Campbell Barton a8e73616b9 Cleanup: rename add-on related variables for clarity
- Rename info to bl_info, to avoid confusion with extensions manifest,
  which should eventually be accessible in a similar way.
- Rename module_name to addon_module_name to avoid confusion with
  extension repositories name-spaced modules.
- Clarify naming for TOML manifest.
2024-02-01 17:03:40 +11:00

298 lines
9.0 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011-2023 Blender Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# note, properties_animviz is a helper module only.
# support reloading sub-modules
if "bpy" in locals():
from importlib import reload
_modules_loaded[:] = [reload(val) for val in _modules_loaded]
del reload
_modules = [
# Generic Space Modules
# Depends on DNA_WORKSPACE_TOOL (C define).
# XXX, keep last so panels show after all other tool options.
import bpy
__import__(name=__name__, fromlist=_modules)
_namespace = globals()
_modules_loaded = [_namespace[name] for name in _modules]
del _namespace
# Bypass the caching mechanism in the "Format" panel to make sure it is properly translated on language update.
def translation_update(_):
from .properties_output import RENDER_PT_format
RENDER_PT_format._frame_rate_args_prev = None
def register():
from bpy.utils import register_class
for cls in classes:
for mod in _modules_loaded:
for cls in mod.classes:
from bpy.props import (
from bpy.types import (
def addon_filter_items(_self, _context):
import addon_utils
items = [
('All', "All", "All Add-ons"),
('User', "User", "All Add-ons Installed by User"),
items_unique = set()
for mod in addon_utils.modules(refresh=False):
bl_info = addon_utils.module_bl_info(mod)
items.extend([(cat, cat, "") for cat in sorted(items_unique)])
return items
WindowManager.addon_search = StringProperty(
description="Filter by add-on name, author & category",
WindowManager.addon_filter = EnumProperty(
description="Filter add-ons by category",
# These items are static but depend on the version cycle.
items = [
('OFFICIAL', "Official", "Officially supported"),
('COMMUNITY', "Community", "Maintained by community developers"),
if == "alpha":
items.append(('TESTING', "Testing", "Newly contributed scripts (excluded from release builds)"))
WindowManager.addon_support = EnumProperty(
description="Display support level",
default={'OFFICIAL', 'COMMUNITY'},
del items
# done...
def unregister():
from bpy.utils import unregister_class
for mod in reversed(_modules_loaded):
for cls in reversed(mod.classes):
if cls.is_registered:
for cls in reversed(classes):
if cls.is_registered:
except ValueError:
# Define a default UIList, when a list does not need any custom drawing...
# Keep in sync with its #defined name in UI_interface.hh
class UI_UL_list(bpy.types.UIList):
# These are common filtering or ordering operations (same as the default C ones!).
def filter_items_by_name(pattern, bitflag, items, propname="name", flags=None, reverse=False):
Set FILTER_ITEM for items which name matches filter_name one (case-insensitive).
pattern is the filtering pattern.
propname is the name of the string property to use for filtering.
flags must be a list of integers the same length as items, or None!
return a list of flags (based on given flags if not None),
or an empty list if no flags were given and no filtering has been done.
import fnmatch
import re
if not pattern or not items: # Empty pattern or list = no filtering!
return flags or []
if flags is None:
flags = [0] * len(items)
# Implicitly add heading/trailing wildcards.
pattern_regex = re.compile(fnmatch.translate("*" + pattern + "*"))
for i, item in enumerate(items):
name = getattr(item, propname, None)
# This is similar to a logical XOR.
if bool(name and pattern_regex.match(name)) is not reverse:
flags[i] |= bitflag
return flags
def sort_items_helper(sort_data, key, reverse=False):
Common sorting utility. Returns a neworder list mapping org_idx -> new_idx.
sort_data must be an (unordered) list of tuples [(org_idx, ...), (org_idx, ...), ...].
key must be the same kind of callable you would use for sorted() builtin function.
reverse will reverse the sorting!
sort_data.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
neworder = [None] * len(sort_data)
for newidx, (orgidx, *_) in enumerate(sort_data):
neworder[orgidx] = newidx
return neworder
def sort_items_by_name(cls, items, propname="name"):
Re-order items using their names (case-insensitive).
propname is the name of the string property to use for sorting.
return a list mapping org_idx -> new_idx,
or an empty list if no sorting has been done.
_sort = [(idx, getattr(it, propname, "")) for idx, it in enumerate(items)]
return cls.sort_items_helper(_sort, lambda e: e[1].lower())
class UI_MT_list_item_context_menu(bpy.types.Menu):
UI List item context menu definition. Scripts can append/prepend this to
add own operators to the context menu. They must check context though, so
their items only draw in a valid context and for the correct UI list.
bl_label = "List Item"
bl_idname = "UI_MT_list_item_context_menu"
def draw(self, context):
# Dummy function. This type is just for scripts to append their own
# context menu items.
class UI_MT_button_context_menu(bpy.types.Menu):
UI button context menu definition. Scripts can append/prepend this to
add own operators to the context menu. They must check context though, so
their items only draw in a valid context and for the correct buttons.
bl_label = "List Item"
bl_idname = "UI_MT_button_context_menu"
def draw(self, context):
# Draw menu entries created with the legacy `WM_MT_button_context` class.
# This is deprecated, and support will be removed in a future release.
if hasattr(bpy.types, "WM_MT_button_context"):
classes = (