Sybren A. Stüvel 0e6d61dd84 Remove the {ffmpeg} variable
Remove the `{ffmpeg}` variable from the default configuration, and its use
from the job compiler scripts. Now that the Worker can find its bundled
FFmpeg, it's no longer needed to configure its location on the Manager.
2022-07-22 16:37:14 +02:00

187 lines
5.8 KiB

package config
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import (
func TestDefaultSettings(t *testing.T) {
config, err := loadConf("nonexistant.yaml")
assert.NotNil(t, err) // should indicate an error to open the file.
// The settings should contain the defaults, though.
assert.Equal(t, latestConfigVersion, config.Meta.Version)
assert.Equal(t, defaultConfig.LocalManagerStoragePath, config.LocalManagerStoragePath)
assert.Equal(t, defaultConfig.DatabaseDSN, config.DatabaseDSN)
assert.Equal(t, false, config.Variables["blender"].IsTwoWay)
assert.Equal(t, "blender "+DefaultBlenderArguments, config.Variables["blender"].Values[0].Value)
assert.Equal(t, VariablePlatformLinux, config.Variables["blender"].Values[0].Platform)
assert.Greater(t, config.BlocklistThreshold, 0)
func TestVariableValidation(t *testing.T) {
c := DefaultConfig()
platformless := c.Variables["blender"]
platformless.Values = VariableValues{
VariableValue{Value: "/path/to/blender"},
VariableValue{Platform: "linux", Value: "/valid/path/blender"},
c.Variables["blender"] = platformless
assert.Equal(t, c.Variables["blender"].Values[0].Value, "/path/to/blender")
assert.Equal(t, c.Variables["blender"].Values[1].Value, "/valid/path/blender")
func TestStorageImplicitVariablesWithShaman(t *testing.T) {
c := DefaultConfig(func(c *Conf) {
// Having the Shaman enabled should create an implicit variable "{jobs}" at the Shaman checkout path.
c.SharedStoragePath = "/path/to/shaman/storage"
c.Shaman.Enabled = true
c.Variables["jobs"] = Variable{
IsTwoWay: false,
Values: []VariableValue{
Audience: VariableAudienceAll,
Platform: VariablePlatformAll,
Value: "this value should not be seen",
assert.NotContains(t, c.Variables, "jobs", "implicit variables should erase existing variables with the same name")
if !assert.Contains(t, c.implicitVariables, "jobs") {
assert.False(t, c.implicitVariables["jobs"].IsTwoWay)
func TestStorageImplicitVariablesWithoutShaman(t *testing.T) {
c := DefaultConfig(func(c *Conf) {
// Having the Shaman disabled should create an implicit variable "{jobs}" at the storage path.
c.SharedStoragePath = "/path/to/shaman/storage"
c.Shaman.Enabled = false
c.Variables["jobs"] = Variable{
IsTwoWay: false,
Values: []VariableValue{
Audience: VariableAudienceAll,
Platform: VariablePlatformAll,
Value: "this value should not be seen",
assert.NotContains(t, c.Variables, "jobs", "implicit variables should erase existing variables with the same name")
if !assert.Contains(t, c.implicitVariables, "jobs") {
assert.False(t, c.implicitVariables["jobs"].IsTwoWay)
func TestExpandVariables(t *testing.T) {
c := DefaultConfig(func(c *Conf) {
c.Variables["demo"] = Variable{
Values: []VariableValue{
{Value: "demo-value", Audience: VariableAudienceAll, Platform: VariablePlatformDarwin},
c.Variables["ffmpeg"] = Variable{
Values: []VariableValue{
{Value: "/path/to/ffmpeg", Audience: VariableAudienceUsers, Platform: VariablePlatformLinux},
{Value: "/path/to/ffmpeg/on/darwin", Audience: VariableAudienceUsers, Platform: VariablePlatformDarwin},
{Value: "C:/flamenco/ffmpeg", Audience: VariableAudienceUsers, Platform: VariablePlatformWindows},
feeder := make(chan string, 1)
receiver := make(chan string, 1)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
c.ExpandVariables(feeder, receiver, VariableAudienceUsers, VariablePlatformWindows)
feeder <- "unchanged value"
assert.Equal(t, "unchanged value", <-receiver)
feeder <- "{ffmpeg}"
assert.Equal(t, "C:/flamenco/ffmpeg", <-receiver)
feeder <- "{demo}"
assert.Equal(t, "{demo}", <-receiver, "missing value on the platform should not be replaced")
func TestExpandVariablesWithTwoWay(t *testing.T) {
c := DefaultConfig(func(c *Conf) {
// Mock that the Manager is running on Linux right now.
c.currentGOOS = VariablePlatformLinux
// Register one variable in the same way that the implicit 'jobs' variable is registered.
c.Variables["locally-set-path"] = Variable{
Values: []VariableValue{
{Value: "/path/on/linux", Platform: VariablePlatformAll, Audience: VariableAudienceAll},
// This two-way variable should be used to translate the path as well.
c.Variables["platform-specifics"] = Variable{
IsTwoWay: true,
Values: []VariableValue{
{Value: "/path/on/linux", Platform: VariablePlatformLinux, Audience: VariableAudienceWorkers},
{Value: "/path/on/darwin", Platform: VariablePlatformDarwin, Audience: VariableAudienceWorkers},
{Value: "C:/path/on/windows", Platform: VariablePlatformWindows, Audience: VariableAudienceWorkers},
feeder := make(chan string, 1)
receiver := make(chan string, 1)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
// Always target a different-than-current target platform.
c.ExpandVariables(feeder, receiver, VariableAudienceWorkers, VariablePlatformWindows)
// Simple two-way variable replacement.
feeder <- "/path/on/linux/file.txt"
assert.Equal(t, "C:/path/on/windows/file.txt", <-receiver)
// {locally-set-path} expands to a value that's then further replaced by a two-way variable.
feeder <- "{locally-set-path}/should/be/remapped"
assert.Equal(t, "C:/path/on/windows/should/be/remapped", <-receiver)