Sybren A. Stüvel 61cc8ff04d Manager: implement API operation to get the farm status
Add a new API operation to get the overall farm status. This is based on
the jobs and workers, and their status.

The statuses are:

- `active`: Actively working on jobs.
- `idle`: Farm could be active, but has no work to do.
- `waiting`: Work has been queued, but all workers are asleep.
- `asleep`: Farm is idle, and all workers are asleep.
- `inoperative`: Cannot work: no workers, or all are offline/error.
- `starting`: Farm is starting up.
- `unknown`: Unexpected configuration of worker and job statuses.
2024-02-29 20:42:28 +01:00

339 lines
11 KiB

// Package api_impl implements the OpenAPI API from pkg/api/flamenco-openapi.yaml.
package api_impl
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import (
func (f *Flamenco) GetVersion(e echo.Context) error {
return e.JSON(http.StatusOK, api.FlamencoVersion{
Version: appinfo.ExtendedVersion(),
Shortversion: appinfo.ApplicationVersion,
Name: f.config.Get().ManagerName,
Git: appinfo.ApplicationGitHash,
func (f *Flamenco) GetConfiguration(e echo.Context) error {
isFirstRun, err := f.config.IsFirstRun()
if err != nil {
logger := requestLogger(e)
logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("error investigating configuration")
return sendAPIError(e, http.StatusInternalServerError, "error investigating configuration: %v", err)
return e.JSON(http.StatusOK, api.ManagerConfiguration{
ShamanEnabled: f.isShamanEnabled(),
StorageLocation: f.config.EffectiveStoragePath(),
IsFirstRun: isFirstRun,
func (f *Flamenco) GetConfigurationFile(e echo.Context) error {
config := f.config.Get()
return e.JSON(http.StatusOK, config)
func (f *Flamenco) GetVariables(e echo.Context, audience api.ManagerVariableAudience, platform string) error {
variables := f.config.ResolveVariables(
apiVars := api.ManagerVariables{
AdditionalProperties: make(map[string]api.ManagerVariable),
for name, variable := range variables {
apiVars.AdditionalProperties[name] = api.ManagerVariable{
IsTwoway: variable.IsTwoWay,
Value: variable.Value,
return e.JSON(http.StatusOK, apiVars)
func (f *Flamenco) GetSharedStorage(e echo.Context, audience api.ManagerVariableAudience, platform string) error {
location := f.config.EffectiveStoragePath()
varExpand := f.config.NewVariableExpander(config.VariableAudience(audience), config.VariablePlatform(platform))
return e.JSON(http.StatusOK, api.SharedStorageLocation{
Audience: audience,
Platform: platform,
Location: varExpand.Expand(location),
ShamanEnabled: f.isShamanEnabled(),
func (f *Flamenco) CheckSharedStoragePath(e echo.Context) error {
logger := requestLogger(e)
var toCheck api.CheckSharedStoragePathJSONBody
if err := e.Bind(&toCheck); err != nil {
logger.Warn().Err(err).Msg("bad request received")
return sendAPIError(e, http.StatusBadRequest, "invalid format")
path := toCheck.Path
logger = logger.With().Str("path", path).Logger()
logger.Info().Msg("checking whether this path is suitable as shared storage")
mkError := func(cause string, args ...interface{}) error {
if len(args) > 0 {
cause = fmt.Sprintf(cause, args...)
logger.Warn().Str("cause", cause).Msg("shared storage path check failed")
return e.JSON(http.StatusOK, api.PathCheckResult{
Cause: cause,
IsUsable: false,
Path: path,
// Check for emptyness.
if path == "" {
return mkError("An empty path is not suitable as shared storage")
// Check whether it is actually a directory.
stat, err := os.Stat(path)
switch {
case errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist):
return mkError("This path does not exist. Choose an existing directory.")
case err != nil:
logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("error checking filesystem")
return mkError("Error checking filesystem: %v", err)
case !stat.IsDir():
return mkError("The given path is not a directory. Choose an existing directory.")
// Check if this is the Flamenco directory itself.
myDir, err := flamencoManagerDir()
if err != nil {
logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("error trying to find my own directory")
} else if path == myDir {
return mkError("Don't pick the installation directory of Flamenco Manager. Choose a directory dedicated to the shared storage of files.")
// See if we can create a file there.
file, err := os.CreateTemp(path, "flamenco-writability-test-*.txt")
if err != nil {
return mkError("Unable to create a file in that directory: %v. "+
"Pick an existing directory where Flamenco Manager can create files.", err)
defer func() {
// Clean up after the test is done.
if _, err := file.Write([]byte("Ünicöde")); err != nil {
return mkError("unable to write to %s: %v", file.Name(), err)
if err := file.Close(); err != nil {
// Some write errors only get reported when the file is closed, so just
// report is as a regular write error.
return mkError("unable to write to %s: %v", file.Name(), err)
// There is a directory, and we can create a file there. Should be good to go.
return e.JSON(http.StatusOK, api.PathCheckResult{
Cause: "Directory checked successfully",
IsUsable: true,
Path: path,
func (f *Flamenco) FindBlenderExePath(e echo.Context) error {
logger := requestLogger(e)
ctx := e.Request().Context()
response := api.BlenderPathFindResult{}
// TODO: the code below is a bit too coupled with the innards of find_blender.CheckBlender().
// Find by file association, falling back to just finding "blender" on the
// path if not available. This uses find_blender.CheckBlender() instead of
// find_blender.FindBlender() because the former also tries to run the found
// executable and reports on the version of Blender.
result, err := find_blender.CheckBlender(ctx, "")
switch {
case errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist), errors.Is(err, exec.ErrNotFound):
logger.Info().Msg("Blender could not be found")
case err != nil:
logger.Warn().AnErr("cause", err).Msg("there was an issue finding Blender")
return sendAPIError(e, http.StatusInternalServerError, "there was an issue finding Blender: %v", err)
response = append(response, api.BlenderPathCheckResult{
IsUsable: true,
Input: result.Input,
Path: result.FoundLocation,
Cause: result.BlenderVersion,
Source: result.Source,
if result.Source == api.BlenderPathSourceFileAssociation {
// There could be another Blender found on $PATH.
result, err := find_blender.CheckBlender(ctx, "blender")
switch {
case errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist), errors.Is(err, exec.ErrNotFound):
logger.Debug().Msg("Blender could not be found as 'blender' on $PATH")
case err != nil:
logger.Info().AnErr("cause", err).Msg("there was an issue finding Blender as 'blender' on $PATH")
response = append(response, api.BlenderPathCheckResult{
IsUsable: true,
Input: result.Input,
Path: result.FoundLocation,
Cause: result.BlenderVersion,
Source: result.Source,
return e.JSON(http.StatusOK, response)
func (f *Flamenco) CheckBlenderExePath(e echo.Context) error {
logger := requestLogger(e)
var toCheck api.CheckBlenderExePathJSONBody
if err := e.Bind(&toCheck); err != nil {
logger.Warn().Err(err).Msg("bad request received")
return sendAPIError(e, http.StatusBadRequest, "invalid format")
command := toCheck.Path
logger = logger.With().Str("command", command).Logger()
logger.Info().Msg("checking whether this command leads to Blender")
ctx := e.Request().Context()
checkResult, err := find_blender.CheckBlender(ctx, command)
response := api.BlenderPathCheckResult{
Input: command,
Source: checkResult.Source,
switch {
case errors.Is(err, exec.ErrNotFound):
response.Cause = "Blender could not be found"
case err != nil:
response.Cause = fmt.Sprintf("There was an error running the command: %v", err)
response.IsUsable = true
response.Path = checkResult.FoundLocation
response.Cause = fmt.Sprintf("Found %v", checkResult.BlenderVersion)
Str("input", response.Input).
Str("foundLocation", response.Path).
Str("result", response.Cause).
Bool("isUsable", response.IsUsable).
Msg("result of command check")
return e.JSON(http.StatusOK, response)
func (f *Flamenco) SaveSetupAssistantConfig(e echo.Context) error {
logger := requestLogger(e)
var setupAssistantCfg api.SetupAssistantConfig
if err := e.Bind(&setupAssistantCfg); err != nil {
logger.Warn().Err(err).Msg("setup assistant: bad request received")
return sendAPIError(e, http.StatusBadRequest, "invalid format")
logger = logger.With().Interface("config", setupAssistantCfg).Logger()
if setupAssistantCfg.StorageLocation == "" ||
!setupAssistantCfg.BlenderExecutable.IsUsable ||
setupAssistantCfg.BlenderExecutable.Path == "" {
logger.Warn().Msg("setup assistant: configuration is incomplete, unable to accept")
return sendAPIError(e, http.StatusBadRequest, "configuration is incomplete")
conf := f.config.Get()
conf.SharedStoragePath = setupAssistantCfg.StorageLocation
var executable string
switch setupAssistantCfg.BlenderExecutable.Source {
case api.BlenderPathSourceFileAssociation:
// The Worker will try to use the file association when the command is set
// to the string "blender".
executable = "blender"
case api.BlenderPathSourcePathEnvvar:
// The input command can be found on $PATH, and thus we don't need to save
// the absolute path to Blender here.
executable = setupAssistantCfg.BlenderExecutable.Input
case api.BlenderPathSourceInputPath:
// The path should be used as-is.
executable = setupAssistantCfg.BlenderExecutable.Path
if commandNeedsQuoting(executable) {
executable = strconv.Quote(executable)
// own definition so that they're easier to edit later.
conf.Variables["blender"] = config.Variable{
Values: config.VariableValues{
{Platform: "linux", Value: executable},
{Platform: "windows", Value: executable},
{Platform: "darwin", Value: executable},
conf.Variables["blenderArgs"] = config.Variable{
Values: config.VariableValues{
{Platform: config.VariablePlatformAll, Value: config.DefaultBlenderArguments},
// Save the final configuration to disk.
if err := f.config.Save(); err != nil {
logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("error saving configuration file")
return sendAPIError(e, http.StatusInternalServerError, "setup assistant: error saving configuration file: %v", err)
logger.Info().Msg("setup assistant: updating configuration")
// Request the shutdown in a goroutine, so that this one can continue sending the response.
go f.requestShutdown()
return e.NoContent(http.StatusNoContent)
func (f *Flamenco) GetFarmStatus(e echo.Context) error {
return e.JSON(http.StatusOK, f.farmstatus.Report())
func flamencoManagerDir() (string, error) {
exename, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return filepath.Dir(exename), nil
func commandNeedsQuoting(cmd string) bool {
return strings.ContainsAny(cmd, "\n\t;()")