FREE (first_kid);
SUPERLU_FREE (next_kid);
return post;
* p = spsymetree (A);
* Find the elimination tree for symmetric matrix A.
* This uses Liu's algorithm, and runs in time O(nz*log n).
* Input:
* Square sparse matrix A. No check is made for symmetry;
* elements below and on the diagonal are ignored.
* Numeric values are ignored, so any explicit zeros are
* treated as nonzero.
* Output:
* Integer array of parents representing the etree, with n
* meaning a root of the elimination forest.
* Note:
* This routine uses only the upper triangle, while sparse
* Cholesky (as in spchol.c) uses only the lower. Matlab's
* dense Cholesky uses only the upper. This routine could
* be modified to use the lower triangle either by transposing
* the matrix or by traversing it by rows with auxiliary
* pointer and link arrays.
* John R. Gilbert, Xerox, 10 Dec 1990
* Based on code by JRG dated 1987, 1988, and 1990.
* Modified by X.S. Li, November 1999.
* Symmetric elimination tree
int *acolst, int *acolend, /* column starts and ends past 1 */
int *arow, /* row indices of A */
int n, /* dimension of A */
int *parent /* parent in elim tree */
int *root; /* root of subtree of etree */
int rset, cset;
int row, col;
int rroot;
int p;
root = mxCallocInt (n);
initialize_disjoint_sets (n);
for (col = 0; col < n; col++) {
cset = make_set (col);
root[cset] = col;
parent[col] = n; /* Matlab */
for (p = acolst[col]; p < acolend[col]; p++) {
row = arow[p];
if (row >= col) continue;
rset = find (row);
rroot = root[rset];
if (rroot != col) {
parent[rroot] = col;
cset = link (cset, rset);
root[cset] = col;
finalize_disjoint_sets ();
return 0;