Christoph Lendenfeld eee32726c7 Fix #121349: Baking adds keys on custom properties that are non-keyable
When keying custom properties that are defined by an addon,
you can't use square brackets. The GUI buttons already reflect that.
The baking code and the keyframe insertion code didn't respect
that and so were able to key properties that are defined as non-keyable.

## Solutions
I've solved the issue on the C++ side by resolving
the path twice, once without and in case that didn't work the
second time with brackets. While that does solve the issue
this feels really dirty and I feel like I am misusing the system here.
**However it is absolutely needed**.
When resolving a path with brackets to a property defined
by an addon, you get an `IDProperty` disguised as a `PropertyRNA`
which will not have the correct flags set.

By checking if a property `is_animatable` in python, all that do not have that can be skipped.
Also making sure the path is passed without brackets in the correct cases.

Pull Request:
2024-05-10 17:03:52 +02:00

289 lines
8.7 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010-2023 Blender Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# This file defines a set of methods that are useful for various
# Relative Keying Set (RKS) related operations, such as: callbacks
# for polling, iterator callbacks, and also generate callbacks.
# All of these can be used in conjunction with the others.
__all__ = (
import bpy
# General Utilities
# Append the specified property name on the the existing path
def path_add_property(path, prop):
if path:
return path + "." + prop
return prop
# Poll Callbacks
# selected objects (active object must be in object mode)
def RKS_POLL_selected_objects(_ksi, context):
ob = context.active_object
if ob:
return ob.mode == 'OBJECT'
return bool(context.selected_objects)
# selected bones
def RKS_POLL_selected_bones(_ksi, context):
# we must be in Pose Mode, and there must be some bones selected
ob = context.active_object
if ob and ob.mode == 'POSE':
if context.active_pose_bone or context.selected_pose_bones:
return True
# nothing selected
return False
# selected bones or objects
def RKS_POLL_selected_items(ksi, context):
return (RKS_POLL_selected_bones(ksi, context) or
RKS_POLL_selected_objects(ksi, context))
# Iterator Callbacks
# All selected objects or pose bones, depending on which we've got.
def RKS_ITER_selected_item(ksi, context, ks):
ob = context.active_object
if ob and ob.mode == 'POSE':
for bone in context.selected_pose_bones:
ksi.generate(context, ks, bone)
for ob in context.selected_objects:
ksi.generate(context, ks, ob)
# All selected objects only.
def RKS_ITER_selected_objects(ksi, context, ks):
for ob in context.selected_objects:
ksi.generate(context, ks, ob)
# All selected bones only.
def RKS_ITER_selected_bones(ksi, context, ks):
for bone in context.selected_pose_bones:
ksi.generate(context, ks, bone)
# Generate Callbacks
# "Available" F-Curves.
def RKS_GEN_available(_ksi, _context, ks, data):
# try to get the animation data associated with the closest
# ID-block to the data (neither of which may exist/be easy to find)
id_block = data.id_data
adt = getattr(id_block, "animation_data", None)
# there must also be an active action...
if adt is None or adt.action is None:
# if we haven't got an ID-block as 'data', try to restrict
# paths added to only those which branch off from here
# i.e. for bones
if id_block != data:
basePath = data.path_from_id()
basePath = None # this is not needed...
# for each F-Curve, include a path to key it
# NOTE: we don't need to set the group settings here
for fcu in adt.action.fcurves:
if basePath:
if basePath in fcu.data_path:
ks.paths.add(id_block, fcu.data_path, index=fcu.array_index)
ks.paths.add(id_block, fcu.data_path, index=fcu.array_index)
# ------
# get ID block and based ID path for transform generators
# private function
def get_transform_generators_base_info(data):
# ID-block for the data
id_block = data.id_data
# get base path and grouping method/name
if isinstance(data, bpy.types.ID):
# no path in this case
path = ""
# transform data on ID-blocks directly should get grouped under a
# hardcoded label ("Object Transforms") so that they get grouped
# consistently when keyframed directly
grouping = "Object Transforms"
# get the path to the ID-block
path = data.path_from_id()
# try to use the name of the data element to group the F-Curve
# else fallback on the KeyingSet name
grouping = getattr(data, "name", None)
# return the ID-block and the path
return id_block, path, grouping
# Location
def RKS_GEN_location(_ksi, _context, ks, data):
# get id-block and path info
id_block, base_path, grouping = get_transform_generators_base_info(data)
# add the property name to the base path
path = path_add_property(base_path, "location")
# add Keying Set entry for this...
if grouping:
ks.paths.add(id_block, path, group_method='NAMED', group_name=grouping)
ks.paths.add(id_block, path)
# Rotation
def RKS_GEN_rotation(_ksi, _context, ks, data):
# get id-block and path info
id_block, base_path, grouping = get_transform_generators_base_info(data)
# add the property name to the base path
# rotation mode affects the property used
if data.rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION':
path = path_add_property(base_path, "rotation_quaternion")
elif data.rotation_mode == 'AXIS_ANGLE':
path = path_add_property(base_path, "rotation_axis_angle")
path = path_add_property(base_path, "rotation_euler")
# add Keying Set entry for this...
if grouping:
ks.paths.add(id_block, path, group_method='NAMED', group_name=grouping)
ks.paths.add(id_block, path)
# Scaling
def RKS_GEN_scaling(_ksi, _context, ks, data):
# get id-block and path info
id_block, base_path, grouping = get_transform_generators_base_info(data)
# add the property name to the base path
path = path_add_property(base_path, "scale")
# add Keying Set entry for this...
if grouping:
ks.paths.add(id_block, path, group_method='NAMED', group_name=grouping)
ks.paths.add(id_block, path)
# Custom Properties
def RKS_GEN_custom_props(_ksi, _context, ks, data):
# get id-block and path info
id_block, base_path, grouping = get_transform_generators_base_info(data)
# Only some RNA types can be animated.
prop_type_compat = {bpy.types.BoolProperty,
# When working with a pose, 'id_block' is the armature object (which should
# get the animation data), whereas 'data' is the bone being keyed.
for cprop_name in data.keys():
# ignore special "_RNA_UI" used for UI editing
if cprop_name == "_RNA_UI":
if cprop_name in and not[cprop_name].is_animatable:
if cprop_name in
prop_path = cprop_name
prop_path = '["{:s}"]'.format(bpy.utils.escape_identifier(cprop_name))
rna_property = data.path_resolve(prop_path, False)
except ValueError:
# Can technically happen, but there is no known case.
if rna_property is None:
# In this case the property cannot be converted to an
# FCurve-compatible value, so we can't keyframe it anyways.
if rna_property.rna_type not in prop_type_compat:
path = "{:s}{:s}".format(base_path, prop_path)
if grouping:
ks.paths.add(id_block, path, group_method='NAMED', group_name=grouping)
ks.paths.add(id_block, path)
# ------
# Property identifiers for Bendy Bones
bbone_property_ids = (
# NOTE: These are in the nested bone struct
# Do it this way to force them to be included
# in whatever actions are being keyed here
# Add Keying Set entries for bendy bones
def RKS_GEN_bendy_bones(_ksi, _context, ks, data):
# get id-block and path info
# NOTE: This assumes that we're dealing with a bone here...
id_block, base_path, grouping = get_transform_generators_base_info(data)
# for each of the bendy bone properties, add a Keying Set entry for it...
for propname in bbone_property_ids:
# add the property name to the base path
path = path_add_property(base_path, propname)
# add Keying Set entry for this...
if grouping:
ks.paths.add(id_block, path, group_method='NAMED', group_name=grouping)
ks.paths.add(id_block, path)