Website: add FAQ entries on GPU use of Blender

This comes up a lot.
This commit is contained in:
Sybren A. Stüvel 2024-01-17 13:16:05 +01:00
parent f9520ce147
commit 19d4019142

@ -47,6 +47,39 @@ themselves. If you do, please [report a bug][bug].
## How do I make the Workers render on GPU?
Blender needs to know which method to use (CUDA, Optix, etc.), and on which
video card. This is something you'll need to configure yourself. Start Blender
on the worker machine, and then [update the preferences][cycles-gpu-prefs]. If
you disabled automatic saving of preferences, be sure to save them before you
quit Blender.
Also be sure to *not* use `--factory-startup` in your Blender CLI arguments, as
that will reset Blender back to using the CPU. If you're using bog-standard
Flamenco settings, then don't worry about this, it doesn't use that option.
## Can I make a Worker render on a specific GPU?
In short: not really, not only with Flamenco, anyway.
The issue is that Blender has no commandline options to reliably select the
GPU(s) to use. The last information the Flamenco team heard of this was that
certain drivers are unreliably reporting the GPU order when they are of
identical make & model. So you could in theory tell Blender to run on GPU #1,
and another Blender on GPU #2, but since the second Blender may see them in a
different order, in the end both would use the same GPU, and one GPU would be
A possible workarounds could be to have multiple copies of Blender on your
computer, and using the utilities of your video card to configure each Blender
copy to only use a specific GPU. Then run multiple Flamenco Workers on that
machine, each having a different Blender on its `$PATH`.
## My Worker cannot find my Manager, what do I do?
First check the Manager output on the terminal, to see if it shows any messages