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Since: PMD 6.21.0
Priority: Medium (3)
There is multiple candidates for this type resolution. While generally this is not an error, this may indicate a bug.
This rule is defined by the following Java class: net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.modelica.rule.bestpractices.AmbiguousResolutionRule
package Test
package Inc1
model X
end X;
model Y
end Y;
end Inc1;
package Inc2
model Y
end Y;
model Z
end Z;
end Inc2;
model B
import Test.Inc1.*;
import Test.Inc2.*;
Y y; // Class Y is imported twice
end B;
end Test;
Use this rule by referencing it:
<rule ref="category/modelica/bestpractices.xml/AmbiguousResolution" />
Since: PMD 6.21.0
Priority: High (1)
Having a class starting with some name and some different name in its end clause is an error.
This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:
//ClassSpecifier/*[SimpleName[1]/@Image != SimpleName[last()]/@Image]
model SomeName
Real x;
x = 1;
end SomeOtherName /* should be SomeName */;
Use this rule by referencing it:
<rule ref="category/modelica/bestpractices.xml/ClassStartNameEqualsEndName" />
Since: PMD 6.21.0
Priority: Medium High (2)
Modelica specification requires passing connectors to the connect
while some implementations tolerate using it on plain variables, etc..
This rule is defined by the following Java class: net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.modelica.rule.bestpractices.ConnectUsingNonConnectorRule
package Example
connector Conn
Real x;
Real y;
end Conn;
model Test
input Conn c1;
output Conn c2;
input Real x1;
output Real x2;
connect(c1, c2); // OK
connect(x1, x2); // error, x1 and x2 are not (both) connectors
// x1 = x2; // OK
end Test;
end Example;
Use this rule by referencing it:
<rule ref="category/modelica/bestpractices.xml/ConnectUsingNonConnector" />