
172 lines
5.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Blender Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import requests
class ReleaseLogLine:
Class containing the information of a single line of the release log
Instance attributes:
* line: (str) the original line used to create this log line
* issue_id: (int or None) the extracted issue id associated with this log
line. Can be None if the log line isn't associated with a issue.
* commit_id: (str or None) the extracted commit id associated with this log
line. Only filled when no `issue_id` could be found.
* ref: (str) `issue_id` or `commit_id` of this line, including `T` for issues
or `D` for diffs.
* title: (str) title of this log line. When constructed this attribute is
an empty string. The called needs to retrieve the title from the
* url: (str) url of the ticket issue or commit.
def __init__(self, line: str):
self.line = line
items = line.split("|")
self.issue_id = None
self.issue_repo = None
self.commit_id = None
self.commit_repo = None
base_url = ""
issue_tokens = items[1].strip().split("#")
if len(issue_tokens[0]) > 0:
self.issue_repo = issue_tokens[0]
self.issue_id = issue_tokens[1]
self.issue_repo = "blender/blender"
self.issue_id = issue_tokens[1]
self.ref = f"#{self.issue_id}"
self.url = f"{base_url}/{self.issue_repo}/issues/{self.issue_id}"
except IndexError:
# no issue
commit_string = items[3].strip()
commit_string = commit_string.split(",")[0]
commit_string = commit_string.split("]")[0]
commit_string = commit_string.replace("[", "")
commit_tokens = commit_string.split("@")
if len(commit_tokens) > 1:
self.commit_repo = commit_tokens[0]
self.commit_id = commit_tokens[1]
self.commit_repo = "blender/blender"
self.commit_id = commit_tokens[0]
self.ref = f"{self.commit_id}"
self.url = f"{base_url}/{self.commit_repo}/commit/{self.commit_id}"
self.title = ""
def __format_as_html(self) -> str:
return f" <li>{self.title} [<a href=\"{self.url}\">{self.ref}</a>]</li>"
def __format_as_text(self) -> str:
return f"* {self.title} [{self.ref}]"
def __format_as_steam(self) -> str:
return f"* {self.title} ([url={self.url}]{self.ref}[/url])"
def __format_as_markdown(self) -> str:
if self.issue_id:
return f"* {self.title} ({self.issue_repo}#{self.issue_id})"
return f"* {self.title} ({self.commit_repo}@{self.commit_id})"
def format(self, format: str) -> str:
Format this line
:attr format: the desired format. Possible values are 'text', 'steam' or 'html'
:type string:
if format == 'html':
return self.__format_as_html()
elif format == 'steam':
return self.__format_as_steam()
elif format == 'markdown':
return self.__format_as_markdown()
return self.__format_as_text()
def format_title(title: str) -> str:
title = title.strip()
if not title.endswith("."):
title = title + "."
return title
def extract_release_notes(version: str, issue: str):
Extract all release notes logs
# Process
1. Retrieval of description of the given `issue_id`.
2. Find rows for the given `version` and convert to `ReleaseLogLine`.
3. based on the associated issue or commit retrieves the title of the log
base_url = ""
issues_url = base_url + "/blender/blender/issues/"
headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}
response = requests.get(issues_url + issue[1:], headers=headers)
description = response.json()["body"]
lines = description.split("\n")
start_index = lines.index(f"## Blender {version}")
lines = lines[start_index + 1:]
for line in lines:
if not line.strip():
if line.startswith("| **Report**"):
if line.startswith("## Blender"):
if line.find("| -- |") != -1:
log_line = ReleaseLogLine(line)
if log_line.issue_id:
issue_url = f"{base_url}/{log_line.issue_repo}/issues/{log_line.issue_id}"
response = requests.get(issue_url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError("Issue not found: " + str(log_line.issue_id))
log_line.title = format_title(response.json()["title"])
yield log_line
elif log_line.commit_id:
commit_url = f"{base_url}/{log_line.commit_repo}/git/commits/{log_line.commit_id}"
response = requests.get(commit_url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError("Commit not found: " + log_line.commit_id)
commit_message = response.json()['commit']['message']
commit_title = commit_message.split("\n")[0]
log_line.title = format_title(commit_title)
yield log_line
def print_notes(version: str, format: str, issue: str):
Generate and print the release notes to the console.
if format == 'html':
if format == 'steam':
for log_item in extract_release_notes(version=version, issue=issue):
if format == 'html':
if format == 'steam':