Website: add documentation about job settings

It's far from complete, but it's a start.
This commit is contained in:
Sybren A. Stüvel 2022-07-29 11:04:27 +02:00
parent 370f935f65
commit 139d635695

@ -74,3 +74,41 @@ scripts, you can follow these types or make them up yourself. Don't forget to
configure your workers to run them!
[worker-config]: {{< ref "usage/worker-configuration" >}}
## Job Settings
The `JOB_TYPE` object contains the *job settings*. These can be shown in
Blender's user interface for submitting files, but can also be automatically
calculated based on the current file, the [context][context], etc.
The exact specifications of these settings can be found via the "API" link in
the top-right corner of the Flamenco Manager web interface. Search for the
`AvailableJobSetting` schema. This will always be accurate for your particular
version of Flamenco.
TODO: write about these in more detail.
### Available Python names for Evaluation
Job settings can have an `eval` key, which is a Python expression that
determines the value of the setting. That Python expression has access to the
following names:
- `jobname`: The name of the current Flamenco job.
- `settings`: The settings of the current Flamenco job.
- `bpy`: Blender's Python interface ([docs][bpy])
- `C`: The current [context][context], short-hand for `bpy.context`.
- `Path`: The `Path` class from Python's [pathlib][pathlib] library for file &
directory path manipulation. Note that this does *not* understand Blender's
`//` prefix for blendfile-relative paths. Use `bpy.path.abspath()` to turn
those into an absolute path if necessary.
- `last_n_dir_parts(n, Optional[file_path])`: a function that returns the last
`n` directory parts of some file's path. For example,
`last_n_dir_parts(2, '/complex/path/to/a/file.blend')` will return `to/a`, as
those are the last `2` components of the directory. If `file_path` is
ommitted, it uses the current blend file, i.e. ``.