
808 lines
27 KiB

/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011-2022 Blender Foundation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
#include "scene/camera.h"
#include "scene/mesh.h"
#include "scene/object.h"
#include "scene/scene.h"
#include "scene/stats.h"
#include "scene/tables.h"
#include "device/device.h"
#include "util/foreach.h"
#include "util/function.h"
#include "util/log.h"
#include "util/math_cdf.h"
#include "util/task.h"
#include "util/time.h"
#include "util/vector.h"
/* needed for calculating differentials */
#include "kernel/device/cpu/compat.h"
#include "kernel/device/cpu/globals.h"
#include "kernel/camera/camera.h"
static float shutter_curve_eval(float x, array<float> &shutter_curve)
if (shutter_curve.size() == 0) {
return 1.0f;
x = saturatef(x) * shutter_curve.size() - 1;
int index = (int)x;
float frac = x - index;
if (index < shutter_curve.size() - 1) {
return mix(shutter_curve[index], shutter_curve[index + 1], frac);
else {
return shutter_curve[shutter_curve.size() - 1];
NodeType *type = NodeType::add("camera", create);
SOCKET_FLOAT(shuttertime, "Shutter Time", 1.0f);
static NodeEnum motion_position_enum;
motion_position_enum.insert("start", MOTION_POSITION_START);
motion_position_enum.insert("center", MOTION_POSITION_CENTER);
motion_position_enum.insert("end", MOTION_POSITION_END);
SOCKET_ENUM(motion_position, "Motion Position", motion_position_enum, MOTION_POSITION_CENTER);
static NodeEnum rolling_shutter_type_enum;
rolling_shutter_type_enum.insert("none", ROLLING_SHUTTER_NONE);
rolling_shutter_type_enum.insert("top", ROLLING_SHUTTER_TOP);
"Rolling Shutter Type",
SOCKET_FLOAT(rolling_shutter_duration, "Rolling Shutter Duration", 0.1f);
SOCKET_FLOAT_ARRAY(shutter_curve, "Shutter Curve", array<float>());
SOCKET_FLOAT(aperturesize, "Aperture Size", 0.0f);
SOCKET_FLOAT(focaldistance, "Focal Distance", 10.0f);
SOCKET_UINT(blades, "Blades", 0);
SOCKET_FLOAT(bladesrotation, "Blades Rotation", 0.0f);
SOCKET_TRANSFORM(matrix, "Matrix", transform_identity());
SOCKET_TRANSFORM_ARRAY(motion, "Motion", array<Transform>());
SOCKET_FLOAT(aperture_ratio, "Aperture Ratio", 1.0f);
static NodeEnum type_enum;
type_enum.insert("perspective", CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE);
type_enum.insert("orthograph", CAMERA_ORTHOGRAPHIC);
type_enum.insert("panorama", CAMERA_PANORAMA);
SOCKET_ENUM(camera_type, "Type", type_enum, CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE);
static NodeEnum panorama_type_enum;
panorama_type_enum.insert("equirectangular", PANORAMA_EQUIRECTANGULAR);
panorama_type_enum.insert("equiangular_cubemap_face", PANORAMA_EQUIANGULAR_CUBEMAP_FACE);
panorama_type_enum.insert("mirrorball", PANORAMA_MIRRORBALL);
panorama_type_enum.insert("fisheye_equidistant", PANORAMA_FISHEYE_EQUIDISTANT);
panorama_type_enum.insert("fisheye_equisolid", PANORAMA_FISHEYE_EQUISOLID);
panorama_type_enum.insert("fisheye_lens_polynomial", PANORAMA_FISHEYE_LENS_POLYNOMIAL);
SOCKET_ENUM(panorama_type, "Panorama Type", panorama_type_enum, PANORAMA_EQUIRECTANGULAR);
SOCKET_FLOAT(fisheye_fov, "Fisheye FOV", M_PI_F);
SOCKET_FLOAT(fisheye_lens, "Fisheye Lens", 10.5f);
SOCKET_FLOAT(latitude_min, "Latitude Min", -M_PI_2_F);
SOCKET_FLOAT(latitude_max, "Latitude Max", M_PI_2_F);
SOCKET_FLOAT(longitude_min, "Longitude Min", -M_PI_F);
SOCKET_FLOAT(longitude_max, "Longitude Max", M_PI_F);
SOCKET_FLOAT(fov_pre, "FOV Pre", M_PI_4_F);
SOCKET_FLOAT(fov_post, "FOV Post", M_PI_4_F);
SOCKET_FLOAT(fisheye_polynomial_k0, "Fisheye Polynomial K0", 0.0f);
SOCKET_FLOAT(fisheye_polynomial_k1, "Fisheye Polynomial K1", 0.0f);
SOCKET_FLOAT(fisheye_polynomial_k2, "Fisheye Polynomial K2", 0.0f);
SOCKET_FLOAT(fisheye_polynomial_k3, "Fisheye Polynomial K3", 0.0f);
SOCKET_FLOAT(fisheye_polynomial_k4, "Fisheye Polynomial K4", 0.0f);
static NodeEnum stereo_eye_enum;
stereo_eye_enum.insert("none", STEREO_NONE);
stereo_eye_enum.insert("left", STEREO_LEFT);
stereo_eye_enum.insert("right", STEREO_RIGHT);
SOCKET_ENUM(stereo_eye, "Stereo Eye", stereo_eye_enum, STEREO_NONE);
SOCKET_BOOLEAN(use_spherical_stereo, "Use Spherical Stereo", false);
SOCKET_FLOAT(interocular_distance, "Interocular Distance", 0.065f);
SOCKET_FLOAT(convergence_distance, "Convergence Distance", 30.0f * 0.065f);
SOCKET_BOOLEAN(use_pole_merge, "Use Pole Merge", false);
SOCKET_FLOAT(pole_merge_angle_from, "Pole Merge Angle From", 60.0f * M_PI_F / 180.0f);
SOCKET_FLOAT(pole_merge_angle_to, "Pole Merge Angle To", 75.0f * M_PI_F / 180.0f);
SOCKET_FLOAT(sensorwidth, "Sensor Width", 0.036f);
SOCKET_FLOAT(sensorheight, "Sensor Height", 0.024f);
SOCKET_FLOAT(nearclip, "Near Clip", 1e-5f);
SOCKET_FLOAT(farclip, "Far Clip", 1e5f);
SOCKET_FLOAT(viewplane.left, "Viewplane Left", 0);
SOCKET_FLOAT(viewplane.right, "Viewplane Right", 0);
SOCKET_FLOAT(viewplane.bottom, "Viewplane Bottom", 0);
SOCKET_FLOAT(, "Viewplane Top", 0);
SOCKET_FLOAT(border.left, "Border Left", 0);
SOCKET_FLOAT(border.right, "Border Right", 0);
SOCKET_FLOAT(border.bottom, "Border Bottom", 0);
SOCKET_FLOAT(, "Border Top", 0);
SOCKET_FLOAT(viewport_camera_border.left, "Viewport Border Left", 0);
SOCKET_FLOAT(viewport_camera_border.right, "Viewport Border Right", 0);
SOCKET_FLOAT(viewport_camera_border.bottom, "Viewport Border Bottom", 0);
SOCKET_FLOAT(, "Viewport Border Top", 0);
SOCKET_FLOAT(offscreen_dicing_scale, "Offscreen Dicing Scale", 1.0f);
SOCKET_INT(full_width, "Full Width", 1024);
SOCKET_INT(full_height, "Full Height", 512);
SOCKET_BOOLEAN(use_perspective_motion, "Use Perspective Motion", false);
return type;
Camera::Camera() : Node(get_node_type())
shutter_table_offset = TABLE_OFFSET_INVALID;
width = 1024;
height = 512;
use_perspective_motion = false;
for (int i = 0; i < shutter_curve.size(); ++i) {
shutter_curve[i] = 1.0f;
screentoworld = projection_identity();
rastertoworld = projection_identity();
ndctoworld = projection_identity();
rastertocamera = projection_identity();
cameratoworld = transform_identity();
worldtoraster = projection_identity();
full_rastertocamera = projection_identity();
dx = zero_float3();
dy = zero_float3();
need_device_update = true;
need_flags_update = true;
previous_need_motion = -1;
memset((void *)&kernel_camera, 0, sizeof(kernel_camera));
Camera::~Camera() {}
void Camera::compute_auto_viewplane()
if (camera_type == CAMERA_PANORAMA) {
viewplane.left = 0.0f;
viewplane.right = 1.0f;
viewplane.bottom = 0.0f; = 1.0f;
else {
float aspect = (float)full_width / (float)full_height;
if (full_width >= full_height) {
viewplane.left = -aspect;
viewplane.right = aspect;
viewplane.bottom = -1.0f; = 1.0f;
else {
viewplane.left = -1.0f;
viewplane.right = 1.0f;
viewplane.bottom = -1.0f / aspect; = 1.0f / aspect;
void Camera::update(Scene *scene)
Scene::MotionType need_motion = scene->need_motion();
if (previous_need_motion != need_motion) {
/* scene's motion model could have been changed since previous device
* camera update this could happen for example in case when one render
* layer has got motion pass and another not */
need_device_update = true;
if (!is_modified())
scoped_callback_timer timer([scene](double time) {
if (scene->update_stats) {
scene->update_stats->camera.times.add_entry({"update", time});
/* Full viewport to camera border in the viewport. */
Transform fulltoborder = transform_from_viewplane(viewport_camera_border);
Transform bordertofull = transform_inverse(fulltoborder);
/* NDC to raster. */
Transform ndctoraster = transform_scale(width, height, 1.0f) * bordertofull;
Transform full_ndctoraster = transform_scale(full_width, full_height, 1.0f) * bordertofull;
/* Raster to screen. */
Transform screentondc = fulltoborder * transform_from_viewplane(viewplane);
Transform screentoraster = ndctoraster * screentondc;
Transform rastertoscreen = transform_inverse(screentoraster);
Transform full_screentoraster = full_ndctoraster * screentondc;
Transform full_rastertoscreen = transform_inverse(full_screentoraster);
/* Screen to camera. */
ProjectionTransform cameratoscreen;
if (camera_type == CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE)
cameratoscreen = projection_perspective(fov, nearclip, farclip);
else if (camera_type == CAMERA_ORTHOGRAPHIC)
cameratoscreen = projection_orthographic(nearclip, farclip);
cameratoscreen = projection_identity();
ProjectionTransform screentocamera = projection_inverse(cameratoscreen);
rastertocamera = screentocamera * rastertoscreen;
full_rastertocamera = screentocamera * full_rastertoscreen;
cameratoraster = screentoraster * cameratoscreen;
cameratoworld = matrix;
screentoworld = cameratoworld * screentocamera;
rastertoworld = cameratoworld * rastertocamera;
ndctoworld = rastertoworld * ndctoraster;
/* note we recompose matrices instead of taking inverses of the above, this
* is needed to avoid inverting near degenerate matrices that happen due to
* precision issues with large scenes */
worldtocamera = transform_inverse(matrix);
worldtoscreen = cameratoscreen * worldtocamera;
worldtondc = screentondc * worldtoscreen;
worldtoraster = ndctoraster * worldtondc;
/* differentials */
if (camera_type == CAMERA_ORTHOGRAPHIC) {
dx = transform_perspective_direction(&rastertocamera, make_float3(1, 0, 0));
dy = transform_perspective_direction(&rastertocamera, make_float3(0, 1, 0));
full_dx = transform_perspective_direction(&full_rastertocamera, make_float3(1, 0, 0));
full_dy = transform_perspective_direction(&full_rastertocamera, make_float3(0, 1, 0));
else if (camera_type == CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE) {
dx = transform_perspective(&rastertocamera, make_float3(1, 0, 0)) -
transform_perspective(&rastertocamera, make_float3(0, 0, 0));
dy = transform_perspective(&rastertocamera, make_float3(0, 1, 0)) -
transform_perspective(&rastertocamera, make_float3(0, 0, 0));
full_dx = transform_perspective(&full_rastertocamera, make_float3(1, 0, 0)) -
transform_perspective(&full_rastertocamera, make_float3(0, 0, 0));
full_dy = transform_perspective(&full_rastertocamera, make_float3(0, 1, 0)) -
transform_perspective(&full_rastertocamera, make_float3(0, 0, 0));
else {
dx = zero_float3();
dy = zero_float3();
dx = transform_direction(&cameratoworld, dx);
dy = transform_direction(&cameratoworld, dy);
full_dx = transform_direction(&cameratoworld, full_dx);
full_dy = transform_direction(&cameratoworld, full_dy);
if (camera_type == CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE) {
float3 v = transform_perspective(&full_rastertocamera,
make_float3(full_width, full_height, 1.0f));
frustum_right_normal = normalize(make_float3(v.z, 0.0f, -v.x));
frustum_top_normal = normalize(make_float3(0.0f, v.z, -v.y));
v = transform_perspective(&full_rastertocamera, make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
frustum_left_normal = normalize(make_float3(-v.z, 0.0f, v.x));
frustum_bottom_normal = normalize(make_float3(0.0f, -v.z, v.y));
/* Compute kernel camera data. */
KernelCamera *kcam = &kernel_camera;
/* store matrices */
kcam->screentoworld = screentoworld;
kcam->rastertoworld = rastertoworld;
kcam->rastertocamera = rastertocamera;
kcam->cameratoworld = cameratoworld;
kcam->worldtocamera = worldtocamera;
kcam->worldtoscreen = worldtoscreen;
kcam->worldtoraster = worldtoraster;
kcam->worldtondc = worldtondc;
kcam->ndctoworld = ndctoworld;
/* camera motion */
kcam->num_motion_steps = 0;
kcam->have_perspective_motion = 0;
/* Test if any of the transforms are actually different. */
bool have_motion = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < motion.size(); i++) {
have_motion = have_motion || motion[i] != matrix;
if (need_motion == Scene::MOTION_PASS) {
/* TODO(sergey): Support perspective (zoom, fov) motion. */
if (camera_type == CAMERA_PANORAMA) {
if (have_motion) {
kcam->motion_pass_pre = transform_inverse(motion[0]);
kcam->motion_pass_post = transform_inverse(motion[motion.size() - 1]);
else {
kcam->motion_pass_pre = kcam->worldtocamera;
kcam->motion_pass_post = kcam->worldtocamera;
else {
if (have_motion) {
kcam->perspective_pre = cameratoraster * transform_inverse(motion[0]);
kcam->perspective_post = cameratoraster * transform_inverse(motion[motion.size() - 1]);
else {
kcam->perspective_pre = worldtoraster;
kcam->perspective_post = worldtoraster;
else if (need_motion == Scene::MOTION_BLUR) {
if (have_motion) {
transform_motion_decompose(,, motion.size());
kcam->num_motion_steps = motion.size();
/* TODO(sergey): Support other types of camera. */
if (use_perspective_motion && camera_type == CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE) {
/* TODO(sergey): Move to an utility function and de-duplicate with
* calculation above.
ProjectionTransform screentocamera_pre = projection_inverse(
projection_perspective(fov_pre, nearclip, farclip));
ProjectionTransform screentocamera_post = projection_inverse(
projection_perspective(fov_post, nearclip, farclip));
kcam->perspective_pre = screentocamera_pre * rastertoscreen;
kcam->perspective_post = screentocamera_post * rastertoscreen;
kcam->have_perspective_motion = 1;
/* depth of field */
kcam->aperturesize = aperturesize;
kcam->focaldistance = focaldistance;
kcam->blades = (blades < 3) ? 0.0f : blades;
kcam->bladesrotation = bladesrotation;
/* motion blur */
kcam->shuttertime = (need_motion == Scene::MOTION_BLUR) ? shuttertime : -1.0f;
kcam->motion_position = motion_position;
/* type */
kcam->type = camera_type;
/* anamorphic lens bokeh */
kcam->inv_aperture_ratio = 1.0f / aperture_ratio;
/* panorama */
kcam->panorama_type = panorama_type;
kcam->fisheye_fov = fisheye_fov;
kcam->fisheye_lens = fisheye_lens;
kcam->equirectangular_range = make_float4(longitude_min - longitude_max,
latitude_min - latitude_max,
-latitude_min + M_PI_2_F);
kcam->fisheye_lens_polynomial_bias = fisheye_polynomial_k0;
kcam->fisheye_lens_polynomial_coefficients = make_float4(
fisheye_polynomial_k1, fisheye_polynomial_k2, fisheye_polynomial_k3, fisheye_polynomial_k4);
switch (stereo_eye) {
kcam->interocular_offset = -interocular_distance * 0.5f;
kcam->interocular_offset = interocular_distance * 0.5f;
kcam->interocular_offset = 0.0f;
kcam->convergence_distance = convergence_distance;
if (use_pole_merge) {
kcam->pole_merge_angle_from = pole_merge_angle_from;
kcam->pole_merge_angle_to = pole_merge_angle_to;
else {
kcam->pole_merge_angle_from = -1.0f;
kcam->pole_merge_angle_to = -1.0f;
/* sensor size */
kcam->sensorwidth = sensorwidth;
kcam->sensorheight = sensorheight;
/* render size */
kcam->width = width;
kcam->height = height;
/* store differentials */
kcam->dx = float3_to_float4(dx);
kcam->dy = float3_to_float4(dy);
/* clipping */
kcam->nearclip = nearclip;
kcam->cliplength = (farclip == FLT_MAX) ? FLT_MAX : farclip - nearclip;
/* Camera in volume. */
kcam->is_inside_volume = 0;
/* Rolling shutter effect */
kcam->rolling_shutter_type = rolling_shutter_type;
kcam->rolling_shutter_duration = rolling_shutter_duration;
/* Set further update flags */
need_device_update = true;
need_flags_update = true;
previous_need_motion = need_motion;
void Camera::device_update(Device * /* device */, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene)
if (!need_device_update)
scoped_callback_timer timer([scene](double time) {
if (scene->update_stats) {
scene->update_stats->camera.times.add_entry({"device_update", time});
if (kernel_camera.shuttertime != -1.0f) {
vector<float> shutter_table;
function_bind(shutter_curve_eval, _1, shutter_curve),
shutter_table_offset = scene->lookup_tables->add_table(dscene, shutter_table);
kernel_camera.shutter_table_offset = (int)shutter_table_offset;
dscene-> = kernel_camera;
size_t num_motion_steps = kernel_camera_motion.size();
if (num_motion_steps) {
DecomposedTransform *camera_motion = dscene->camera_motion.alloc(num_motion_steps);
memcpy(camera_motion,, sizeof(*camera_motion) * num_motion_steps);
else {
void Camera::device_update_volume(Device * /*device*/, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene)
if (!need_device_update && !need_flags_update) {
KernelIntegrator *kintegrator = &dscene->data.integrator;
if (kintegrator->use_volumes) {
KernelCamera *kcam = &dscene->;
BoundBox viewplane_boundbox = viewplane_bounds_get();
/* Parallel object update, with grain size to avoid too much threading overhead
* for individual objects. */
static const int OBJECTS_PER_TASK = 32;
parallel_for(blocked_range<size_t>(0, scene->objects.size(), OBJECTS_PER_TASK),
[&](const blocked_range<size_t> &r) {
for (size_t i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); i++) {
Object *object = scene->objects[i];
if (object->get_geometry()->has_volume &&
viewplane_boundbox.intersects(object->bounds)) {
/* TODO(sergey): Consider adding more grained check. */
VLOG_INFO << "Detected camera inside volume.";
kcam->is_inside_volume = 1;
if (!kcam->is_inside_volume) {
VLOG_INFO << "Camera is outside of the volume.";
need_device_update = false;
need_flags_update = false;
void Camera::device_free(Device * /*device*/, DeviceScene *dscene, Scene *scene)
float3 Camera::transform_raster_to_world(float raster_x, float raster_y)
float3 D, P;
if (camera_type == CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE) {
D = transform_perspective(&rastertocamera, make_float3(raster_x, raster_y, 0.0f));
float3 Pclip = normalize(D);
P = zero_float3();
/* TODO(sergey): Aperture support? */
P = transform_point(&cameratoworld, P);
D = normalize(transform_direction(&cameratoworld, D));
/* TODO(sergey): Clipping is conditional in kernel, and hence it could
* be mistakes in here, currently leading to wrong camera-in-volume
* detection.
P += nearclip * D / Pclip.z;
else if (camera_type == CAMERA_ORTHOGRAPHIC) {
D = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
/* TODO(sergey): Aperture support? */
P = transform_perspective(&rastertocamera, make_float3(raster_x, raster_y, 0.0f));
P = transform_point(&cameratoworld, P);
D = normalize(transform_direction(&cameratoworld, D));
else {
assert(!"unsupported camera type");
return P;
BoundBox Camera::viewplane_bounds_get()
/* TODO(sergey): This is all rather stupid, but is there a way to perform
* checks we need in a more clear and smart fashion? */
BoundBox bounds = BoundBox::empty;
if (camera_type == CAMERA_PANORAMA) {
if (use_spherical_stereo == false) {
bounds.grow(make_float3(cameratoworld.x.w, cameratoworld.y.w, cameratoworld.z.w), nearclip);
else {
float half_eye_distance = interocular_distance * 0.5f;
make_float3(cameratoworld.x.w + half_eye_distance, cameratoworld.y.w, cameratoworld.z.w),
make_float3(cameratoworld.z.w, cameratoworld.y.w + half_eye_distance, cameratoworld.z.w),
make_float3(cameratoworld.x.w - half_eye_distance, cameratoworld.y.w, cameratoworld.z.w),
make_float3(cameratoworld.x.w, cameratoworld.y.w - half_eye_distance, cameratoworld.z.w),
else {
bounds.grow(transform_raster_to_world(0.0f, 0.0f));
bounds.grow(transform_raster_to_world(0.0f, (float)height));
bounds.grow(transform_raster_to_world((float)width, (float)height));
bounds.grow(transform_raster_to_world((float)width, 0.0f));
if (camera_type == CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE) {
/* Center point has the most distance in local Z axis,
* use it to construct bounding box/
bounds.grow(transform_raster_to_world(0.5f * width, 0.5f * height));
return bounds;
float Camera::world_to_raster_size(float3 P)
float res = 1.0f;
if (camera_type == CAMERA_ORTHOGRAPHIC) {
res = min(len(full_dx), len(full_dy));
if (offscreen_dicing_scale > 1.0f) {
float3 p = transform_point(&worldtocamera, P);
float3 v1 = transform_perspective(&full_rastertocamera,
make_float3(full_width, full_height, 0.0f));
float3 v2 = transform_perspective(&full_rastertocamera, zero_float3());
/* Create point clamped to frustum */
float3 c;
c.x = max(v2.x, min(v1.x, p.x));
c.y = max(v2.y, min(v1.y, p.y));
c.z = max(0.0f, p.z);
/* Check right side */
float f_dist = len(p - c) / sqrtf((v1.x * v1.x + v1.y * v1.y) * 0.5f);
if (f_dist < 0.0f) {
/* Check left side */
f_dist = len(p - c) / sqrtf((v2.x * v2.x + v2.y * v2.y) * 0.5f);
if (f_dist > 0.0f) {
res += res * f_dist * (offscreen_dicing_scale - 1.0f);
else if (camera_type == CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE) {
/* Calculate as if point is directly ahead of the camera. */
float3 raster = make_float3(0.5f * full_width, 0.5f * full_height, 0.0f);
float3 Pcamera = transform_perspective(&full_rastertocamera, raster);
/* dDdx */
float3 Ddiff = transform_direction(&cameratoworld, Pcamera);
float3 dx = len_squared(full_dx) < len_squared(full_dy) ? full_dx : full_dy;
float3 dDdx = normalize(Ddiff + dx) - normalize(Ddiff);
/* dPdx */
float dist = len(transform_point(&worldtocamera, P));
float3 D = normalize(Ddiff);
res = len(dist * dDdx - dot(dist * dDdx, D) * D);
/* Decent approx distance to frustum
* (doesn't handle corners correctly, but not that big of a deal) */
float f_dist = 0.0f;
if (offscreen_dicing_scale > 1.0f) {
float3 p = transform_point(&worldtocamera, P);
/* Distance from the four planes */
float r = dot(p, frustum_right_normal);
float t = dot(p, frustum_top_normal);
float l = dot(p, frustum_left_normal);
float b = dot(p, frustum_bottom_normal);
if (r <= 0.0f && l <= 0.0f && t <= 0.0f && b <= 0.0f) {
/* Point is inside frustum */
f_dist = 0.0f;
else if (r > 0.0f && l > 0.0f && t > 0.0f && b > 0.0f) {
/* Point is behind frustum */
f_dist = len(p);
else {
/* Point may be behind or off to the side, need to check */
float3 along_right = make_float3(-frustum_right_normal.z, 0.0f, frustum_right_normal.x);
float3 along_left = make_float3(frustum_left_normal.z, 0.0f, -frustum_left_normal.x);
float3 along_top = make_float3(0.0f, -frustum_top_normal.z, frustum_top_normal.y);
float3 along_bottom = make_float3(0.0f, frustum_bottom_normal.z, -frustum_bottom_normal.y);
float dist[] = {r, l, t, b};
float3 along[] = {along_right, along_left, along_top, along_bottom};
bool test_o = false;
float *d = dist;
float3 *a = along;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++, d++, a++) {
/* Test if we should check this side at all */
if (*d > 0.0f) {
if (dot(p, *a) >= 0.0f) {
/* We are in front of the back edge of this side of the frustum */
f_dist = max(f_dist, *d);
else {
/* Possibly far enough behind the frustum to use distance to origin instead of edge
test_o = true;
if (test_o) {
f_dist = (f_dist > 0) ? min(f_dist, len(p)) : len(p);
if (f_dist > 0.0f) {
res += len(dDdx - dot(dDdx, D) * D) * f_dist * (offscreen_dicing_scale - 1.0f);
else if (camera_type == CAMERA_PANORAMA) {
float3 D = transform_point(&worldtocamera, P);
float dist = len(D);
Ray ray;
memset(&ray, 0, sizeof(ray));
/* Distortion can become so great that the results become meaningless, there
* may be a better way to do this, but calculating differentials from the
* point directly ahead seems to produce good enough results. */
#if 0
float2 dir = direction_to_panorama(&kernel_camera,, normalize(D));
float3 raster = transform_perspective(&full_cameratoraster, make_float3(dir.x, dir.y, 0.0f));
ray.t = 1.0f;
&kernel_camera,, raster.x, raster.y, 0.0f, 0.0f, &ray);
if (ray.t == 0.0f) {
/* No differentials, just use from directly ahead. */
0.5f * make_float2(full_width, full_height),
0.5f * make_float2(full_width, full_height),
/* TODO: would it help to use more accurate differentials here? */
return differential_transfer_compact(ray.dP, ray.D, ray.dD, dist);
return res;
bool Camera::use_motion() const
return motion.size() > 1;
void Camera::set_screen_size(int width_, int height_)
if (width_ != width || height_ != height) {
width = width_;
height = height_;
float Camera::motion_time(int step) const
return (use_motion()) ? 2.0f * step / (motion.size() - 1) - 1.0f : 0.0f;
int Camera::motion_step(float time) const
if (use_motion()) {
for (int step = 0; step < motion.size(); step++) {
if (time == motion_time(step)) {
return step;
return -1;