Jeroen Bakker c7807a425a EEVEE: Alias/remove legacy RNA material attributes
- `bpy.types.Material.blend_method` aliases `bpy.types.Material.surface_render_method`.
  'Opaque' and 'Alpha Clip' maps to deferred.
- Renamed `show_transparent_back` to `use_transparency_overlap`
- Renamed `use_screen_refraction` to `use_raytrace_refraction`
- Deprecate `use_sss_translucency` and `use_sss_translucency`

Related to: #113976

The light probe changes will be done in a different patch.
Both patches should land just before we remove EEVEE Legacy
from the code-base.

Pull Request:
2024-06-04 14:48:40 +02:00

848 lines
31 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2023 Blender Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
from mathutils import Color, Vector
__all__ = (
def _set_check(func):
from functools import wraps
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.is_readonly:
assert not "Trying to set value to read-only shader!"
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def rgb_to_rgba(rgb):
return list(rgb) + [1.0]
def rgba_to_rgb(rgba):
return Color((rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2]))
# All clamping value shall follow Blender's defined min/max (check relevant node definition .c file).
def values_clamp(val, minv, maxv):
if hasattr(val, "__iter__"):
return tuple(max(minv, min(maxv, v)) for v in val)
return max(minv, min(maxv, val))
# TODO: Consider moving node_input_value_set/node_input_value_get into a common utility module if
# more usage merits doing so. If that is done, abstract out the validity check and make it usable
# for node outputs as well. See PR #119354 for details.
def node_input_value_set(node, input, value):
if node is None or input not in node.inputs:
node.inputs[input].default_value = value
def node_input_value_get(node, input, default_value=None):
if node is None or input not in node.inputs:
return default_value
return node.inputs[input].default_value
class ShaderWrapper():
Base class with minimal common ground for all types of shader interfaces we may want/need to implement.
# The two mandatory nodes any children class should support.
__slots__ = (
_col_size = 300
_row_size = 300
def _grid_to_location(self, x, y, dst_node=None, ref_node=None):
if ref_node is not None: # x and y are relative to this node location.
nx = round(ref_node.location.x / self._col_size)
ny = round(ref_node.location.y / self._row_size)
x += nx
y += ny
loc = None
while True:
loc = (x * self._col_size, y * self._row_size)
if loc not in self._grid_locations:
loc = (x * self._col_size, (y - 1) * self._row_size)
if loc not in self._grid_locations:
loc = (x * self._col_size, (y - 2) * self._row_size)
if loc not in self._grid_locations:
x -= 1
if dst_node is not None:
dst_node.location = loc
dst_node.width = min(dst_node.width, self._col_size - 20)
return loc
def __init__(self, material, is_readonly=True, use_nodes=True):
self.is_readonly = is_readonly
self.material = material
if not is_readonly:
self.use_nodes = use_nodes
def update(self): # Should be re-implemented by children classes...
for node in self.NODES_LIST:
setattr(self, node, None)
self._textures = {}
self._grid_locations = set()
def use_nodes_get(self):
return self.material.use_nodes
def use_nodes_set(self, val):
self.material.use_nodes = val
use_nodes = property(use_nodes_get, use_nodes_set)
def node_texcoords_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes:
return None
if self._node_texcoords is ...:
# Running only once, trying to find a valid texcoords node.
for n in self.material.node_tree.nodes:
if n.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeTexCoord':
self._node_texcoords = n
self._grid_to_location(0, 0, ref_node=n)
if self._node_texcoords is ...:
self._node_texcoords = None
if self._node_texcoords is None and not self.is_readonly:
tree = self.material.node_tree
nodes = tree.nodes
# links = tree.links
node_texcoords ='ShaderNodeTexCoord')
node_texcoords.label = "Texture Coords"
self._grid_to_location(-5, 1, dst_node=node_texcoords)
self._node_texcoords = node_texcoords
return self._node_texcoords
node_texcoords = property(node_texcoords_get)
class PrincipledBSDFWrapper(ShaderWrapper):
Hard coded shader setup, based in Principled BSDF.
Should cover most common cases on import, and gives a basic nodal shaders support for export.
Supports basic: diffuse/spec/reflect/transparency/normal, with texturing.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, material, is_readonly=True, use_nodes=True):
super(PrincipledBSDFWrapper, self).__init__(material, is_readonly, use_nodes)
def update(self):
super(PrincipledBSDFWrapper, self).update()
if not self.use_nodes:
tree = self.material.node_tree
nodes = tree.nodes
links = tree.links
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main output and shader.
node_out = None
node_principled = None
for n in nodes:
if n.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeOutputMaterial' and n.inputs[0].is_linked:
node_out = n
node_principled = n.inputs[0].links[0].from_node
elif n.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled' and n.outputs[0].is_linked:
node_principled = n
for lnk in n.outputs[0].links:
node_out = lnk.to_node
if node_out.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeOutputMaterial':
if (
node_out is not None and node_principled is not None and
node_out.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeOutputMaterial' and
node_principled.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled'
node_out = node_principled = None # Could not find a valid pair, let's try again
if node_out is not None:
self._grid_to_location(0, 0, ref_node=node_out)
elif not self.is_readonly:
node_out ='ShaderNodeOutputMaterial')
node_out.label = "Material Out" = 'ALL'
self._grid_to_location(1, 1, dst_node=node_out)
self.node_out = node_out
if node_principled is not None:
self._grid_to_location(0, 0, ref_node=node_principled)
elif not self.is_readonly:
node_principled ='ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled')
node_principled.label = "Principled BSDF"
self._grid_to_location(0, 1, dst_node=node_principled)
# Link["BSDF"], self.node_out.inputs["Surface"])
self.node_principled_bsdf = node_principled
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Normal Map, lazy initialization...
self._node_normalmap = ...
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tex Coords, lazy initialization...
self._node_texcoords = ...
def node_normalmap_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return None
node_principled = self.node_principled_bsdf
if self._node_normalmap is ...:
# Running only once, trying to find a valid normalmap node.
if node_principled.inputs["Normal"].is_linked:
node_normalmap = node_principled.inputs["Normal"].links[0].from_node
if node_normalmap.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeNormalMap':
self._node_normalmap = node_normalmap
self._grid_to_location(0, 0, ref_node=node_normalmap)
if self._node_normalmap is ...:
self._node_normalmap = None
if self._node_normalmap is None and not self.is_readonly:
tree = self.material.node_tree
nodes = tree.nodes
links = tree.links
node_normalmap ='ShaderNodeNormalMap')
node_normalmap.label = "Normal/Map"
self._grid_to_location(-1, -2, dst_node=node_normalmap, ref_node=node_principled)
# Link["Normal"], node_principled.inputs["Normal"])
self._node_normalmap = node_normalmap
return self._node_normalmap
node_normalmap = property(node_normalmap_get)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Base Color.
def base_color_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return self.material.diffuse_color
return rgba_to_rgb(self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Base Color"].default_value)
def base_color_set(self, color):
color = values_clamp(color, 0.0, 1.0)
color = rgb_to_rgba(color)
self.material.diffuse_color = color
if self.use_nodes and self.node_principled_bsdf is not None:
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Base Color"].default_value = color
base_color = property(base_color_get, base_color_set)
def base_color_texture_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return None
return ShaderImageTextureWrapper(
self, self.node_principled_bsdf,
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Base Color"],
base_color_texture = property(base_color_texture_get)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Specular.
def specular_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return self.material.specular_intensity
return self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Specular IOR Level"].default_value
def specular_set(self, value):
value = values_clamp(value, 0.0, 1.0)
self.material.specular_intensity = value
if self.use_nodes and self.node_principled_bsdf is not None:
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Specular IOR Level"].default_value = value
specular = property(specular_get, specular_set)
# Will only be used as gray-scale one...
def specular_texture_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return None
return ShaderImageTextureWrapper(
self, self.node_principled_bsdf,
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Specular IOR Level"],
specular_texture = property(specular_texture_get)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Specular Tint.
def specular_tint_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return Color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
return rgba_to_rgb(self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Specular Tint"].default_value)
def specular_tint_set(self, color):
color = values_clamp(color, 0.0, 1.0)
color = rgb_to_rgba(color)
if self.use_nodes and self.node_principled_bsdf is not None:
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Specular Tint"].default_value = color
specular_tint = property(specular_tint_get, specular_tint_set)
def specular_tint_texture_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return None
return ShaderImageTextureWrapper(
self, self.node_principled_bsdf,
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Specular Tint"],
specular_tint_texture = property(specular_tint_texture_get)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Roughness (also sort of inverse of specular hardness...).
def roughness_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return self.material.roughness
return self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Roughness"].default_value
def roughness_set(self, value):
value = values_clamp(value, 0.0, 1.0)
self.material.roughness = value
if self.use_nodes and self.node_principled_bsdf is not None:
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Roughness"].default_value = value
roughness = property(roughness_get, roughness_set)
# Will only be used as gray-scale one...
def roughness_texture_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return None
return ShaderImageTextureWrapper(
self, self.node_principled_bsdf,
roughness_texture = property(roughness_texture_get)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Metallic (a.k.a reflection, mirror).
def metallic_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return self.material.metallic
return self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Metallic"].default_value
def metallic_set(self, value):
value = values_clamp(value, 0.0, 1.0)
self.material.metallic = value
if self.use_nodes and self.node_principled_bsdf is not None:
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Metallic"].default_value = value
metallic = property(metallic_get, metallic_set)
# Will only be used as gray-scale one...
def metallic_texture_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return None
return ShaderImageTextureWrapper(
self, self.node_principled_bsdf,
metallic_texture = property(metallic_texture_get)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Transparency settings.
def ior_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return 1.0
return self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["IOR"].default_value
def ior_set(self, value):
value = values_clamp(value, 0.0, 1000.0)
if self.use_nodes and self.node_principled_bsdf is not None:
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["IOR"].default_value = value
ior = property(ior_get, ior_set)
# Will only be used as gray-scale one...
def ior_texture_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return None
return ShaderImageTextureWrapper(
self, self.node_principled_bsdf,
ior_texture = property(ior_texture_get)
def transmission_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return 0.0
return self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Transmission Weight"].default_value
def transmission_set(self, value):
value = values_clamp(value, 0.0, 1.0)
if self.use_nodes and self.node_principled_bsdf is not None:
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Transmission Weight"].default_value = value
transmission = property(transmission_get, transmission_set)
# Will only be used as gray-scale one...
def transmission_texture_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return None
return ShaderImageTextureWrapper(
self, self.node_principled_bsdf,
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Transmission Weight"],
transmission_texture = property(transmission_texture_get)
def alpha_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return 1.0
return self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Alpha"].default_value
def alpha_set(self, value):
value = values_clamp(value, 0.0, 1.0)
if self.use_nodes and self.node_principled_bsdf is not None:
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Alpha"].default_value = value
alpha = property(alpha_get, alpha_set)
# Will only be used as gray-scale one...
def alpha_texture_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return None
return ShaderImageTextureWrapper(
self, self.node_principled_bsdf,
alpha_texture = property(alpha_texture_get)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Emission color.
def emission_color_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return Color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
return rgba_to_rgb(self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Emission Color"].default_value)
def emission_color_set(self, color):
if self.use_nodes and self.node_principled_bsdf is not None:
color = values_clamp(color, 0.0, 1000000.0)
color = rgb_to_rgba(color)
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Emission Color"].default_value = color
emission_color = property(emission_color_get, emission_color_set)
def emission_color_texture_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return None
return ShaderImageTextureWrapper(
self, self.node_principled_bsdf,
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Emission Color"],
emission_color_texture = property(emission_color_texture_get)
def emission_strength_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return 1.0
return self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Emission Strength"].default_value
def emission_strength_set(self, value):
value = values_clamp(value, 0.0, 1000000.0)
if self.use_nodes and self.node_principled_bsdf is not None:
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Emission Strength"].default_value = value
emission_strength = property(emission_strength_get, emission_strength_set)
def emission_strength_texture_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_principled_bsdf is None:
return None
return ShaderImageTextureWrapper(
self, self.node_principled_bsdf,
self.node_principled_bsdf.inputs["Emission Strength"],
emission_strength_texture = property(emission_strength_texture_get)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Normal map.
def normalmap_strength_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_normalmap is None:
return 0.0
return self.node_normalmap.inputs["Strength"].default_value
def normalmap_strength_set(self, value):
value = values_clamp(value, 0.0, 10.0)
if self.use_nodes and self.node_normalmap is not None:
self.node_normalmap.inputs["Strength"].default_value = value
normalmap_strength = property(normalmap_strength_get, normalmap_strength_set)
def normalmap_texture_get(self):
if not self.use_nodes or self.node_normalmap is None:
return None
return ShaderImageTextureWrapper(
self, self.node_normalmap,
normalmap_texture = property(normalmap_texture_get)
class ShaderImageTextureWrapper():
Generic 'image texture'-like wrapper, handling image node, some mapping (texture coordinates transformations),
and texture coordinates source.
# Note: this class assumes we are using nodes, otherwise it should never be used...
__slots__ = (
def __new__(cls, owner_shader: ShaderWrapper, node_dst, socket_dst, *_args, **_kwargs):
instance = owner_shader._textures.get((node_dst, socket_dst), None)
if instance is not None:
return instance
instance = super(ShaderImageTextureWrapper, cls).__new__(cls)
owner_shader._textures[(node_dst, socket_dst)] = instance
return instance
def __init__(self, owner_shader: ShaderWrapper, node_dst, socket_dst, grid_row_diff=0,
use_alpha=False, colorspace_is_data=..., colorspace_name=...):
self.owner_shader = owner_shader
self.is_readonly = owner_shader.is_readonly
self.node_dst = node_dst
self.socket_dst = socket_dst
self.grid_row_diff = grid_row_diff
self.use_alpha = use_alpha
self.colorspace_is_data = colorspace_is_data
self.colorspace_name = colorspace_name
self._node_image = ...
self._node_mapping = ...
# tree = node_dst.id_data
# nodes = tree.nodes
# links = tree.links
if socket_dst.is_linked:
from_node = socket_dst.links[0].from_node
if from_node.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeTexImage':
self._node_image = from_node
if self.node_image is not None:
socket_dst = self.node_image.inputs["Vector"]
if socket_dst.is_linked:
from_node = socket_dst.links[0].from_node
if from_node.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeMapping':
self._node_mapping = from_node
def copy_from(self, tex):
# Avoid generating any node in source texture.
is_readonly_back = tex.is_readonly
tex.is_readonly = True
if tex.node_image is not None:
self.image = tex.image
self.projection = tex.projection
self.texcoords = tex.texcoords
tex.is_readonly = is_readonly_back
def copy_mapping_from(self, tex):
# Avoid generating any node in source texture.
is_readonly_back = tex.is_readonly
tex.is_readonly = True
if tex.node_mapping is None: # Used to actually remove mapping node.
if self.has_mapping_node():
# We assume node_image can never be None in that case...
# Find potential existing link into image's Vector input.
socket_dst = socket_src = None
if self.node_mapping.inputs["Vector"].is_linked:
socket_dst = self.node_image.inputs["Vector"]
socket_src = self.node_mapping.inputs["Vector"].links[0].from_socket
tree = self.owner_shader.material.node_tree
self._node_mapping = None
# If previously existing, re-link texcoords -> image
if socket_src is not None:, socket_dst)
elif self.node_mapping is not None:
self.translation = tex.translation
self.rotation = tex.rotation
self.scale = tex.scale
tex.is_readonly = is_readonly_back
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image.
def node_image_get(self):
if self._node_image is ...:
# Running only once, trying to find a valid image node.
if self.socket_dst.is_linked:
node_image = self.socket_dst.links[0].from_node
if node_image.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeTexImage':
self._node_image = node_image
self.owner_shader._grid_to_location(0, 0, ref_node=node_image)
if self._node_image is ...:
self._node_image = None
if self._node_image is None and not self.is_readonly:
tree = self.owner_shader.material.node_tree
node_image ='ShaderNodeTexImage')
-1, 0 + self.grid_row_diff,
dst_node=node_image, ref_node=self.node_dst,
)["Alpha" if self.use_alpha else "Color"], self.socket_dst)
if self.use_alpha:
self.owner_shader.material.blend_method = 'BLEND'
self.owner_shader.material.use_transparency_overlap = False
self._node_image = node_image
return self._node_image
node_image = property(node_image_get)
def image_get(self):
return self.node_image.image if self.node_image is not None else None
def image_set(self, image):
if self.colorspace_is_data is not ...:
if image.colorspace_settings.is_data != self.colorspace_is_data and image.users >= 1:
image = image.copy()
image.colorspace_settings.is_data = self.colorspace_is_data
if self.colorspace_name is not ...:
if != self.colorspace_name and image.users >= 1:
image = image.copy() = self.colorspace_name
if self.use_alpha:
# Try to be smart, and only use image's alpha output if image actually has alpha data.
tree = self.owner_shader.material.node_tree
if image.channels < 4 or image.depth in {24, 8}:["Color"], self.socket_dst)
else:["Alpha"], self.socket_dst)
self.node_image.image = image
image = property(image_get, image_set)
def projection_get(self):
return self.node_image.projection if self.node_image is not None else 'FLAT'
def projection_set(self, projection):
self.node_image.projection = projection
projection = property(projection_get, projection_set)
def texcoords_get(self):
if self.node_image is not None:
socket = (self.node_mapping if self.has_mapping_node() else self.node_image).inputs["Vector"]
if socket.is_linked:
return socket.links[0]
return 'UV'
def texcoords_set(self, texcoords):
# Image texture node already defaults to UVs, no extra node needed.
# ONLY in case we do not have any texcoords mapping!!!
if texcoords == 'UV' and not self.has_mapping_node():
tree = self.node_image.id_data
links = tree.links
node_dst = self.node_mapping if self.has_mapping_node() else self.node_image
socket_src = self.owner_shader.node_texcoords.outputs[texcoords], node_dst.inputs["Vector"])
texcoords = property(texcoords_get, texcoords_set)
def extension_get(self):
return self.node_image.extension if self.node_image is not None else 'REPEAT'
def extension_set(self, extension):
self.node_image.extension = extension
extension = property(extension_get, extension_set)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Mapping.
def has_mapping_node(self):
return self._node_mapping not in {None, ...}
def node_mapping_get(self):
if self._node_mapping is ...:
# Running only once, trying to find a valid mapping node.
if self.node_image is None:
return None
if self.node_image.inputs["Vector"].is_linked:
node_mapping = self.node_image.inputs["Vector"].links[0].from_node
if node_mapping.bl_idname == 'ShaderNodeMapping':
self._node_mapping = node_mapping
self.owner_shader._grid_to_location(0, 0 + self.grid_row_diff, ref_node=node_mapping)
if self._node_mapping is ...:
self._node_mapping = None
if self._node_mapping is None and not self.is_readonly:
# Find potential existing link into image's Vector input.
socket_dst = self.node_image.inputs["Vector"]
# If not already existing, we need to create texcoords -> mapping link (from UV).
socket_src = (socket_dst.links[0].from_socket if socket_dst.is_linked
else self.owner_shader.node_texcoords.outputs['UV'])
tree = self.owner_shader.material.node_tree
node_mapping ='ShaderNodeMapping')
node_mapping.vector_type = 'TEXTURE'
self.owner_shader._grid_to_location(-1, 0, dst_node=node_mapping, ref_node=self.node_image)
# Link mapping -> image node.["Vector"], socket_dst)
# Link texcoords -> mapping., node_mapping.inputs["Vector"])
self._node_mapping = node_mapping
return self._node_mapping
node_mapping = property(node_mapping_get)
def translation_get(self):
return node_input_value_get(self.node_mapping, "Location", Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
def translation_set(self, translation):
node_input_value_set(self.node_mapping, "Location", translation)
translation = property(translation_get, translation_set)
def rotation_get(self):
if self.node_mapping is None:
return Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
return self.node_mapping.inputs["Rotation"].default_value
def rotation_set(self, rotation):
self.node_mapping.inputs["Rotation"].default_value = rotation
rotation = property(rotation_get, rotation_set)
def scale_get(self):
if self.node_mapping is None:
return Vector((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
return self.node_mapping.inputs["Scale"].default_value
def scale_set(self, scale):
self.node_mapping.inputs["Scale"].default_value = scale
scale = property(scale_get, scale_set)