Brecht Van Lommel 7ad802cf3a Cycles/Eevee: unified and improved texture image color space handling
Cycles now uses the color space on the image datablock, and uses OpenColorIO
to convert to scene linear as needed. Byte images do not take extra memory,
they are compressed in scene linear + sRGB transfer function which in common
cases is a no-op.

Eevee and workbench were changed to work similar. Float images are stored as
scene linear. Byte images are compressed as scene linear + sRGB and stored in
a GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 texture. From the GLSL shader side this means they are read
as scene linear, simplifying the code and taking advantage of hardware support.

Further, OpenGL image textures are now all stored with premultiplied alpha.
Eevee texture sampling looks a little different now because interpolation
happens premultiplied and in scene linear space.

Overlays and grease pencil work in sRGB space so those now have an extra
conversion to sRGB after reading from image textures. This is not particularly
elegant but as long as engines use different conventions, one or the other
needs to do conversion.

This change breaks compatibility for cases where multiple image texture nodes
were using the same image with different color space node settings. However it
gives more predictable behavior for baking and texture painting if save, load
and image editing operations have a single color space to handle.

Differential Revision:
2019-05-13 15:56:10 +02:00

879 lines
24 KiB

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2012 Blender Foundation.
* All rights reserved.
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable : 4251 4275)
#include <OpenColorIO/OpenColorIO.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning(pop)
using namespace OCIO_NAMESPACE;
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
#include "BLI_math_color.h"
#include "ocio_impl.h"
#if !defined(WITH_ASSERT_ABORT)
# define OCIO_abort()
# include <stdlib.h>
# define OCIO_abort() abort()
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# define __func__ __FUNCTION__
/* NOTE: This is because OCIO 1.1.0 has a bug which makes default
* display to be the one which is first alphabetically.
* Fix has been submitted as a patch
* For until then we use first usable display instead. */
# include <algorithm>
# include <map>
# include <mutex>
# include <vector>
# include <string>
# include <set>
using std::map;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
static void OCIO_reportError(const char *err)
std::cerr << "OpenColorIO Error: " << err << std::endl;
static void OCIO_reportException(Exception &exception)
OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *OCIOImpl::getCurrentConfig(void)
ConstConfigRcPtr *config = OBJECT_GUARDED_NEW(ConstConfigRcPtr);
try {
*config = GetCurrentConfig();
if (*config)
return (OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *)config;
catch (Exception &exception) {
OBJECT_GUARDED_DELETE(config, ConstConfigRcPtr);
return NULL;
void OCIOImpl::setCurrentConfig(const OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config)
try {
SetCurrentConfig(*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config);
catch (Exception &exception) {
OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *OCIOImpl::configCreateFromEnv(void)
ConstConfigRcPtr *config = OBJECT_GUARDED_NEW(ConstConfigRcPtr);
try {
*config = Config::CreateFromEnv();
if (*config)
return (OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *)config;
catch (Exception &exception) {
OBJECT_GUARDED_DELETE(config, ConstConfigRcPtr);
return NULL;
OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *OCIOImpl::configCreateFromFile(const char *filename)
ConstConfigRcPtr *config = OBJECT_GUARDED_NEW(ConstConfigRcPtr);
try {
*config = Config::CreateFromFile(filename);
if (*config)
return (OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *)config;
catch (Exception &exception) {
OBJECT_GUARDED_DELETE(config, ConstConfigRcPtr);
return NULL;
void OCIOImpl::configRelease(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config)
OBJECT_GUARDED_DELETE((ConstConfigRcPtr *)config, ConstConfigRcPtr);
int OCIOImpl::configGetNumColorSpaces(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config)
try {
return (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getNumColorSpaces();
catch (Exception &exception) {
return 0;
const char *OCIOImpl::configGetColorSpaceNameByIndex(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config, int index)
try {
return (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getColorSpaceNameByIndex(index);
catch (Exception &exception) {
return NULL;
OCIO_ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *OCIOImpl::configGetColorSpace(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config,
const char *name)
ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *cs = OBJECT_GUARDED_NEW(ConstColorSpaceRcPtr);
try {
*cs = (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getColorSpace(name);
if (*cs)
return (OCIO_ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *)cs;
catch (Exception &exception) {
OBJECT_GUARDED_DELETE(cs, ConstColorSpaceRcPtr);
return NULL;
int OCIOImpl::configGetIndexForColorSpace(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config, const char *name)
try {
return (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getIndexForColorSpace(name);
catch (Exception &exception) {
return -1;
const char *OCIOImpl::configGetDefaultDisplay(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config)
if (getenv("OCIO_ACTIVE_DISPLAYS") == NULL) {
const char *active_displays = (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getActiveDisplays();
if (active_displays[0] != '\0') {
const char *separator_pos = strchr(active_displays, ',');
if (separator_pos == NULL) {
return active_displays;
static std::string active_display;
/* NOTE: Configuration is shared and is never changed during
* runtime, so we only guarantee two threads don't initialize at the
* same. */
static std::mutex mutex;
if (active_display.empty()) {
active_display = active_displays;
active_display[separator_pos - active_displays] = '\0';
return active_display.c_str();
try {
return (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getDefaultDisplay();
catch (Exception &exception) {
return NULL;
int OCIOImpl::configGetNumDisplays(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config)
try {
return (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getNumDisplays();
catch (Exception &exception) {
return 0;
const char *OCIOImpl::configGetDisplay(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config, int index)
try {
return (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getDisplay(index);
catch (Exception &exception) {
return NULL;
namespace {
void splitStringEnvStyle(vector<string> *tokens, const string &str)
const int len = str.length();
int token_start = 0, token_length = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
const char ch = str[i];
if (ch != ',' && ch != ':') {
/* Append non-separator char to a token. */
else {
/* Append current token to the list (if any). */
if (token_length > 0) {
string token = str.substr(token_start, token_length);
/* Re-set token pointers. */
token_start = i + 1;
token_length = 0;
/* Append token which might be at the end of the string. */
if (token_length != 0) {
string token = str.substr(token_start, token_length);
string stringToLower(const string &str)
string lower = str;
std::transform(lower.begin(), lower.end(), lower.begin(), tolower);
return lower;
} // namespace
const char *OCIOImpl::configGetDefaultView(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config, const char *display)
/* NOTE: We assume that first active view always exists for a default
* display. */
if (getenv("OCIO_ACTIVE_VIEWS") == NULL) {
ConstConfigRcPtr config_ptr = *((ConstConfigRcPtr *)config);
const char *active_views_encoded = config_ptr->getActiveViews();
if (active_views_encoded[0] != '\0') {
const string display_lower = stringToLower(display);
static map<string, string> default_display_views;
static std::mutex mutex;
/* Check if the view is already known. */
map<string, string>::const_iterator it = default_display_views.find(display_lower);
if (it != default_display_views.end()) {
return it->second.c_str();
/* Active views. */
vector<string> active_views;
splitStringEnvStyle(&active_views, active_views_encoded);
/* Get all views supported by tge display. */
set<string> display_views;
const int num_display_views = config_ptr->getNumViews(display);
for (int view_index = 0; view_index < num_display_views; ++view_index) {
const char *view = config_ptr->getView(display, view_index);
/* Get first view which is supported by tge display. */
for (const string &view : active_views) {
const string view_lower = stringToLower(view);
if (display_views.find(view_lower) != display_views.end()) {
default_display_views[display_lower] = view;
return default_display_views[display_lower].c_str();
try {
return (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getDefaultView(display);
catch (Exception &exception) {
return NULL;
int OCIOImpl::configGetNumViews(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config, const char *display)
try {
return (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getNumViews(display);
catch (Exception &exception) {
return 0;
const char *OCIOImpl::configGetView(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config, const char *display, int index)
try {
return (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getView(display, index);
catch (Exception &exception) {
return NULL;
const char *OCIOImpl::configGetDisplayColorSpaceName(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config,
const char *display,
const char *view)
try {
return (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getDisplayColorSpaceName(display, view);
catch (Exception &exception) {
return NULL;
void OCIOImpl::configGetDefaultLumaCoefs(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config, float *rgb)
try {
(*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getDefaultLumaCoefs(rgb);
catch (Exception &exception) {
void OCIOImpl::configGetXYZtoRGB(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config_, float xyz_to_rgb[3][3])
ConstConfigRcPtr config = (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config_);
/* Default to ITU-BT.709 in case no appropriate transform found. */
memcpy(xyz_to_rgb, OCIO_XYZ_TO_LINEAR_SRGB, sizeof(OCIO_XYZ_TO_LINEAR_SRGB));
/* Auto estimate from XYZ and scene_linear roles, assumed to be a linear transform. */
if (config->hasRole("XYZ") && config->hasRole("scene_linear")) {
ConstProcessorRcPtr to_rgb_processor = config->getProcessor("XYZ", "scene_linear");
if (to_rgb_processor) {
xyz_to_rgb[0][0] = 1.0f;
xyz_to_rgb[0][1] = 0.0f;
xyz_to_rgb[0][2] = 0.0f;
xyz_to_rgb[1][0] = 0.0f;
xyz_to_rgb[1][1] = 1.0f;
xyz_to_rgb[1][2] = 0.0f;
xyz_to_rgb[2][0] = 0.0f;
xyz_to_rgb[2][1] = 0.0f;
xyz_to_rgb[2][2] = 1.0f;
int OCIOImpl::configGetNumLooks(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config)
try {
return (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getNumLooks();
catch (Exception &exception) {
return 0;
const char *OCIOImpl::configGetLookNameByIndex(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config, int index)
try {
return (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getLookNameByIndex(index);
catch (Exception &exception) {
return NULL;
OCIO_ConstLookRcPtr *OCIOImpl::configGetLook(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config, const char *name)
ConstLookRcPtr *look = OBJECT_GUARDED_NEW(ConstLookRcPtr);
try {
*look = (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getLook(name);
if (*look)
return (OCIO_ConstLookRcPtr *)look;
catch (Exception &exception) {
return NULL;
const char *OCIOImpl::lookGetProcessSpace(OCIO_ConstLookRcPtr *look)
return (*(ConstLookRcPtr *)look)->getProcessSpace();
void OCIOImpl::lookRelease(OCIO_ConstLookRcPtr *look)
OBJECT_GUARDED_DELETE((ConstLookRcPtr *)look, ConstLookRcPtr);
int OCIOImpl::colorSpaceIsInvertible(OCIO_ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *cs_)
ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *cs = (ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *)cs_;
const char *family = (*cs)->getFamily();
if (!strcmp(family, "rrt") || !strcmp(family, "display")) {
/* assume display and rrt transformations are not invertible in fact some of them could be,
* but it doesn't make much sense to allow use them as invertible. */
return false;
if ((*cs)->isData()) {
/* data color spaces don't have transformation at all */
return true;
if ((*cs)->getTransform(COLORSPACE_DIR_TO_REFERENCE)) {
/* if there's defined transform to reference space,
* color space could be converted to scene linear. */
return true;
return true;
int OCIOImpl::colorSpaceIsData(OCIO_ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *cs)
return (*(ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *)cs)->isData();
static float compare_floats(float a, float b, float abs_diff, int ulp_diff)
/* Returns true if the absolute difference is smaller than abs_diff (for numbers near zero)
* or their relative difference is less than ulp_diff ULPs. Based on:
* */
if (fabsf(a - b) < abs_diff) {
return true;
if ((a < 0.0f) != (b < 0.0f)) {
return false;
return (abs((*(int *)&a) - (*(int *)&b)) < ulp_diff);
void OCIOImpl::colorSpaceIsBuiltin(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config_,
OCIO_ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *cs_,
bool &is_scene_linear,
bool &is_srgb)
ConstConfigRcPtr *config = (ConstConfigRcPtr *)config_;
ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *cs = (ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *)cs_;
ConstProcessorRcPtr processor;
try {
processor = (*config)->getProcessor((*cs)->getName(), "scene_linear");
catch (Exception &exception) {
/* Silently ignore if no conversion possible, then it's not scene linear or sRGB. */
is_scene_linear = false;
is_srgb = false;
is_scene_linear = true;
is_srgb = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
float v = i / 255.0f;
float cR[3] = {v, 0, 0};
float cG[3] = {0, v, 0};
float cB[3] = {0, 0, v};
float cW[3] = {v, v, v};
/* Make sure that there is no channel crosstalk. */
if (fabsf(cR[1]) > 1e-5f || fabsf(cR[2]) > 1e-5f || fabsf(cG[0]) > 1e-5f ||
fabsf(cG[2]) > 1e-5f || fabsf(cB[0]) > 1e-5f || fabsf(cB[1]) > 1e-5f) {
is_scene_linear = false;
is_srgb = false;
/* Make sure that the three primaries combine linearly. */
if (!compare_floats(cR[0], cW[0], 1e-6f, 64) || !compare_floats(cG[1], cW[1], 1e-6f, 64) ||
!compare_floats(cB[2], cW[2], 1e-6f, 64)) {
is_scene_linear = false;
is_srgb = false;
/* Make sure that the three channels behave identically. */
if (!compare_floats(cW[0], cW[1], 1e-6f, 64) || !compare_floats(cW[1], cW[2], 1e-6f, 64)) {
is_scene_linear = false;
is_srgb = false;
float out_v = (cW[0] + cW[1] + cW[2]) * (1.0f / 3.0f);
if (!compare_floats(v, out_v, 1e-6f, 64)) {
is_scene_linear = false;
if (!compare_floats(srgb_to_linearrgb(v), out_v, 1e-6f, 64)) {
is_srgb = false;
void OCIOImpl::colorSpaceRelease(OCIO_ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *cs)
OBJECT_GUARDED_DELETE((ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *)cs, ConstColorSpaceRcPtr);
OCIO_ConstProcessorRcPtr *OCIOImpl::configGetProcessorWithNames(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config,
const char *srcName,
const char *dstName)
ConstProcessorRcPtr *p = OBJECT_GUARDED_NEW(ConstProcessorRcPtr);
try {
*p = (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getProcessor(srcName, dstName);
if (*p)
return (OCIO_ConstProcessorRcPtr *)p;
catch (Exception &exception) {
OBJECT_GUARDED_DELETE(p, ConstProcessorRcPtr);
return 0;
OCIO_ConstProcessorRcPtr *OCIOImpl::configGetProcessor(OCIO_ConstConfigRcPtr *config,
OCIO_ConstTransformRcPtr *transform)
ConstProcessorRcPtr *p = OBJECT_GUARDED_NEW(ConstProcessorRcPtr);
try {
*p = (*(ConstConfigRcPtr *)config)->getProcessor(*(ConstTransformRcPtr *)transform);
if (*p)
return (OCIO_ConstProcessorRcPtr *)p;
catch (Exception &exception) {
OBJECT_GUARDED_DELETE(p, ConstProcessorRcPtr);
return NULL;
void OCIOImpl::processorApply(OCIO_ConstProcessorRcPtr *processor, OCIO_PackedImageDesc *img)
try {
(*(ConstProcessorRcPtr *)processor)->apply(*(PackedImageDesc *)img);
catch (Exception &exception) {
void OCIOImpl::processorApply_predivide(OCIO_ConstProcessorRcPtr *processor,
OCIO_PackedImageDesc *img_)
try {
PackedImageDesc *img = (PackedImageDesc *)img_;
int channels = img->getNumChannels();
if (channels == 4) {
float *pixels = img->getData();
int width = img->getWidth();
int height = img->getHeight();
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
float *pixel = pixels + 4 * (y * width + x);
processorApplyRGBA_predivide(processor, pixel);
else {
(*(ConstProcessorRcPtr *)processor)->apply(*img);
catch (Exception &exception) {
void OCIOImpl::processorApplyRGB(OCIO_ConstProcessorRcPtr *processor, float *pixel)
(*(ConstProcessorRcPtr *)processor)->applyRGB(pixel);
void OCIOImpl::processorApplyRGBA(OCIO_ConstProcessorRcPtr *processor, float *pixel)
(*(ConstProcessorRcPtr *)processor)->applyRGBA(pixel);
void OCIOImpl::processorApplyRGBA_predivide(OCIO_ConstProcessorRcPtr *processor, float *pixel)
if (pixel[3] == 1.0f || pixel[3] == 0.0f) {
(*(ConstProcessorRcPtr *)processor)->applyRGBA(pixel);
else {
float alpha, inv_alpha;
alpha = pixel[3];
inv_alpha = 1.0f / alpha;
pixel[0] *= inv_alpha;
pixel[1] *= inv_alpha;
pixel[2] *= inv_alpha;
(*(ConstProcessorRcPtr *)processor)->applyRGBA(pixel);
pixel[0] *= alpha;
pixel[1] *= alpha;
pixel[2] *= alpha;
void OCIOImpl::processorRelease(OCIO_ConstProcessorRcPtr *p)
OBJECT_GUARDED_DELETE(p, ConstProcessorRcPtr);
const char *OCIOImpl::colorSpaceGetName(OCIO_ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *cs)
return (*(ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *)cs)->getName();
const char *OCIOImpl::colorSpaceGetDescription(OCIO_ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *cs)
return (*(ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *)cs)->getDescription();
const char *OCIOImpl::colorSpaceGetFamily(OCIO_ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *cs)
return (*(ConstColorSpaceRcPtr *)cs)->getFamily();
OCIO_DisplayTransformRcPtr *OCIOImpl::createDisplayTransform(void)
DisplayTransformRcPtr *dt = OBJECT_GUARDED_NEW(DisplayTransformRcPtr);
*dt = DisplayTransform::Create();
return (OCIO_DisplayTransformRcPtr *)dt;
void OCIOImpl::displayTransformSetInputColorSpaceName(OCIO_DisplayTransformRcPtr *dt,
const char *name)
(*(DisplayTransformRcPtr *)dt)->setInputColorSpaceName(name);
void OCIOImpl::displayTransformSetDisplay(OCIO_DisplayTransformRcPtr *dt, const char *name)
(*(DisplayTransformRcPtr *)dt)->setDisplay(name);
void OCIOImpl::displayTransformSetView(OCIO_DisplayTransformRcPtr *dt, const char *name)
(*(DisplayTransformRcPtr *)dt)->setView(name);
void OCIOImpl::displayTransformSetDisplayCC(OCIO_DisplayTransformRcPtr *dt,
OCIO_ConstTransformRcPtr *t)
(*(DisplayTransformRcPtr *)dt)->setDisplayCC(*(ConstTransformRcPtr *)t);
void OCIOImpl::displayTransformSetLinearCC(OCIO_DisplayTransformRcPtr *dt,
OCIO_ConstTransformRcPtr *t)
(*(DisplayTransformRcPtr *)dt)->setLinearCC(*(ConstTransformRcPtr *)t);
void OCIOImpl::displayTransformSetLooksOverride(OCIO_DisplayTransformRcPtr *dt, const char *looks)
(*(DisplayTransformRcPtr *)dt)->setLooksOverride(looks);
void OCIOImpl::displayTransformSetLooksOverrideEnabled(OCIO_DisplayTransformRcPtr *dt,
bool enabled)
(*(DisplayTransformRcPtr *)dt)->setLooksOverrideEnabled(enabled);
void OCIOImpl::displayTransformRelease(OCIO_DisplayTransformRcPtr *dt)
OBJECT_GUARDED_DELETE((DisplayTransformRcPtr *)dt, DisplayTransformRcPtr);
OCIO_PackedImageDesc *OCIOImpl::createOCIO_PackedImageDesc(float *data,
long width,
long height,
long numChannels,
long chanStrideBytes,
long xStrideBytes,
long yStrideBytes)
try {
void *mem = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(PackedImageDesc), __func__);
PackedImageDesc *id = new (mem) PackedImageDesc(
data, width, height, numChannels, chanStrideBytes, xStrideBytes, yStrideBytes);
return (OCIO_PackedImageDesc *)id;
catch (Exception &exception) {
return NULL;
void OCIOImpl::OCIO_PackedImageDescRelease(OCIO_PackedImageDesc *id)
OBJECT_GUARDED_DELETE((PackedImageDesc *)id, PackedImageDesc);
OCIO_ExponentTransformRcPtr *OCIOImpl::createExponentTransform(void)
ExponentTransformRcPtr *et = OBJECT_GUARDED_NEW(ExponentTransformRcPtr);
*et = ExponentTransform::Create();
return (OCIO_ExponentTransformRcPtr *)et;
void OCIOImpl::exponentTransformSetValue(OCIO_ExponentTransformRcPtr *et, const float *exponent)
(*(ExponentTransformRcPtr *)et)->setValue(exponent);
void OCIOImpl::exponentTransformRelease(OCIO_ExponentTransformRcPtr *et)
OBJECT_GUARDED_DELETE((ExponentTransformRcPtr *)et, ExponentTransformRcPtr);
OCIO_MatrixTransformRcPtr *OCIOImpl::createMatrixTransform(void)
MatrixTransformRcPtr *mt = OBJECT_GUARDED_NEW(MatrixTransformRcPtr);
*mt = MatrixTransform::Create();
return (OCIO_MatrixTransformRcPtr *)mt;
void OCIOImpl::matrixTransformSetValue(OCIO_MatrixTransformRcPtr *mt,
const float *m44,
const float *offset4)
(*(MatrixTransformRcPtr *)mt)->setValue(m44, offset4);
void OCIOImpl::matrixTransformRelease(OCIO_MatrixTransformRcPtr *mt)
OBJECT_GUARDED_DELETE((MatrixTransformRcPtr *)mt, MatrixTransformRcPtr);
void OCIOImpl::matrixTransformScale(float *m44, float *offset4, const float *scale4f)
MatrixTransform::Scale(m44, offset4, scale4f);
const char *OCIOImpl::getVersionString(void)
return GetVersion();
int OCIOImpl::getVersionHex(void)
return GetVersionHex();