Matt Ebb d34f89b755 * Edited and consistent-ified the File->Import menu item labels and fileselect button labels, as discussed on the forums.
* Added items for importing DXF, VRML, etc. in the File->Import menu, that just call the normal Open function. Most people don't even know that you can open these formats through the normal Open fileselect, so this will make it more obvious.

* Removed the 'Export Selected' menu, and put poor old lonely STL in the Import and Export menus too. Most of the exporters export only the selected object anyway, so it's not really a necessary distinction to make.
2004-06-11 02:12:37 +00:00

234 lines
7.9 KiB

Name: 'VideoScape with Vertex Colors (.obj)...'
Blender: 232
Group: 'Export'
Tooltip: 'Export selected mesh to VideoScape File Format (.obj)'
# $Id$
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# | Copyright (c) 2001 Anthony D'Agostino |
# | |
# | |
# | June 5, 2001 |
# | Released under the Blender Artistic Licence (BAL) |
# | Import Export Suite v0.5 |
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# | Write Videoscape File Format (*.obj NOT WAVEFRONT OBJ) |
# | Includes a *fast* algorithm for averaging vertex colors |
# | Blender's a|w doesn't export proper vertex colors |
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
import Blender, mod_meshtools
#import time
# =====================================
# ====== Write VideoScape Format ======
# =====================================
def write(filename):
#start = time.clock()
file = open(filename, "wb")
objects = Blender.Object.GetSelected()
objname = objects[0].name
meshname = objects[0]
mesh = Blender.NMesh.GetRaw(meshname)
obj = Blender.Object.Get(objname)
if not mod_meshtools.has_vertex_colors(mesh):
message = "Please assign vertex colors before exporting.\n"
message += objname + " object was not saved."
vcols = average_vertexcolors(mesh)
# === Write Videoscape Header ===
file.write("%d\n" % len(mesh.verts))
# === Write Vertex List & Vertex Colors ===
for i in range(len(mesh.verts)):
if not i%100 and mod_meshtools.show_progress:
Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/len(mesh.verts), "Writing Verts")
file.write("% f % f % f 0x" % tuple(mesh.verts[i].co))
for j in range(len(vcols[i])):
file.write("%02X" % vcols[i][j])
# === Write Face List ===
for i in range(len(mesh.faces)):
if not i%100 and mod_meshtools.show_progress:
Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/len(mesh.faces), "Writing Faces")
file.write("%d " % len(mesh.faces[i].v)) # numfaceverts
for j in range(len(mesh.faces[i].v)):
file.write("%d " % mesh.faces[i].v[j].index)
Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(1.0, '') # clear progressbar
#end = time.clock()
#seconds = " in %.2f %s" % (end-start, "seconds")
message = "Successfully exported " + Blender.sys.basename(filename)# + seconds
# ===========================================
# === Vector Operations for Vertex Colors ===
# ===========================================
vcolor_add = lambda u, v: [u[0]+v[0], u[1]+v[1], u[2]+v[2], u[3]+v[3]]
vcolor_div = lambda u, s: [u[0]/s, u[1]/s, u[2]/s, u[3]/s]
# ========================================
# === Average All Vertex Colors (Fast) ===
# ========================================
def average_vertexcolors(mesh, debug=0):
vertexcolors = {}
for i in range(len(mesh.faces)): # get all vcolors that share this vertex
if not i%100 and mod_meshtools.show_progress: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/len(mesh.verts), "Finding Shared VColors")
for j in range(len(mesh.faces[i].v)):
index = mesh.faces[i].v[j].index
color = mesh.faces[i].col[j]
r,g,b,a = color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a
vertexcolors.setdefault(index, []).append([r,g,b,a])
if debug: print 'before'; vcprint(vertexcolors)
for i in range(len(vertexcolors)): # average them
if not i%100 and mod_meshtools.show_progress: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/len(mesh.verts), "Averaging Vertex Colors")
vcolor = [0,0,0,0] # rgba
for j in range(len(vertexcolors[i])):
vcolor = vcolor_add(vcolor, vertexcolors[i][j])
shared = len(vertexcolors[i])
vertexcolors[i] = vcolor_div(vcolor, shared)
if debug: print 'after'; vcprint(vertexcolors)
return vertexcolors
# ========================================
# === Average all Vertex Colors Slow 1 ===
# ========================================
def average_vertexcolors_slow_1(mesh, debug=0):
vertexcolors = []
i = 0
for vertex in mesh.verts:
if not i%100 and mod_meshtools.show_progress: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/len(mesh.verts), "Averaging Vertex Colors")
i += 1
vcolor = [0,0,0,0] # rgba
shared = 0
for face in mesh.faces:
if vertex in face.v:
index = face.v.index(vertex)
color = face.col[index]
r,g,b,a = color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a
vcolor = vcolor_add(vcolor, [r,g,b,a])
shared += 1
if not shared: print "Error, vertex %d is not shared." % i; shared += 1
vertexcolors.append(vcolor_div(vcolor, shared))
if debug: print 'after'; vcprint(vertexcolors)
return vertexcolors
# ========================================
# === Average all Vertex Colors Slow 2 ===
# ========================================
def average_vertexcolors_slow_2(mesh, debug=0):
vertexcolors = []
for i in range(len(mesh.verts)):
if not i%100 and mod_meshtools.show_progress: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/len(mesh.verts), "Averaging Vertex Colors")
vcolor = [0,0,0,0] # rgba
shared = 0
for j in range(len(mesh.faces)):
if mesh.verts[i] in mesh.faces[j].v:
index = mesh.faces[j].v.index(mesh.verts[i])
color = mesh.faces[j].col[index]
r,g,b,a = color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a
vcolor = vcolor_add(vcolor, [r,g,b,a])
shared += 1
vertexcolors.append(vcolor_div(vcolor, shared))
if debug: print 'after'; vcprint(vertexcolors)
return vertexcolors
# ========================================
# === Average all Vertex Colors Slow 3 ===
# ========================================
def average_vertexcolors_slow_3(mesh, debug=0):
vertexcolors = []
for i in range(len(mesh.verts)):
if not i%100 and mod_meshtools.show_progress: Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/len(mesh.verts), "Averaging Vertex Colors")
vcolor = [0,0,0,0] # rgba
shared = 0
for j in range(len(mesh.faces)):
if len(mesh.faces[j].v) == 4:
v1,v2,v3,v4 = mesh.faces[j].v
faceverts = v1.index, v2.index, v3.index, v4.index
v1,v2,v3 = mesh.faces[j].v
faceverts = v1.index, v2.index, v3.index
if i in faceverts:
index = mesh.faces[j].v.index(mesh.verts[i])
color = mesh.faces[j].col[index]
r,g,b,a = color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a
vcolor = vcolor_add(vcolor, [r,g,b,a])
shared += 1
vertexcolors.append(vcolor_div(vcolor, shared))
if debug: print 'after'; vcprint(vertexcolors)
return vertexcolors
def fs_callback(filename):
if filename.find('.obj', -4) <= 0: filename += '.VIDEOSCAPE.obj'
Blender.Window.FileSelector(fs_callback, "Export VideoScape")
# filename = "VIDEOSCAPE_" + objname + ".obj"
# filename = 'nul'
# file = open(filename, "wb")
# debug = 0
# time_functions = 1
# time_loop = 0
# if time_functions:
# funcs = [ average_vertexcolors,
# average_vertexcolors_slow_1,
# average_vertexcolors_slow_2,
# average_vertexcolors_slow_3 ]
# print
# for func in funcs:
# start = time.clock()
# vcols = func(mesh, debug)
# end = time.clock()
# seconds = "in %.2f %s" % (end-start, "seconds")
# print func.__name__, "finished in", seconds
# elif time_loop:
# total = 0
# loops = 6
# for i in range(loops):
# start = time.clock()
# vcols = average_vertexcolors(mesh, debug)
# end = time.clock()
# total += (end-start)
# print "Total: %5.2f Avg: %.2f " % (total, total/loops)
# else:
# start = time.clock()
# vcols = average_vertexcolors(mesh, debug)
# # =====================================
# # === Print Vertex Colors for Debug ===
# # =====================================
# def vcprint(data):
# print type(data)
# for i in range(len(data)):
# print "%2d" % i,
# for j in range(len(data[i])):
# try:
# print "[%3d %3d %3d %3d]" % tuple(data[i][j]), # before
# except:
# print "[%3d]" % data[i][j], # after
# print
# print