Manager: disable SQLite foreign key constraints when migrating the database

There is an issue with the GORM auto-migration, in that it doesn't
always disable foreign key constraints when it should. Due to
limitations of SQLite, not all 'alter table' commands you'd want to use
are available. As a workaround, these steps are performed:

1. create a new table with the desired schema,
2. copy the data over,
3. drop the old table,
4. rename the new table to the old name.

Step #3 will wreak havoc with the database when foreign key constraint
checks are active, so no we temporarily deactivate them while performing
database migration.
This commit is contained in:
Sybren A. Stüvel 2023-07-10 14:06:21 +02:00
parent 60d54eabb3
commit 06738b8aa4
2 changed files with 64 additions and 11 deletions

@ -117,17 +117,9 @@ func openDBWithConfig(dsn string, config *gorm.Config) (*DB, error) {
sqlDB.SetMaxIdleConns(1) // Max num of connections in the idle connection pool.
sqlDB.SetMaxOpenConns(1) // Max num of open connections to the database.
// Enable foreign key checks.
log.Trace().Msg("enabling SQLite foreign key checks")
if tx := gormDB.Exec("PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1"); tx.Error != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("enabling foreign keys: %w", tx.Error)
var fkEnabled int
if tx := gormDB.Raw("PRAGMA foreign_keys").Scan(&fkEnabled); tx.Error != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("checking whether the database has foreign key checks enabled: %w", tx.Error)
if fkEnabled == 0 {
log.Error().Msg("SQLite database does not want to enable foreign keys, this may cause data loss")
// Always enable foreign key checks, to make SQLite behave like a real database.
if err := db.pragmaForeignKeys(true); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Write-ahead-log journal may improve writing speed.
@ -167,3 +159,36 @@ func (db *DB) Close() error {
return sqldb.Close()
func (db *DB) pragmaForeignKeys(enabled bool) error {
var (
value int
noun string
switch enabled {
case false:
value = 0
noun = "disabl"
case true:
value = 1
noun = "enabl"
log.Trace().Msgf("%sing SQLite foreign key checks", noun)
// SQLite doesn't seem to like SQL parameters for `PRAGMA`, so `PRAGMA foreign_keys = ?` doesn't work.
sql := fmt.Sprintf("PRAGMA foreign_keys = %d", value)
if tx := db.gormDB.Exec(sql); tx.Error != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%sing foreign keys: %w", noun, tx.Error)
var fkEnabled int
if tx := db.gormDB.Raw("PRAGMA foreign_keys").Scan(&fkEnabled); tx.Error != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("checking whether the database has foreign key checks %sed: %w", noun, tx.Error)
if fkEnabled != value {
return fmt.Errorf("SQLite database does not want to %se foreign keys, this may cause data loss", noun)
return nil

@ -4,9 +4,37 @@ package persistence
import (
func (db *DB) migrate() error {
log.Debug().Msg("auto-migrating database")
// There is an issue with the GORM auto-migration, in that it doesn't always
// disable foreign key constraints when it should. Due to limitations of
// SQLite, not all 'alter table' commands you'd want to use are available. As
// a workaround, these steps are performed:
// 1. create a new table with the desired schema,
// 2. copy the data over,
// 3. drop the old table,
// 4. rename the new table to the old name.
// Step #3 will wreak havoc with the database when foreign key constraint
// checks are active.
if err := db.pragmaForeignKeys(false); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("disabling foreign key checks before auto-migration: %w", err)
defer func() {
err := db.pragmaForeignKeys(true)
if err != nil {
// There is no way that Flamenco Manager should be runnign with foreign key checks disabled.
log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("re-enabling foreign key checks after auto-migration failed")
err := db.gormDB.AutoMigrate(