
278 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Blender Foundation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
This script is to validate the WIKI page that documents Blender's file-structure, see:
It can run without any arguments, where it will download the WIKI to Blender's source root:
You may pass the wiki text as an argument, e.g. --wiki=wiki.txt
import os
import re
import argparse
from typing import (
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constants
CURRENT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
SOURCE_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, "..", ".."))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# HTML Utilities
def text_with_title_underline(text: str, underline: str = "=") -> str:
return "\n{:s}\n{:s}\n".format(text, len(text) * underline)
def html_extract_first_textarea(data: str) -> Optional[str]:
Extract and escape text within the first
``<textarea ...> ... </textarea>`` found in the HTML text.
beg = data.find("<textarea")
if beg == -1:
print("Failed to extract <textarea ...> start")
return None
beg = data.find(">", beg)
if beg == -1:
print("Failed to extract <textarea ...> end")
return None
beg += 1
end = data.find("</textarea>", beg)
if end == -1:
print("Failed to extract </textarea>")
return None
data = data[beg:end]
for (src, dst) in (
("&lt;", "<"),
("&gt;", ">"),
("&amp;", "&"),
("&quot;", "\""),
data = data.replace(src, dst)
return data
def html_extract_first_textarea_from_url(url: str) -> Optional[str]:
import urllib.request
req = urllib.request.Request(url=url)
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as fh:
data ='utf-8')
return html_extract_first_textarea(data)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# WIKI Text Parsing
def wiki_to_paths_and_docstrings(wiki_text: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
file_paths = []
file_paths_docstring = []
lines = wiki_text.split("\n")
i = 0
while i < len(lines):
if lines[i].startswith("| /"):
# Convert:
# `| /source/'''blender/'''` -> `/source/blender`.
p = lines[i][3:].replace("'''", "").split(" ", 1)[0].rstrip("/")
body = []
i += 1
while lines[i].strip() not in {"|-", "|}"}:
body.append(lines[i].lstrip("| "))
i += 1
i -= 1
i += 1
return file_paths, file_paths_docstring
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Reporting
def report_known_wiki_paths(file_paths: List[str]) -> None:
heading = "Paths Found in WIKI Table"
for p in file_paths:
print("-", p)
def report_missing_source(file_paths: List[str]) -> int:
heading = "Missing in Source Dir"
test = [p for p in file_paths if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, p))]
amount = str(len(test)) if test else "none found"
print(text_with_title_underline("{:s} ({:s})".format(heading, amount)))
if not test:
return 0
print("The following paths were found in the WIKI text\n"
"but were not found in Blender's source directory:\n")
for p in test:
print("-", p)
return len(test)
def report_incomplete(file_paths: List[str]) -> int:
heading = "Missing Documentation"
test = []
basedirs = {os.path.dirname(p) for p in file_paths}
for base in sorted(basedirs):
base_abs = os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, base)
for p in os.listdir(base_abs):
if not p.startswith("."):
p_abs = os.path.join(base_abs, p)
if os.path.isdir(p_abs):
p_rel = os.path.join(base, p)
if p_rel not in file_paths:
amount = str(len(test)) if test else "none found"
print(text_with_title_underline("{:s} ({:s})".format(heading, amount)))
if not test:
return 0
print("The following paths were found in Blender's source directory\n"
"but are missing from the WIKI text:\n")
for p in sorted(test):
print("-", p)
return len(test)
def report_alphabetical_order(file_paths: List[str]) -> int:
heading = "Non-Alphabetically Ordered"
test = []
p_prev = ""
p_prev_dir = ""
for p in file_paths:
p_dir = os.path.dirname(p)
if p_prev:
if p_dir == p_prev_dir:
if p < p_prev:
test.append((p_prev, p))
p_prev_dir = p_dir
p_prev = p
amount = str(len(test)) if test else "none found"
print(text_with_title_underline("{:s} ({:s})".format(heading, amount)))
if not test:
return 0
for p_prev, p in test:
print("-", p, "(should be before)\n ", p_prev)
return len(test)
def report_todo_in_docstrings(file_paths: List[str], file_paths_docstring: List[str]) -> int:
heading = "Marked as TODO"
test = []
re_todo = re.compile(r"\bTODO\b")
for p, docstring in zip(file_paths, file_paths_docstring):
if re_todo.match(docstring):
amount = str(len(test)) if test else "none found"
print(text_with_title_underline("{:s} ({:s})".format(heading, amount)))
if not test:
return 0
for p in test:
print("-", p)
return len(test)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Argument Parser
def create_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
default=os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, "wiki_file_structure.txt"),
help="WIKI text file path, NOTE: this will be downloaded if not found!",
return parser
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main Function
def main() -> None:
parser = create_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
if os.path.exists(args.wiki_text):
print("Using existing WIKI text:", args.wiki_text)
data = html_extract_first_textarea_from_url(WIKI_URL_EDIT)
if data is not None:
with open(args.wiki_text, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
print("Downloaded WIKI text to:", args.wiki_text)
print("Update and save to:", WIKI_URL)
print("Failed to downloaded or extract WIKI text, aborting!")
with open(args.wiki_text, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
file_paths, file_paths_docstring = wiki_to_paths_and_docstrings(
# Disable, mostly useful when debugging why paths might not be found.
# report_known_wiki_paths()
issues = 0
issues += report_missing_source(file_paths)
issues += report_incomplete(file_paths)
issues += report_alphabetical_order(file_paths)
issues += report_todo_in_docstrings(file_paths, file_paths_docstring)
if issues:
print("Warning, found {:d} issues!\n".format(issues))
print("Success! The WIKI text is up to date with Blender's source tree!\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":