Sybren A. Stüvel 02fac6a4df Change Go package name from git.blender.org to projects.blender.org
Change the package base name of the Go code, from
`git.blender.org/flamenco` to `projects.blender.org/studio/flamenco`.

The old location, `git.blender.org`, has no longer been use since the
[migration to Gitea][1]. The new package names now reflect the actual
location where Flamenco is hosted.

[1]: https://code.blender.org/2023/02/new-blender-development-infrastructure/
2023-08-01 12:42:31 +02:00

393 lines
13 KiB

package api_impl
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import (
func TestGetVariables(t *testing.T) {
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
mf := newMockedFlamenco(mockCtrl)
// Test Linux Worker.
resolvedVarsLinuxWorker := make(map[string]config.ResolvedVariable)
resolvedVarsLinuxWorker["jobs"] = config.ResolvedVariable{
IsTwoWay: true,
Value: "Linux value",
resolvedVarsLinuxWorker["blender"] = config.ResolvedVariable{
IsTwoWay: false,
Value: "/usr/local/blender",
ResolveVariables(config.VariableAudienceWorkers, config.VariablePlatformLinux).
echoCtx := mf.prepareMockedRequest(nil)
err := mf.flamenco.GetVariables(echoCtx, api.ManagerVariableAudienceWorkers, "linux")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assertResponseJSON(t, echoCtx, http.StatusOK, api.ManagerVariables{
AdditionalProperties: map[string]api.ManagerVariable{
"blender": {Value: "/usr/local/blender", IsTwoway: false},
"jobs": {Value: "Linux value", IsTwoway: true},
// Test unknown platform User.
resolvedVarsUnknownPlatform := make(map[string]config.ResolvedVariable)
ResolveVariables(config.VariableAudienceUsers, config.VariablePlatform("troll")).
echoCtx := mf.prepareMockedRequest(nil)
err := mf.flamenco.GetVariables(echoCtx, api.ManagerVariableAudienceUsers, "troll")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assertResponseJSON(t, echoCtx, http.StatusOK, api.ManagerVariables{})
func TestGetSharedStorage(t *testing.T) {
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
mf := newMockedFlamenco(mockCtrl)
conf := config.GetTestConfig(func(c *config.Conf) {
// Test with a Manager on Windows.
// Set up a two-way variable to do the mapping.
c.Variables["shared_storage_mapping"] = config.Variable{
IsTwoWay: true,
Values: []config.VariableValue{
{Value: "/user/shared/storage", Platform: config.VariablePlatformLinux, Audience: config.VariableAudienceUsers},
{Value: "/worker/shared/storage", Platform: config.VariablePlatformLinux, Audience: config.VariableAudienceWorkers},
{Value: `S:\storage`, Platform: config.VariablePlatformWindows, Audience: config.VariableAudienceAll},
{ // Test user client on Linux.
// Defer to the actual ExpandVariables() implementation of the above config.
NewVariableExpander(config.VariableAudienceUsers, config.VariablePlatformLinux).
echoCtx := mf.prepareMockedRequest(nil)
err := mf.flamenco.GetSharedStorage(echoCtx, api.ManagerVariableAudienceUsers, "linux")
require.NoError(t, err)
assertResponseJSON(t, echoCtx, http.StatusOK, api.SharedStorageLocation{
Location: "/user/shared/storage/flamenco",
Audience: api.ManagerVariableAudienceUsers,
Platform: "linux",
{ // Test worker client on Linux with Shaman enabled.
// Defer to the actual ExpandVariables() implementation of the above config.
NewVariableExpander(config.VariableAudienceWorkers, config.VariablePlatformLinux).
echoCtx := mf.prepareMockedRequest(nil)
err := mf.flamenco.GetSharedStorage(echoCtx, api.ManagerVariableAudienceWorkers, "linux")
require.NoError(t, err)
assertResponseJSON(t, echoCtx, http.StatusOK, api.SharedStorageLocation{
Location: "/worker/shared/storage/flamenco",
Audience: api.ManagerVariableAudienceWorkers,
Platform: "linux",
ShamanEnabled: true,
{ // Test user client on Windows.
// Defer to the actual ExpandVariables() implementation of the above config.
NewVariableExpander(config.VariableAudienceUsers, config.VariablePlatformWindows).
echoCtx := mf.prepareMockedRequest(nil)
err := mf.flamenco.GetSharedStorage(echoCtx, api.ManagerVariableAudienceUsers, "windows")
require.NoError(t, err)
assertResponseJSON(t, echoCtx, http.StatusOK, api.SharedStorageLocation{
Location: `S:\storage\flamenco`,
Audience: api.ManagerVariableAudienceUsers,
Platform: "windows",
// Test shared storage sitting on /mnt/flamenco, where that's mapped to F:\ for Windows.
func TestGetSharedStorageDriveLetterRoot(t *testing.T) {
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
mf := newMockedFlamenco(mockCtrl)
conf := config.GetTestConfig(func(c *config.Conf) {
// Test with a Manager on Linux.
// Set up a two-way variable to do the mapping.
c.Variables["shared_storage_mapping"] = config.Variable{
IsTwoWay: true,
Values: []config.VariableValue{
{Value: "/mnt/flamenco", Platform: config.VariablePlatformLinux, Audience: config.VariableAudienceAll},
{Value: `F:\`, Platform: config.VariablePlatformWindows, Audience: config.VariableAudienceAll},
{ // Test user client on Linux.
NewVariableExpander(config.VariableAudienceUsers, config.VariablePlatformLinux).
echoCtx := mf.prepareMockedRequest(nil)
err := mf.flamenco.GetSharedStorage(echoCtx, api.ManagerVariableAudienceUsers, "linux")
require.NoError(t, err)
assertResponseJSON(t, echoCtx, http.StatusOK, api.SharedStorageLocation{
Location: "/mnt/flamenco",
Audience: api.ManagerVariableAudienceUsers,
Platform: "linux",
{ // Test user client on Windows.
NewVariableExpander(config.VariableAudienceUsers, config.VariablePlatformWindows).
echoCtx := mf.prepareMockedRequest(nil)
err := mf.flamenco.GetSharedStorage(echoCtx, api.ManagerVariableAudienceUsers, "windows")
require.NoError(t, err)
assertResponseJSON(t, echoCtx, http.StatusOK, api.SharedStorageLocation{
Location: `F:\`,
Audience: api.ManagerVariableAudienceUsers,
Platform: "windows",
func TestCheckSharedStoragePath(t *testing.T) {
mf, finish := metaTestFixtures(t)
defer finish()
doTest := func(path string) echo.Context {
echoCtx := mf.prepareMockedJSONRequest(
api.PathCheckInput{Path: path})
err := mf.flamenco.CheckSharedStoragePath(echoCtx)
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
return echoCtx
// Test empty path.
echoCtx := doTest("")
assertResponseJSON(t, echoCtx, http.StatusOK, api.PathCheckResult{
Path: "",
IsUsable: false,
Cause: "An empty path is not suitable as shared storage",
// Test usable path (well, at least readable & writable; it may not be shared via Samba/NFS).
echoCtx = doTest(mf.tempdir)
assertResponseJSON(t, echoCtx, http.StatusOK, api.PathCheckResult{
Path: mf.tempdir,
IsUsable: true,
Cause: "Directory checked successfully",
files, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(mf.tempdir, "*"))
if assert.NoError(t, err) {
assert.Empty(t, files, "After a query, there should not be any leftovers")
// Test inaccessible path.
// For some reason, this doesn't work on Windows, and creating a file in
// that directory is still allowed. The Explorer's properties panel of the
// directory also shows "Read Only (only applies to files)", so at least
// that seems consistent.
// FIXME: find another way to test with unwritable directories on Windows.
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
// Root can always create directories, so this test would fail with a
// confusing message. Instead it's better to refuse running as root at all.
currentUser, err := user.Current()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotEqual(t, "0", currentUser.Uid,
"this test requires running as normal user, not %s (%s)", currentUser.Username, currentUser.Uid)
require.NotEqual(t, "root", currentUser.Username,
"this test requires running as normal user, not %s (%s)", currentUser.Username, currentUser.Uid)
parentPath := filepath.Join(mf.tempdir, "deep")
testPath := filepath.Join(parentPath, "nesting")
if err := os.Mkdir(parentPath, fs.ModePerm); !assert.NoError(t, err) {
if err := os.Mkdir(testPath, fs.FileMode(0)); !assert.NoError(t, err) {
echoCtx := doTest(testPath)
result := api.PathCheckResult{}
getResponseJSON(t, echoCtx, http.StatusOK, &result)
assert.Equal(t, testPath, result.Path)
assert.False(t, result.IsUsable)
assert.Contains(t, result.Cause, "Unable to create a file")
func TestSaveSetupAssistantConfig(t *testing.T) {
mf, finish := metaTestFixtures(t)
defer finish()
defaultBlenderArgsVar := config.Variable{
Values: config.VariableValues{
{Platform: config.VariablePlatformAll, Value: config.DefaultBlenderArguments},
doTest := func(body api.SetupAssistantConfig) config.Conf {
// Always start the test with a clean configuration.
originalConfig := config.DefaultConfig(func(c *config.Conf) {
c.SharedStoragePath = ""
var savedConfig config.Conf
// Mock the loading & saving of the config.
mf.config.EXPECT().Save().Do(func() error {
savedConfig = originalConfig
return nil
// Call the API.
echoCtx := mf.prepareMockedJSONRequest(body)
err := mf.flamenco.SaveSetupAssistantConfig(echoCtx)
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
assertResponseNoContent(t, echoCtx)
return savedConfig
// Test situation where file association with .blend files resulted in a blender executable.
savedConfig := doTest(api.SetupAssistantConfig{
StorageLocation: mf.tempdir,
BlenderExecutable: api.BlenderPathCheckResult{
IsUsable: true,
Input: "",
Path: "/path/to/blender",
Source: api.BlenderPathSourceFileAssociation,
assert.Equal(t, mf.tempdir, savedConfig.SharedStoragePath)
expectBlenderVar := config.Variable{
Values: config.VariableValues{
{Platform: "linux", Value: "blender"},
{Platform: "windows", Value: "blender"},
{Platform: "darwin", Value: "blender"},
assert.Equal(t, expectBlenderVar, savedConfig.Variables["blender"])
assert.Equal(t, defaultBlenderArgsVar, savedConfig.Variables["blenderArgs"])
// Test situation where the given command could be found on $PATH.
savedConfig := doTest(api.SetupAssistantConfig{
StorageLocation: mf.tempdir,
BlenderExecutable: api.BlenderPathCheckResult{
IsUsable: true,
Input: "kitty",
Path: "/path/to/kitty",
Source: api.BlenderPathSourcePathEnvvar,
assert.Equal(t, mf.tempdir, savedConfig.SharedStoragePath)
expectBlenderVar := config.Variable{
Values: config.VariableValues{
{Platform: "linux", Value: "kitty"},
{Platform: "windows", Value: "kitty"},
{Platform: "darwin", Value: "kitty"},
assert.Equal(t, expectBlenderVar, savedConfig.Variables["blender"])
assert.Equal(t, defaultBlenderArgsVar, savedConfig.Variables["blenderArgs"])
// Test a custom command given with the full path.
savedConfig := doTest(api.SetupAssistantConfig{
StorageLocation: mf.tempdir,
BlenderExecutable: api.BlenderPathCheckResult{
IsUsable: true,
Input: "/bin/cat",
Path: "/bin/cat",
Source: api.BlenderPathSourceInputPath,
assert.Equal(t, mf.tempdir, savedConfig.SharedStoragePath)
expectBlenderVar := config.Variable{
Values: config.VariableValues{
{Platform: "linux", Value: "/bin/cat"},
{Platform: "windows", Value: "/bin/cat"},
{Platform: "darwin", Value: "/bin/cat"},
assert.Equal(t, expectBlenderVar, savedConfig.Variables["blender"])
assert.Equal(t, defaultBlenderArgsVar, savedConfig.Variables["blenderArgs"])
func metaTestFixtures(t *testing.T) (mockedFlamenco, func()) {
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
mf := newMockedFlamenco(mockCtrl)
tempdir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "test-temp-dir")
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
mf.tempdir = tempdir
finish := func() {
return mf, finish