Hans Goudey 7f5dd29abd Subdiv: Make OpenSubdiv_TopologyRefiner into a C++ class
Replace the C-class pattern function pointers with actual class methods.
Other than the obvious benefit of not requiring the "this" pointer to be
explicitly passed into every function call, this will make it much simpler
to remove the entire C-API class and replace it with its "impl" next.

For that next step we need to expose code to the implementation
of the topology refiner, so instead of defining stubs locally in the
opensubdiv intern class, we spread some WITH_OPENSUBDIV checks
in the blenkernel. As far as I know this is the only way to remove the
intermediate C-API and call opensubdiv functions directly from there.
2024-04-19 09:03:48 -04:00

116 lines
4.5 KiB

/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Blender Foundation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#pragma once
#include <cstdint> // for bool
#include "opensubdiv_capi_type.hh"
struct OpenSubdiv_Converter;
struct OpenSubdiv_TopologyRefinerImpl;
// Those settings don't really belong to OpenSubdiv's topology refiner, but
// we are keeping track of them on our side of topology refiner. This is to
// make it possible to ensure we are not trying to abuse same OpenSubdiv's
// topology refiner with different subdivision levels or with different
// adaptive settings.
struct OpenSubdiv_TopologyRefinerSettings {
bool is_adaptive;
int level;
// C-style wrapper around actual topology refiner.
// The only purpose is to allow C-only code to access C++ implementation of the
// topology refiner.
class OpenSubdiv_TopologyRefiner {
// Query subdivision level the refiner is created for.
int getSubdivisionLevel() const;
bool getIsAdaptive() const;
// NOTE: All queries are querying base level.
// TODO(sergey): Consider making it more obvious in function naming,
// but since it's unlikely (or at least, will be uncommon use) for API
// which queries final geometry, we should be fine with this name for
// now.
// Query basic topology information from base level.
int getNumVertices() const;
int getNumEdges() const;
int getNumFaces() const;
int getNumFaceVertices(int face_index) const;
void getFaceVertices(int face_index, int *face_vertices_indices) const;
int getNumFaceEdges(int face_index) const;
void getFaceEdges(int face_index, int *face_edges_indices) const;
void getEdgeVertices(int edge_index, int edge_vertices_indices[2]) const;
int getNumVertexEdges(int vertex_index) const;
void getVertexEdges(int vertex_index, int *vertex_edges_indices) const;
// PTex face geometry queries.
// Ptex face corresponds to OpenSubdiv's internal "patch" and to Blender's
// subdivision grid. The rule commes as:
// - Triangle face consist of 3 ptex faces, ordered in the order of
// face-vertices.
// - Quad face consists of a single ptex face.
// - N-gons (similar to triangle) consists of N ptex faces, ordered same
// way as for triangle.
int getNumFacePtexFaces(int face_index) const;
int getNumPtexFaces() const;
// Initialize a per-base-face offset measured in ptex face indices.
// Basically, face_ptex_offset[base_face_index] is a total number of ptex
// faces created for bases faces [0 .. base_face_index - 1].
// The array must contain at least total number of ptex faces elements.
void fillFacePtexIndexOffset(int *face_ptex_index_offset) const;
// Face-varying data.
// Number of face-varying channels (or how they are called in Blender layers).
int getNumFVarChannels() const;
// Get face-varying interpolation type.
OpenSubdiv_FVarLinearInterpolation getFVarLinearInterpolation() const;
// Get total number of face-varying values in a particular channel.
int getNumFVarValues(int channel) const;
// Get face-varying value indices associated with a particular face.
// This is an array of indices inside of face-varying array, array elements
// are aligned with face corners (or loops in Blender terminology).
const int *getFaceFVarValueIndices(int face_index, int channel) const;
// Internal use.
// Implementation of the topology refiner.
OpenSubdiv_TopologyRefinerImpl *impl;
// NOTE: Will return NULL in cases of bad topology.
// NOTE: Mesh without faces is considered a bad topology.
OpenSubdiv_TopologyRefiner *openSubdiv_createTopologyRefinerFromConverter(
OpenSubdiv_Converter *converter, const OpenSubdiv_TopologyRefinerSettings *settings);
void openSubdiv_deleteTopologyRefiner(OpenSubdiv_TopologyRefiner *topology_refiner);
// Compare given topology refiner with converter. Returns truth if topology
// refiner matches given converter, false otherwise.
// This allows users to construct converter (which is supposed to be cheap)
// and compare with existing refiner before going into more computationally
// complicated parts of subdivision process.
bool openSubdiv_topologyRefinerCompareWithConverter(
const OpenSubdiv_TopologyRefiner *topology_refiner, const OpenSubdiv_Converter *converter);