2023-09-24 14:52:38 +10:00

837 lines
25 KiB

/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011 Morten S. Mikkelsen
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Blender Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
/** \file
* \ingroup mikktspace
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <unordered_map>
#ifdef WITH_TBB
# include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
#include "mikk_atomic_hash_set.hh"
#include "mikk_float3.hh"
#include "mikk_util.hh"
namespace mikk {
static constexpr uint UNSET_ENTRY = 0xffffffffu;
template<typename Mesh> class Mikktspace {
struct Triangle {
/* Stores neighboring triangle for group assignment. */
std::array<uint, 3> neighbor;
/* Stores assigned group of each vertex. */
std::array<uint, 3> group;
/* Stores vertex indices that make up the triangle. */
std::array<uint, 3> vertices;
/* Computed face tangent, will be accumulated into group. */
float3 tangent;
/* Index of the face that this triangle belongs to. */
uint faceIdx;
/* Index of the first of this triangle's vertices' TSpaces. */
uint tSpaceIdx;
/* Stores mapping from this triangle's vertices to the original
* face's vertices (relevant for quads). */
std::array<uint8_t, 3> faceVertex;
// flags
bool markDegenerate : 1;
bool quadOneDegenTri : 1;
bool groupWithAny : 1;
bool orientPreserving : 1;
Triangle(uint faceIdx_, uint tSpaceIdx_)
: tangent{0.0f},
void setVertices(uint8_t i0, uint8_t i1, uint8_t i2)
faceVertex[0] = i0;
faceVertex[1] = i1;
faceVertex[2] = i2;
vertices[0] = pack_index(faceIdx, i0);
vertices[1] = pack_index(faceIdx, i1);
vertices[2] = pack_index(faceIdx, i2);
struct Group {
float3 tangent;
uint vertexRepresentative;
bool orientPreserving;
Group(uint vertexRepresentative_, bool orientPreserving_)
: tangent{0.0f},
void normalizeTSpace()
tangent = tangent.normalize();
void accumulateTSpaceAtomic(float3 v_tangent)
float_add_atomic(&tangent.x, v_tangent.x);
float_add_atomic(&tangent.y, v_tangent.y);
float_add_atomic(&tangent.z, v_tangent.z);
void accumulateTSpace(float3 v_tangent)
tangent += v_tangent;
struct TSpace {
float3 tangent = float3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
uint counter = 0;
bool orientPreserving = false;
void accumulateGroup(const Group &group)
assert(counter < 2);
if (counter == 0) {
tangent = group.tangent;
else if (tangent == group.tangent) {
// this if is important. Due to floating point precision
// averaging when ts0==ts1 will cause a slight difference
// which results in tangent space splits later on, so do nothing
else {
tangent = (tangent + group.tangent).normalize();
orientPreserving = group.orientPreserving;
Mesh &mesh;
std::vector<Triangle> triangles;
std::vector<TSpace> tSpaces;
std::vector<Group> groups;
uint nrTSpaces, nrFaces, nrTriangles, totalTriangles;
int nrThreads;
bool isParallel;
Mikktspace(Mesh &mesh_) : mesh(mesh_) {}
void genTangSpace()
nrFaces = uint(mesh.GetNumFaces());
#ifdef WITH_TBB
nrThreads = tbb::this_task_arena::max_concurrency();
isParallel = (nrThreads > 1) && (nrFaces > 10000);
nrThreads = 1;
isParallel = false;
// make an initial triangle --> face index list
if (nrTriangles == 0) {
// make a welded index list of identical positions and attributes (pos, norm, texc)
// mark all triangle pairs that belong to a quad with only one
// good triangle. These need special treatment in degenEpilogue().
// Additionally, move all good triangles to the start of
// triangles[] without changing order and
// put the degenerate triangles last.
if (nrTriangles == 0) {
// No point in building tangents if there are no non-degenerate triangles, so just zero them
else {
// evaluate triangle level attributes and neighbor list
// match up edge pairs
// based on the 4 rules, identify groups based on connectivity
// make tspaces, each group is split up into subgroups.
// Finally a tangent space is made for every resulting subgroup
// degenerate quads with one good triangle will be fixed by copying a space from
// the good triangle to the coinciding vertex.
// all other degenerate triangles will just copy a space from any good triangle
// with the same welded index in vertices[].
uint index = 0;
for (uint f = 0; f < nrFaces; f++) {
const uint verts = mesh.GetNumVerticesOfFace(f);
if (verts != 3 && verts != 4) {
// set data
for (uint i = 0; i < verts; i++) {
const TSpace &tSpace = tSpaces[index++];
mesh.SetTangentSpace(f, i, tSpace.tangent, tSpace.orientPreserving);
template<typename F> void runParallel(uint start, uint end, F func)
#ifdef WITH_TBB
if (isParallel) {
tbb::parallel_for(start, end, func);
for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) {
float3 getPosition(uint vertexID)
uint f, v;
unpack_index(f, v, vertexID);
return mesh.GetPosition(f, v);
float3 getNormal(uint vertexID)
uint f, v;
unpack_index(f, v, vertexID);
return mesh.GetNormal(f, v);
float3 getTexCoord(uint vertexID)
uint f, v;
unpack_index(f, v, vertexID);
return mesh.GetTexCoord(f, v);
void generateInitialVerticesIndexList()
nrTriangles = 0;
for (uint f = 0; f < nrFaces; f++) {
const uint verts = mesh.GetNumVerticesOfFace(f);
if (verts == 3) {
nrTriangles += 1;
else if (verts == 4) {
nrTriangles += 2;
nrTSpaces = 0;
for (uint f = 0; f < nrFaces; f++) {
const uint verts = mesh.GetNumVerticesOfFace(f);
if (verts != 3 && verts != 4) {
uint tA = uint(triangles.size());
triangles.emplace_back(f, nrTSpaces);
Triangle &triA = triangles[tA];
if (verts == 3) {
triA.setVertices(0, 1, 2);
else {
uint tB = uint(triangles.size());
triangles.emplace_back(f, nrTSpaces);
Triangle &triB = triangles[tB];
// need an order independent way to evaluate
// tspace on quads. This is done by splitting
// along the shortest diagonal.
float distSQ_02 = (mesh.GetTexCoord(f, 2) - mesh.GetTexCoord(f, 0)).length_squared();
float distSQ_13 = (mesh.GetTexCoord(f, 3) - mesh.GetTexCoord(f, 1)).length_squared();
bool quadDiagIs_02;
if (distSQ_02 != distSQ_13) {
quadDiagIs_02 = (distSQ_02 < distSQ_13);
else {
distSQ_02 = (mesh.GetPosition(f, 2) - mesh.GetPosition(f, 0)).length_squared();
distSQ_13 = (mesh.GetPosition(f, 3) - mesh.GetPosition(f, 1)).length_squared();
quadDiagIs_02 = !(distSQ_13 < distSQ_02);
if (quadDiagIs_02) {
triA.setVertices(0, 1, 2);
triB.setVertices(0, 2, 3);
else {
triA.setVertices(0, 1, 3);
triB.setVertices(1, 2, 3);
nrTSpaces += verts;
struct VertexHash {
Mikktspace<Mesh> *mikk;
inline uint operator()(const uint &k) const
return hash_float3x3(mikk->getPosition(k), mikk->getNormal(k), mikk->getTexCoord(k));
struct VertexEqual {
Mikktspace<Mesh> *mikk;
inline bool operator()(const uint &kA, const uint &kB) const
return mikk->getTexCoord(kA) == mikk->getTexCoord(kB) &&
mikk->getNormal(kA) == mikk->getNormal(kB) &&
mikk->getPosition(kA) == mikk->getPosition(kB);
/* Merge identical vertices.
* To find vertices with identical position, normal and texcoord, we calculate a hash of the 9
* values. Then, by sorting based on that hash, identical elements (having identical hashes) will
* be moved next to each other. Since there might be hash collisions, the elements of each block
* are then compared with each other and duplicates are merged.
template<bool isAtomic> void generateSharedVerticesIndexList_impl()
uint numVertices = nrTriangles * 3;
AtomicHashSet<uint, isAtomic, VertexHash, VertexEqual> set(numVertices, {this}, {this});
runParallel(0u, nrTriangles, [&](uint t) {
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
auto res = set.emplace(triangles[t].vertices[i]);
if (!res.second) {
triangles[t].vertices[i] = res.first;
void generateSharedVerticesIndexList()
if (isParallel) {
else {
/////////////////////////////////// Degenerate triangles ////////////////////////////////////
void degenPrologue()
// Mark all degenerate triangles
totalTriangles = nrTriangles;
std::atomic<uint> degenTriangles(0);
runParallel(0u, totalTriangles, [&](uint t) {
const float3 p0 = getPosition(triangles[t].vertices[0]);
const float3 p1 = getPosition(triangles[t].vertices[1]);
const float3 p2 = getPosition(triangles[t].vertices[2]);
if (p0 == p1 || p0 == p2 || p1 == p2) // degenerate
triangles[t].markDegenerate = true;
nrTriangles -= degenTriangles.load();
if (totalTriangles == nrTriangles) {
// locate quads with only one good triangle
runParallel(0u, totalTriangles - 1, [&](uint t) {
Triangle &triangleA = triangles[t], &triangleB = triangles[t + 1];
if (triangleA.faceIdx != triangleB.faceIdx) {
/* Individual triangle, skip. */
if (triangleA.markDegenerate != triangleB.markDegenerate) {
triangleA.quadOneDegenTri = true;
triangleB.quadOneDegenTri = true;
std::stable_partition(triangles.begin(), triangles.end(), [](const Triangle &tri) {
return !tri.markDegenerate;
void degenEpilogue()
if (nrTriangles == totalTriangles) {
std::unordered_map<uint, uint> goodTriangleMap;
for (uint t = 0; t < nrTriangles; t++) {
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
goodTriangleMap.emplace(triangles[t].vertices[i], pack_index(t, i));
// deal with degenerate triangles
// punishment for degenerate triangles is O(nrTriangles) extra memory.
for (uint t = nrTriangles; t < totalTriangles; t++) {
// degenerate triangles on a quad with one good triangle are skipped
// here but processed in the next loop
if (triangles[t].quadOneDegenTri) {
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
const auto entry = goodTriangleMap.find(triangles[t].vertices[i]);
if (entry == goodTriangleMap.end()) {
// Matching vertex from good triangle is not found.
uint tSrc, iSrc;
unpack_index(tSrc, iSrc, entry->second);
const uint iSrcVert = triangles[tSrc].faceVertex[iSrc];
const uint iSrcOffs = triangles[tSrc].tSpaceIdx;
const uint iDstVert = triangles[t].faceVertex[i];
const uint iDstOffs = triangles[t].tSpaceIdx;
// copy tspace
tSpaces[iDstOffs + iDstVert] = tSpaces[iSrcOffs + iSrcVert];
// deal with degenerate quads with one good triangle
for (uint t = 0; t < nrTriangles; t++) {
// this triangle belongs to a quad where the
// other triangle is degenerate
if (!triangles[t].quadOneDegenTri) {
uint vertFlag = (1u << triangles[t].faceVertex[0]) | (1u << triangles[t].faceVertex[1]) |
(1u << triangles[t].faceVertex[2]);
uint missingFaceVertex = 0;
if ((vertFlag & 2) == 0) {
missingFaceVertex = 1;
else if ((vertFlag & 4) == 0) {
missingFaceVertex = 2;
else if ((vertFlag & 8) == 0) {
missingFaceVertex = 3;
uint faceIdx = triangles[t].faceIdx;
float3 dstP = mesh.GetPosition(faceIdx, missingFaceVertex);
bool found = false;
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
const uint faceVertex = triangles[t].faceVertex[i];
const float3 srcP = mesh.GetPosition(faceIdx, faceVertex);
if (srcP == dstP) {
const uint offset = triangles[t].tSpaceIdx;
tSpaces[offset + missingFaceVertex] = tSpaces[offset + faceVertex];
found = true;
// returns the texture area times 2
float calcTexArea(uint tri)
const float3 t1 = getTexCoord(triangles[tri].vertices[0]);
const float3 t2 = getTexCoord(triangles[tri].vertices[1]);
const float3 t3 = getTexCoord(triangles[tri].vertices[2]);
const float t21x = t2.x - t1.x;
const float t21y = t2.y - t1.y;
const float t31x = t3.x - t1.x;
const float t31y = t3.y - t1.y;
const float signedAreaSTx2 = t21x * t31y - t21y * t31x;
return fabsf(signedAreaSTx2);
void initTriangle()
// triangles[f].iFlag is cleared in generateInitialVerticesIndexList()
// which is called before this function.
// evaluate first order derivatives
runParallel(0u, nrTriangles, [&](uint t) {
Triangle &triangle = triangles[t];
// initial values
const float3 v1 = getPosition(triangle.vertices[0]);
const float3 v2 = getPosition(triangle.vertices[1]);
const float3 v3 = getPosition(triangle.vertices[2]);
const float3 t1 = getTexCoord(triangle.vertices[0]);
const float3 t2 = getTexCoord(triangle.vertices[1]);
const float3 t3 = getTexCoord(triangle.vertices[2]);
const float t21x = t2.x - t1.x;
const float t21y = t2.y - t1.y;
const float t31x = t3.x - t1.x;
const float t31y = t3.y - t1.y;
const float3 d1 = v2 - v1, d2 = v3 - v1;
const float signedAreaSTx2 = t21x * t31y - t21y * t31x;
const float3 vOs = (t31y * d1) - (t21y * d2); // eq 18
const float3 vOt = (-t31x * d1) + (t21x * d2); // eq 19
triangle.orientPreserving = (signedAreaSTx2 > 0);
if (not_zero(signedAreaSTx2)) {
const float lenOs2 = vOs.length_squared();
const float lenOt2 = vOt.length_squared();
const float fS = triangle.orientPreserving ? 1.0f : (-1.0f);
if (not_zero(lenOs2)) {
triangle.tangent = vOs * (fS / sqrtf(lenOs2));
// if this is a good triangle
if (not_zero(lenOs2) && not_zero(lenOt2)) {
triangle.groupWithAny = false;
// force otherwise healthy quads to a fixed orientation
runParallel(0u, nrTriangles - 1, [&](uint t) {
Triangle &triangleA = triangles[t], &triangleB = triangles[t + 1];
if (triangleA.faceIdx != triangleB.faceIdx) {
// this is not a quad
// bad triangles should already have been removed by
// degenPrologue(), but just in case check that neither are degenerate
if (!(triangleA.markDegenerate || triangleB.markDegenerate)) {
// if this happens the quad has extremely bad mapping!!
if (triangleA.orientPreserving != triangleB.orientPreserving) {
bool chooseOrientFirstTri = false;
if (triangleB.groupWithAny) {
chooseOrientFirstTri = true;
else if (calcTexArea(t) >= calcTexArea(t + 1)) {
chooseOrientFirstTri = true;
// force match
const uint t0 = chooseOrientFirstTri ? t : (t + 1);
const uint t1 = chooseOrientFirstTri ? (t + 1) : t;
triangles[t1].orientPreserving = triangles[t0].orientPreserving;
/////////////////////////////////////////// Edges ///////////////////////////////////////////
struct NeighborShard {
struct Entry {
Entry(uint32_t key_, uint data_) : key(key_), data(data_) {}
uint key, data;
std::vector<Entry> entries;
NeighborShard(size_t capacity)
void buildNeighbors(Mikktspace<Mesh> *mikk)
/* Entries are added by iterating over t, so by using a stable sort,
* we don't have to compare based on t as well. */
std::vector<Entry> tempEntries(entries.size(), {0, 0});
radixsort(entries, tempEntries, [](const Entry &e) { return e.key; });
for (uint i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
const Entry &a = entries[i];
uint tA, iA;
unpack_index(tA, iA,;
Mikktspace<Mesh>::Triangle &triA = mikk->triangles[tA];
if (triA.neighbor[iA] != UNSET_ENTRY) {
uint i0A = triA.vertices[iA], i1A = triA.vertices[(iA != 2) ? (iA + 1) : 0];
for (uint j = i + 1; j < entries.size(); j++) {
const Entry &b = entries[j];
uint tB, iB;
unpack_index(tB, iB,;
Mikktspace<Mesh>::Triangle &triB = mikk->triangles[tB];
if (b.key != a.key)
if (triB.neighbor[iB] != UNSET_ENTRY) {
uint i1B = triB.vertices[iB], i0B = triB.vertices[(iB != 2) ? (iB + 1) : 0];
if (i0A == i0B && i1A == i1B) {
triA.neighbor[iA] = tB;
triB.neighbor[iB] = tA;
void buildNeighbors()
/* In order to parallelize the processing, we divide the vertices into shards.
* Since only vertex pairs with the same key will be checked, we can process
* shards independently as long as we ensure that all vertices with the same
* key go into the same shard.
* This is done by hashing the key to get the shard index of each vertex.
// TODO: Two-step filling that first counts and then fills? Could be parallel then.
uint targetNrShards = isParallel ? uint(4 * nrThreads) : 1;
uint nrShards = 1, hashShift = 32;
while (nrShards < targetNrShards) {
nrShards *= 2;
hashShift -= 1;
/* Reserve 25% extra to account for variation due to hashing. */
size_t reserveSize = size_t(double(3 * nrTriangles) * 1.25 / nrShards);
std::vector<NeighborShard> shards(nrShards, {reserveSize});
for (uint t = 0; t < nrTriangles; t++) {
Triangle &triangle = triangles[t];
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
const uint i0 = triangle.vertices[i];
const uint i1 = triangle.vertices[(i != 2) ? (i + 1) : 0];
const uint high = std::max(i0, i1), low = std::min(i0, i1);
const uint hash = hash_uint3(high, low, 0);
/* TODO: Reusing the hash here means less hash space inside each shard.
* Computing a second hash with a different seed it probably not worth it? */
const uint shard = isParallel ? (hash >> hashShift) : 0;
shards[shard].entries.emplace_back(hash, pack_index(t, i));
runParallel(0u, nrShards, [&](uint s) { shards[s].buildNeighbors(this); });
void assignRecur(const uint t, uint groupId)
if (t == UNSET_ENTRY) {
Triangle &triangle = triangles[t];
Group &group = groups[groupId];
// track down vertex
const uint vertRep = group.vertexRepresentative;
uint i = 3;
if (triangle.vertices[0] == vertRep) {
i = 0;
else if (triangle.vertices[1] == vertRep) {
i = 1;
else if (triangle.vertices[2] == vertRep) {
i = 2;
assert(i < 3);
// early out
if ([i] != UNSET_ENTRY) {
if (triangle.groupWithAny) {
// first to group with a group-with-anything triangle
// determines its orientation.
// This is the only existing order dependency in the code!!
if ([0] == UNSET_ENTRY &&[1] == UNSET_ENTRY &&[2] == UNSET_ENTRY)
triangle.orientPreserving = group.orientPreserving;
if (triangle.orientPreserving != group.orientPreserving) {
}[i] = groupId;
const uint t_L = triangle.neighbor[i];
const uint t_R = triangle.neighbor[i > 0 ? (i - 1) : 2];
assignRecur(t_L, groupId);
assignRecur(t_R, groupId);
void build4RuleGroups()
/* NOTE: This could be parallelized by grouping all [t, i] pairs into
* shards by hash(triangles[t].vertices[i]). This way, each shard can be processed
* independently and in parallel.
* However, the `groupWithAny` logic needs special handling (e.g. lock a mutex when
* encountering a `groupWithAny` triangle, then sort it out, then unlock and proceed). */
for (uint t = 0; t < nrTriangles; t++) {
Triangle &triangle = triangles[t];
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// if not assigned to a group
if (triangle.groupWithAny ||[i] != UNSET_ENTRY) {
const uint newGroupId = uint(groups.size());[i] = newGroupId;
groups.emplace_back(triangle.vertices[i], bool(triangle.orientPreserving));
const uint t_L = triangle.neighbor[i];
const uint t_R = triangle.neighbor[i > 0 ? (i - 1) : 2];
assignRecur(t_L, newGroupId);
assignRecur(t_R, newGroupId);
template<bool atomic> void accumulateTSpaces(uint t)
const Triangle &triangle = triangles[t];
// only valid triangles get to add their contribution
if (triangle.groupWithAny) {
/* Todo: Vectorize?
* Also: Could add special case for flat shading, when all normals are equal half of the fCos
* projections and two of the three tangent projections are unnecessary. */
std::array<float3, 3> n, p;
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
n[i] = getNormal(triangle.vertices[i]);
p[i] = getPosition(triangle.vertices[i]);
std::array<float, 3> fCos = {dot(project(n[0], p[1] - p[0]), project(n[0], p[2] - p[0])),
dot(project(n[1], p[2] - p[1]), project(n[1], p[0] - p[1])),
dot(project(n[2], p[0] - p[2]), project(n[2], p[1] - p[2]))};
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
uint groupId =[i];
if (groupId != UNSET_ENTRY) {
float3 tangent = project(n[i], triangle.tangent) *
fast_acosf(std::clamp(fCos[i], -1.0f, 1.0f));
if constexpr (atomic) {
else {
void generateTSpaces()
if (isParallel) {
runParallel(0u, nrTriangles, [&](uint t) { accumulateTSpaces<true>(t); });
else {
for (uint t = 0; t < nrTriangles; t++) {
/* TODO: Worth parallelizing? Probably not. */
for (Group &group : groups) {
for (uint t = 0; t < nrTriangles; t++) {
Triangle &triangle = triangles[t];
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
uint groupId =[i];
if (groupId == UNSET_ENTRY) {
const Group group = groups[groupId];
assert(triangle.orientPreserving == group.orientPreserving);
// output tspace
const uint offset = triangle.tSpaceIdx;
const uint faceVertex = triangle.faceVertex[i];
tSpaces[offset + faceVertex].accumulateGroup(group);
} // namespace mikk