
245 lines
6.2 KiB

/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2011-2022 Blender Foundation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
#ifndef __IMAGE_H__
#define __IMAGE_H__
#include "device/memory.h"
#include "scene/colorspace.h"
#include "util/string.h"
#include "util/thread.h"
#include "util/transform.h"
#include "util/unique_ptr.h"
#include "util/vector.h"
class Device;
class DeviceInfo;
class ImageHandle;
class ImageKey;
class ImageMetaData;
class ImageManager;
class Progress;
class RenderStats;
class Scene;
class ColorSpaceProcessor;
class VDBImageLoader;
/* Image Parameters */
class ImageParams {
bool animated;
InterpolationType interpolation;
ExtensionType extension;
ImageAlphaType alpha_type;
ustring colorspace;
float frame;
: animated(false),
bool operator==(const ImageParams &other) const
return (animated == other.animated && interpolation == other.interpolation &&
extension == other.extension && alpha_type == other.alpha_type &&
colorspace == other.colorspace && frame == other.frame);
/* Image MetaData
* Information about the image that is available before the image pixels are loaded. */
class ImageMetaData {
/* Set by ImageLoader.load_metadata(). */
int channels;
size_t width, height, depth;
size_t byte_size;
ImageDataType type;
/* Optional color space, defaults to raw. */
ustring colorspace;
string colorspace_file_hint;
const char *colorspace_file_format;
/* Optional transform for 3D images. */
bool use_transform_3d;
Transform transform_3d;
/* Automatically set. */
bool compress_as_srgb;
bool operator==(const ImageMetaData &other) const;
bool is_float() const;
void detect_colorspace();
/* Information about supported features that Image loaders can use. */
class ImageDeviceFeatures {
bool has_nanovdb;
/* Image loader base class, that can be subclassed to load image data
* from custom sources (file, memory, procedurally generated, etc). */
class ImageLoader {
virtual ~ImageLoader(){};
/* Load metadata without actual image yet, should be fast. */
virtual bool load_metadata(const ImageDeviceFeatures &features, ImageMetaData &metadata) = 0;
/* Load actual image contents. */
virtual bool load_pixels(const ImageMetaData &metadata,
void *pixels,
const size_t pixels_size,
const bool associate_alpha) = 0;
/* Name for logs and stats. */
virtual string name() const = 0;
/* Optional for OSL texture cache. */
virtual ustring osl_filepath() const;
/* Optional for tiled textures loaded externally. */
virtual int get_tile_number() const;
/* Free any memory used for loading metadata and pixels. */
virtual void cleanup(){};
/* Compare avoid loading the same image multiple times. */
virtual bool equals(const ImageLoader &other) const = 0;
static bool equals(const ImageLoader *a, const ImageLoader *b);
virtual bool is_vdb_loader() const;
/* Work around for no RTTI. */
/* Image Handle
* Access handle for image in the image manager. Multiple shader nodes may
* share the same image, and this class handles reference counting for that. */
class ImageHandle {
ImageHandle(const ImageHandle &other);
ImageHandle &operator=(const ImageHandle &other);
bool operator==(const ImageHandle &other) const;
void clear();
bool empty() const;
int num_tiles() const;
ImageMetaData metadata();
int svm_slot(const int tile_index = 0) const;
vector<int4> get_svm_slots() const;
device_texture *image_memory(const int tile_index = 0) const;
VDBImageLoader *vdb_loader(const int tile_index = 0) const;
ImageManager *get_manager() const;
vector<size_t> tile_slots;
ImageManager *manager;
friend class ImageManager;
/* Image Manager
* Handles loading and storage of all images in the scene. This includes 2D
* texture images and 3D volume images. */
class ImageManager {
explicit ImageManager(const DeviceInfo &info);
ImageHandle add_image(const string &filename, const ImageParams &params);
ImageHandle add_image(const string &filename,
const ImageParams &params,
const array<int> &tiles);
ImageHandle add_image(ImageLoader *loader, const ImageParams &params, const bool builtin = true);
ImageHandle add_image(const vector<ImageLoader *> &loaders, const ImageParams &params);
void device_update(Device *device, Scene *scene, Progress &progress);
void device_update_slot(Device *device, Scene *scene, size_t slot, Progress *progress);
void device_free(Device *device);
void device_load_builtin(Device *device, Scene *scene, Progress &progress);
void device_free_builtin(Device *device);
void set_osl_texture_system(void *texture_system);
bool set_animation_frame_update(int frame);
void collect_statistics(RenderStats *stats);
void tag_update();
bool need_update() const;
struct Image {
ImageParams params;
ImageMetaData metadata;
ImageLoader *loader;
float frame;
bool need_metadata;
bool need_load;
bool builtin;
string mem_name;
device_texture *mem;
int users;
thread_mutex mutex;
bool need_update_;
ImageDeviceFeatures features;
thread_mutex device_mutex;
thread_mutex images_mutex;
int animation_frame;
vector<Image *> images;
void *osl_texture_system;
size_t add_image_slot(ImageLoader *loader, const ImageParams &params, const bool builtin);
void add_image_user(size_t slot);
void remove_image_user(size_t slot);
void load_image_metadata(Image *img);
template<TypeDesc::BASETYPE FileFormat, typename StorageType>
bool file_load_image(Image *img, int texture_limit);
void device_load_image(Device *device, Scene *scene, size_t slot, Progress *progress);
void device_free_image(Device *device, size_t slot);
friend class ImageHandle;
#endif /* __IMAGE_H__ */