Sergey Sharybin 5c25277f6c Fix #108374: Sun light linking issue on direct sampling
This is a continuation of a fix from the last week in #108311.
The issue was not fully fixed due to a mistake in the regression
test file.

There are two major things which left to be fixed since the
previous patch:

1. Root nodes can not be shared, even if the local and distant
lights belong to the same light set. If the root node is shared
then the flattening will use the same node index for specialized
trees, which is not a desired behavior.

2. The node type needs to be preserved when a new node is
created for a subset of emitters. This is because tree sampling
in kernel will handle distant and local lights differently for
nodes where there are multiple emitters.

Pull Request:
2023-05-30 17:39:50 +02:00

619 lines
22 KiB

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Copyright 2011-2022 Blender Foundation */
#include "scene/light_tree.h"
#include "scene/mesh.h"
#include "scene/object.h"
#include "util/progress.h"
float OrientationBounds::calculate_measure() const
if (this->is_empty()) {
return 0.0f;
float theta_w = fminf(M_PI_F, theta_o + theta_e);
float cos_theta_o = cosf(theta_o);
float sin_theta_o = sinf(theta_o);
return M_2PI_F * (1 - cos_theta_o) +
M_PI_2_F * (2 * theta_w * sin_theta_o - cosf(theta_o - 2 * theta_w) -
2 * theta_o * sin_theta_o + cos_theta_o);
OrientationBounds merge(const OrientationBounds &cone_a, const OrientationBounds &cone_b)
if (cone_a.is_empty()) {
return cone_b;
if (cone_b.is_empty()) {
return cone_a;
/* Set cone a to always have the greater theta_o. */
const OrientationBounds *a = &cone_a;
const OrientationBounds *b = &cone_b;
if (cone_b.theta_o > cone_a.theta_o) {
a = &cone_b;
b = &cone_a;
float cos_a_b = dot(a->axis, b->axis);
float theta_d = safe_acosf(cos_a_b);
float theta_e = fmaxf(a->theta_e, b->theta_e);
/* Return axis and theta_o of a if it already contains b. */
/* This should also be called when b is empty. */
if (a->theta_o + 5e-4f >= fminf(M_PI_F, theta_d + b->theta_o)) {
return OrientationBounds({a->axis, a->theta_o, theta_e});
/* Compute new theta_o that contains both a and b. */
float theta_o = (theta_d + a->theta_o + b->theta_o) * 0.5f;
if (theta_o >= M_PI_F) {
return OrientationBounds({a->axis, M_PI_F, theta_e});
/* Slerp between a and b. */
float3 new_axis;
if (cos_a_b < -0.9995f) {
/* Opposite direction, any orthogonal vector is fine. */
float3 unused;
make_orthonormals(a->axis, &new_axis, &unused);
else {
float theta_r = theta_o - a->theta_o;
float3 ortho = safe_normalize(b->axis - a->axis * cos_a_b);
new_axis = a->axis * cosf(theta_r) + ortho * sinf(theta_r);
return OrientationBounds({new_axis, theta_o, theta_e});
LightTreeEmitter::LightTreeEmitter(Object *object, int object_id) : object_id(object_id)
centroid = object->;
light_set_membership = object->get_light_set_membership();
LightTreeEmitter::LightTreeEmitter(Scene *scene,
int prim_id,
int object_id,
bool need_transformation)
: prim_id(prim_id), object_id(object_id)
if (is_triangle()) {
float3 vertices[3];
Object *object = scene->objects[object_id];
Mesh *mesh = static_cast<Mesh *>(object->get_geometry());
Mesh::Triangle triangle = mesh->get_triangle(prim_id);
Shader *shader = static_cast<Shader *>(mesh->get_used_shaders()[mesh->get_shader()[prim_id]]);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
vertices[i] = mesh->get_verts()[triangle.v[i]];
if (need_transformation) {
const Transform &tfm = object->get_tfm();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
vertices[i] = transform_point(&tfm, vertices[i]);
/* TODO: need a better way to handle this when textures are used. */
float area = triangle_area(vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2]); = area * average(shader->emission_estimate);
/* NOTE: the original implementation used the bounding box centroid, but triangle centroid
* seems to work fine */
centroid = (vertices[0] + vertices[1] + vertices[2]) / 3.0f;
const bool is_front_only = (shader->emission_sampling == EMISSION_SAMPLING_FRONT);
const bool is_back_only = (shader->emission_sampling == EMISSION_SAMPLING_BACK);
if (is_front_only || is_back_only) {
/* One-sided. */
measure.bcone.axis = safe_normalize(
cross(vertices[1] - vertices[0], vertices[2] - vertices[0]));
if (is_back_only) {
measure.bcone.axis = -measure.bcone.axis;
if ((need_transformation || mesh->transform_applied) &&
measure.bcone.axis = -measure.bcone.axis;
measure.bcone.theta_o = 0;
else {
/* Double sided: any vector in the plane. */
measure.bcone.axis = safe_normalize(vertices[0] - vertices[1]);
measure.bcone.theta_o = M_PI_2_F;
measure.bcone.theta_e = M_PI_2_F;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
light_set_membership = object->get_light_set_membership();
else {
Light *lamp = scene->lights[object_id];
LightType type = lamp->get_light_type();
const float size = lamp->get_size();
float3 strength = lamp->get_strength();
centroid = scene->lights[object_id]->get_co();
measure.bcone.axis = normalize(lamp->get_dir());
if (type == LIGHT_AREA) {
measure.bcone.theta_o = 0;
measure.bcone.theta_e = lamp->get_spread() * 0.5f;
/* For an area light, sizeu and sizev determine the 2 dimensions of the area light,
* while axisu and axisv determine the orientation of the 2 dimensions.
* We want to add all 4 corners to our bounding box. */
const float3 half_extentu = 0.5f * lamp->get_sizeu() * lamp->get_axisu() * size;
const float3 half_extentv = 0.5f * lamp->get_sizev() * lamp->get_axisv() * size;
measure.bbox.grow(centroid + half_extentu + half_extentv);
measure.bbox.grow(centroid + half_extentu - half_extentv);
measure.bbox.grow(centroid - half_extentu + half_extentv);
measure.bbox.grow(centroid - half_extentu - half_extentv);
strength *= 0.25f; /* eval_fac scaling in `area.h` */
else if (type == LIGHT_POINT) {
measure.bcone.theta_o = M_PI_F;
measure.bcone.theta_e = M_PI_2_F;
/* Point and spot lights can emit light from any point within its radius. */
const float3 radius = make_float3(size);
measure.bbox.grow(centroid - radius);
measure.bbox.grow(centroid + radius);
strength *= 0.25f * M_1_PI_F; /* eval_fac scaling in `spot.h` and `point.h` */
else if (type == LIGHT_SPOT) {
measure.bcone.theta_o = 0;
const float unscaled_theta_e = lamp->get_spot_angle() * 0.5f;
const float len_u = len(lamp->get_axisu());
const float len_v = len(lamp->get_axisv());
const float len_w = len(lamp->get_dir());
measure.bcone.theta_e = fast_atanf(fast_tanf(unscaled_theta_e) * fmaxf(len_u, len_v) /
/* Point and spot lights can emit light from any point within its radius. */
const float3 radius = make_float3(size);
measure.bbox.grow(centroid - radius);
measure.bbox.grow(centroid + radius);
strength *= 0.25f * M_1_PI_F; /* eval_fac scaling in `spot.h` and `point.h` */
else if (type == LIGHT_BACKGROUND) {
/* Set an arbitrary direction for the background light. */
measure.bcone.axis = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
/* TODO: this may depend on portal lights as well. */
measure.bcone.theta_o = M_PI_F;
measure.bcone.theta_e = 0;
/* integrate over cosine-weighted hemisphere */
strength *= lamp->get_average_radiance() * M_PI_F;
else if (type == LIGHT_DISTANT) {
measure.bcone.theta_o = 0;
measure.bcone.theta_e = 0.5f * lamp->get_angle();
if (lamp->get_shader()) {
strength *= lamp->get_shader()->emission_estimate;
/* Use absolute value of energy so lights with negative strength are properly supported in the
* light tree. */ = fabsf(average(strength));
light_set_membership = lamp->get_light_set_membership();
static void sort_leaf(const int start, const int end, LightTreeEmitter *emitters)
/* Sort primitive by light link mask so that specialized trees can use a subset of these. */
if (end > start) {
std::sort(emitters + start,
emitters + end,
[](const LightTreeEmitter &a, const LightTreeEmitter &b) {
return a.light_set_membership < b.light_set_membership;
bool LightTree::triangle_usable_as_light(Mesh *mesh, int prim_id)
int shader_index = mesh->get_shader()[prim_id];
if (shader_index < mesh->get_used_shaders().size()) {
Shader *shader = static_cast<Shader *>(mesh->get_used_shaders()[shader_index]);
if (shader->emission_sampling != EMISSION_SAMPLING_NONE) {
return true;
return false;
void LightTree::add_mesh(Scene *scene, Mesh *mesh, int object_id)
size_t mesh_num_triangles = mesh->num_triangles();
for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh_num_triangles; i++) {
if (triangle_usable_as_light(mesh, i)) {
emitters_.emplace_back(scene, i, object_id);
LightTree::LightTree(Scene *scene,
DeviceScene *dscene,
Progress &progress,
uint max_lights_in_leaf)
: progress_(progress), max_lights_in_leaf_(max_lights_in_leaf)
KernelIntegrator *kintegrator = &dscene->data.integrator;
local_lights_.reserve(kintegrator->num_lights - kintegrator->num_distant_lights);
/* When we keep track of the light index, only contributing lights will be added to the device.
* Therefore, we want to keep track of the light's index on the device.
* However, we also need the light's index in the scene when we're constructing the tree. */
int device_light_index = 0;
int scene_light_index = 0;
for (Light *light : scene->lights) {
if (light->is_enabled) {
if (light->light_type == LIGHT_BACKGROUND || light->light_type == LIGHT_DISTANT) {
distant_lights_.emplace_back(scene, ~device_light_index, scene_light_index);
else {
local_lights_.emplace_back(scene, ~device_light_index, scene_light_index);
/* Similarly, we also want to keep track of the index of triangles of emissive objects. */
int object_id = 0;
for (Object *object : scene->objects) {
if (progress_.get_cancel()) {
light_link_receiver_used |= (uint64_t(1) << object->get_receiver_light_set());
if (!object->usable_as_light()) {
mesh_lights_.emplace_back(object, object_id);
/* Only count unique meshes. */
Mesh *mesh = static_cast<Mesh *>(object->get_geometry());
auto map_it = offset_map_.find(mesh);
if (map_it == offset_map_.end()) {
offset_map_[mesh] = num_triangles;
num_triangles += mesh->num_triangles();
LightTreeNode *LightTree::build(Scene *scene, DeviceScene *dscene)
if (local_lights_.empty() && distant_lights_.empty() && mesh_lights_.empty()) {
return nullptr;
const int num_mesh_lights = mesh_lights_.size();
int num_local_lights = local_lights_.size() + num_mesh_lights;
const int num_distant_lights = distant_lights_.size();
/* Create a node for each mesh light, and keep track of unique mesh lights. */
std::unordered_map<Mesh *, std::tuple<LightTreeNode *, int, int>> unique_mesh;
uint *object_offsets = dscene->object_lookup_offset.alloc(scene->objects.size());
emitters_.reserve(num_triangles + num_local_lights + num_distant_lights);
for (LightTreeEmitter &emitter : mesh_lights_) {
Object *object = scene->objects[emitter.object_id];
Mesh *mesh = static_cast<Mesh *>(object->get_geometry());
emitter.root = create_node(LightTreeMeasure::empty, 0);
auto map_it = unique_mesh.find(mesh);
if (map_it == unique_mesh.end()) {
const int start = emitters_.size();
add_mesh(scene, mesh, emitter.object_id);
const int end = emitters_.size();
unique_mesh[mesh] = std::make_tuple(emitter.root.get(), start, end);
emitter.root->object_id = emitter.object_id;
else {
emitter.root->make_instance(std::get<0>(map_it->second), emitter.object_id);
object_offsets[emitter.object_id] = offset_map_[mesh];
/* Build a subtree for each unique mesh light. */
parallel_for_each(unique_mesh, [this](auto &map_it) {
LightTreeNode *node = std::get<0>(map_it.second);
int start = std::get<1>(map_it.second);
int end = std::get<2>(map_it.second);
recursive_build(self, node, start, end,, 0, 0);
node->type |= LIGHT_TREE_INSTANCE;
/* Update measure. */
parallel_for_each(mesh_lights_, [&](LightTreeEmitter &emitter) {
Object *object = scene->objects[emitter.object_id];
Mesh *mesh = static_cast<Mesh *>(object->get_geometry());
LightTreeNode *reference = std::get<0>(unique_mesh.find(mesh)->second);
emitter.measure = emitter.root->measure = reference->measure;
/* Transform measure. The measure is only directly transformable if the transformation has
* uniform scaling, otherwise recount all the triangles in the mesh with transformation. */
/* NOTE: in theory only energy needs recalculating: #bbox is available via `object->bounds`,
* transformation of #bcone is possible. However, the computation involves eigendecomposition
* and solving a cubic equation ( section 3.4), then
* the angle is derived from the major axis of the resulted right elliptic cone's base, which
* can be an overestimation. */
if (!mesh->transform_applied && !emitter.measure.transform(object->get_tfm())) {
size_t mesh_num_triangles = mesh->num_triangles();
for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh_num_triangles; i++) {
if (triangle_usable_as_light(mesh, i)) {
emitter.measure.add(LightTreeEmitter(scene, i, emitter.object_id, true).measure);
for (LightTreeEmitter &emitter : mesh_lights_) {
emitter.root->measure = emitter.measure;
/* Could be different from `num_triangles` if only some triangles of an object are emissive. */
const int num_emissive_triangles = emitters_.size();
num_local_lights += num_emissive_triangles;
/* Build the top level tree. */
root_ = create_node(LightTreeMeasure::empty, 0);
/* All local lights and mesh lights are grouped to the left child as an inner node. */
std::move(local_lights_.begin(), local_lights_.end(), std::back_inserter(emitters_));
std::move(mesh_lights_.begin(), mesh_lights_.end(), std::back_inserter(emitters_));
left, root_.get(), num_emissive_triangles, num_local_lights,, 0, 1);
/* All distant lights are grouped to the right child as a leaf node. */
root_->get_inner().children[right] = create_node(LightTreeMeasure::empty, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < num_distant_lights; i++) {
sort_leaf(0, num_distant_lights,;
root_->get_inner().children[right]->make_distant(num_local_lights, num_distant_lights);
root_->measure = root_->get_inner().children[left]->measure +
root_->light_link = root_->get_inner().children[left]->light_link +
/* Root nodes are never meant to be be shared, even if the local and distant lights are from the
* same light linking set. Attempting to sharing it will make it so the specialized tree will
* try to use the same root as the default tree. */
root_->light_link.shareable = false;
std::move(distant_lights_.begin(), distant_lights_.end(), std::back_inserter(emitters_));
return root_.get();
void LightTree::recursive_build(const Child child,
LightTreeNode *inner,
const int start,
const int end,
LightTreeEmitter *emitters,
const uint bit_trail,
const int depth)
if (progress_.get_cancel()) {
LightTreeNode *node;
if (child == self) {
/* Building subtree. */
node = inner;
else {
inner->get_inner().children[child] = create_node(LightTreeMeasure::empty, bit_trail);
node = inner->get_inner().children[child].get();
/* Find the best place to split the emitters into 2 nodes.
* If the best split cost is no better than making a leaf node, make a leaf instead. */
int split_dim = -1, middle;
if (should_split(emitters, start, middle, end, node->measure, node->light_link, split_dim)) {
if (split_dim != -1) {
/* Partition the emitters between start and end based on the centroids. */
std::nth_element(emitters + start,
emitters + middle,
emitters + end,
[split_dim](const LightTreeEmitter &l, const LightTreeEmitter &r) {
return l.centroid[split_dim] < r.centroid[split_dim];
/* Recursively build the left branch. */
if (middle - start > MIN_EMITTERS_PER_THREAD) {
[=] { recursive_build(left, node, start, middle, emitters, bit_trail, depth + 1); });
else {
recursive_build(left, node, start, middle, emitters, bit_trail, depth + 1);
/* Recursively build the right branch. */
if (end - middle > MIN_EMITTERS_PER_THREAD) {
task_pool.push([=] {
recursive_build(right, node, middle, end, emitters, bit_trail | (1u << depth), depth + 1);
else {
recursive_build(right, node, middle, end, emitters, bit_trail | (1u << depth), depth + 1);
else {
sort_leaf(start, end, emitters);
node->make_leaf(start, end - start);
bool LightTree::should_split(LightTreeEmitter *emitters,
const int start,
int &middle,
const int end,
LightTreeMeasure &measure,
LightTreeLightLink &light_link,
int &split_dim)
const int num_emitters = end - start;
if (num_emitters < 2) {
if (num_emitters) {
/* Do not try to split if there is only one emitter. */
measure = emitters[start].measure;
light_link = LightTreeLightLink(emitters[start].light_set_membership);
return false;
middle = (start + end) / 2;
BoundBox centroid_bbox = BoundBox::empty;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
centroid_bbox.grow((emitters + i)->centroid);
const float3 extent = centroid_bbox.size();
const float max_extent = max4(extent.x, extent.y, extent.z, 0.0f);
/* Check each dimension to find the minimum splitting cost. */
float total_cost = 0.0f;
float min_cost = FLT_MAX;
for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; dim++) {
/* If the centroid bounding box is 0 along a given dimension and the node measure is already
* computed, skip it. */
if (centroid_bbox.size()[dim] == 0.0f && dim != 0) {
const float inv_extent = 1 / (centroid_bbox.size()[dim]);
/* Fill in buckets with emitters. */
std::array<LightTreeBucket, LightTreeBucket::num_buckets> buckets;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
const LightTreeEmitter *emitter = emitters + i;
/* Place emitter into the appropriate bucket, where the centroid box is split into equal
* partitions. */
int bucket_idx = LightTreeBucket::num_buckets *
(emitter->centroid[dim] - centroid_bbox.min[dim]) * inv_extent;
bucket_idx = clamp(bucket_idx, 0, LightTreeBucket::num_buckets - 1);
/* Precompute the left bucket measure cumulatively. */
std::array<LightTreeBucket, LightTreeBucket::num_buckets - 1> left_buckets;
left_buckets.front() = buckets.front();
for (int i = 1; i < LightTreeBucket::num_buckets - 1; i++) {
left_buckets[i] = left_buckets[i - 1] + buckets[i];
if (dim == 0) {
/* Calculate node measure by summing up the bucket measure. */
measure = left_buckets.back().measure + buckets.back().measure;
light_link = left_buckets.back().light_link + buckets.back().light_link;
/* Degenerate case with co-located emitters. */
if (is_zero(centroid_bbox.size())) {
/* If the centroid bounding box is 0 along a given dimension, skip it. */
if (centroid_bbox.size()[dim] == 0.0f) {
total_cost = measure.calculate();
if (total_cost == 0.0f) {
/* Precompute the right bucket measure cumulatively. */
std::array<LightTreeBucket, LightTreeBucket::num_buckets - 1> right_buckets;
right_buckets.back() = buckets.back();
for (int i = LightTreeBucket::num_buckets - 3; i >= 0; i--) {
right_buckets[i] = right_buckets[i + 1] + buckets[i + 1];
/* Calculate the cost of splitting at each point between partitions. */
const float regularization = max_extent * inv_extent;
for (int split = 0; split < LightTreeBucket::num_buckets - 1; split++) {
const float left_cost = left_buckets[split].measure.calculate();
const float right_cost = right_buckets[split].measure.calculate();
const float cost = regularization * (left_cost + right_cost);
if (cost < total_cost && cost < min_cost) {
min_cost = cost;
split_dim = dim;
middle = start + left_buckets[split].count;
return min_cost < total_cost || num_emitters > max_lights_in_leaf_;
__forceinline LightTreeMeasure operator+(const LightTreeMeasure &a, const LightTreeMeasure &b)
LightTreeMeasure c(a);
return c;
LightTreeBucket operator+(const LightTreeBucket &a, const LightTreeBucket &b)
return LightTreeBucket(a.measure + b.measure, a.light_link + b.light_link, a.count + b.count);
LightTreeLightLink operator+(const LightTreeLightLink &a, const LightTreeLightLink &b)
LightTreeLightLink c(a);
return c;