Brecht Van Lommel cb89decfdc Merge of first part of changes from the apricot branch, especially
the features that are needed to run the game. Compile tested with
scons, make, but not cmake, that seems to have an issue not related
to these changes. The changes include:

* GLSL support in the viewport and game engine, enable in the game
  menu in textured draw mode.
* Synced and merged part of the duplicated blender and gameengine/
  gameplayer drawing code.
* Further refactoring of game engine drawing code, especially mesh
  storage changed a lot.
* Optimizations in game engine armatures to avoid recomputations.
* A python function to get the framerate estimate in game.

* An option take object color into account in materials.
* An option to restrict shadow casters to a lamp's layers.
* Increase from 10 to 18 texture slots for materials, lamps, word.
  An extra texture slot shows up once the last slot is used.

* Memory limit for undo, not enabled by default yet because it
  needs the .B.blend to be changed.
* Multiple undo for image painting.

* An offset for dupligroups, so not all objects in a group have to
  be at the origin.
2008-09-04 20:51:28 +00:00

288 lines
8.4 KiB

Name: 'System Information...'
Blender: 236
Group: 'HelpSystem'
Tooltip: 'Information about your Blender environment, useful to diagnose problems.'
__author__ = "Willian P. Germano"
__url__ = ("", "")
__version__ = "1.1"
__bpydoc__ = """\
This script creates a text in Blender's Text Editor with information
about your OS, video card, OpenGL driver, Blender and Python versions,
script related paths and more.
If you are experiencing trouble running Blender itself or any Blender Python
script, this information can be useful to fix any problems or at least for
online searches (like checking if there are known issues related to your
video card) or to get help from other users or the program's developers.
# $Id$
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# version 1.1 Mar 20, 2005
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2004: Willian P. Germano, wgermano _at_
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
import Blender
import Blender.sys as bsys
from Blender.BGL import *
import sys
# has_textwrap = 1 # see commented code below
output_filename = "system-info.txt"
warnings = 0
notices = 0 # non critical warnings
def cutPoint(text, length):
"Returns position of the last space found before 'length' chars"
l = length
c = text[l]
while c != ' ':
l -= 1
if l == 0: return length # no space found
c = text[l]
return l
def textWrap(text, length = 70):
lines = []
while len(text) > 70:
cpt = cutPoint(text, length)
line, text = text[:cpt], text[cpt + 1:]
return lines
## Better use our own text wrap functions here
# import textwrap
# has_textwrap = 0
# msg = sys.exc_info()[1].__str__().split()[3]
# Blender.Draw.PupMenu("Python error:|This script requires the %s module" %msg)
version = Blender.Get('version') / 100.0
header = "= Blender %s System Information =" % version
lilies = len(header)*"="+"\n"
header = lilies + header + "\n" + lilies
output = Blender.Text.New(output_filename)
output.write(header + "\n\n")
output.write("%s\n\n" % Blender.Get('buildinfo'))
output.write("Platform: %s\n========\n\n" % sys.platform)
output.write("- Version: %s\n\n" % sys.version)
output.write("- Paths:\n\n")
for p in sys.path:
output.write(p + '\n')
output.write("\n- Directories:")
dirlist = [
['homedir', 'Blender home dir', 1],
['scriptsdir', 'Default dir for scripts', 1],
['datadir', 'Default "bpydata/" data dir for scripts', 1],
['uscriptsdir', 'User defined dir for scripts', 0],
['udatadir', 'Data dir "bpydata/" inside user defined dir', 0]
has_dir = {}
for dir in dirlist:
dirname, dirstr, is_critical = dir
dirpath = Blender.Get(dirname)
output.write("\n\n %s:\n" % dirstr)
if not dirpath:
has_dir[dirname] = False
if is_critical:
warnings += 1
output.write(" <WARNING> -- not found")
notices += 1
output.write(" <NOTICE> -- not found")
output.write(" %s" % dirpath)
has_dir[dirname] = True
if not has_dir['homedir']:
outmsg = """
<WARNING> - Blender home dir not found!
This should probably be "<path>/.blender/"
where <path> is usually the user's home dir.
Blender's home dir is where entries like:
folders scripts/, plugins/ and locale/ and
files .Blanguages and .bfont.ttf
are located.
It's also where Blender stores the Bpymenus file
with information about registered scripts, so it
only needs to scan scripts dir(s) when they are
has_uconfdir = False
if has_dir['udatadir']:
uconfigdir = bsys.join(Blender.Get('udatadir'), 'config')
output.write("\n\n User defined config data dir:")
if bsys.exists(uconfigdir):
has_uconfdir = True
output.write(" %s" % uconfigdir)
notices += 1
<NOTICE> -- not found.
bpydata/config/ should be inside the user defined scripts dir.
It's used by Blender to store scripts configuration data.
(Since it is on the user defined dir, a new Blender installation
won't overwrite the data.)
configdir = bsys.join(Blender.Get('datadir'), 'config')
output.write('\n\n Default config data "bpydata/config/" dir:\n')
if bsys.exists(configdir):
output.write(" %s" % configdir)
warnings += 1
output.write("""<WARNING> -- not found.
config/ should be inside the default scripts *data dir*.
It's used by Blender to store scripts configuration data
when <user defined scripts dir>/bpydata/config/ dir is
not available.
if has_uconfdir:
The user defined config dir will be used.
cvsdir = 'release/scripts'
if bsys.dirsep == '\\': cvsdir = cvsdir.replace('/','\\')
sdir = Blender.Get('scriptsdir')
if sdir and sdir.find(cvsdir) >= 0:
if has_uconfdir:
notices += 1
warnings += 1
It seems this Blender binary is located in its cvs source tree.
It's recommended that the release/scripts/ dir tree is copied
to your blender home dir.
if not has_uconfdir:
Since you also don't have a user defined scripts dir with the
bpydata/config dir inside it, it will not be possible to save
and restore scripts configuration data files, since writing
to a dir inside a cvs tree is not a good idea and is avoided.
missing_mods = [] # missing basic modules
from BPyBlender import basic_modules
for m in basic_modules:
try: exec ("import %s" % m)
except: missing_mods.append(m)
if missing_mods:
outmsg = """
Some expected modules were not found.
Because of that some scripts bundled with Blender may not work.
Please read the FAQ in the Readme.html file shipped with Blender
for information about how to fix the problem.
Missing modules:
warnings += 1
for m in missing_mods:
output.write('-> ' + m + '\n')
if 'BPyRegistry' in missing_mods:
Module is missing!
Without this module it's not possible to save and restore
scripts configuration data files.
output.write("\n\n- Modules: all basic ones were found.\n")
except ImportError:
output.write("\n\n<WARNING>:\n Couldn't find in scripts/bpymodules/ dir.")
output.write("\n Basic modules availability won't be tested.\n")
warnings += 1
output.write("- Renderer: %s\n" % glGetString(GL_RENDERER))
output.write("- Vendor: %s\n" % glGetString(GL_VENDOR))
output.write("- Version: %s\n\n" % glGetString(GL_VERSION))
output.write("- Extensions:\n\n")
glext = glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)
glext = textWrap(glext, 70)
for l in glext:
output.write(l + "\n")
output.write("\n\n- Simplistic almost useless benchmark:\n\n")
t = Blender.sys.time()
nredraws = 10
for i in range(nredraws):
Blender.Redraw(-1) # redraw all windows
result = Blender.sys.time() - t
output.write("Redrawing all areas %s times took %.4f seconds.\n" % (nredraws, result))
if warnings or notices:
output.write("\n%s%s\n" % (warnings*"#", notices*"."))
if warnings:
output.write("\n(*) Found %d warning" % warnings)
if (warnings > 1): output.write("s") # (blush)
output.write(", documented in the text above.\n")
if notices:
output.write("\n(*) Found %d notice" % notices)
if (notices > 1): output.write("s") # (blush)
output.write(", documented in the text above.\n")
else: output.write("\n==\nNo problems were found (scroll up for details).")
exitmsg = "Done!|Please check the text %s in the Text Editor window" %