Weizhen Huang e58a05ca68 Refactor: renaming a few light-tree-related variables
primitives -> emitters, `index` -> `node_index`
2023-04-04 16:24:21 +02:00

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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Copyright 2011-2022 Blender Foundation */
/* This code implements a modified version of the paper [Importance Sampling of Many Lights with
* Adaptive Tree Splitting]( by Alejandro Conty
* Estevez, Christopher Kulla.
* The original paper traverses both children when the variance of a node is too high (called
* splitting). However, Cycles does not support multiple lights per shading point. Therefore, we
* adjust the importance computation: instead of using a conservative measure (i.e., the maximal
* possible contribution a node could make to a shading point) as in the paper, we additionally
* compute the minimal possible contribution and choose uniformly between these two measures. Also,
* support for distant lights is added, which is not included in the paper.
#pragma once
#include "kernel/light/area.h"
#include "kernel/light/common.h"
#include "kernel/light/light.h"
#include "kernel/light/spot.h"
#include "kernel/light/triangle.h"
/* TODO: this seems like a relative expensive computation. We can make it a lot cheaper by using a
* bounding sphere instead of a bounding box, but this will reduce the accuracy sometimes. */
ccl_device float light_tree_cos_bounding_box_angle(const BoundingBox bbox,
const float3 P,
const float3 point_to_centroid)
if (P.x > bbox.min.x && P.y > bbox.min.y && P.z > bbox.min.z && P.x < bbox.max.x &&
P.y < bbox.max.y && P.z < bbox.max.z) {
/* If P is inside the bbox, `theta_u` covers the whole sphere. */
return -1.0f;
float cos_theta_u = 1.0f;
/* Iterate through all 8 possible points of the bounding box. */
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
const float3 corner = make_float3((i & 1) ? bbox.max.x : bbox.min.x,
(i & 2) ? bbox.max.y : bbox.min.y,
(i & 4) ? bbox.max.z : bbox.min.z);
/* Calculate the bounding box angle. */
float3 point_to_corner = normalize(corner - P);
cos_theta_u = fminf(cos_theta_u, dot(point_to_centroid, point_to_corner));
return cos_theta_u;
/* Compute vector v as in Fig .8. P_v is the corresponding point along the ray. */
ccl_device float3 compute_v(
const float3 centroid, const float3 P, const float3 D, const float3 bcone_axis, const float t)
const float3 unnormalized_v0 = P - centroid;
const float3 unnormalized_v1 = unnormalized_v0 + D * fminf(t, 1e12f);
const float3 v0 = normalize(unnormalized_v0);
const float3 v1 = normalize(unnormalized_v1);
const float3 o0 = v0;
float3 o1, o2;
make_orthonormals_tangent(o0, v1, &o1, &o2);
const float dot_o0_a = dot(o0, bcone_axis);
const float dot_o1_a = dot(o1, bcone_axis);
const float inv_len = inversesqrtf(sqr(dot_o0_a) + sqr(dot_o1_a));
const float cos_phi0 = dot_o0_a * inv_len;
return (dot_o1_a < 0 || dot(v0, v1) > cos_phi0) ? (dot_o0_a > dot(v1, bcone_axis) ? v0 : v1) :
cos_phi0 * o0 + dot_o1_a * inv_len * o1;
/* This is the general function for calculating the importance of either a cluster or an emitter.
* Both of the specialized functions obtain the necessary data before calling this function. */
template<bool in_volume_segment>
ccl_device void light_tree_importance(const float3 N_or_D,
const bool has_transmission,
const float3 point_to_centroid,
const float cos_theta_u,
const BoundingCone bcone,
const float max_distance,
const float min_distance,
const float t,
const float energy,
ccl_private float &max_importance,
ccl_private float &min_importance)
max_importance = 0.0f;
min_importance = 0.0f;
const float sin_theta_u = sin_from_cos(cos_theta_u);
/* cos(theta_i') in the paper, omitted for volume. */
float cos_min_incidence_angle = 1.0f;
float cos_max_incidence_angle = 1.0f;
/* When sampling the light tree for the second time in `shade_volume.h` and when query the pdf in
* `sample.h`. */
const bool in_volume = is_zero(N_or_D);
if (!in_volume_segment && !in_volume) {
const float3 N = N_or_D;
const float cos_theta_i = has_transmission ? fabsf(dot(point_to_centroid, N)) :
dot(point_to_centroid, N);
const float sin_theta_i = sin_from_cos(cos_theta_i);
/* cos_min_incidence_angle = cos(max{theta_i - theta_u, 0}) = cos(theta_i') in the paper */
cos_min_incidence_angle = cos_theta_i >= cos_theta_u ?
1.0f :
cos_theta_i * cos_theta_u + sin_theta_i * sin_theta_u;
/* If the node is guaranteed to be behind the surface we're sampling, and the surface is
* opaque, then we can give the node an importance of 0 as it contributes nothing to the
* surface. This is more accurate than the bbox test if we are calculating the importance of
* an emitter with radius. */
if (!has_transmission && cos_min_incidence_angle < 0) {
/* cos_max_incidence_angle = cos(min{theta_i + theta_u, pi}) */
cos_max_incidence_angle = fmaxf(cos_theta_i * cos_theta_u - sin_theta_i * sin_theta_u, 0.0f);
/* cos(theta - theta_u) */
const float cos_theta = dot(bcone.axis, -point_to_centroid);
const float sin_theta = sin_from_cos(cos_theta);
const float cos_theta_minus_theta_u = cos_theta * cos_theta_u + sin_theta * sin_theta_u;
float cos_theta_o, sin_theta_o;
fast_sincosf(bcone.theta_o, &sin_theta_o, &cos_theta_o);
/* Minimum angle an emitters axis would form with the direction to the shading point,
* cos(theta') in the paper. */
float cos_min_outgoing_angle;
if ((cos_theta >= cos_theta_u) || (cos_theta_minus_theta_u >= cos_theta_o)) {
/* theta - theta_o - theta_u <= 0 */
kernel_assert((fast_acosf(cos_theta) - bcone.theta_o - fast_acosf(cos_theta_u)) < 5e-4f);
cos_min_outgoing_angle = 1.0f;
else if ((bcone.theta_o + bcone.theta_e > M_PI_F) ||
(cos_theta_minus_theta_u > cos(bcone.theta_o + bcone.theta_e))) {
/* theta' = theta - theta_o - theta_u < theta_e */
(fast_acosf(cos_theta) - bcone.theta_o - fast_acosf(cos_theta_u) - bcone.theta_e) < 5e-4f);
const float sin_theta_minus_theta_u = sin_from_cos(cos_theta_minus_theta_u);
cos_min_outgoing_angle = cos_theta_minus_theta_u * cos_theta_o +
sin_theta_minus_theta_u * sin_theta_o;
else {
/* Cluster is invisible. */
/* TODO: find a good approximation for f_a. */
const float f_a = 1.0f;
/* TODO: also consider t (or theta_a, theta_b) for volume */
max_importance = fabsf(f_a * cos_min_incidence_angle * energy * cos_min_outgoing_angle /
(in_volume_segment ? min_distance : sqr(min_distance)));
/* TODO: also min importance for volume? */
if (in_volume_segment) {
min_importance = max_importance;
/* cos(theta + theta_o + theta_u) if theta + theta_o + theta_u < theta_e, 0 otherwise */
float cos_max_outgoing_angle;
const float cos_theta_plus_theta_u = cos_theta * cos_theta_u - sin_theta * sin_theta_u;
if (bcone.theta_e - bcone.theta_o < 0 || cos_theta < 0 || cos_theta_u < 0 ||
cos_theta_plus_theta_u < cos(bcone.theta_e - bcone.theta_o)) {
min_importance = 0.0f;
else {
const float sin_theta_plus_theta_u = sin_from_cos(cos_theta_plus_theta_u);
cos_max_outgoing_angle = cos_theta_plus_theta_u * cos_theta_o -
sin_theta_plus_theta_u * sin_theta_o;
min_importance = fabsf(f_a * cos_max_incidence_angle * energy * cos_max_outgoing_angle /
template<bool in_volume_segment>
ccl_device bool compute_emitter_centroid_and_dir(KernelGlobals kg,
ccl_global const KernelLightTreeEmitter *kemitter,
const float3 P,
ccl_private float3 &centroid,
ccl_private packed_float3 &dir)
const int prim_id = kemitter->prim_id;
if (prim_id < 0) {
const ccl_global KernelLight *klight = &kernel_data_fetch(lights, ~prim_id);
centroid = klight->co;
switch (klight->type) {
dir = klight->spot.dir;
/* Disk-oriented normal. */
dir = safe_normalize(P - centroid);
dir = klight->area.dir;
/* Arbitrary centroid and direction. */
centroid = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
dir = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
return !in_volume_segment;
dir = centroid;
return !in_volume_segment;
return false;
else {
const int object = kemitter->mesh_light.object_id;
float3 vertices[3];
triangle_world_space_vertices(kg, object, prim_id, -1.0f, vertices);
centroid = (vertices[0] + vertices[1] + vertices[2]) / 3.0f;
const bool is_front_only = (kemitter->emission_sampling == EMISSION_SAMPLING_FRONT);
const bool is_back_only = (kemitter->emission_sampling == EMISSION_SAMPLING_BACK);
if (is_front_only || is_back_only) {
dir = safe_normalize(cross(vertices[1] - vertices[0], vertices[2] - vertices[0]));
if (is_back_only) {
dir = -dir;
if (kernel_data_fetch(object_flag, object) & SD_OBJECT_NEGATIVE_SCALE) {
dir = -dir;
else {
/* Double-sided: any vector in the plane. */
dir = safe_normalize(vertices[0] - vertices[1]);
return true;
template<bool in_volume_segment>
ccl_device void light_tree_emitter_importance(KernelGlobals kg,
const float3 P,
const float3 N_or_D,
const float t,
const bool has_transmission,
int emitter_index,
ccl_private float &max_importance,
ccl_private float &min_importance)
const ccl_global KernelLightTreeEmitter *kemitter = &kernel_data_fetch(light_tree_emitters,
max_importance = 0.0f;
min_importance = 0.0f;
BoundingCone bcone;
bcone.theta_o = kemitter->theta_o;
bcone.theta_e = kemitter->theta_e;
float cos_theta_u;
float2 distance; /* distance.x = max_distance, distance.y = mix_distance */
float3 centroid, point_to_centroid, P_c;
if (!compute_emitter_centroid_and_dir<in_volume_segment>(
kg, kemitter, P, centroid, bcone.axis)) {
const int prim_id = kemitter->prim_id;
if (in_volume_segment) {
const float3 D = N_or_D;
/* Closest point. */
P_c = P + dot(centroid - P, D) * D;
/* Minimal distance of the ray to the cluster. */
distance.x = len(centroid - P_c);
distance.y = distance.x;
point_to_centroid = -compute_v(centroid, P, D, bcone.axis, t);
else {
P_c = P;
bool is_visible;
if (prim_id < 0) {
const ccl_global KernelLight *klight = &kernel_data_fetch(lights, ~prim_id);
switch (klight->type) {
/* Function templates only modifies cos_theta_u when in_volume_segment = true. */
is_visible = spot_light_tree_parameters<in_volume_segment>(
klight, centroid, P_c, cos_theta_u, distance, point_to_centroid);
is_visible = point_light_tree_parameters<in_volume_segment>(
klight, centroid, P_c, cos_theta_u, distance, point_to_centroid);
bcone.theta_o = 0.0f;
is_visible = area_light_tree_parameters<in_volume_segment>(
klight, centroid, P_c, N_or_D, bcone.axis, cos_theta_u, distance, point_to_centroid);
is_visible = background_light_tree_parameters(
centroid, cos_theta_u, distance, point_to_centroid);
is_visible = distant_light_tree_parameters(
centroid, bcone.theta_e, cos_theta_u, distance, point_to_centroid);
else { /* Mesh light. */
is_visible = triangle_light_tree_parameters<in_volume_segment>(
kg, kemitter, centroid, P_c, N_or_D, bcone, cos_theta_u, distance, point_to_centroid);
is_visible |= has_transmission;
if (!is_visible) {
template<bool in_volume_segment>
ccl_device void light_tree_node_importance(KernelGlobals kg,
const float3 P,
const float3 N_or_D,
const float t,
const bool has_transmission,
const ccl_global KernelLightTreeNode *knode,
ccl_private float &max_importance,
ccl_private float &min_importance)
max_importance = 0.0f;
min_importance = 0.0f;
if (knode->num_emitters == 1) {
/* At a leaf node with only one emitter. */
kg, P, N_or_D, t, has_transmission, -knode->child_index, max_importance, min_importance);
else if (knode->num_emitters != 0) {
const BoundingCone bcone = knode->bcone;
const BoundingBox bbox = knode->bbox;
float3 point_to_centroid;
float cos_theta_u;
float distance;
if (knode->bit_trail == 1) {
/* Distant light node. */
if (in_volume_segment) {
point_to_centroid = -bcone.axis;
cos_theta_u = fast_cosf(bcone.theta_o);
distance = 1.0f;
else {
const float3 centroid = 0.5f * (bbox.min + bbox.max);
if (in_volume_segment) {
const float3 D = N_or_D;
const float3 closest_point = P + dot(centroid - P, D) * D;
/* Minimal distance of the ray to the cluster. */
distance = len(centroid - closest_point);
point_to_centroid = -compute_v(centroid, P, D, bcone.axis, t);
cos_theta_u = light_tree_cos_bounding_box_angle(bbox, closest_point, point_to_centroid);
else {
const float3 N = N_or_D;
const float3 bbox_extent = bbox.max - centroid;
const bool bbox_is_visible = has_transmission |
(dot(N, centroid - P) + dot(fabs(N), fabs(bbox_extent)) > 0);
/* If the node is guaranteed to be behind the surface we're sampling, and the surface is
* opaque, then we can give the node an importance of 0 as it contributes nothing to the
* surface. */
if (!bbox_is_visible) {
point_to_centroid = normalize_len(centroid - P, &distance);
cos_theta_u = light_tree_cos_bounding_box_angle(bbox, P, point_to_centroid);
/* Clamp distance to half the radius of the cluster when splitting is disabled. */
distance = fmaxf(0.5f * len(centroid - bbox.max), distance);
/* TODO: currently max_distance = min_distance, max_importance = min_importance for the
* nodes. Do we need better weights for complex scenes? */
ccl_device void sample_resevoir(const int current_index,
const float current_weight,
ccl_private int &selected_index,
ccl_private float &selected_weight,
ccl_private float &total_weight,
ccl_private float &rand)
if (current_weight == 0.0f) {
total_weight += current_weight;
float thresh = current_weight / total_weight;
if (rand <= thresh) {
selected_index = current_index;
selected_weight = current_weight;
rand = rand / thresh;
else {
rand = (rand - thresh) / (1.0f - thresh);
kernel_assert(rand >= 0.0f && rand <= 1.0f);
/* Pick an emitter from a leaf node using resevoir sampling, keep two reservoirs for upper and
* lower bounds. */
template<bool in_volume_segment>
ccl_device int light_tree_cluster_select_emitter(KernelGlobals kg,
ccl_private float &rand,
const float3 P,
const float3 N_or_D,
const float t,
const bool has_transmission,
const ccl_global KernelLightTreeNode *knode,
ccl_private float *pdf_factor)
float selected_importance[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f};
float total_importance[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f};
int selected_index = -1;
/* Mark emitters with zero importance. Used for resevoir when total minimum importance = 0. */
kernel_assert(knode->num_emitters <= sizeof(uint) * 8);
uint has_importance = 0;
const bool sample_max = (rand > 0.5f); /* Sampling using the maximum importance. */
rand = rand * 2.0f - float(sample_max);
for (int i = 0; i < knode->num_emitters; i++) {
int current_index = -knode->child_index + i;
/* maximum importance = importance[0], minimum importance = importance[1] */
float importance[2];
kg, P, N_or_D, t, has_transmission, current_index, importance[0], importance[1]);
if (selected_index == current_index) {
selected_importance[sample_max] = importance[sample_max];
total_importance[sample_max] += importance[sample_max];
has_importance |= ((importance[0] > 0) << i);
if (total_importance[0] == 0.0f) {
return -1;
if (total_importance[1] == 0.0f) {
/* Uniformly sample emitters with positive maximum importance. */
if (sample_max) {
selected_importance[1] = 1.0f;
total_importance[1] = float(popcount(has_importance));
else {
selected_index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < knode->num_emitters; i++) {
int current_index = -knode->child_index + i;
float(has_importance & 1),
has_importance >>= 1;
float discard;
kg, P, N_or_D, t, has_transmission, selected_index, selected_importance[0], discard);
*pdf_factor = 0.5f * (selected_importance[0] / total_importance[0] +
selected_importance[1] / total_importance[1]);
return selected_index;
template<bool in_volume_segment>
ccl_device bool get_left_probability(KernelGlobals kg,
const float3 P,
const float3 N_or_D,
const float t,
const bool has_transmission,
const int left_index,
const int right_index,
ccl_private float &left_probability)
const ccl_global KernelLightTreeNode *left = &kernel_data_fetch(light_tree_nodes, left_index);
const ccl_global KernelLightTreeNode *right = &kernel_data_fetch(light_tree_nodes, right_index);
float min_left_importance, max_left_importance, min_right_importance, max_right_importance;
kg, P, N_or_D, t, has_transmission, left, max_left_importance, min_left_importance);
kg, P, N_or_D, t, has_transmission, right, max_right_importance, min_right_importance);
const float total_max_importance = max_left_importance + max_right_importance;
if (total_max_importance == 0.0f) {
return false;
const float total_min_importance = min_left_importance + min_right_importance;
/* Average two probabilities of picking the left child node using lower and upper bounds. */
const float probability_max = max_left_importance / total_max_importance;
const float probability_min = total_min_importance > 0 ?
min_left_importance / total_min_importance :
0.5f * (float(max_left_importance > 0) +
float(max_right_importance == 0.0f));
left_probability = 0.5f * (probability_max + probability_min);
return true;
template<bool in_volume_segment>
ccl_device_noinline bool light_tree_sample(KernelGlobals kg,
float randn,
const float randu,
const float randv,
const float time,
const float3 P,
const float3 N_or_D,
const float t,
const int shader_flags,
const int bounce,
const uint32_t path_flag,
ccl_private LightSample *ls)
if (!kernel_data.integrator.use_direct_light) {
return false;
const bool has_transmission = (shader_flags & SD_BSDF_HAS_TRANSMISSION);
float pdf_leaf = 1.0f;
float pdf_selection = 1.0f;
int selected_emitter = -1;
int node_index = 0; /* Root node. */
/* Traverse the light tree until a leaf node is reached. */
while (true) {
const ccl_global KernelLightTreeNode *knode = &kernel_data_fetch(light_tree_nodes, node_index);
if (knode->child_index <= 0) {
/* At a leaf node, we pick an emitter. */
selected_emitter = light_tree_cluster_select_emitter<in_volume_segment>(
kg, randn, P, N_or_D, t, has_transmission, knode, &pdf_selection);
/* At an interior node, the left child is directly after the parent, while the right child is
* stored as the child index. */
const int left_index = node_index + 1;
const int right_index = knode->child_index;
float left_prob;
if (!get_left_probability<in_volume_segment>(
kg, P, N_or_D, t, has_transmission, left_index, right_index, left_prob)) {
return false; /* Both child nodes have zero importance. */
float discard;
float total_prob = left_prob;
node_index = left_index;
sample_resevoir(right_index, 1.0f - left_prob, node_index, discard, total_prob, randn);
pdf_leaf *= (node_index == left_index) ? left_prob : (1.0f - left_prob);
if (selected_emitter < 0) {
return false;
pdf_selection *= pdf_leaf;
return light_sample<in_volume_segment>(
kg, randu, randv, time, P, bounce, path_flag, selected_emitter, pdf_selection, ls);
/* We need to be able to find the probability of selecting a given light for MIS. */
ccl_device float light_tree_pdf(
KernelGlobals kg, const float3 P, const float3 N, const int path_flag, const int emitter)
const bool has_transmission = (path_flag & PATH_RAY_MIS_HAD_TRANSMISSION);
/* Target emitter info. */
const int target_emitter = (emitter >= 0) ? kernel_data_fetch(triangle_to_tree, emitter) :
kernel_data_fetch(light_to_tree, ~emitter);
ccl_global const KernelLightTreeEmitter *kemitter = &kernel_data_fetch(light_tree_emitters,
const int target_leaf = kemitter->parent_index;
ccl_global const KernelLightTreeNode *kleaf = &kernel_data_fetch(light_tree_nodes, target_leaf);
uint bit_trail = kleaf->bit_trail;
int node_index = 0; /* Root node. */
float pdf = 1.0f;
/* Traverse the light tree until we reach the target leaf node. */
while (true) {
const ccl_global KernelLightTreeNode *knode = &kernel_data_fetch(light_tree_nodes, node_index);
if (knode->child_index <= 0) {
/* Interior node. */
const int left_index = node_index + 1;
const int right_index = knode->child_index;
float left_prob;
if (!get_left_probability<false>(
kg, P, N, 0, has_transmission, left_index, right_index, left_prob)) {
return 0.0f;
const bool go_left = (bit_trail & 1) == 0;
bit_trail >>= 1;
pdf *= go_left ? left_prob : (1.0f - left_prob);
node_index = go_left ? left_index : right_index;
if (pdf == 0) {
return 0.0f;
kernel_assert(node_index == target_leaf);
/* Iterate through leaf node to find the probability of sampling the target emitter. */
float target_max_importance = 0.0f;
float target_min_importance = 0.0f;
float total_max_importance = 0.0f;
float total_min_importance = 0.0f;
int num_has_importance = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kleaf->num_emitters; i++) {
const int emitter = -kleaf->child_index + i;
float max_importance, min_importance;
kg, P, N, 0, has_transmission, emitter, max_importance, min_importance);
num_has_importance += (max_importance > 0);
if (emitter == target_emitter) {
target_max_importance = max_importance;
target_min_importance = min_importance;
total_max_importance += max_importance;
total_min_importance += min_importance;
if (target_max_importance > 0.0f) {
return pdf * 0.5f *
(target_max_importance / total_max_importance +
(total_min_importance > 0 ? target_min_importance / total_min_importance :
1.0f / num_has_importance));
return 0.0f;