Website: add some questions to the FAQ

This commit is contained in:
Sybren A. Stüvel 2022-09-29 10:51:37 +02:00
parent c42b8fec29
commit 18a5b7f7d3

@ -6,6 +6,36 @@ weight: 10
This is a list of frequently asked questions, with their answers. It's by no
means an exhaustive list.
## I use a mix of different operating systems, can I still use Flamenco?
Yes, absolutely. To support multiple platforms, first configure your Manager for
its own platform (so if you run that on Linux, use Linux paths). Then you can
use [Two-way Variables][twovars] to translate those paths to the other
Do note that Flamenco was developed on Linux, for the Linux-only [Blender
Studio][studio]. You may find issues that the developers did not run into
themselves. If you do, please [report a bug][bug].
[twovars]: {{< ref "usage/variables/multi-platform" >}}
## My Worker cannot find my Manager, what do I do?
First check the Manager output on the terminal, to see if it shows any messages
about "auto-discovery" or "UPnP/SSDP". Most of the time it's actually Spotify
getting in the way, so make sure to close that before you start the Manager.
If that doesn't help, you'll have to tell the Worker where it can find the
Manager. This can be done on the commandline, by running it like
`flamenco-worker -manager` (adjust the address to your
situation) or more permanently by [editing the worker configuration
[workercfg]: {{< ref "usage/worker-configuration" >}}
## What do "Error: Cached job type is old" or "job type etag does not match" mean?
This means that you have to click on the little "Refresh" icon next to the job type: