Sybren A. Stüvel dae5b1a571 Fix #104237: fix issue with drive-only paths on Windows
Fix an issue where a shared storage path on Linux, that maps via two-way
variables to a drive root on Windows, caused problems with the path
translation system.

Windows paths that consist only of a drive letter (`F:`) cannot just be
concatenated to a relative path, as that will result in `F:path\to\file`,
which is still a relative path of sorts. This is now handled correctly,
and should result in `F:\path\to\file`.

This fixes #104237.
2023-07-31 15:28:07 +02:00

309 lines
9.6 KiB

package crosspath
import (
func TestBase(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
expect, input string
{".", ""},
{"justafile.txt", "justafile.txt"},
{"with spaces.txt", "/Linux path/with spaces.txt"},
{"awésom.tar.gz", "C:\\ünicode\\is\\awésom.tar.gz"},
{"Resource with ext.ension", "\\\\?\\UNC\\ComputerName\\SharedFolder\\Resource with ext.ension"},
for _, test := range tests {
assert.Equal(t, test.expect, Base(test.input))
func TestDir(t *testing.T) {
// Just to show how path.Dir() behaves:
assert.Equal(t, ".", path.Dir(""))
assert.Equal(t, ".", path.Dir("justafile.txt"))
tests := []struct {
expect, input string
// Follow path.Dir() when it comes to empty directories:
{".", ""},
{".", "justafile.txt"},
{"/", "/"},
{"/", "/file-at-root"},
{"C:", "C:\\file-at-root"},
{"/Linux path", "/Linux path/with spaces.txt"},
{"/Mixed path/with", "/Mixed path\\with/slash.txt"},
{"C:/ünicode/is", "C:\\ünicode\\is\\awésom.tar.gz"},
{"//SERVER/ünicode/is", "\\\\SERVER\\ünicode\\is\\awésom.tar.gz"},
{"//?/UNC/ComputerName/SharedFolder", "\\\\?\\UNC\\ComputerName\\SharedFolder\\Resource"},
for _, test := range tests {
test.expect, Dir(test.input),
"for input %q", test.input)
func TestJoin(t *testing.T) {
// Just to show how path.Join() behaves:
assert.Equal(t, "", path.Join())
assert.Equal(t, "", path.Join(""))
assert.Equal(t, "", path.Join("", ""))
assert.Equal(t, "a/b", path.Join("", "", "a", "", "b", ""))
tests := []struct {
expect string
input []string
// Should behave the same as path.Join():
{"", []string{}},
{"", []string{""}},
{"", []string{"", ""}},
{"a/b", []string{"", "", "a", "", "b", ""}},
{"/file-at-root", []string{"/", "file-at-root"}},
{"C:/file-at-root", []string{"C:", "file-at-root"}},
{"/Linux path/with spaces.txt", []string{"/Linux path", "with spaces.txt"}},
{"C:/ünicode/is/awésom.tar.gz", []string{"C:\\ünicode", "is\\awésom.tar.gz"}},
{"//SERVER/mount/dir/file.txt", []string{"\\\\SERVER", "mount", "dir", "file.txt"}},
{"//?/UNC/ComputerName/SharedFolder/Resource", []string{"\\\\?\\UNC\\ComputerName", "SharedFolder\\Resource"}},
for _, test := range tests {
test.expect, Join(test.input...),
"for input %q", test.input)
func TestStem(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
expect, input string
{"", ""},
{"stem", "stem.txt"},
{"stem.tar", "stem.tar.gz"},
{"file", "/path/to/file.txt"},
{"file", "C:\\path\\to\\file.txt"},
{"file", "C:\\path\\to/mixed/slashes/file.txt"},
{"file", "C:\\path/to\\mixed/slashes\\file.txt"},
{"Resource with ext", "\\\\?\\UNC\\ComputerName\\SharedFolder\\Resource with ext.ension"},
for _, test := range tests {
test.expect, Stem(test.input),
"for input %q", test.input)
func TestToNative_native_backslash(t *testing.T) {
if filepath.Separator != '\\' {
t.Skipf("skipping backslash-specific test on %q with path separator %q",
runtime.GOOS, filepath.Separator)
tests := []struct {
expect, input string
{"", ""},
{".", "."},
{"\\some\\simple\\path", "/some/simple/path"},
{"C:\\path\\to\\file.txt", "C:\\path\\to\\file.txt"},
{"C:\\path\\to\\mixed\\slashes\\file.txt", "C:\\path\\to/mixed/slashes/file.txt"},
{"\\\\?\\UNC\\ComputerName\\SharedFolder\\Resource with ext.ension",
"\\\\?\\UNC\\ComputerName\\SharedFolder\\Resource with ext.ension"},
{"\\\\?\\UNC\\ComputerName\\SharedFolder\\Resource with ext.ension",
"//?/UNC/ComputerName/SharedFolder/Resource with ext.ension"},
for _, test := range tests {
test.expect, ToNative(test.input),
"for input %q", test.input)
func TestToNative_native_slash(t *testing.T) {
if filepath.Separator != '/' {
t.Skipf("skipping backslash-specific test on %q with path separator %q",
runtime.GOOS, filepath.Separator)
tests := []struct {
expect, input string
{"", ""},
{".", "."},
{"/some/simple/path", "/some/simple/path"},
{"C:/path/to/file.txt", "C:\\path\\to\\file.txt"},
{"C:/path/to/mixed/slashes/file.txt", "C:\\path\\to/mixed/slashes/file.txt"},
{"//?/UNC/ComputerName/SharedFolder/Resource with ext.ension",
"\\\\?\\UNC\\ComputerName\\SharedFolder\\Resource with ext.ension"},
{"//?/UNC/ComputerName/SharedFolder/Resource with ext.ension",
"//?/UNC/ComputerName/SharedFolder/Resource with ext.ension"},
for _, test := range tests {
test.expect, ToNative(test.input),
"for input %q", test.input)
// This test should be skipped on every platform. It's there just to detect that
// the above two tests haven't run.
func TestToNative_unsupported(t *testing.T) {
if filepath.Separator == '/' || filepath.Separator == '\\' {
t.Skipf("skipping test on %q with path separator %q",
runtime.GOOS, filepath.Separator)
t.Fatalf("ToNative not supported on this platform %q with path separator %q",
runtime.GOOS, filepath.Separator)
func TestIsRoot(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
path string
want bool
{"empty", "", false},
{"UNIX", "/", true},
{"Drive only", "C:", true},
{"Drive and slash", "C:/", true},
{"Drive and backslash", `C:\`, true},
{"backslash", `\`, false},
{"just letters", "just letters", false},
{"subdir of root", "/subdir", false},
{"subdir of drive", "C:\\subdir", false},
{"relative subdir of drive", "C:subdir", false},
{"indirectly root", "/subdir/..", false},
{"UNC notation", `\\NAS\Share\`, false},
{"Slashed UNC notation", `//NAS/Share/`, false},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := IsRoot(tt.path); got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("IsRoot() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
func TestToPlatform(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
path string
platform string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want string
{"empty-win", args{``, "windows"}, ``},
{"empty-lnx", args{``, "linux"}, ``},
{"single-win", args{`path with spaces`, "windows"}, `path with spaces`},
{"single-lnx", args{`path with spaces`, "linux"}, `path with spaces`},
{"native-win", args{`native\path`, "windows"}, `native\path`},
{"native-lnx", args{`native/path`, "linux"}, `native/path`},
{"opposite-win", args{`opposite/path`, "windows"}, `opposite\path`},
{"opposite-lnx", args{`opposite\path`, "linux"}, `opposite/path`},
{"mixed-win", args{`F:/mixed/path\to\file.blend`, "windows"}, `F:\mixed\path\to\file.blend`},
{"mixed-lnx", args{`F:/mixed/path\to\file.blend`, "linux"}, `F:/mixed/path/to/file.blend`},
{"absolute-win", args{`F:/absolute/path`, "windows"}, `F:\absolute\path`},
{"absolute-lnx", args{`/absolute/path`, "linux"}, `/absolute/path`},
{"relative-win", args{`/absolute/path`, "windows"}, `\absolute\path`},
// Trailing path separators should not be removed if it's only a drive
// letter, as concatenation rules are tricky there. `F:path` is not the same
// as `F:\path`.
{"drive-root-win", args{`F:\`, "windows"}, `F:\`},
{"trailing-win", args{`F:\directory\`, "linux"}, `F:/directory`},
{"trailing-lnx", args{`/dir/path/`, "windows"}, `\dir\path`},
// UNC notation should survive, even when it no longer makes sense (like on Linux).
{"unc-win", args{`\\NAS\share\path`, "windows"}, `\\NAS\share\path`},
{"unc-lnx", args{`\\NAS\share\path`, "linux"}, `//NAS/share/path`},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := ToPlatform(tt.args.path, tt.args.platform); got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("ToPlatform() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
func TestTrimTrailingSep(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
path string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want string
{"empty", args{""}, ""},
{"single-slash", args{`/`}, `/`},
{"single-backslash", args{`\`}, `\`},
{"multiple-slashes", args{`///`}, `/`},
{"multiple-backslashes", args{`\\\`}, `\`},
{"multiple-mixed-slash-first", args{`/\\`}, `/`},
{"multiple-mixed-backslash-first", args{`\//`}, `\`},
{"nothing-trailing", args{`nothing/trailing\here`}, `nothing/trailing\here`},
{"trailing-space", args{`trailing/space/ `}, `trailing/space/ `},
{"trailing-slash", args{`trailing/slash/`}, `trailing/slash`},
{"trailing-slashes", args{`trailing/slashes///`}, `trailing/slashes`},
{"trailing-backslash", args{`trailing\backslash\`}, `trailing\backslash`},
{"trailing-backslashes", args{`trailing\backslashes\\\`}, `trailing\backslashes`},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := TrimTrailingSep(tt.args.path); got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("TrimTrailingSep() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
func TestEnsureDriveAbsolute(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
inputPath string
want string
// Windows paths expected to change:
{"windows-drive-relative", `F:path\to\file`, `F:\path\to\file`},
{"windows-drive-relative-mixed", "F:path/to/file", `F:\path/to/file`},
{"windows-drive-only", "F:", `F:\`},
// No-op paths:
{"empty", "", ""},
{"linux-root", "/", "/"},
{"linux-path", "/some/path", "/some/path"},
{"linux-unicode-path", "/söme/path", "/söme/path"},
{"one-letter", "F", "F"},
{"windows-drive-invalid", `©:path\to\thing`, `©:path\to\thing`},
{"windows-unc", `\\NAS\Flamenco\path`, `\\NAS\Flamenco\path`},
{"unicode-one-letter", "€", "€"},
{"windows-drive-absolute", `F:\some\path`, `F:\some\path`},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := EnsureDriveAbsolute(tt.inputPath); got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("EnsureDriveAbsolute() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)