Michael Jones 654e1e901b Cycles: Use local atomics for faster shader sorting (enabled on Metal)
This patch adds two new kernels: SORT_BUCKET_PASS and SORT_WRITE_PASS. These replace PREFIX_SUM and SORTED_PATHS_ARRAY on supported devices (currently implemented on Metal, but will be trivial to enable on the other backends). The new kernels exploit sort partitioning (see D15331) by sorting each partition separately using local atomics. This can give an overall render speedup of 2-3% depending on architecture. As before, we fall back to the original non-partitioned sorting when the shader count is "too high".

Reviewed By: brecht

Differential Revision:
2023-02-06 11:18:26 +00:00

175 lines
6.6 KiB

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Copyright 2011-2022 Blender Foundation */
#pragma once
#include "kernel/integrator/state.h"
#include "device/graphics_interop.h"
#include "device/memory.h"
#include "device/queue.h"
#include "integrator/path_trace_work.h"
#include "integrator/work_tile_scheduler.h"
#include "util/vector.h"
struct KernelWorkTile;
/* Implementation of PathTraceWork which schedules work to the device in tiles which are sized
* to match device queue's number of path states.
* This implementation suits best devices which have a lot of integrator states, such as GPU. */
class PathTraceWorkGPU : public PathTraceWork {
PathTraceWorkGPU(Device *device,
Film *film,
DeviceScene *device_scene,
bool *cancel_requested_flag);
virtual void alloc_work_memory() override;
virtual void init_execution() override;
virtual void render_samples(RenderStatistics &statistics,
int start_sample,
int samples_num,
int sample_offset) override;
virtual void copy_to_display(PathTraceDisplay *display,
PassMode pass_mode,
int num_samples) override;
virtual void destroy_gpu_resources(PathTraceDisplay *display) override;
virtual bool copy_render_buffers_from_device() override;
virtual bool copy_render_buffers_to_device() override;
virtual bool zero_render_buffers() override;
virtual int adaptive_sampling_converge_filter_count_active(float threshold, bool reset) override;
virtual void cryptomatte_postproces() override;
void alloc_integrator_soa();
void alloc_integrator_queue();
void alloc_integrator_sorting();
void alloc_integrator_path_split();
/* Returns DEVICE_KERNEL_NUM if there are no scheduled kernels. */
DeviceKernel get_most_queued_kernel() const;
void enqueue_reset();
bool enqueue_work_tiles(bool &finished);
void enqueue_work_tiles(DeviceKernel kernel,
const KernelWorkTile work_tiles[],
const int num_work_tiles,
const int num_active_paths,
const int num_predicted_splits);
bool enqueue_path_iteration();
void enqueue_path_iteration(DeviceKernel kernel, const int num_paths_limit = INT_MAX);
void compute_queued_paths(DeviceKernel kernel, DeviceKernel queued_kernel);
void compute_sorted_queued_paths(DeviceKernel queued_kernel, const int num_paths_limit);
void compact_main_paths(const int num_active_paths);
void compact_shadow_paths();
void compact_paths(const int num_active_paths,
const int max_active_path_index,
DeviceKernel terminated_paths_kernel,
DeviceKernel compact_paths_kernel,
DeviceKernel compact_kernel);
int num_active_main_paths_paths();
/* Check whether graphics interop can be used for the PathTraceDisplay update. */
bool should_use_graphics_interop();
/* Naive implementation of the `copy_to_display()` which performs film conversion on the
* device, then copies pixels to the host and pushes them to the `display`. */
void copy_to_display_naive(PathTraceDisplay *display, PassMode pass_mode, int num_samples);
/* Implementation of `copy_to_display()` which uses driver's OpenGL/GPU interoperability
* functionality, avoiding copy of pixels to the host. */
bool copy_to_display_interop(PathTraceDisplay *display, PassMode pass_mode, int num_samples);
/* Synchronously run film conversion kernel and store display result in the given destination. */
void get_render_tile_film_pixels(const PassAccessor::Destination &destination,
PassMode pass_mode,
int num_samples);
int adaptive_sampling_convergence_check_count_active(float threshold, bool reset);
void enqueue_adaptive_sampling_filter_x();
void enqueue_adaptive_sampling_filter_y();
bool has_shadow_catcher() const;
/* Count how many currently scheduled paths can still split. */
int shadow_catcher_count_possible_splits();
/* Kernel properties. */
bool kernel_uses_sorting(DeviceKernel kernel);
bool kernel_creates_shadow_paths(DeviceKernel kernel);
bool kernel_creates_ao_paths(DeviceKernel kernel);
bool kernel_is_shadow_path(DeviceKernel kernel);
int kernel_max_active_main_path_index(DeviceKernel kernel);
/* Integrator queue. */
unique_ptr<DeviceQueue> queue_;
/* Scheduler which gives work to path tracing threads. */
WorkTileScheduler work_tile_scheduler_;
/* Integrate state for paths. */
IntegratorStateGPU integrator_state_gpu_;
/* SoA arrays for integrator state. */
vector<unique_ptr<device_memory>> integrator_state_soa_;
uint integrator_state_soa_kernel_features_;
int integrator_state_soa_volume_stack_size_ = 0;
/* Keep track of number of queued kernels. */
device_vector<IntegratorQueueCounter> integrator_queue_counter_;
/* Shader sorting. */
device_vector<int> integrator_shader_sort_counter_;
device_vector<int> integrator_shader_raytrace_sort_counter_;
device_vector<int> integrator_shader_mnee_sort_counter_;
device_vector<int> integrator_shader_sort_prefix_sum_;
device_vector<int> integrator_shader_sort_partition_key_offsets_;
/* Path split. */
device_vector<int> integrator_next_main_path_index_;
device_vector<int> integrator_next_shadow_path_index_;
/* Temporary buffer to get an array of queued path for a particular kernel. */
device_vector<int> queued_paths_;
device_vector<int> num_queued_paths_;
/* Temporary buffer for passing work tiles to kernel. */
device_vector<KernelWorkTile> work_tiles_;
/* Temporary buffer used by the copy_to_display() whenever graphics interoperability is not
* available. Is allocated on-demand. */
device_vector<half4> display_rgba_half_;
unique_ptr<DeviceGraphicsInterop> device_graphics_interop_;
/* Cached result of device->should_use_graphics_interop(). */
bool interop_use_checked_ = false;
bool interop_use_ = false;
/* Number of partitions to sort state indices into prior to material sort. */
int num_sort_partitions_;
/* Maximum number of concurrent integrator states. */
int max_num_paths_;
/* Minimum number of paths which keeps the device bust. If the actual number of paths falls below
* this value more work will be scheduled. */
int min_num_active_main_paths_;
/* Maximum path index, effective number of paths used may be smaller than
* the size of the integrator_state_ buffer so can avoid iterating over the
* full buffer. */
int max_active_main_path_index_;