Brecht Van Lommel 4f1c674ee0 Added SuperLU 3.0:

This is a library to solve sparse matrix systems (type A*x=B). It is able
to solve large systems very FAST. Only the necessary parts of the library
are included to limit file size and compilation time. This means the example
files, fortran interface, test files, matlab interface, cblas library,
complex number part and build system have been left out. All (gcc) warnings
have been fixed too.

This library will be used for LSCM UV unwrapping. With this library, LSCM
unwrapping can be calculated in a split second, making the unwrapping proces
much more interactive.

Added OpenNL (Open Numerical Libary):

OpenNL is a library to easily construct and solve sparse linear systems. We
use a stripped down version, as an interface to SuperLU.

This library was kindly given to use by Bruno Levy.
2004-07-13 11:42:13 +00:00

141 lines
5.7 KiB

#ifndef __SUPERLU_SUPERMATRIX /* allow multiple inclusions */
* The matrix types are defined as follows. *
typedef enum {
SLU_NC, /* column-wise, no supernode */
SLU_NR, /* row-wize, no supernode */
SLU_SC, /* column-wise, supernode */
SLU_SR, /* row-wise, supernode */
SLU_NCP, /* column-wise, column-permuted, no supernode
(The consecutive columns of nonzeros, after permutation,
may not be stored contiguously.) */
SLU_DN /* Fortran style column-wise storage for dense matrix */
} Stype_t;
typedef enum {
SLU_S, /* single */
SLU_D, /* double */
SLU_C, /* single complex */
SLU_Z /* double complex */
} Dtype_t;
typedef enum {
SLU_GE, /* general */
SLU_TRLU, /* lower triangular, unit diagonal */
SLU_TRUU, /* upper triangular, unit diagonal */
SLU_TRL, /* lower triangular */
SLU_TRU, /* upper triangular */
SLU_SYL, /* symmetric, store lower half */
SLU_SYU, /* symmetric, store upper half */
SLU_HEL, /* Hermitian, store lower half */
SLU_HEU /* Hermitian, store upper half */
} Mtype_t;
typedef struct {
Stype_t Stype; /* Storage type: interprets the storage structure
pointed to by *Store. */
Dtype_t Dtype; /* Data type. */
Mtype_t Mtype; /* Matrix type: describes the mathematical property of
the matrix. */
int_t nrow; /* number of rows */
int_t ncol; /* number of columns */
void *Store; /* pointer to the actual storage of the matrix */
} SuperMatrix;
* The storage schemes are defined as follows. *
/* Stype == NC (Also known as Harwell-Boeing sparse matrix format) */
typedef struct {
int_t nnz; /* number of nonzeros in the matrix */
void *nzval; /* pointer to array of nonzero values, packed by column */
int_t *rowind; /* pointer to array of row indices of the nonzeros */
int_t *colptr; /* pointer to array of beginning of columns in nzval[]
and rowind[] */
/* Note:
Zero-based indexing is used;
colptr[] has ncol+1 entries, the last one pointing
beyond the last column, so that colptr[ncol] = nnz. */
} NCformat;
/* Stype == NR (Also known as row compressed storage (RCS). */
typedef struct {
int_t nnz; /* number of nonzeros in the matrix */
void *nzval; /* pointer to array of nonzero values, packed by row */
int_t *colind; /* pointer to array of column indices of the nonzeros */
int_t *rowptr; /* pointer to array of beginning of rows in nzval[]
and colind[] */
/* Note:
Zero-based indexing is used;
nzval[] and colind[] are of the same length, nnz;
rowptr[] has nrow+1 entries, the last one pointing
beyond the last column, so that rowptr[nrow] = nnz. */
} NRformat;
/* Stype == SC */
typedef struct {
int_t nnz; /* number of nonzeros in the matrix */
int_t nsuper; /* number of supernodes, minus 1 */
void *nzval; /* pointer to array of nonzero values, packed by column */
int_t *nzval_colptr;/* pointer to array of beginning of columns in nzval[] */
int_t *rowind; /* pointer to array of compressed row indices of
rectangular supernodes */
int_t *rowind_colptr;/* pointer to array of beginning of columns in rowind[] */
int_t *col_to_sup; /* col_to_sup[j] is the supernode number to which column
j belongs; mapping from column to supernode number. */
int_t *sup_to_col; /* sup_to_col[s] points to the start of the s-th
supernode; mapping from supernode number to column.
e.g.: col_to_sup: 0 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 (ncol=12)
sup_to_col: 0 1 2 4 7 12 (nsuper=4) */
/* Note:
Zero-based indexing is used;
nzval_colptr[], rowind_colptr[], col_to_sup and
sup_to_col[] have ncol+1 entries, the last one
pointing beyond the last column.
For col_to_sup[], only the first ncol entries are
defined. For sup_to_col[], only the first nsuper+2
entries are defined. */
} SCformat;
/* Stype == NCP */
typedef struct {
int_t nnz; /* number of nonzeros in the matrix */
void *nzval; /* pointer to array of nonzero values, packed by column */
int_t *rowind;/* pointer to array of row indices of the nonzeros */
/* Note: nzval[]/rowind[] always have the same length */
int_t *colbeg;/* colbeg[j] points to the beginning of column j in nzval[]
and rowind[] */
int_t *colend;/* colend[j] points to one past the last element of column
j in nzval[] and rowind[] */
/* Note:
Zero-based indexing is used;
The consecutive columns of the nonzeros may not be
contiguous in storage, because the matrix has been
postmultiplied by a column permutation matrix. */
} NCPformat;
/* Stype == DN */
typedef struct {
int_t lda; /* leading dimension */
void *nzval; /* array of size lda*ncol to represent a dense matrix */
} DNformat;
* Macros used for easy access of sparse matrix entries. *
#define L_SUB_START(col) ( Lstore->rowind_colptr[col] )
#define L_SUB(ptr) ( Lstore->rowind[ptr] )
#define L_NZ_START(col) ( Lstore->nzval_colptr[col] )
#define L_FST_SUPC(superno) ( Lstore->sup_to_col[superno] )
#define U_NZ_START(col) ( Ustore->colptr[col] )
#define U_SUB(ptr) ( Ustore->rowind[ptr] )