Campbell Barton e955c94ed3 License Headers: Set copyright to "Blender Authors", add AUTHORS
Listing the "Blender Foundation" as copyright holder implied the Blender
Foundation holds copyright to files which may include work from many

While keeping copyright on headers makes sense for isolated libraries,
Blender's own code may be refactored or moved between files in a way
that makes the per file copyright holders less meaningful.

Copyright references to the "Blender Foundation" have been replaced with
"Blender Authors", with the exception of `./extern/` since these this
contains libraries which are more isolated, any changed to license
headers there can be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Some directories in `./intern/` have also been excluded:

- `./intern/cycles/` it's own `AUTHORS` file is planned.
- `./intern/opensubdiv/`.

An "AUTHORS" file has been added, using the chromium projects authors
file as a template.

Design task: #110784

Ref !110783.
2023-08-16 00:20:26 +10:00

213 lines
8.0 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010-2023 Blender Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
This module has utility functions for renaming
rna values in fcurves and drivers.
Currently unused, but might become useful later again.
import sys
import bpy
def classes_recursive(base_type, clss=None):
if clss is None:
clss = [base_type]
for base_type_iter in base_type.__bases__:
if base_type_iter is not object:
classes_recursive(base_type_iter, clss)
return clss
class DataPathBuilder:
"""Dummy class used to parse fcurve and driver data paths."""
__slots__ = ("data_path", )
def __init__(self, attrs):
self.data_path = attrs
def __getattr__(self, attr):
str_value = ".%s" % attr
return DataPathBuilder(self.data_path + (str_value, ))
def __getitem__(self, key):
if type(key) is int:
str_value = '[%d]' % key
elif type(key) is str:
str_value = '["%s"]' % bpy.utils.escape_identifier(key)
raise Exception("unsupported accessor %r of type %r (internal error)" % (key, type(key)))
return DataPathBuilder(self.data_path + (str_value, ))
def resolve(self, real_base, rna_update_from_map, fcurve, log):
"""Return (attribute, value) pairs."""
pairs = []
base = real_base
for item in self.data_path:
if base is not Ellipsis:
base_new = Ellipsis
# find the new name
if item.startswith("."):
for class_name, item_new, options in (
rna_update_from_map.get(item[1:], []) +
[(None, item[1:], None)]
if callable(item_new):
# No type check here, callback is assumed to know what it's doing.
base_new, item_new = item_new(base, class_name, item[1:], fcurve, options)
if base_new is not Ellipsis:
break # found, don't keep looking
# Type check!
type_ok = True
if class_name is not None:
type_ok = False
for base_type in classes_recursive(type(base)):
if base_type.__name__ == class_name:
type_ok = True
if type_ok:
# print("base." + item_new)
base_new = eval("base." + item_new)
break # found, don't keep looking
item_new = "." + item_new
item_new = item
base_new = eval("base" + item_new)
if base_new is Ellipsis:
print("Failed to resolve data path:", self.data_path, file=log)
base = base_new
item_new = item
pairs.append((item_new, base))
return pairs
def id_iter():
type_iter = type(
for attr in dir(
data_iter = getattr(, attr, None)
if type(data_iter) == type_iter:
for id_data in data_iter:
if id_data.library is None:
yield id_data
def anim_data_actions(anim_data):
actions = []
for track in anim_data.nla_tracks:
for strip in track.strips:
# filter out None
return [act for act in actions if act]
def find_path_new(id_data, data_path, rna_update_from_map, fcurve, log):
# note!, id_data can be ID type or a node tree
# ignore ID props for now
if data_path.startswith("["):
return data_path
# recursive path fixing, likely will be one in most cases.
data_path_builder = eval("DataPathBuilder(tuple())." + data_path)
data_resolve = data_path_builder.resolve(id_data, rna_update_from_map, fcurve, log)
path_new = [pair[0] for pair in data_resolve]
return "".join(path_new)[1:] # skip the first "."
def update_data_paths(rna_update, log=sys.stdout):
rna_update triple [(class_name, from, to or to_callback, callback options), ...]
to_callback is a function with this signature: update_cb(base, class_name, old_path, fcurve, options)
where base is current object, class_name is the expected type name of base (callback has to handle
this), old_path it the org name of base's property, fcurve is the affected fcurve (!),
and options is an opaque data.
class_name, fcurve and options may be None!
rna_update_from_map = {}
for ren_class, ren_from, ren_to, options in rna_update:
rna_update_from_map.setdefault(ren_from, []).append((ren_class, ren_to, options))
for id_data in id_iter():
# check node-trees too
anim_data_ls = [(id_data, getattr(id_data, "animation_data", None))]
node_tree = getattr(id_data, "node_tree", None)
if node_tree:
anim_data_ls.append((node_tree, node_tree.animation_data))
for anim_data_base, anim_data in anim_data_ls:
if anim_data is None:
for fcurve in anim_data.drivers:
data_path = fcurve.data_path
data_path_new = find_path_new(anim_data_base, data_path, rna_update_from_map, fcurve, log)
# print(data_path_new)
if data_path_new != data_path:
if not IS_TESTING:
fcurve.data_path = data_path_new
fcurve.driver.is_valid = True # reset to allow this to work again
print("driver-fcurve (%s): %s -> %s" % (, data_path, data_path_new), file=log)
for var in fcurve.driver.variables:
if var.type == 'SINGLE_PROP':
for tar in var.targets:
id_data_other =
data_path = tar.data_path
if id_data_other and data_path:
data_path_new = find_path_new(id_data_other, data_path, rna_update_from_map, None, log)
# print(data_path_new)
if data_path_new != data_path:
if not IS_TESTING:
tar.data_path = data_path_new
print("driver (%s): %s -> %s" % (, data_path, data_path_new),
for action in anim_data_actions(anim_data):
for fcu in action.fcurves:
data_path = fcu.data_path
data_path_new = find_path_new(anim_data_base, data_path, rna_update_from_map, fcu, log)
# print(data_path_new)
if data_path_new != data_path:
if not IS_TESTING:
fcu.data_path = data_path_new
print("fcurve (%s): %s -> %s" % (, data_path, data_path_new), file=log)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Example, should be called externally
# (class, from, to or to_callback, callback_options)
replace_ls = [
("AnimVizMotionPaths", "frame_after", "frame_after", None),
("AnimVizMotionPaths", "frame_before", "frame_before", None),
("AnimVizOnionSkinning", "frame_after", "frame_after", None),