Matt Ebb d34f89b755 * Edited and consistent-ified the File->Import menu item labels and fileselect button labels, as discussed on the forums.
* Added items for importing DXF, VRML, etc. in the File->Import menu, that just call the normal Open function. Most people don't even know that you can open these formats through the normal Open fileselect, so this will make it more obvious.

* Removed the 'Export Selected' menu, and put poor old lonely STL in the Import and Export menus too. Most of the exporters export only the selected object anyway, so it's not really a necessary distinction to make.
2004-06-11 02:12:37 +00:00

268 lines
9.2 KiB

Name: 'TrueSpace (.cob)...'
Blender: 232
Group: 'Export'
Tooltip: 'Export selected meshes to TrueSpace File Format (.cob)'
# $Id$
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# | Copyright (c) 2001 Anthony D'Agostino |
# | |
# | |
# | June 12, 2001 |
# | Released under the Blender Artistic Licence (BAL) |
# | Import Export Suite v0.5 |
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
# | Read and write Caligari trueSpace File Format (*.cob) |
# +---------------------------------------------------------+
import Blender, mod_meshtools
import struct, os, cStringIO, time
# ==============================
# === Write trueSpace Format ===
# ==============================
def write(filename):
start = time.clock()
file = open(filename, "wb")
objects = Blender.Object.GetSelected()
G,P,V,U,M = 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000
for object in objects:
objname =
meshname =
mesh = Blender.NMesh.GetRaw(meshname)
obj = Blender.Object.Get(objname)
if not mesh: continue
grou = generate_grou('Group ' + `objects.index(object)+1`)
polh = generate_polh(objname, obj, mesh)
if mod_meshtools.has_vertex_colors(mesh): vcol = generate_vcol(mesh)
unit = generate_unit()
mat1 = generate_mat1(mesh)
if objects.index(object) == 0: X = 0
write_chunk(file, "Grou", 0, 1, G, X, grou)
write_chunk(file, "PolH", 0, 4, P, G, polh)
if mod_meshtools.has_vertex_colors(mesh) and vcol:
write_chunk(file, "VCol", 1, 0, V, P, vcol)
write_chunk(file, "Unit", 0, 1, U, P, unit)
write_chunk(file, "Mat1", 0, 5, M, P, mat1)
X = G
G,P,V,U,M = map(lambda x: x+1, [G,P,V,U,M])
write_chunk(file, "END ", 1, 0, 0, 0, '') # End Of File Chunk
Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(1.0, '') # clear progressbar
end = time.clock()
seconds = " in %.2f %s" % (end-start, "seconds")
message = "Successfully exported " + os.path.basename(filename) + seconds
# =============================
# === Write COB File Header ===
# =============================
def write_header(file):
file.write("Caligari V00.01BLH"+" "*13+"\n")
# ===================
# === Write Chunk ===
# ===================
def write_chunk(file, name, major, minor, chunk_id, parent_id, data):
file.write(struct.pack("<2h", major, minor))
file.write(struct.pack("<2l", chunk_id, parent_id))
file.write(struct.pack("<1l", len(data)))
# ============================================
# === Generate PolH (Polygonal Data) Chunk ===
# ============================================
def generate_polh(objname, obj, mesh):
data = cStringIO.StringIO()
write_ObjectName(data, objname)
write_LocalAxes(data, obj)
write_CurrentPosition(data, obj)
write_VertexList(data, mesh)
uvcoords = write_UVCoordsList(data, mesh)
write_FaceList(data, mesh, uvcoords)
return data.getvalue()
# === Write Object Name ===
def write_ObjectName(data, objname):
data.write(struct.pack("<h", 0)) # dupecount
data.write(struct.pack("<h", len(objname)))
# === Write Local Axes ===
def write_LocalAxes(data, obj):
data.write(struct.pack("<fff", obj.mat[3][0], obj.mat[3][1], obj.mat[3][2]))
data.write(struct.pack("<fff", obj.mat[0][0]/obj.SizeX, obj.mat[1][0]/obj.SizeX, obj.mat[2][0]/obj.SizeX))
data.write(struct.pack("<fff", obj.mat[0][1]/obj.SizeY, obj.mat[1][1]/obj.SizeY, obj.mat[2][1]/obj.SizeY))
data.write(struct.pack("<fff", obj.mat[0][2]/obj.SizeZ, obj.mat[1][2]/obj.SizeZ, obj.mat[2][2]/obj.SizeZ))
# === Write Current Position ===
def write_CurrentPosition(data, obj):
data.write(struct.pack("<ffff", obj.mat[0][0], obj.mat[0][1], obj.mat[0][2], obj.mat[3][0]))
data.write(struct.pack("<ffff", obj.mat[1][0], obj.mat[1][1], obj.mat[1][2], obj.mat[3][1]))
data.write(struct.pack("<ffff", obj.mat[2][0], obj.mat[2][1], obj.mat[2][2], obj.mat[3][2]))
# === Write Vertex List ===
def write_VertexList(data, mesh):
data.write(struct.pack("<l", len(mesh.verts)))
for i in range(len(mesh.verts)):
if not i%100 and mod_meshtools.show_progress:
Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/len(mesh.verts), "Writing Verts")
x, y, z = mesh.verts[i].co
data.write(struct.pack("<fff", -y, x, z))
# === Write UV Vertex List ===
def write_UVCoordsList(data, mesh):
if not mesh.hasFaceUV():
data.write(struct.pack("<l", 1))
data.write(struct.pack("<2f", 0,0))
return {(0,0): 0}
# === Default UV Coords (one image per face) ===
# data.write(struct.pack("<l", 4))
# data.write(struct.pack("<8f", 0,0, 0,1, 1,1, 1,0))
# return {(0,0): 0, (0,1): 1, (1,1): 2, (1,0): 3}
# === Default UV Coords (one image per face) ===
# === collect, remove duplicates, add indices, and write the uv list ===
uvdata = cStringIO.StringIO()
uvcoords = {}
uvidx = 0
for i in range(len(mesh.faces)):
if not i%100 and mod_meshtools.show_progress:
Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/len(mesh.faces), "Writing UV Coords")
numfaceverts = len(mesh.faces[i].v)
for j in range(numfaceverts-1, -1, -1): # Reverse order
u,v = mesh.faces[i].uv[j]
if not uvcoords.has_key((u,v)):
uvcoords[(u,v)] = uvidx
uvidx += 1
uvdata.write(struct.pack("<ff", u,v))
uvdata = uvdata.getvalue()
numuvcoords = len(uvdata)/8
data.write(struct.pack("<l", numuvcoords))
#print "Number of uvcoords:", numuvcoords, '=', len(uvcoords)
return uvcoords
# === Write Face List ===
def write_FaceList(data, mesh, uvcoords):
data.write(struct.pack("<l", len(mesh.faces)))
for i in range(len(mesh.faces)):
if not i%100 and mod_meshtools.show_progress:
Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/len(mesh.faces), "Writing Faces")
numfaceverts = len(mesh.faces[i].v)
data.write(struct.pack("<B", 0x10)) # Cull Back Faces Flag
data.write(struct.pack("<h", numfaceverts))
data.write(struct.pack("<h", 0)) # Material Index
for j in range(numfaceverts-1, -1, -1): # Reverse order
index = mesh.faces[i].v[j].index
if mesh.hasFaceUV():
uv = mesh.faces[i].uv[j]
uvidx = uvcoords[uv]
uvidx = 0
data.write(struct.pack("<ll", index, uvidx))
# ===========================================
# === Generate VCol (Vertex Colors) Chunk ===
# ===========================================
def generate_vcol(mesh):
data = cStringIO.StringIO()
data.write(struct.pack("<l", len(mesh.faces)))
uniquecolors = {}
unique_alpha = {}
for i in range(len(mesh.faces)):
if not i%100 and mod_meshtools.show_progress:
Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(i)/len(mesh.faces), "Writing Vertex Colors")
numfaceverts = len(mesh.faces[i].v)
data.write(struct.pack("<ll", i, numfaceverts))
for j in range(numfaceverts-1, -1, -1): # Reverse order
r = mesh.faces[i].col[j].r
g = mesh.faces[i].col[j].g
b = mesh.faces[i].col[j].b
a = 100 # 100 is opaque in ts
uniquecolors[(r,g,b)] = None
unique_alpha[mesh.faces[i].col[j].a] = None
data.write(struct.pack("<BBBB", r,g,b,a))
#print "uniquecolors:", uniquecolors.keys()
#print "unique_alpha:", unique_alpha.keys()
if len(uniquecolors) == 1:
return None
return data.getvalue()
# ==================================
# === Generate Unit (Size) Chunk ===
# ==================================
def generate_unit():
data = cStringIO.StringIO()
data.write(struct.pack("<h", 2))
return data.getvalue()
# ======================================
# === Generate Mat1 (Material) Chunk ===
# ======================================
def generate_mat1(mesh):
data = cStringIO.StringIO()
data.write(struct.pack("<h", 0))
data.write(struct.pack("<ccB", "p", "a", 0))
data.write(struct.pack("<fff", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) # rgb (0.0 - 1.0)
data.write(struct.pack("<fffff", 1, 1, 0, 0, 1))
if mesh.hasFaceUV():
tex_mapname = r"c:\image\maps\one-dot.tga"
data.write(struct.pack("<B", 0x00))
data.write(struct.pack("<h", len(tex_mapname)))
data.write(struct.pack("<4f", 0,0, 1,1))
return data.getvalue()
# ============================
# === Generate Group Chunk ===
# ============================
def generate_grou(name):
data = cStringIO.StringIO()
write_ObjectName(data, name)
data.write(struct.pack("<12f", 0,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1))
data.write(struct.pack("<12f", 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0))
return data.getvalue()
def fs_callback(filename):
if filename.find('.cob', -4) <= 0: filename += '.cob'
Blender.Window.FileSelector(fs_callback, "Export COB")
# === Matrix Differences between Blender & trueSpace ===
# For the 'Local Axes' values:
# The x, y, and z-axis represent a simple rotation matrix.
# This is equivalent to Blender's object matrix before it was
# combined with the object's scaling matrix. Dividing each value
# by the appropriate scaling factor (and transposing at the same
# time) produces the original rotation matrix.
# For the 'Current Position' values:
# This is equivalent to Blender's object matrix except that the
# last row is omitted and the xyz location is used in the last
# column. Binary format uses a 4x3 matrix, ascii format uses a 4x4
# matrix.
# For Cameras: The matrix is a little confusing.