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"""Flamenco Job Type to bpy.props.PropertyGroup conversion."""
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import logging
import pprint
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Optional, Any, Union
import bpy
from . import job_types
from .bat.submodules import bpathlib
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from flamenco.manager.models import (
AvailableJobType as _AvailableJobType,
AvailableJobSetting as _AvailableJobSetting,
JobSettings as _JobSettings,
SubmittedJob as _SubmittedJob,
_AvailableJobType = object
_AvailableJobSetting = object
_JobSettings = object
_SubmittedJob = object
class SettingEvalError(Exception):
"""Raised when the evaluation of a setting fails."""
def __init__(
setting_key: str,
setting_eval: str,
eval_locals: dict[str, Any],
exception: Exception,
) -> None:
self.setting_key = setting_key
self.setting_eval = setting_eval
self.locals = eval_locals.copy()
self.exception = exception
print("Evaluation error of setting %r:" % setting_key)
print("Expression: %s" % setting_eval)
print("Local variables:")
print("Exception: %s" % exception)
msg = "Evaluation error of setting %r: %s" % (setting_key, exception)
class JobTypePropertyGroup:
"""Mix-in class for PropertyGroups for Flamenco Job Types.
Use `generate(job_type: AvailableJobType)` to create such a subclass.
job_type: _AvailableJobType
"""The job type passed to `generate(job_type)`."""
def register_property_group(cls):
def unregister_property_group(cls):
def as_jobsettings(self) -> _JobSettings:
from flamenco.manager.models import JobSettings
js: JobSettings = JobSettings()
for setting in self.job_type.settings:
js[setting.key] = getattr(self, setting.key)
return js
def label(self, setting_key: str) -> str:
"""Return the UI label for this setting."""
2022-03-15 17:36:53 +00:00
# MyPy doesn't understand the Blender RNA magic.
label: str = self.bl_rna.properties[setting_key].name # type: ignore
return label
def locals(self, context: bpy.types.Context) -> dict[str, object]:
"""Return the local variables for job type evaluation."""
return {
"bpy": bpy,
"C": context,
"jobname": context.scene.flamenco_job_name,
"Path": Path,
"abspath": self.abspath,
"last_n_dir_parts": self.last_n_dir_parts,
"settings": self,
def eval_and_assign(
context: bpy.types.Context,
setting_key: str,
setting_eval: str,
) -> None:
"""Evaluate `setting_eval` and assign the result to the job setting."""
value = self.eval_setting(context, setting_key, setting_eval)
setattr(self, setting_key, value)
def eval_setting(
context: bpy.types.Context,
setting_key: str,
setting_eval: str,
) -> Any:
"""Evaluate `setting_eval` and return the result."""
eval_locals = self.locals(context)
value = eval(setting_eval, {}, eval_locals)
except Exception as ex:
raise SettingEvalError(setting_key, setting_eval, eval_locals, ex) from ex
return value
def eval_hidden_settings_of_job(
self, context: bpy.types.Context, job: _SubmittedJob
) -> None:
"""Assign values to settings hidden from the UI.
If the setting has an `eval` property, it'll be evaluated and used as the
setting value. Otherwise the default is used.
for setting in self.job_type.settings:
if not job_types.setting_should_autoeval(self, setting):
setting_eval = setting.get("eval", "")
if setting_eval:
value = self.eval_setting(context, setting.key, setting_eval)
elif "default" in setting:
value = setting.default
# No way to get a default value, so just don't bother overwriting
# anything.
job.settings[setting.key] = value
def eval_visible_settings_if_no_value(self, context: bpy.types.Context) -> None:
"""Assign default values to all visible, evaluatable settings.
If the setting already has a value, that value will not be overwritten
in order to retain the user's input.
If the setting has an `eval` property, it'll be evaluated and used as
the setting value. Otherwise it will be skipped.
for setting in self.job_type.settings:
if not job_types.setting_is_visible(setting):
# Skip those settings that will be hidden from the GUI.
# These are evaluated at submission time anyway.
setting_eval = setting.get("eval", "")
if not setting_eval:
if getattr(self, setting.key):
# Non-falsey setting, so don't overwrite.
value = self.eval_setting(context, setting.key, setting_eval)
setattr(self, setting.key, value)
def last_n_dir_parts(n: int, filepath: Union[str, Path, None] = None) -> Path:
"""Return the last `n` parts of the directory of `filepath`.
If `n` is 0, returns an empty `Path()`.
If `filepath` is None, uses bpy.data.filepath instead.
>>> str(last_n_dir_parts(2, "/path/to/some/file.blend"))
Always returns a relative path:
>>> str(last_n_dir_parts(200, "C:\\path\\to\\some\\file.blend"))
if n <= 0:
return Path()
if filepath is None:
filepath = Path(bpy.data.filepath)
elif isinstance(filepath, str):
filepath = Path(bpy.path.abspath(filepath))
dirpath = bpathlib.make_absolute(filepath).parent
if n >= len(dirpath.parts):
all_parts = dirpath.relative_to(dirpath.anchor)
2022-08-04 14:39:05 +00:00
return Path(all_parts)
subset = Path(*dirpath.parts[-n:])
return subset
def abspath(filepath: Union[str, Path]) -> Path:
"""Return the filepath as absolute path."""
# This changes blendfile-relative paths to absolute.
# It does not resolve `..` entries, though.
abs_unclean = Path(bpy.path.abspath(str(filepath)))
abs_clean: Path = bpathlib.make_absolute(abs_unclean)
return abs_clean
# Mapping from AvailableJobType.setting.type to a callable that converts a value
# to the appropriate type. This is necessary due to the ambiguity between floats
# and ints in JavaScript (and thus JSON).
_value_coerce = {
"bool": bool,
"string": str,
"int32": int,
"float": float,
_prop_types = {
"bool": bpy.props.BoolProperty,
"string": bpy.props.StringProperty,
"int32": bpy.props.IntProperty,
"float": bpy.props.FloatProperty,
def generate(job_type: _AvailableJobType) -> type[JobTypePropertyGroup]:
"""Create a PropertyGroup for the job type.
Does not register the property group.
from flamenco.manager.model.available_job_type import AvailableJobType
assert isinstance(job_type, AvailableJobType)
classname = _job_type_to_class_name(job_type.name)
pg_type = type(
(JobTypePropertyGroup, bpy.types.PropertyGroup), # Base classes.
{ # Class attributes.
"job_type": job_type,
pg_type.__annotations__ = {}
# Add RNA properties for the settings.
for setting in job_type.settings:
prop = _create_property(job_type, setting)
pg_type.__annotations__[setting.key] = prop
if job_types.show_eval_on_submit_button(setting):
# Add RNA property for the 'auto-eval' toggle.
propname, prop = _create_autoeval_property(setting)
pg_type.__annotations__[propname] = prop
assert issubclass(pg_type, JobTypePropertyGroup), "did not expect type %r" % type(
return pg_type
def _create_property(job_type: _AvailableJobType, setting: _AvailableJobSetting) -> Any:
"""Create a bpy.props property for the given job setting.
Depending on the setting, will be a StringProperty, EnumProperty, FloatProperty, etc.
from flamenco.manager.model.available_job_setting import AvailableJobSetting
from flamenco.manager.model_utils import ModelSimple
assert isinstance(setting, AvailableJobSetting)
# Special case: a string property with 'choices' setting. This should translate to an EnumProperty
prop_type, prop_kwargs = _find_prop_type(job_type, setting)
assert isinstance(setting.type, ModelSimple)
value_coerce = _value_coerce[setting.type.to_str()]
_set_if_available(prop_kwargs, setting, "description")
_set_if_available(prop_kwargs, setting, "default", transform=value_coerce)
_set_if_available(prop_kwargs, setting, "subtype", transform=_transform_subtype)
# Remove the 'ANIMATABLE' option.
prop_kwargs.setdefault("options", set())
# Add any extra arguments.
propargs = setting.get("propargs", {})
coerce_keys = {"min", "max"}
for key, value in propargs.items():
if key in coerce_keys:
propargs[key] = value_coerce(value)
# Construct a getter if it's a non-editable property. By having a getter and
# not a setter, the property automatically becomes read-only in the UI.
if not setting.get("editable", True):
prop_kwargs["get"] = _create_prop_getter(job_type, setting)
prop_label = _job_setting_label(setting)
prop = prop_type(name=prop_label, **prop_kwargs)
return prop
def _create_autoeval_property(
setting: _AvailableJobSetting,
) -> tuple[str, Any]:
from flamenco.manager.model.available_job_setting import AvailableJobSetting
assert isinstance(setting, AvailableJobSetting)
setting_label = _job_setting_label(setting)
prop_descr = (
"Automatically determine the value for %r when the job gets submitted"
% setting_label
prop = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name="Use Automatic Value",
prop_name = job_types.setting_autoeval_propname(setting)
return prop_name, prop
def _find_prop_type(
job_type: _AvailableJobType, setting: _AvailableJobSetting
) -> tuple[Any, dict[str, Any]]:
"""Return a tuple (bpy.props.XxxProperty, kwargs for construction)."""
# The special case is a 'string' property with 'choices' setting, which
# should translate to an EnumProperty. All others just map to a simple
# bpy.props type.
setting_type = setting.type.to_str()
if "choices" not in setting:
return _prop_types[setting_type], {}
if setting_type != "string":
# There was a 'choices' key, but not for a supported type. Ignore the
# choices but complain about it.
"job type %r, setting %r: only string choices are supported, but property is of type %s",
return _prop_types[setting_type], {}
choices = setting.choices
enum_items = [(choice, choice, "") for choice in choices]
return bpy.props.EnumProperty, {"items": enum_items}
def _transform_subtype(subtype: object) -> str:
uppercase = str(subtype).upper()
if uppercase == "HASHED_FILE_PATH":
# Flamenco has a concept of 'hashed file path' subtype, but Blender does not.
return "FILE_PATH"
return uppercase
def _job_type_to_class_name(job_type_name: str) -> str:
"""Change 'job-type-name' to 'JobTypeName'.
>>> _job_type_to_class_name('job-type-name')
return job_type_name.title().replace("-", "")
def _job_setting_label(setting: _AvailableJobSetting) -> str:
"""Return a suitable label for this job setting."""
label = str(setting.get("label", default=""))
if label:
return label
generated_label: str = setting.key.title().replace("_", " ")
return generated_label
def _set_if_available(
2022-03-14 15:38:06 +00:00
some_dict: dict[Any, Any],
setting: object,
key: str,
transform: Optional[Callable[[object], object]] = None,
) -> None:
"""some_dict[key] = setting.key, if that key is available.
>>> class Setting:
... pass
>>> setting = Setting()
>>> setting.exists = 47
>>> d = {}
>>> _set_if_available(d, setting, "exists")
>>> _set_if_available(d, setting, "other")
>>> d
{'exists': 47}
>>> d = {}
>>> _set_if_available(d, setting, "exists", transform=lambda v: str(v))
>>> d
{'exists': '47'}
value = getattr(setting, key)
except AttributeError:
if transform is None:
some_dict[key] = value
some_dict[key] = transform(value)
def _create_prop_getter(
job_type: _AvailableJobType, setting: _AvailableJobSetting
) -> Callable[[JobTypePropertyGroup], Any]:
def evaluate_setting(propgroup: JobTypePropertyGroup) -> Any:
value = propgroup.eval_setting(
return value
def default_value(propgroup: JobTypePropertyGroup) -> Any:
return setting.default
if setting.get("eval"):
return evaluate_setting
return default_value