Brecht Van Lommel 342e12d6d9 Subdiv: support interpolating orco coordinates in subdivision surfaces
This makes changes to the opensubdiv module to support additional vertex data
besides the vertex position, that is smootly interpolated the same way. This is
different than varying data which is interpolated linearly.

Fixes T96596: wrong generated texture coordinates with GPU subdivision. In that
bug lazy subdivision would not interpolate orcos.

Later on, this implementation can also be used to remove the modifier stack
mechanism where modifiers are evaluated a second time for orcos, which is messy
and inefficient. But that's a more risky change, this is just the part to fix
the bug in 3.2.

Differential Revision:
2022-05-18 16:45:38 +02:00

256 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2013 Blender Foundation. All rights reserved.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// Author: Sergey Sharybin
#include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t
#include "opensubdiv_capi_type.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct OpenSubdiv_EvaluatorInternal;
struct OpenSubdiv_PatchCoord;
struct OpenSubdiv_TopologyRefiner;
// Callback type for doing input/output operations on buffers.
// Useful to abstract GPU buffers.
typedef struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer {
// Bind the buffer to the GPU.
void (*bind_gpu)(const struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer *buffer);
// Allocate the buffer directly on the host for the given size in bytes. This has to return
// a pointer to the newly allocated memory.
void *(*alloc)(const struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer *buffer, const unsigned int size);
// Allocate the buffer directly on the device for the given size in bytes.
void (*device_alloc)(const struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer *buffer, const unsigned int size);
// Update the given range of the buffer with new data.
void (*device_update)(const struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer *buffer,
unsigned int start,
unsigned int len,
const void *data);
// Wrap an existing GPU buffer, given its device handle, into the client's buffer type for
// read-only use.
void (*wrap_device_handle)(const struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer *buffer, uint64_t device_ptr);
// Offset in the buffer where the data starts, if a single buffer is used for multiple data
// channels.
int buffer_offset;
// Pointer to the client buffer data, which is modified or initialized through the various
// callbacks.
void *data;
} OpenSubdiv_Buffer;
typedef struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator {
// Set coarse positions from a continuous array of coordinates.
void (*setCoarsePositions)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const float *positions,
const int start_vertex_index,
const int num_vertices);
// Set vertex data from a continuous array of coordinates.
void (*setVertexData)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const float *data,
const int start_vertex_index,
const int num_vertices);
// Set varying data from a continuous array of data.
void (*setVaryingData)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const float *varying_data,
const int start_vertex_index,
const int num_vertices);
// Set face varying data from a continuous array of data.
// TODO(sergey): Find a better name for vertex here. It is not the vertex of
// geometry, but a vertex of UV map.
void (*setFaceVaryingData)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const int face_varying_channel,
const float *face_varying_data,
const int start_vertex_index,
const int num_vertices);
// Set coarse vertex position from a continuous memory buffer where
// first coordinate starts at offset of `start_offset` and there is `stride`
// bytes between adjacent vertex coordinates.
void (*setCoarsePositionsFromBuffer)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const void *buffer,
const int start_offset,
const int stride,
const int start_vertex_index,
const int num_vertices);
// Set varying data from a continuous memory buffer where
// first coordinate starts at offset of `start_offset` and there is `stride`
// bytes between adjacent vertex coordinates.
void (*setVaryingDataFromBuffer)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const void *buffer,
const int start_offset,
const int stride,
const int start_vertex_index,
const int num_vertices);
// Set face varying data from a continuous memory buffer where
// first coordinate starts at offset of `start_offset` and there is `stride`
// bytes between adjacent vertex coordinates.
// TODO(sergey): Find a better name for vertex here. It is not the vertex of
// geometry, but a vertex of UV map.
void (*setFaceVaryingDataFromBuffer)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const int face_varying_channel,
const void *buffer,
const int start_offset,
const int stride,
const int start_vertex_index,
const int num_vertices);
// Refine after coarse positions update.
void (*refine)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator);
// Evaluate given ptex face at given bilinear coordinate.
// If derivatives are NULL, they will not be evaluated.
void (*evaluateLimit)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const int ptex_face_index,
float face_u,
float face_v,
float P[3],
float dPdu[3],
float dPdv[3]);
// Evaluate vertex data at a given bilinear coordinate of given ptex face.
void (*evaluateVertexData)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const int ptex_face_index,
float face_u,
float face_v,
float data[]);
// Evaluate varying data at a given bilinear coordinate of given ptex face.
void (*evaluateVarying)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const int ptex_face_index,
float face_u,
float face_v,
float varying[3]);
// Evaluate face-varying data at a given bilinear coordinate of given
// ptex face.
void (*evaluateFaceVarying)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const int face_varying_channel,
const int ptex_face_index,
float face_u,
float face_v,
float face_varying[2]);
// Batched evaluation of multiple input coordinates.
// Evaluate limit surface.
// If derivatives are NULL, they will not be evaluated.
// NOTE: Output arrays must point to a memory of size float[3]*num_patch_coords.
void (*evaluatePatchesLimit)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const struct OpenSubdiv_PatchCoord *patch_coords,
const int num_patch_coords,
float *P,
float *dPdu,
float *dPdv);
// Copy the patch map to the given buffers, and output some topology information.
void (*getPatchMap)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer *patch_map_handles,
struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer *patch_map_quadtree,
int *min_patch_face,
int *max_patch_face,
int *max_depth,
int *patches_are_triangular);
// Fill the given buffer with data from the evaluator's patch array buffer.
void (*fillPatchArraysBuffer)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer *patch_array_buffer);
// Fill the given buffer with data from the evaluator's patch index buffer.
void (*wrapPatchIndexBuffer)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer *patch_index_buffer);
// Fill the given buffer with data from the evaluator's patch parameter buffer.
void (*wrapPatchParamBuffer)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer *patch_param_buffer);
// Fill the given buffer with data from the evaluator's source buffer.
void (*wrapSrcBuffer)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer *src_buffer);
// Fill the given buffer with data from the evaluator's face varying patch array buffer.
void (*fillFVarPatchArraysBuffer)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const int face_varying_channel,
struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer *patch_array_buffer);
// Fill the given buffer with data from the evaluator's face varying patch index buffer.
void (*wrapFVarPatchIndexBuffer)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const int face_varying_channel,
struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer *patch_index_buffer);
// Fill the given buffer with data from the evaluator's face varying patch parameter buffer.
void (*wrapFVarPatchParamBuffer)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const int face_varying_channel,
struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer *patch_param_buffer);
// Fill the given buffer with data from the evaluator's face varying source buffer.
void (*wrapFVarSrcBuffer)(struct OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator,
const int face_varying_channel,
struct OpenSubdiv_Buffer *src_buffer);
// Implementation of the evaluator.
struct OpenSubdiv_EvaluatorImpl *impl;
// Type of the evaluator.
eOpenSubdivEvaluator type;
} OpenSubdiv_Evaluator;
typedef struct OpenSubdiv_EvaluatorCache {
// Implementation of the evaluator cache.
struct OpenSubdiv_EvaluatorCacheImpl *impl;
} OpenSubdiv_EvaluatorCache;
typedef struct OpenSubdiv_EvaluatorSettings {
// Number of smoothly interpolated vertex data channels.
int num_vertex_data;
} OpenSubdiv_EvaluatorSettings;
OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *openSubdiv_createEvaluatorFromTopologyRefiner(
struct OpenSubdiv_TopologyRefiner *topology_refiner,
eOpenSubdivEvaluator evaluator_type,
OpenSubdiv_EvaluatorCache *evaluator_cache,
const OpenSubdiv_EvaluatorSettings *settings);
void openSubdiv_deleteEvaluator(OpenSubdiv_Evaluator *evaluator);
OpenSubdiv_EvaluatorCache *openSubdiv_createEvaluatorCache(eOpenSubdivEvaluator evaluator_type);
void openSubdiv_deleteEvaluatorCache(OpenSubdiv_EvaluatorCache *evaluator_cache);
// Return the GLSL source code from the OpenSubDiv library used for patch evaluation.
// This function is not thread-safe.
const char *openSubdiv_getGLSLPatchBasisSource(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus