Kévin Dietrich 429afe0c62 Cycles: introduce an ownership system to protect nodes from unwanted deletions.
Problem: the Blender synchronization process creates and tags nodes for usage. It does
this by directly adding and removing nodes from the scene data. If some node is not tagged
as used at the end of a synchronization, it then deletes the node from the scene. This poses
a problem when it comes to supporting procedural nodes who can create other nodes not known
by the Blender synchonization system, which will remove them.

Nodes now have a NodeOwner, which is set after creation. Those owners for now are the Scene
for scene level nodes and ShaderGraph for shader nodes. Instead of creating and deleting
nodes using `new` and `delete` explicitely, we now use `create_node` and `delete_node` methods
found on the owners. `delete_node` will assert that the owner is the right one.

Whenever a scene level node is created or deleted, the appropriate node manager is tagged for
an update, freeing this responsability from BlenderSync or other software exporters.

Concerning BlenderSync, the `id_maps` do not explicitely manipulate scene data anymore, they
only keep track of which nodes are used, employing the scene to create and delete them. To
achieve this, the ParticleSystem is now a Node, although it does not have any sockets.

This is part of T79131.

Reviewed By: #cycles, brecht

Maniphest Tasks: T79131

Differential Revision:
2020-08-30 23:49:38 +02:00

381 lines
9.8 KiB

* Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef __SCENE_H__
#define __SCENE_H__
#include "bvh/bvh_params.h"
#include "render/film.h"
#include "render/image.h"
#include "render/shader.h"
#include "device/device.h"
#include "device/device_memory.h"
#include "util/util_param.h"
#include "util/util_string.h"
#include "util/util_system.h"
#include "util/util_texture.h"
#include "util/util_thread.h"
#include "util/util_types.h"
#include "util/util_vector.h"
class AttributeRequestSet;
class Background;
class Camera;
class Device;
class DeviceInfo;
class Film;
class Integrator;
class Light;
class LightManager;
class LookupTables;
class Geometry;
class GeometryManager;
class Object;
class ObjectManager;
class ParticleSystemManager;
class ParticleSystem;
class CurveSystemManager;
class Shader;
class ShaderManager;
class Progress;
class BakeManager;
class BakeData;
class RenderStats;
class Volume;
/* Scene Device Data */
class DeviceScene {
/* BVH */
device_vector<int4> bvh_nodes;
device_vector<int4> bvh_leaf_nodes;
device_vector<int> object_node;
device_vector<uint> prim_tri_index;
device_vector<float4> prim_tri_verts;
device_vector<int> prim_type;
device_vector<uint> prim_visibility;
device_vector<int> prim_index;
device_vector<int> prim_object;
device_vector<float2> prim_time;
/* mesh */
device_vector<uint> tri_shader;
device_vector<float4> tri_vnormal;
device_vector<uint4> tri_vindex;
device_vector<uint> tri_patch;
device_vector<float2> tri_patch_uv;
device_vector<float4> curves;
device_vector<float4> curve_keys;
device_vector<uint> patches;
/* objects */
device_vector<KernelObject> objects;
device_vector<Transform> object_motion_pass;
device_vector<DecomposedTransform> object_motion;
device_vector<uint> object_flag;
device_vector<float> object_volume_step;
/* cameras */
device_vector<DecomposedTransform> camera_motion;
/* attributes */
device_vector<uint4> attributes_map;
device_vector<float> attributes_float;
device_vector<float2> attributes_float2;
device_vector<float4> attributes_float3;
device_vector<uchar4> attributes_uchar4;
/* lights */
device_vector<KernelLightDistribution> light_distribution;
device_vector<KernelLight> lights;
device_vector<float2> light_background_marginal_cdf;
device_vector<float2> light_background_conditional_cdf;
/* particles */
device_vector<KernelParticle> particles;
/* shaders */
device_vector<int4> svm_nodes;
device_vector<KernelShader> shaders;
/* lookup tables */
device_vector<float> lookup_table;
/* integrator */
device_vector<uint> sample_pattern_lut;
/* ies lights */
device_vector<float> ies_lights;
KernelData data;
DeviceScene(Device *device);
/* Scene Parameters */
class SceneParams {
/* Type of BVH, in terms whether it is supported dynamic updates of meshes
* or whether modifying geometry requires full BVH rebuild.
enum BVHType {
/* BVH supports dynamic updates of geometry.
* Faster for updating BVH tree when doing modifications in viewport,
* but slower for rendering.
/* BVH tree is calculated for specific scene, updates in geometry
* requires full tree rebuild.
* Slower to update BVH tree when modifying objects in viewport, also
* slower to build final BVH tree but gives best possible render speed.
ShadingSystem shadingsystem;
/* Requested BVH layout.
* If it's not supported by the device, the widest one from supported ones
* will be used, but BVH wider than this one will never be used.
BVHLayout bvh_layout;
BVHType bvh_type;
bool use_bvh_spatial_split;
bool use_bvh_unaligned_nodes;
int num_bvh_time_steps;
int hair_subdivisions;
CurveShapeType hair_shape;
bool persistent_data;
int texture_limit;
bool background;
shadingsystem = SHADINGSYSTEM_SVM;
bvh_layout = BVH_LAYOUT_BVH2;
bvh_type = BVH_DYNAMIC;
use_bvh_spatial_split = false;
use_bvh_unaligned_nodes = true;
num_bvh_time_steps = 0;
hair_subdivisions = 3;
hair_shape = CURVE_RIBBON;
persistent_data = false;
texture_limit = 0;
background = true;
bool modified(const SceneParams &params)
return !(shadingsystem == params.shadingsystem && bvh_layout == params.bvh_layout &&
bvh_type == params.bvh_type &&
use_bvh_spatial_split == params.use_bvh_spatial_split &&
use_bvh_unaligned_nodes == params.use_bvh_unaligned_nodes &&
num_bvh_time_steps == params.num_bvh_time_steps &&
hair_subdivisions == params.hair_subdivisions && hair_shape == params.hair_shape &&
persistent_data == params.persistent_data && texture_limit == params.texture_limit);
int curve_subdivisions()
/* Matching the tesselation rate limit in Embree. */
return clamp(1 << hair_subdivisions, 1, 16);
/* Scene */
class Scene : public NodeOwner {
/* Optional name. Is used for logging and reporting. */
string name;
/* data */
Camera *camera;
Camera *dicing_camera;
LookupTables *lookup_tables;
Film *film;
Background *background;
Integrator *integrator;
/* data lists */
vector<Object *> objects;
vector<Geometry *> geometry;
vector<Shader *> shaders;
vector<Light *> lights;
vector<ParticleSystem *> particle_systems;
vector<Pass> passes;
/* data managers */
ImageManager *image_manager;
LightManager *light_manager;
ShaderManager *shader_manager;
GeometryManager *geometry_manager;
ObjectManager *object_manager;
ParticleSystemManager *particle_system_manager;
BakeManager *bake_manager;
/* default shaders */
Shader *default_surface;
Shader *default_volume;
Shader *default_light;
Shader *default_background;
Shader *default_empty;
/* device */
Device *device;
DeviceScene dscene;
/* parameters */
SceneParams params;
/* mutex must be locked manually by callers */
thread_mutex mutex;
Scene(const SceneParams &params, Device *device);
void device_update(Device *device, Progress &progress);
bool need_global_attribute(AttributeStandard std);
void need_global_attributes(AttributeRequestSet &attributes);
MotionType need_motion();
float motion_shutter_time();
bool need_update();
bool need_reset();
void reset();
void device_free();
void collect_statistics(RenderStats *stats);
bool update(Progress &progress, bool &kernel_switch_needed);
/* This function is used to create a node of a specified type instead of
* calling 'new', and sets the scene as the owner of the node.
* The function has overloads that will also add the created node to the right
* node array (e.g. Scene::geometry for Geometry nodes) and tag the appropriate
* manager for an update.
template<typename T, typename... Args> T *create_node(Args &&... args)
T *node = new T(args...);
return node;
/* This function is used to delete a node from the scene instead of calling 'delete'
* and manually removing the node from the data array. It also tags the
* appropriate manager for an update, if any, and checks that the scene is indeed
* the owner of the node. Calling this function on a node not owned by the scene
* will likely cause a crash which we want in order to detect such cases.
template<typename T> void delete_node(T *node)
assert(node->get_owner() == this);
/* Same as above, but specify the actual owner.
template<typename T> void delete_node(T *node, const NodeOwner *owner)
assert(node->get_owner() == owner);
/* Check if some heavy data worth logging was updated.
* Mainly used to suppress extra annoying logging.
bool need_data_update();
void free_memory(bool final);
bool kernels_loaded;
DeviceRequestedFeatures loaded_kernel_features;
bool load_kernels(Progress &progress, bool lock_scene = true);
/* ** Split kernel routines ** */
DeviceRequestedFeatures get_requested_device_features();
/* Maximumnumber of closure during session lifetime. */
int max_closure_global;
/* Get maximum number of closures to be used in kernel. */
int get_max_closure_count();
template<typename T> void delete_node_impl(T *node)
delete node;
template<> Light *Scene::create_node<Light>();
template<> Mesh *Scene::create_node<Mesh>();
template<> Object *Scene::create_node<Object>();
template<> Hair *Scene::create_node<Hair>();
template<> Volume *Scene::create_node<Volume>();
template<> ParticleSystem *Scene::create_node<ParticleSystem>();
template<> Shader *Scene::create_node<Shader>();
template<> void Scene::delete_node_impl(Light *node);
template<> void Scene::delete_node_impl(Mesh *node);
template<> void Scene::delete_node_impl(Volume *node);
template<> void Scene::delete_node_impl(Hair *node);
template<> void Scene::delete_node_impl(Geometry *node);
template<> void Scene::delete_node_impl(Object *node);
template<> void Scene::delete_node_impl(ParticleSystem *node);
template<> void Scene::delete_node_impl(Shader *node);
#endif /* __SCENE_H__ */