Nathan Letwory 975ca91939 Steam Release: Script creation of Steam build files
Script tool for automation of Steam build files for tasks like {T77348}

This script automates creation of the Steam files: download of the archives,
extraction of the archives, preparation of the build scripts (VDF files), actual
building of the Steam game files.


* MacOS machine - Tested on Catalina 10.15.6. Extracting contents from the DMG
  archive did not work Windows nor on Linux using 7-zip. All DMG archives tested
  failed to be extracted. As such only MacOS is known to work.
* Steam SDK downloaded from SteamWorks - The `steamcmd` is used to generate the
  Steam game files. The path to the `steamcmd` is what is actually needed.
* SteamWorks credentials - Needed to log in using `steamcmd`.
* Login to SteamWorks with the `steamcmd` from the command-line at least once -
  Needded to ensure the user is properly logged in. On a new machine the user
  will have to go through two-factor authentication.
* App ID and Depot IDs - Needed to create the VDF files.
* Python 3.x - 3.7 was tested.
* Base URL - for downloading the archives.

Reviewed By: Jeroen Bakker

Differential Revision:
2020-12-16 11:15:18 +01:00

18 lines
653 B

"appid" "[APPID]"
"desc" "Blender [VERSION]" // description for this build
"buildoutput" "./[OUTPUT]" // build output folder for .log, .csm & .csd files, relative to location of this file
"contentroot" "./[CONTENT]" // root content folder, relative to location of this file
"setlive" "" // branch to set live after successful build, non if empty
"preview" "[DRYRUN]" // 1 to enable preview builds, 0 to commit build to steampipe
"local" "" // set to flie path of local content server
"[WINID]" "depot_build_win.vdf"
"[LINUXID]" "depot_build_linux.vdf"
"[MACOSID]" "depot_build_macos.vdf"